Family ties

Door _crazy_hooman_

454K 23.3K 9.3K

•[COMPLETED]• Leah Stevenson is her name. She lives a happy life unbeknownst of the things that had happened... Meer

(1) Flashback
(2) Kingstons & Stevensons
(3) Story
(4) Plan
(5) Attack
(6) Troy
(7) Dean & Chase
(8) Back to LA
(9) Reunited
(10) Home
(11) Old Mafia, New Don
(12) Hostages
(13) Almost caught
(14) News spread
(15) First Day
(16) Plan initiated
(17) A new face
(18) Plan sucessful
(19) Caught
(20) Finally!
(21) Reunited
(22) Reunited- part (2)
(23) Meeting her
(24) Revelations
(25) Revelations- part (2)
(26) Shocker
(27) Family huh?
(28) Meeting them again
(29) Official Mafia meet
(30) Dinner
(31) Date?
(32) School
(33) A Problem
(34) Threat
(35) Unexpected guest
(36) Mason's story
(37) Sunday
(38) Bye, mother
(39) Preparations
(40) Annual Mafia Gala
(41) Attack
(42) Truth
(44) Talk
(45) Bad news
(46) Out in the open
(47) Living together
(48) Another attack
(49) Vacation?
(50) London
(51) Barely escaped
(52) Goodbye
(53) Matter at hand
(54) Apologise
(55) Intruder
(56) H for Hostage
(57) New plan
(58) Apology
(59) Decisions
(60) Goodbyes
(61) Theo
(62) More problems
(63) Making things right
(64) Sneaking
(65) Anniversary dinner
(66) Anniversary dinner- 2
Thank you!

(43) Aftermath

4.9K 308 88
Door _crazy_hooman_

Third's POV:

Leah cried the whole way she drove her bike down to the Kingston mansion, her bag strapped to her back.

She knew it won't be easy. She knew it was bad every damn time she lied, but she never thought it'll come to this.

Once she reached there she immediately ran up to the door and rang the bell. The door opens to reveal Weston who didn't get the chance to acknowledge his surprise before his sister jumped to hug him.

Leah put her arms around Wes's neck and clung to him and she cried her heart out. Wes puts his arms around her immediately in reflex holding her tight to him.

A second later it hit him. He didn't have to ask his little sister why she was crying or why she was here at his hour. He just crouched down a bit and lifted her in his arms and closed the door and walked inside.

Leah hid her face in his shoulder, her crying not ceasing.

When those two walk inside the house the brothers who were still in the living room since the whole fiasco look at them in shock.

Wes came and sat down on the couch next to Theo making Leah rest on his lap. Leah didn't let go of him. She just couldn't. Never has she ever faced a situation where she has cried so much. She was tough usually.

The brothers look at her in worry. But no one knew what was happening.

They all immediately surround her with wide eyes as they all were caught off guard not expecting her to be here as she just left some time ago.

Wes shakes his head no at them when they try to reach out to her. He gestured for them to wait.

Theo was the closest so he rubs her back soothingly in circles hoping to calm her down.

Troy grabbed Brody's hand, his expression one of tension and worry. Brody sighs pulling him into a hug knowing he's had enough to deal with what he saw tonight.

Weston didn't ask her or talk to her at all. He wanted to but he just couldn't. She was crying so much.

It was a deep shock to many in the room. Leah always had this tough girl personality and never had she ever shown any emotions Iike this. She can handle anything.

Charlie's hands were itching to just pull his little sister in his arms. He couldn't see her like that. But he let her be like that hugging the shit out of Weston.

James's feet continuously tapped on the floor nervousness evident on his face. Dean was somehow sure something big had happened. He knew every well how strong Leah is.

The wait was for a long time. Eventually Leah's cry stopped but she didn't let go of Weston.

"Leah", Weston said softly trying to get her to release him.

Leah tightened her hold closing her eyes resting her face on his shoulder. Theo immediately put a hand on Wes's arm and shook his head no. Wes nods with a sigh caressing her back.

Chase jogs towards the kitchen and comes back with a glass of water. He went behind the couch and looked at Leah. He gets her attention my placing his hand on her arm around Wes's neck.

She opened her eyes and looked at Chase and saw the glass. Chase offered it to her with a small smile. She refused with a nod.

Emmett sighs deeply and walks around the couch and looks at her.

"You have to drink some of it. Come on", He said seriously.

Leah not having the energy to argue slowly pulls back from the hug and takes the glass from Chase who smiled back happily.

She drank it and gave it back. She felt weak and her eyes were straining. Her arms without a word went back around Wes and she sighs deeply.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Usually after a big crying session you head aches and you need a nap.

"Sleeping?", Wes asked looking at Theo.

Theo nods glancing at Leah.

"I'm going to put her to bed", He whispered softly.

Weston stood up and carried Leah upstairs. Theo joined them without a word. The others stayed back looking at Leah in worry.

Theo caressed her hair seeing all the tears on her cheeks which made him feel bad for her.

Once Wes and Theo had carefully placed Leah in her own bed inside the room made for her, they both headed back downstairs.

They both were concerned about her well being.

"It's hard to see her like this", Theo sighs sadly.

"Very hard. She's cried for god knows how long", Weston said in worry.

They come back to the living room to see the rest of their brothers pacing around in stress. Their eyes fell upon them when they enter.

"She sleeping peacefully?", Troy asked in concern.

Theo nods sighing deeply.

"Thank goodness. She needs rest", Chase said softly.

That everyone agreed to.

"I wonder why was she here like this at this time. I mean it's late", Emmett speaks glancing at his watch.

Everyone had that question in the mind as they all look at each other.

"She has a bag", Brody said pointing at the direction Leah dropped it.

There next to the wall was a small duffle bag. Troy went and picked it up and brought it to them looking at it.

"You think she ran away?", Dean asked curiously.

"Of course not. Why would she?", Charlie shakes his head no.

"I don't know. She may have", Jamie frowned not being sure.

Wes shakes his head. "Not possible. Leah knows better than upsetting David by running away", He said surely.

Theo hummed. "I agree. But something happened. I've never seen her cry like this ever", He added curiously.

Everyone had a frown etched on their face wondering.

Dean suddenly sucked a breath. "Do you think..maybe..David d-disowned her or something?", He asked looking serious.

All eyes went shift to him in surprise.

"I mean he was pretty angry when he left our home. What if...", Dean immediately continued trailing off, a serious expression fixed on his face.

"No way. No", Troy denied the possibility. But when he looked at everyone's unsure faces his eyes went wide. "We know David, he won't disown her. Right?", He asked worried.

No one seem to be able to answer that. On one hand they wanted to believe that it wasn't possible, but they also remember seeing David absolutely furious tonight.

"No way", Chase shakes his head.

"Exactly. Come on. Seriously. This is David we're talking about. He would never no matter how angry he is at Leah", Jamie denied looking at everyone's unsure expressions.

Emmett nods slowly. "I agree. We all have known the love he has for her."

Slowly almost everyone nods believing it. But Wes and Theo hadn't spoken. They weren't too sure and couldn't find a reason to rule out that possibility.

They share a look wondering if the other one is thinking about the same thing. They read each other's eyes and expressions.

"Then why is she here with a bag?", Dean questioned not too convinced himself.

Jamie shrugs. "Maybe they fought and wished to take some time off and cool down?"

Not all of them were sure, but they nod slowly.

"I'll inform Grace anyway if Leah came here without telling them", Charlie said pulling out his phone.

Weston was staring at the ground with a deep frown. Theo looks at him and sighs.

He cleared his throat. "Alright. I think it's been a long night. You all get to bed now. Lets leave this to tomorrow", Theo said softly.

Emmett nods. "Yeah. No point of worrying about anything right now. We can't do anything."

"Yes. Also, no one disturb Leah. Let her rest. Don't wake her up tomorrow as well. Give her time. She'll come", Charlie said thoughtfully.

They all sigh nodding as they slowly leave walking up the stairs to their respective rooms.

All the boys were shaken up with what happened today. They all could sense this was too serious and worrisome.

Theo and Wes were left alone in the living room at the end looking the most disturbed or serious if you may.

Emmett and Charlie were the last to leave and they both glance at their brothers before sharing a look and sighing deeply. Without a word they part to their rooms too.

Theo inhaled deeply staring at Wes. "She'll be okay."

Wes without looking up at him answered. "Not anytime soon."

"I'm sure David didn't disown her Wes", Theo said confidently.

Wes didn't reply but just looked at him anxiously. He was concerned.

"He won't hurt our sister like that", Theo frowned seeing Wes looking unsure.

"I want to believe it, but...I don't know. Leah's decisions and lies have hurt him bad", Wes shakes his head.

Theo knew he was right, but he still felt David was better than that.

They stay in each other's company for a while. It was comfortable and silent.

"Did you know about Uncle Seb and David?", Theo asked curiously after a few minutes.

Wes shakes his head looking at him. "You would have known if I did."

Theo sighs. "I think Dad knew. He looked in pain rather than surprise when David said all that", He said lowly.

Wes nods. "I saw. I wonder how long have they been together?"

"Me too. But I'm worried about that as well. It didn't end well", Theo breathes out.

Wes looks at the walls in worry. His little sister and father are in a bad condition. He was feeling restless at not being able to help them.

"I don't have a good feeling about this Theo. Lies always have a way to ruin what's good in your life", He whispered lowly.

It was true. Very true.

Theo places his hand on his shoulder. "We both will make it right for our family. Whatever it takes."

Wes smiled weakly nodding.

-Back in the Stevenson house-

After Leah left the house, David too had wandered off somewhere leaving Grace still on the couch in the same position.

She remained there alone in the living room shocked all the while until she gathered strength and slowly got up and headed to her room.

An hour had passed.

Grace decided to go find her father. She looked into his room, but it was empty. With a small frown on her face she walked across the hall looking everywhere.

She passed Leah's room and paused right outside it. Her heart ached as she looked inside and saw the room to be same as always, things sprawled around, dirty laundry yet to be picked, football shoes lying in two different corners.

She inhaled deeply as she walks inside. She could tell Leah really hadn't taken much with her, she was in a hurry.

The room was same as always yet so much was different now that it was empty of her little sister.

Her eyes swept past every single thing in there. Her heart pained remembering tonight's events. It had escalated pretty fast. She feared this time it'll take more than just a day or two to get past it.

The night was actually beautiful if you think about it. There was a full moon in the sky and the stars shined brightly. The cool wind blowing across could bring a sense of calmness.

Nothing could have spoiled the evening, but it did.

David had hoped to find that peace he always found in open air. Since it was very late at night, he had decided to spent some time on the terrace of the house.

He leaned on his hands on the edges of the wall standing alone looking at the dark night letting the wind hit his face and somehow hoped that it made him feel better.

His eyes weren't looking at anything in particular. They were in a trance. His mind was running at his own speed and multiple thoughts hit him during that time.

He hadn't realised how long has he been standing there alone in his own company. He just remembers walking up here after Leah left instead of going to his room.

The night's events played in his mind like a recording not letting him forget it or think about something else.

Grace found him at last. She peeked inside through the door on the roof and saw him there. She takes a deep breath and heads inside.

David unaware of her daughter walking in just sensed her presence when she leaned forward on the edge next to him looking ahead.

He glanced at her before shifting back his attention to nothing in front of them.

"Charlie texted. Leah's at their place and not wandering around late at night", Grace said gently.

David sighs. "Hmm good. For once she listens."

His tone was not of sadness, just nonchalant not projecting anything his heart felt at the moment.

"Dad.." Grace whispered softly looking at him.

"It'll be a good thing. Living with the same people she works for and with. A happy dangerous mafia family. That way of life and people will suit her Grace and not us two decent, normal, grounded people", David said bitterly.

Grace looks at him with a soft look.
"Even your anger towards her doesn't hide your care for her", She said slowly.

David turns to meet Grace's eyes and gives her a stern look which meant otherwise.

Grace smiled gently. "Come on Dad lets not pretend your heart isn't breaking right now. You sent your little princess away."

David scoffs.

"Sure sure. How long will this facade exactly go for?", Grace asked curiously.

"It's not a facade Grace", David answered shortly.

"Yeah right", Grace sighs.

David looks at her. "I'm serious. This is not something I'm comprising with. She broke my heart and trust by lying all along. This is not silly", He said seriously.

Grace nods. "I agree. It's not. But what will any of us accomplish by you sending her away dad?", She asked.

David didn't reply at first. He kept looking ahead.

"You invited her into this house when she was a baby. Now you send her away? You realise how much that might hurt her?", Grace asked gently.

"She's hurt because of her decisions. Learn to deal with it", David replied.

Grace shakes her head. "Dad do you really think this is right?"

David exhales. "I don't know what is right at this moment. I did what I deemed was the best at that time. She decided to leave."

He was hurt when Leah chose to leave. He really was. It was no secret how much she meant to him to anyone who knows them. But the situation's bigger than that.

"Dad I absolutely agree with you on everything you said today. I share your emotions and feelings. But she's family", Grace whispered softly.

David smiled a bit. "That's exactly why this is all happening."

A comfortable silence lingers between them as they stood there just letting the cold breeze echo their thoughts and feelings.

"When will you call her back?", Grace asked.

David didn't reply making Grace look at him immediately.

"You will get her back right?", She asked more seriously.

"I don't know", David said softly.

Grace frowns deeply. "Dad."

David's eyes closed and jaw clenched as he moves away from the edge and turns to walk out.

"Go to sleep. We'll talk tomorrow", He said as he headed for the door.

Grace grit her teeth as he quickly went after him and grabs his hand to stop him. David turns to look at her and saw the annoyance on her face.

"Tell me when now", Grace said seriously.

"Grace I said we'll talk tomorrow", David replied sternly.

She shakes her head no. "This is not right. She is wrong yes, she made mistakes yes, but she is still Leah. Punish her, don't talk to her, heck do whatever you wish. But tell me now you will get her back home", She demanded.

David takes a deep breath looking anywhere but here.

"For god sake, you're scaring me!", Grace shouts with a frown.

"You think I'm not scared? You think this is easy for me? You have no idea what's going on with me right now Grace! I need time!", David almost shouts back in frustration.

"Time for what? Deciding whether you will bring your daughter back or not? Really?" Grace grit.

"Yes", David replied.

Grace let go of his hand with an irritated look.

"I understand that you're angry right now. But she's our family", She said.

"She has more family", David whispered looking at the sky.

Grace frowns. "What?"

David sighs deeply looking at her. "I think I am officially going to give Sebastian Leah's custody. Let him be legally responsible for her", He admitted softly.

Grace's eyes went wide. She looked at him in absolute shock.

"It'll be hard, but it's right. He is her father and can do a better job at dealing with her now. My responsibilities are over", David said softly.

"Dad no!", Grace cried.

"Grace calm down. It's not like I'm kicking her out of our family", David frowned.

"Yes you are! This is exactly what it looks like! Why are you doing this?! Are you even thinking before you speak!?", Grace argues strongly.

David shakes his head with a stern face. "You won't understand what's going on in my mind."

He looked serious, yet upset. A lot was going on in his mind and it was all noisy. He was not confident anymore.

Grace's face softened. "Then make me understand Dad. Talk to me. What is it?", She asked.

David takes a deep breath looking at her. He knew she deserves to know why he's saying that atleast. He walks to the furniture they have there and takes a seat on the couch.

Grace followed him and sat beside him looking at his face. After a minute he began.

"Adopting a child is not easy. At the back of your mind you always know they're not yours and for that you try to be more responsible for them. Every decision is a big decision when it comes to the child", He said seriously.

"You always fear you won't be able to give them that life that their own parents would. That love and responsibility of raising's a big deal alright?", David looks at her.

Grace nods slowly in understanding.

"I love my princess a lot, there is no doubt about that. She completed our family when I made that decision to take her in. Did I realise at that second it was going to be hard? No. Later? Yes", David shrugs.

"As much as I tried to not think about it I always did. She's not my child. I adopted her. I always questioned myself Grace. Am I doing right by her? Am I treating her well? Is she getting everything she deserves? All this kept hitting me all these years", David sighs deeply.

Then he looks at Grace. "But you know what came up the most?", He asked.

She looks at him curiously not knowing what to say.

"Am I raising her right?", David whispered weakly.

Grace's mouth falls open a bit in realisation. She looks at him in surprise and a bit of understanding.

"That question is haunting me now. I feel like I failed. All this...this is so much. Whatever we came to know about her today is not the result of good parenting", David shakes his head tears forming in his eyes.

Grace realised how much was her father feeling right now. It was way more than anyone else was. It was hard and painful.

"God this feeling is terrible Grace", He rubs his hand across his face. "She was so innocent and good when she young. I was lucky she was a good kid, but while focusing on loving her and giving her freedom I realise that I haven't exactly paid attention to what she was doing. She was able to hide so much from us", David said sadly.

"I feel like I should have guided her rightly when she was growing up as it's my responsibility as a parent, but today I know that I haven't", He added.

David tried to control the tears in his eyes. He tried to calm his overwhelmed heart.

Grace gently puts her hand on his making him look at her.

"Dad don't question your parenting. You're an amazing father. I am as successful as I am today because of you and your guidance. You made no mistakes and always did right by me", Grace smiled.

David takes a deep breath.

"About Leah. I can't imagine how you feel, but just know that you always did right by her. You provided her with warmth and care when she had no one. That decision you made 16 years ago itself takes a big heart and courage", Grace reminded him.

"I'm not saying this to make you feel good. It's a fact. You haven't failed as a father", She said softly.

David sighs.

"Look Dad..if you wish to give away Leah's custody to Sebastian I won't say anything. I don't get to decide this. Sebastian is a good man and I know he cares about Leah. So it's all your decision", Grace said with a small smile.

David looks at her. "Really?"

She nods. "I am with you in support to whatever you decide. But I will tell you that you shouldn't take this decision right now. You have to be calm and clear headed to do so. Take come time for this. By time I mean atleast a few days", She suggested.

David nods in understanding. That he can agree to. He needs to be sure of what he wants to do. Right now is not the appropriate time to decide that.

The night somehow passed away. The next morning brought up some desperate hope to people from both families.

The Kingston mansion seemed quiet and deserted. Usually the boys are always up to something which usually ends all peace in the house, but today it seemed depressing.

Sebastian hadn't left his room all night since David left and he hadn't opened up his room when Rowan had come to talk to him.

He was not able to sleep at all. For the first time he was scared and worried, but mostly...hurt.

But in the morning Rowan had made it his mission to get Sebastian out and try to be there for him. It was a task, but he managed to get the man out of his room and to the breakfast downstairs.

The boys had already arrived there. The food was ready. Charlie and Emmett had worked hard in the morning to prepare it. But no one had the appetite.

Sebastian and Rowan saw that not one of them had touched their food. They all were in their own thoughts seeming sad.

Rowan takes a deep breath. "Is anyone on a food strike here? I hope not", He tried to lighten the mood.

Everyone looks at him, but their expressions don't change.

"Wow. Really? All of you? Damn did the sun rise from west today?", Rowan joked with a smile.

Sebastian sighs seeing no change in their kids no matter how much Rowan tried.

"Dad yesterday late Leah came here", Emmett informed them.

Sebastian and Rowan look at him in surprise.

"What?", Rowan said with a raised eyebrow.

"She's in her room. She was crying badly. She bought a bag with her", Charlie added.

Sebastian's eyes went wide. "What? Why didn't you call us when she came?!"

"Dad neither you nor Leah seemed to be in a condition to talk. We let her rest, it was late anyway", Weston replied.

Sebastian frowns and immediately turns to head towards Leah's room. No one stopped him, instead Rowan followed him and after a second others did too.

They finally wished to know what the hell was going on and was she here with a bag.


The morning at the Stevenson's wasn't too great as well.

It was quiet for most of it. The breakfast table had never felt so gloomy and depressed, but so was the atmosphere.

Grace and David didn't interact much when they left for work together. Since morning neither of the two had bought up yesterday for discussion. They were still shaken up.

Even at work David sat in his office alone not able to entirely concentrate at all. Still he preferred to be left alone and had ordered his PA to cancel all his meetings for today.

He layed on his chair turned around facing his skyscraper window. His mind was reeling with so many things as his eyes were fixated at the sky.

Did he mean yesterday's words about giving up Leah's custody? Maybe yes. But that thought was still a very difficult pill to swallow.

He decided to forget about that and instead focus on the other thing. The mafia thing.

All his curiosity was sticking up to this fact that they owned a mafia. He didn't have to know what they do to decide if it was a dangerous buisness or not.

Mafia is dangerous.

At this moment he was convinced they led a pretty difficult life. Heck he still hadn't gotten over the bullet firing yesterday. Their car was wrecked when they were attacked.


David's eyes shut tight, his finger tips massaging his temple as he remembered the scene where that man was threatening Leah.

Who was he anyway?

This is not the life he wishes to be part of, neither will he let Grace get involved into it. He was sure of that.

Suddenly he was distracted when he heard some commotion outside. He turned back his chair with a small frown on his face and stood up just in time for the door of his office to bang open and two people walk in arguing.

His lips parted in surprise when he saw Sebastian and his PA arguing heatedly.

"Sir I told him you wish to be left alone. He wouldn't listen and walked in like he owns the place", The assistant explained to David in annoyance.

Sebastian was pissed. He rolled his eyes.

David sighs deeply. "It's alright. I'll take it from here."

The assistant nods respectfully and leaves not before sending a big bad glare at Sebastian for making her job more hard that it needs to be.

Once she left David sat back down on his chair not looking at Sebastian at all, but instead his work in front of him on the desk.

"This is my office Sebastian. You can't behave like this", He said seriously without looking up.

"What is wrong with you? You asked Leah to leave your house yesterday?!", Sebastian demanded ignoring his statement.

"I gave her a choice. She chose to leave", David replied flipping over his files.

"She didn't choose David", Sebastian frowned.

"She did. Ask her instead of waltzing into my office like this", David grit.

Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose. "She was quiet when you asked her what she wanted to do, that doesn't mean she chose to leave and keep her job", He said irritated.

"Yes it does. She didn't utter one word about staying", David said nonchalantly shifting in his chair to type something on his computer.

Sebastian was frustrated to see him act like this. Like he didn't care. He was used to seeing David all loving and caring.

"Instead of sitting down and having a conversation you made it all one-sided and ordered her to either do this or that? Seriously?", Sebastian questions.

David didn't reply just clicked off on the wireless keyboard, his eyes on the screen.

"CUT THAT OFF FOR A SECOND AND LOOK AT ME!", Sebastian shouts in frustration.

David's jaw clenched and hand fisted irritated as he turns to look at his boyfriend.

"She is heartbroken David. She's been crying so much..I- god. She's not eating anything. She's not wanting to leave her room", Sebastian whispered sadly.

"She's not the only one Sebastian. I made it clear yesterday. If she wants to live in my house then she will quit that job, if not she can leave and go live with you", David said sternly.

He was surprised that he managed to keep his voice steady while saying so. His heart was pounding in pain hearing his daughter's condition.

"David you didn't let her tell her piece. She wanted to explain a lot of things to you. Please just let her", Sebastian said gently.

David exhales loudly. "She was justifying her decisions and her job. I don't think killing needs any explanation."

Sebastian looks into the man's eyes. He was still drawn to the man to no extent. Normally when they meet the first thing they do is kiss.

"She killed that man who threatened you yesterday because she was beyond angry seeing your and Grace's life threatened like that. She was raging infact. Em and Char told me she was not about to forgive those men who attempted to hurt you two", Sebastian informed.

David looks at him without any expression. "Doesn't make it right! Why were we attacked in the first place? Was it because you people messed with someone? Was it because of your mafia? Was it because of Leah? Maybe all of the above?", He exclaimed.

David leaned forward and looked into his eyes with utter seriousness. "I'll tell you what I told her yesterday. You put yourself in that position in the first place. So this is not on me."

Sebastian looks down knowing he's right.

"I never doubted Leah's love for my family. I know it. But her actions and lies will not be overlooked because of the same love", David said in a rigid tone.

Sebastian looks at him. "Okay", He whispered defeated.

David's eyes shift back to his computer feeling anxious.

"Are you going ask her to come back?", Sebastian asked.

"No", David replied curtly.

Sebastian's lips parted in surprise. "What? David", he whispered.

"It's not up to me to call her. She left. She can come back if she does what I asked", David said emotionlessly.

Sebastian frowned getting angry now.

"Since when did you get so fucking stubborn and heartless?", He questioned.

"Excuse me?", David looks at him with a frown.

"I fucking get it alright. I know you're hurt. We hurt you pretty bad. Maybe there's no getting over it. But Leah? you've known her all your life and yet you're being so hard on her. She's in a bad shape David. I don't know how can you see our daughter like that!", Sebastian almost yelled angrily.

David stood up in anger knocking over his chair while doing so.

"BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE HAVE LEFT ME NO CHOICE!", He yelled loudly in pure anger.

Sebastian was taken aback by his anger but he didn't back off. They needed to talk about this.

"You people have kept all this from me for so long that I see not much choices left for me! It's your fucking lies and deception that have led to this! Don't walk in her trying to make me feel bad!", David shouts slamming his fist on his table.

Pain shot up his arm immediately as his hand accidentally hit a hard object on his desk. It was shown on his face, he hardly held his wince.

Sebastian's eyes went wide seeing that. He immediately rushed towards him, walking around the desk, and quickly grabbed his hand inspecting it in panic.

David's heart fluttered. His eyes softened a bit as he looked at him.

"Leah is in a bad shape because she's guilty. Not much I can do about that at this moment even if I want to", David said gaining control of his emotions back.

Sebastian looks up hearing that while caressing David's palm that had reddened a bit.

"Is this hurting a lot?", He whispered softly.

David rolls his eyes pulling his hand off his. Doing that was also hurting him, but he was still not over the lies and pain.

Sebastian stubbornly grabbed his hand back and looked at his palm. "Is it hurting too much?", He asked again.

"Not as much as my heart", David grit in reply looking into his eyes.

Sebastian couldn't meet his eyes. He swallowed nervously. "I don't think it's broken. If -

"Like my heart?", David interrupted him.

Sebastian bit his lip still looking down. "M-Maybe a sprain if the pain still continues. It may swell up", He said gently.

David didn't reply but looked at him. His facade of being angry with him was threatening to wash away.

Sebastian takes a deep breath finally looking up.

"Please David", He said sadly.

David blinked, slowly pulling his hand off the other guy's grip and inserting both his hands in his suit's pocket.

"What do you want?", He asked gently.

Sebastian almost said 'you', but he controlled himself wanting to do something for his daughter first.

"Talk to Leah?", He asked hopefully.

"I need time", David whispered emotionally.

They both stood there close enough not knowing what to say next. After minute of silence Sebastian asked the one question he dreaded the most.

"Will you ever be able to forgive?"

David looked at him seeing he was hopeful and sad. "Are you asking about yourself or Leah?", He whispered.

"Both", Sebastian said, his heart pounding.

"Right now it seems like I won't forgive Leah. But.. let's face it. I know myself. I may break", David shrugs looking down.

Sebastian's anxiety was filling him. "What about me?"

David was not ready to answer that. It was so painful and hard.

Sebastian saw his hesitation and stepped closer to him raising his hands to cup his face in between them, tears filling his own eyes.

"David I'm sorry. Please. I know I hurt you too bad. But I never meant to, please believe me", He pleaded.

David's eyes closed painfully. He fisted his hands in his pocket to remain control of his own emotions.

Sebastian caresses his cheek with his thumb. "I need you. I-I miss you. I love you David", He confessed as a tear escaped his eye.

Sebastian had earlier walked into the office only with the motive of asking David about his decisions and convincing him to talk to Leah. But his own inner strength faltered seeing his love. He couldn't control himself even though he decided he'll give David some time.

David's closed eyes were only preventing his tears to not escape. He hates it. He hated seeing Sebastian like this.

"Please", Sebastian cried as he leaned his forehead against David's to make the guy look at him.

David was not able to breathe. His hands threatened to tug out and wrap around Sebastian.

The tears came out faster as Sebastian, with his hands cupping David's face, lifted it a bit leaning closer and slowly capturing his lips into a very gentle but an emotional meaningful kiss.

David tried but he couldn't hold back. He released his fist and his hands tug out to circle around Sebastian's waist. He responded to the kiss.

Sebastian's heart was beyond elated. He deepened the kiss holding him close to himself.

It took a couple seconds for David to snap out. Once he did, he used his hands to gently push Sebastian away from him by his chest and took a step back himself.

"", David shakes his head repeatedly blocking the man with his hand.

Sebastian looks at him seeming a bit overwhelmed.

"Don't do that", David inhaled deeply.

Sebastian looks down wiping his tears. "Sorry."

David was so conflicted. Never has he been in such a situation where he was so torn up between decisions.

"Just hear her out? Talk to her? You know you'll have to", Sebastian cleared his throat, changing the topic.

David sighs. "What is this really? Some thriller movie she thinks? A happy ending mafia life? Is this what every 16 year old wishes for? An adventure life? I was that age once, I didn't wish for any of that", He questioned in frustration.

"David I don't deny the nature of our buisness and the risks it invites. But you really don't know much about all this. If you would just come home and maybe give her and my family a chance to explain?", Sebastian requested.

David couldn't even understand how to do that.

"You're right. I don't know anything about your mafia business, but I'll tell you something. Once you get into this kind of life there is no coming out of it. Am I right?", David asked with a soft expression.

How can one disagree with that?

Sebastian didn't have anything to say to that. He knew there is no coming out of it.

"I heard what you wanted to say. Give me some time", David whispered looking away, outside the window.

He didn't know why he was asking for some time. Was he planning or hoping to change his own decision? Not sure. Did he need to think about this? Yes.

Sebastian bit his lip nervously. He didn't want to push him knowing that won't get him anything. So he takes a deep breath and slowly walks out of the office without another word.

David didn't turn but watched Sebastian's reflection leave in his immaculate glass of window trying to ignore his aching heart.


After a few hours.

Leah was in her room sitting on her windowsill, her head resting back on the wall, legs pulled up to her chest and her eyes aching due to her constant staring at the sky without blinking.

When finally she couldn't take it anymore her eyes shut close and she turned away from the window. As she opened them again she looked around at her room.

Her room.

This room was designed for her before her birth. She's been here since yesterday night and yet she hadn't had a chance at truly appreciating it.

It was really nice. There was so much here made especially for her that it made her heart ache realising how much her family loves her.

She knew they do. But those moments never ceased where they did something, let it be action, gesture or word, it just reminded her once again how lucky she is.

Since she hadn't had a chance to settle here in this room it resembled nothing of her room back in her home. It was clean and tidy here. Her bag resting on her desk against the wall.


Immediately her heart aches. Her eyes close as she takes a deep breath trying not to well up. She had cried enough as it is. She knew crying doesn't solve anything.

The whole day she spent in her room was somewhat of a realisation to a lot of things. Her brothers came in very frequently trying to get her to do something with them in order to change her mood.

But she couldn't. There was no way to distract someone when they're stuck in a situation like her's.

She knew she owed many apologies to her father and sister. But not just that she also owed some explanations.

She just wanted to talk to them.

Her Papa and Uncle hadn't been too happy hearing what happened yesterday night which caused her to leave Stevenson house. They were upset.

Her brothers on the other hand angry. Well some were, the others didn't say anything to Leah except comfort her as if understanding David's side.

Once Sebastian left the house abruptly after hearing Leah, no one brought up the topic again. It was just a lot of effort to try to be normal. Keep the atmosphere normal.

Leah hadn't gone to school. Neither did Brody and Troy. No one was in the state of mind and the elders didn't force them. They knew they won't go.

Since hardly any Kingstons showed up at the base for work, Owen and Landon got curious as to what happened. They weren't expecting the younger ones knowing they have school. But even the elders except Wes and Theo didn't show up.

The Dons have a business to run. They can't dodge responsibilities. So they had visited the base for a few hours before returning home for Leah and the others.

Landon and Owen still didn't know what had happened and they didn't think much about it as it's not totally unusual that not everyone shows up. Still they had called up Leah just causally to talk, but she hadn't answered or called back.

Leah didn't even know where was her phone. Since morning she had been texting her father and sister, but when neither of them were replying she gave up knowing they might be working and hence busy.

David and Grace were driving back home after work together in the evening. It was yet another silent ride.

Grace was itching to talk to her father. She knew Sebastian came to work today. David's assistant was in a bad mood all day since she was unable to follow one order her boss had provided her with. She was vocal about her frustration to Grace.

Grace takes a deep breath glancing at her father. "So.. Sebastian came today?", She asked.

David nods while looking outside the window.

"What did he say?", She asked.

David hesitated at first but then gave in. "He wants me to talk to Leah. She's not.. particularly well", He admitted.

"Meaning?", She asked.

David gave her an accusing look as if irritated that she's making him say something that's hard for him. "Not eating well. Closed off in her room, crying", He replied.

Grace shakes her head looking at him. "And you're telling me this now."

David opened his mouth and shut it. "Sorry." He whispered.

Grace sighs. "Dad you have to go see her."

David's jaw clenched as he quietly looked outside the window trying not to indulge into that conversation. He knew it would come up.

"You can't be that angry at her. She needs you", Grace said softly.

Another wave of guilt went up David. He was surprisingly familiar to that feeling now.

Since Sebastian left his office he had been experiencing extreme difficulty in doing any work. His mind just kept going back to those words Sebastian spoke and her little princess. And because he was not planning to see her this soon he was guilty.

"You never had ego problems. So what is this about?", Grace asked clearly.

He was silent for a second and she thought he won't answer but he did.

"I can't talk about that with her right now. It's too early and I don't know how to address..yesterday's situation. Neither do I have the strength nor am I prepared", David said honestly breathing out.

Grace smiled gently. "You don't have to talk about that dad."

David looks at her curiously.

"Just be there for Leah. Get her to stop being depressed otherwise it'll affect her health. Just tell her what you just said. Remind her she hasn't lost us", Grace sighs with a small smile.

David's lips parted. He could do that.

"Alright. I see we're in an agreement", Grace grinned as she stopped the car at the side of the street.

David looked outside and then back at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Go to the Kingston mansion. I'll take a cab back", Grace smiled unbuckling her seatbelt.

"But- ", David began, she cut him off.

"No arguments Dad please. I don't want you to change your mind now", Grace frowned.

"No I was saying why not you join me?", He said.

Grace smiled shaking her head. "Nah. This is more of a father-princess conversation."

Before David could say anything else, she opened her side of the car door and stepped outside grabbing her bag along with her.

"Don't mess up", She winked jokingly at her father.

David shakes his head looking at her.

"Just.. convince her to be fine. Come home soon. Bye", Grace smiled waving as she headed off.

David leans his head back on his seat and takes a deep breath as if preparing himself. Then he shifted to the driver's seat and fired up the engine.

He drove towards his destination all the way feeling anxious, worried and maybe a little relieved.

The familiar gates of the mansion arrived soon as he drove towards it. Though once again he was stopped by two guards.

A very familiar and annoying guard came up to him. He lowered the window rolling his eyes. The guard's eyes met his and an amused smirk formed on that man's face.

"Oh look who it is. Hello sir", The guard greeted him

"Mr Sanders", David nods with a tight lipped smile.

"You know the drill", The guard sang in amusement.

David rolled his eyes. "Oh come on! You know I don't have any weapons with me", He exclaimed.

"Can't be too sure. Gotta do my job", The guard smiled cheekily.

David cursed under his breath as he got out of his car and raised his hands in surrender. The guard inwardly chuckled as he checked him up finding David's annoyance funny.

"Happy?", David smiled sarcastically once he was done.

"Very", The guard nodded.

"Thank you. Can I?", David smiled sarcastically pointing at the mansion.

"Sure. You're not a hazard", The guard grinned.

"I knew that. You knew that", David grumbled as he got back inside his car.

He drove off inside as the gates opened up, the guard snickering in amusement.

His partner came up to me looking at him curiously. "Why do you always annoy him like that Sanders?", He asked.

Sanders laughed. "I enjoy it that's why. He's cute."

His partner looked at him with an amused raised eyebrow.

Sanders rolled his eyes. "Not that way idiot. I have a wife I love. He reminds me know like the one friend in your group you can pick on without worrying they'll be offended? He kinda gives me those vibes", He smiled.

His partner nods. "Hmm. Yeah I get that."

"It's funny to always annoy the man", Sanders chuckled.

"I hope it's funny when Leah knows you're annoying her father. We know she'll kick anyone's ass", The partner smirked.

Sanders rolled his eyes. "She won't. She's known me for a long time."

"Yeah yeah. Former gang members", The partner waved it off. "But still, it'll be fun to see her punch you. Yeah. I'm telling her tomorrow", He nods convinced.

"No you won't", Sanders deadpanned.

His partner merely laughed hysterically imagining the punch on that face as he walks back to his post. Sanders runs behind him to convince him not to say anything.

David stands outside the door taking a deep breath gathering his strength.

He remembered the previous night he was here and it was not something he was ready to face this soon. But he was just here to see his daughter.

He rang the bell outside and waited. The door opened a couple seconds later to reveal Rowan who's eyes went wide in surprise to see his best friend.

"David", He said caught off guard.

"Hey. Leah home?", David said awkwardly.

Rowan nods immediately. "Yeah, her room."

"Can I?", David asked pointing inside.

"Of course. Come on in", Rowan quickly moved to the side and gestured for him to enter.

David walks inside taking deep breaths. He felt out of place but he ignored all of that and continued walking.

The living room he entered had almost everyone present there. Sebastian stood up from his place immediately when he saw him.

The boys look at David in shock at first. Clearly no one expected him to come here even though Sebastian had requested him to do so.

"Where's she?", David asked looking at no one in particular.

"Upstairs. Her room", Rowan answered walking inside.

David nods looking down not able to meet anyone's eyes for some reason. The boys either don't look at him or give him a hard stare. They weren't too happy about hearing what happened yesterday.

"David- ", Sebastian spoke.

"I'm just here because you told me she wasn't eating or coming out of her room. You said she's crying and having a hard time since she arrived and I'm just here to solve that", David said clearly without any expression.

Sebastian nods, his hopes going down. "I understand. Thank you."

David without another word heads towards the stairs remembering the room when he was here some time ago. The boys had given him and Grace a tour and told them about the room.

"I'm glad he came", Charlie sighs.

"Of course he did. No matter what he cares about Leah", Jamie frowned.

"Yeah. She will be okay now", Troy said hopefully.

Sebastian and Rowan look at each other both itching to talk to David and solve this all up quick. But they can't do that and they know it.

"I'm still not okay with how he asked her to leave last night. I mean how could he do that?", Dean grunted.

"Yeah. She's still his daughter right. He always talks about how much he loves her. Then why do that?", Brody asked rudely.

"He's hurt that's why. David's not a teenager Brody. He's a father dammit. I for sure know if any of us would have lied to Dad and Uncle about something this serious we would be done for", Chase frowned.

"Exactly give it a rest", Emmett said sternly.

No one countered that knowing it's the truth.

David knocks on the door of a room he knew is Leah's.

"Come in", Leah's voice came through.

David exhales deeply before opens the door of the room and looks inside.

Leah was on the same windowsill looking outside assuming one of her brothers had come again to try to get her out of the room.

He looks at his princess and his heart aches.

"Leah", He whispered softly.

Leah's head snapped towards the door instantly hearing her father's voice. She can recognise it anywhere.

Her lips parted in surprise as her eyes went wide seeing him. She clearly didn't think he'll be here. Heck she didn't know Sebastian had gone to talk to him earlier for her.

David walked in and closed the door behind him. He stood there trying not to give away any emotions as he looks at her.

"Dad", She whispered in shock as he got off the windowsill.

"Let's talk", David sighs.


Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter? What are your views on how this is playing out?

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Stay tuned for more in the next chapter.

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