Ruby's Soulmates

By Hello19274

4.3K 14 10

One shots of Ruby and the various people she could be soulmates with. I don't own rwby. Is also on ao3. More

Request Page and rules
Chameleon and a rose
You have five minutes.
Four questions
Mother and Daughter
Crater Face and Vomit Boy
Strawberry Ice Cream
A much needed conversation
What's your name?
An Emerald Rose
Can you give me their contact info?
One bad soulmate doesn't ruin them all
Your my sister's mother
Rosy Crosshares
My soulmate is a robot
My soulmate is my Mom.(It's platonic.)
Hissing Cats
Ruby's Dragon
Soulmates make the best teams
You Saved Me
How do I look?
I can't believe your sisters.
I'm lesbian I could never date Ren.
A Reaper and her lady
First things First we fake our deaths.
Death's White Rose
My soulmate is a thief.

I'm sorry.

271 0 0
By Hello19274

Ruby had no idea how she was gonna find her soulmate. Her words were so common. She had, 'I'm sorry', written her wrist and dark green. Something anyone could say at anytime. 'Why couldn't I have more straight forward or unique like my Dad and sister?', she thought to herself lamenting that she'd reached 23rd birthday without having found hers. Her older sister had founds hers by age 17.

Her pouting interrupted by the sound of someone banging on her apartment door. "Ruby. I know your in there. Come out.", yelled the voice of Yang, Ruby's sister. 'Oh, Cookies. What does she want me to do now?', Ruby thought moved from her couch to her door. She unlocked the door and in barged her sister and her soulmate.

Yang looked Ruby up and down. "Your gonna have to change. We're going clubbing.", Yang tells Ruby. "No. No. No. I have a 8 am meeting tomorrow. I need sleep.", Ruby lied, she just didn't want to go. Blake snorted. "Your a bad liar. We check your schedule in advance. Your going if we have to drag you there.", Blake says

Ruby pouted. "Fine. I'll go but I'm not dancing or wearing heels.", Ruby relented. Then she went into her bedroom to change into more club appropriate clothing. When she was done the trio left her apartment and took a cab halfway across town to Junior's bar. Entering Ruby immediately found her drawn to a red head sitting at the bar next to snobby looking white haired girl. As if sensing eye on her the red haired woman turned and winked at Ruby. Ruby blushed but choose to approach her because her friend also turned and glared at Ruby.

2 hours later Ruby got up from their table to go to the bathroom but felt someone bump into her. "I'm sorry.", a female voice said. Ruby turned to see the red head from the bar. Ruby blushed again. "It's okay. It was an accident. I'm Ruby.", Ruby told her causing the woman to gasp. "It's you. You are my soulmate.", the woman says and pulls to reveal the words Ruby just said in silver.

This shocked Ruby. "Uhm. Would you like to sit and get to know each?", Ruby asked. "I'd love too. I'm Pyrrha.", the woman, Pyrrha, tells her. So they sat and got to know each other. Ruby learned Pyrrha was model, the prissy white haired girl was Pyrrha's cousin, Weiss, and she enjoyed sports, like shotput. Ruby told Pyrrha about her sister and Dad, her art work, and weapon designs. In the end they exchanged phone numbers and kissed each other good night, neither ready to go further yet.

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