Villain Deku - Broken


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Ever since Izuku Midoriya was discovered to be quirkless, his life has been nothing but torment. So what will... Еще

Note from the author
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
Chapter 2 - The Incident
Chapter 3 - Training
Chapter 4 - Whetting the blade
Chapter 5 - First hand experience
Chapter 6 - The Entrance Exam (Preparation)
Chapter 7 - The Entrance Exam
Chapter 8 - Entrance Exam (Conclusion)
Chapter 9: The League's Proposal
Chapter 10: Recruitment
Chapter 11 - Naomasa
Chapter 12 - Attack on the USJ
Chapter 13 - Proclamation of Justice
Chapter 14 - Staff Meeting
Chapter 15 - The Sports Festival
Chapter 16 - Reunion
Chapter 17 - Education
Chapter 18 - The Offer
Chapter 19 - Summer Camp
Chapter 20 - Operation Forest Fire
Chapter 20B - Inko Midoriya
Chapter 21 - The End Of The Line
Chapter 22 - Answers
Chapter 23 - New Beginnings
Chapter 24 - First Day
Chapter 25 - Teaching
Chapter 27 - Heroes VS Villain Pt.1
Chapter 28 - Heroes VS Villains Pt.2
Chapter 29 - Heroes VS Villains Pt.3
Chapter 30 - Aftermath
Chapter 31 - Reunion
Chapter 32 - Class 1B
Chapter 33 - The Provisional Hero License Exam Pt.1
Chapter 34 - The Provisional Hero License Exam Pt.2
Chapter 35 - The Provisional Hero License Exam Pt.3
Chapter 36 - Opposites And Equals
Chapter 37 - A Glimpse Of The Future
Chapter 38 - Collision of Good and Bad
Chapter 39 - Number 9
Chapter 40 - Heads And Tails
Chapter 41 - Vigilantism
Chapter 42 - Nighteye
Chapter 43 - Operation 20%
Chapter 44 - Confrontation
Chapter 45 - Espionage
Chapter 46 - Desperate Times
Chapter 47 - Desperate Measures

Chapter 26 - Villains 101

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"All right everyone, listen up," Deku said, grabbing everyone's attention. It was his first lesson, and he intended on making a strong impression.

"You are no doubt wondering what happened two days ago when I saved All Might from falling debris, correct?" He was met with several nodding heads and raised hands. "Well, I'm willing to make a deal with you. If any of you can succeed in today's practical lesson, I will reveal to the class my quirk and its effect. If you want me to that is." The resulting chatter completely drowned out whatever Bakugo yelled out in response to this.

"Everyone, change into your hero outfits and meet me in Gamma Gym." He turned to exit but then paused. "Also, whilst you are in lesson time, you will answer any questions with 'Yes, Deku!' Understand?

The class did not respond.

"I said, do you understand?!" Deku repeated, louder this time.

"Yes, Deku!" Class 1-A responded in unison. Deku nodded to himself, then walked out of the door.

In Gamma Gym...

The students of Class 1-A had changed into their hero costumes and had met in Gamma Gym. Aizawa was also present to ensure things didn't get too out of hand. Deku had not yet appeared so the students started chatting amongst themselves.

"So why do you think Mr. Deku brought us out here?" Kaminari asked, eager to start training.

"He probably has some training drills set up for us and will use those to make us stronger," Iida concluded confidently.

"Yeah, but then why do we need to wear our hero costumes?" Kirishima asked.

"I don't know, but it's putting me on edge," Jiro responded, looking around. "Where is Mr. Deku anyway? We got here five minutes ago, how come he hasn't arrived?"

"I think you'll find," a voice rang out, grabbing the attention of all the students, "that I've been here the whole time. You just didn't see me," it continued, putting all the students on edge. The students all grouped up, ready to fight for their life if necessary.

"Oh please, there's no need for that," the voice continued, "I just wanted to show you the skill difference between you and me. In just two sentences, I have inspired fear into your hearts." Deku stepped out of the shadows in front of them, causing the students to relax... before tensing again at his attire. 

Deku was wearing his black-and-red villain costume, the only difference being that all of the weapons and harmful equipment had been confiscated. That was useless though. His fists were more than enough against the majority of these heroes. The students looked at each other, fear evident on their faces. Deku's outfit wasn't very heroic, but given he was teaching a class about villains it was quickly accepted.

"Fear gives your opponent the upper hand," Deku continued as the students spread out. "By accepting fear as a part of life, you accept your weakness. That is not acceptable." Deku paused to look each student in the eye. "In my lessons, you will learn about the types of villains, the techniques they use, and how you overcome them. You will be graded on your ability to retain this information and use it in a practical scenario. Do you understand?"

"Yes Deku!" the class cried out, slightly scared but mostly excited about what they would be taught. Finally, some actual advice on being a hero! Sure, it came from a villain but so what?

"Good," Deku replied, closing his eyes. "In that case, it's time for your first lesson." Deku began to walk away from the group, putting some distance between them. The students, including Bakugo, all looked at each other in confusion as to what Deku was doing.

"In the world, there exist multiple kinds of villains. Some, are by nature, deadlier than others. Today we will talk about villains whose conviction far exceeds rational thought. This type of villain holds strongly to their beliefs and cannot be convinced or reasoned with. Weak-willed or inexperienced heroes won't stand a chance against this kind of villain and should not engage under any circumstances."

"STOP TALKING SHIT DEKU!" Bakugo cried out. "IF THOSE VILLAINS TRY ANYTHING, I'LL BEAT THEM INTO A BLOODY PULP!". Everyone fell silent as Bakugo's claim rang out through the gym, gobsmacked that Bakugo had just talked to a teacher like that. Everyone except Deku.

"Will you?" Deku asked calmly, before beckoning him forward. "Come forward Bakugo."

Bakugo walked towards Deku, becoming increasingly infuriated by this punk. That bored expression on his face, acting like he's better than him-

"Let's test out your theory, hmm?" Deku asked. "Let's say I am a psychotic villain who wants to kill you. You are a new and inexperienced hero who thinks he's hot shit. Let's see how well that goes, shall we?" Deku asked, closing his eyes.

"Shut up Deku!" Bakugo yelled, blasting himself forward. "I'm gonna FUCK YOU-"

Bakugo stopped, the fear in his heart rising. He forced himself to a stop, fearing the thing in front of him. He had only felt this hear once before, at the USJ, when...

Bakugo realized a second too late. He looked up at Deku, only to see what was left of him. What stood before him was a casket of pure bloodlust and rage; an avatar of wrath and hatred.

"What's the matter Bakugo?" Deku asked, the smile on his face showing the side of Deku he kept suppressed. "Aren't you a hero?" He turned to the rest of the class, all of whom were also completely frozen in fear. "Aren't you ALL heroes?!" No-one responded. They couldn't. They couldn't move... anything. "COME ON!", Deku yelled, "COME AND GET ME! SHOW ME WHAT YOU'RE MADE OF! SHOW ME YOUR BLOOD!"

"Alright, that's enough," Aizawa said, stepping forward. "Playtime's over Deku." He activated his quirk, erasing Deku's.


But it didn't work.

Deku was still emanating that aura of true evil that even Aizawa was struggling to work through. How? Aizawa thought to himself. None of the staff had been explicitly told that Deku was quirkless, only having read the file Naomasa had given them, for which it read N/A. Was he immune? he thought, the seeds of fear in his heart now starting to grow. Thankfully, Deku chose to stop of his own accord, pulling at his tie and forcing the monster back under his control.

"Relax Aizawa, I wasn't gonna hurt them," Deku said. "That was simply a demonstration. And quite an effective one, based on the results," Deku said, turning to the students, who were all shaking from the terror withdrawal.

"Now you see what you will face every day on the streets of Japan," Deku called out. "Not all villains are as strong as I am, but you must not underestimate them. If you do, you will already have lost." Deku walked toward them, causing them to jump back in fear, still recovering from the incident. "Once you have conquered the fear that resides in your heart, you will have taken a large step to become unstoppable. You may become stronger than All Might. Heck, you may even become stronger than me. But not yet. And with that," He walked away from them, towards the exit. And with a clap of his hands, he cried out:

"Class dismissed!"


The students of Class 1-A had gathered in the living room once more to discuss the events of the day. Eventually, the topic turned to Deku's first lesson, and well...

"So are we gonna gloss over Deku's first lesson?" Kaminari began, interrupting the current conversation. Everyone fell silent for a moment. Even Bakugo, though he was silently fuming that they were talking about Deku.

"He's so strong..." Todoroki replied, looking down at his hands in fear.

"Yeah, and he's our age," Mineta continued. "How did he get so strong?"

"It must be his quirk," Iida said, arms chopping vigorously. "I have no idea what it is, but it must be strong."

"Yeah," Mineta interrupted, "I heard it's so strong it can tear people in half!"

"Woah, really?" Kirishima asked, his eyes sparkling.

"I don't think so," Jiro continued, a thoughtful expression on his face. "First he saved All Might from that debris. He displayed incredible strength and speed with enormous whiplash. Then he did... whatever it was that happened earlier, filling our hearts with fear and terror. The two are so different that I can't figure out-"

"Shut up." Bakugo said, interrupting Jiro. "You can't figure out what his quirk is because he doesn't have one."

"But Bakugo," Kirishima began, "he must have a quirk. You can't do the things he did without one."

"I know," Bakugo continued, growing increasingly frustrated with everything, "but he doesn't have a quirk. I know it!"

"How would you know that?" Tokoyami asked.

"Because we went to school together," Deku said, appearing from the staircase, the smile of a hateful past on his face. A few students let out a small squeal of fear, but most remained silent, some not even flinching at his appearance.

Everyone was stunned. Learning that Deku and Bakugo went to the same school was a massive bombshell of information.

"So wait," Mina continued, looking back to Bakugo, "if you two went to school... Izuku, are you really...?"

Deku sighed. "Yes. I am quirkless. Happy?"

Kirishima started, "But you said-"

"That I'd tell you what my quirk was if you beat me?" Deku interrupted. "Well, I had to give you some incentive to push past your limits (which none of you can, evidently)."

The silence was deafening.

"How'd you do it?" Bakugo asked, filling the silence and grabbing everyone's attention. "How'd you get so GODDAMN strong!?"

"A combination of blood, sweat and hatred," Deku responded, the smile replaced by a fire in his eyes nothing but himself could quench.

"YEAH RIGHT! A quirkless little shit like you could never get this strong just by training and working out." Bakugo retorted, denying Deku.

Deku sighed once more. "Calling me a quirkless little shit, bullying me, acting arrogant just because you were blessed with the curse of greatness." He stopped listing and looked Bakugo dead in the eyes. "Some things never do change, do they Katsuki?"

Bakugo stopped. He had never heard Deku call him by his first name. Even when they were younger. Why did it hit so hard?

"Anyway," Deku said, subsiding the tension in the air, "tomorrow is going to be a long one, so rest up. I want you at your peak perfomance, all right?"

"Yes Deku!" everyone replied, save for Bakugo of course. With that, he left.

A pause.

"So he's quirkless, huh?" Ojiro said, thinking hard about what that meant. She wasn't the only one. How could a quirkless person become stronger than some of the strongest people with quirks? How strong was he truly?

"Well... quirk or no quirk, Izuku is a nice person and I respect him," Mina said, sticking up for him.

"Yeah," Kaminari added hesitantly. "He seems cool, and he is helping me develop my quirk. He's alright."

"He also saved All Might before," Iida reminded everyone. "I must respect him for that at least."

One by one, each of the students admitted their respect for their teacher, slightly warming up to him in the process. He isn't their friends just yet, but he is their teacher, and they respect him for it. They then headed off to their dorms, each one thinking about the teacher who deserved so much better than what he got.

Abilities acquired:

Bloodlust: increases violent thoughts, speed, and reflexes but decreases rationality whilst active.

Extrasensory: increases sensory sensitivity but reduces motor skills and physical ability while active.

Mania: suppresses all negative emotion and empathy while active.

Whirlwind: increases speed and reaction time but decreases upper body strength while active.


Psychotic Cyclone: massively increases speed, reflexes, and reaction time to godly levels, but massively reduces all other forms of strength while active.

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