Todoroki One Shots

By frederikkemariefonne

55.7K 1.1K 337

(Not my art) This will be a one shot book, mainly about Todoroki and class 1-A. This story contains: -Angst ... More

Returning Memories
Expected or Unexpected?
Present- or past memories
Is it worth it?
Real or fake?
Pity- or not?
Secrets and despise
Secrets and despise II
Brothers or not?
It's alright
Freezing impact
How It Is
It's alright II
Games or determination?
Games or determination? II
Best bet
Best bet II
Right answers?
Un-usual behavior
Un-usual behavior II
Chosen or not?
Fun events
Sorry's II
Unreversable? II
Way of play
Airing emotions
Flaming trouble
Unreversable? II(I)
Blooming friendship
Another's troubles
Panic and nightmares
Uncurable II
Different comfort
Endings and beginnings
True self?
True self? II
Unplanned trip
Undeniable changes
Returning light
Opposites attract
Unwanted Flashbacks
Models sacrifice


1.2K 26 4
By frederikkemariefonne


Ever since Endeavor got arrested for child abuse, Shoto has been living with Aizawa and Mic. It all seemed to be going well, until a day where his classmates realises some strange behavior in his and Aizawa's actions.

They try getting to the bottom of it, only resulting in new discoveries, which they didn't know whether were good or bad.



Something strange had happened in the dorms, not like the usual strange; when Kaminari would get his head stuck in things (One time it had been a microwave), or when Kirishima would then help him, only making the problem worse.. now that he thinks about it, they should probably dispose of everything in 'Kaminari head size' just to be sure...

No, what had happened, were something no one in class A could of even thought about in their wildest fantasies, it being one of their classmates coming back to the dorms with tears down his face, before he stormed directly towards his room. It in itself was weird enough, but just to top it off, it had been revolving around the classes 'most handsome student', or as some would call him- Shoto Todoro- or should they say; Shoto Aizawa?

About a month back, Endeavor had been under suspicion of child abuse, after having hit Shoto on live TV,  as many people found it weird, seeing their current number one hero hitting a child, and his own at that. His case had been taken to court not long after the incident, the result of it being Endeavor's arrest, with some help from all of Shoto's past memories and scars. Atleast they were helpful in the end..

Seeing as Endeavor had been arrested, and both of his siblings were busy with their own lives- Natsuo being in college and Fuyumi long gone, as she had moved out, there were no one left to look after Shoto. The police had decided to put him into the system, as he were still a minor and therefor couldn't live alone.  

But just as he were about to be enrolled, Aizawa and Mic had stepped up, taking on the role of Shoto's permanent guardians, which led them to where they were now.

Shoto seemingly running through the common rooms, before taking the elevator, probably to his dorm rooms floor. No one really seemed to register what was going on, the door to the outside didn't even get time to close, before it had been swung open again, an rather angry Aizawa stepping inside just after.

Most of the class had decided to ignore him, as they knew he weren't exactly nicer, when he were angry, actually it had been an unspoken rule; to ignore Aizawa whenever he were angry, as talking to him only seemed to make it worse... they had tried..

So when Iida suddenly spoke up, most of the class wanted to choke him, or atleast make a stop to the words leaving his throat- "What is going on Sensei? You seem upset" Obvious much Iida...

The older narrowed his eyes at Iida in a threatening manner, before speaking in the most low tone they have ever heard him speak in, and they knew he were pissed beyond repair.."Where is he?" his voice seemed to go even darker, as he glared around the room, only to get gulps and shivers in responds. Everyone knew how terrifying he could be, but it always seemed to come as a surprise anyway.

"Who Sensei?"

The question hung in the air for a moment, as some students had decided to smack a hand to their foreheads. Iida tended to be dumb- no- oblivious, when threatened, especially by a teacher...

A sigh tore the attention of the teens in the room, as they all turned towards their homeroom teacher, who seemed to be just as dumbfounded by Iida's question, as everyone else. "Shoto, where is he?" His voice seemed even madder than before...

When no one answered, Aizawa decided to activate his quirk, having learned a long time ago, that his students were more- talkative when threatened by his death glare. The second his hair reached into the air, a shaky voice could be heard not far away from where Aizawa were standing- "He ran to his room Sensei! Atleast I think he did..." the student trailed off in the end, but Aizawa decided to ignore it, having gotten the information he needed.

"Thank you, Kaminari" He put some pressure into his students name, as to show his other students that he wouldn't be as considerate the next time they decided to keep quiet. Now, for what he came for..

Aizawa turned towards the elevator without a single word spoken, though the stomps of his feet seemed to tell just how frustrated he actually were, and just as he were about to press the elevator button to call it down, someones voice caught his attention from somewhere in the room-

"What are you gonna do? Can I come with you? Shouldn't you leave him alo-" He didn't need to turn around, to recognize who the rambling voice belonged to.

Aizawa's tone of voice instantly cut his students sentence off, as he were already too tired to deal with any of the things that were happening. "What I am gonna do is between me and Shoto, and Midoriya-" The use of his student name seemed to catch his attention, even as the words leaving his teacher mouth after, made him wish it hadn't. "-if you don't stop the rambling, I will personally make sure you won't be able to ever again" And Midoriya doesn't think he has ever gulped that hard in his life...


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" The voice stopped the others hand, currently hovering just over the wood of Todoroki's dorm door, having stopped it just before landing a knock. He really couldn't have a second of peace to himself?

"I am your teacher and an adult, so if you could just let me do this, I would really appreciate it" Aizawa gritted out between clenched teeth, as he wondered how he had been able to maintain Midoriya in his class for this long. Maybe he could expel him now?... but he didn't really have a real reason to, and Nezu had specifically told him not to expel more student, especially if they hadn't done anything wrong. When did he start listening again?

He watched as Midoriya backed down, instead standing a few feet away from Aizawa, as he were ready to watch what was about to go down.

Aizawa hadn't really wanted Midoriya to follow him up here, as he wanted to talk with Shoto privately... but everyone also knew that getting rid of Midoriya were out of the question, no matter how much he wanted it to happen.

After knocking a few times on the door, they both stilled, waiting for just the slightest answer from the other side, though nothing seemed to come. Is he really ignoring him again? It had been a common thing for Shoto to ignore him after their little 'fights', but he hadn't expected it today of all days.

They waited a bit more, until Aizawa's inpatients seemed to get the better of him, his voice having joined the knocking now- "Shoto? Open the door". Still no answer, when he still didn't answer, Aizawa decided to raise his voice, having learned that Shoto reacted more to his voice, when he did.

"Shoto! Open the goddamn door, I'm tired of this" Some quiet shuffling could be heard from the other side, shortly followed by a hoarse voice- it sure was more hoarse than he remembered...

"Go away" It was simple, and easy to understand, the only problem was just the fact, that Aizawa hadn't gotten what he came for, and therefor wouldn't listen. "Shoto, I'm not saying this again. Get out here!" His voice raised unintentionally more at the end, seemingly catching the teen behind him's attention, as he flinched in surprise. He secretly hoped that it had the same effect on the one behind the door.

When nothing came from the other side, Aizawa thought he were being ignored again, making him almost yell out, before a whisper caught his attention- "Please..." It had almost been too quiet for him to hear, but Todoroki must be leaning against the door. He didn't see another way, that could explain how close the whisper sounded...

Aizawa debated in his head, on whether to listen to Todoroki, or his own mind. He really didn't see which were better, especially when it came to a situation like this. 

He really needed to talk with Shoto now, but he also didn't want the younger to feel threatened-... like he had when their fight was going on...

Just thinking about it, left a bad taste in his mouth.

"Shoto we need to-" His voice were softer now, as his hand hovered just above the door, about to give it another knock, when a voice behind him cut him short- "Can I try?". Aizawa turned around faster than what he thought were possible, only to see it had been his other student.

"I don't think this is- Midoriya just let me deal with this" He tried getting the other to listen. What could he do anyway? If Aizawa couldn't get Todoroki out of his room, how would Midoriya be able to?

"Please, just let me try, I'll talk with him and then you two can make up" He really didn't want to get his hopes up, but he really, like really, needed to get things sorted out with Shoto. And Midoriya seemed genuine in his request, maybe he would be able to it? Aizawa just nodded as he stepped back from the door, giving the teen complete access.

He watched as Midoriya stepped closer, before gently knocking in what seemed to be a small pattern. Had he done this before perhaps? "Shoto? Can I come in, I know something happened" Silence were the only answer he rechieved, and Aizawa began regretting ever letting his hopes rise.

And just as the older were about to take action again, by trying to get Shoto out of his room, the sound of a lock being clicked caught their attentions.

The wooden door creaked open slowly, only just revealing a pair of heterochroma eyes, before it stopped from opening any further. His eyes widened slightly in shock, before returning to their normal monotone look, "Come in".

The words caught Aizawa off guard, but Midoriya simply smiled, before opening the door enough for himself to slip in. Aizawa thought about following, but instantly dropped the idea, when Midoriya's head popped back out the door-

"I'll talk with him, don't worry" A small smile flashed on his face, before the door closed ones again, followed by the sound of the lock. Why did he give them locks again?

The first thing Midoriya noticed, was that Todoroki's room was in complete darkness, not a single light source anywhere to be seen. Even his curtains were down... "Shoto, why haven't you turned any lights on?" He couldn't exactly see the others features, but he could make out where his body frame was in the darkness easily.

"Sorry-" He could see the body moving, before a light was switched on, blinding them both for a second before their vision returned, having adjusted, "-I were trying to sleep". That explains alot...  Midoriya realised how the voice were now coming from behind him, so he quickly turned around, only to get hit with a wave of surprise.

Shoto's eyes were almost all red, the sleeping bags under them not making it seem any better. Had he really been crying that much? What had they argued about? "Is something wrong?", the green haired teen instantly got cut from his thoughts, as he realised how Shoto were looking at something between him and the wall, looking rather... uncomfortable?

"What do you mean?" The words sank into his brain, and he really wanted to smack himself. God it sounded stupid... "It's just- You were starring at me so I thought, maybe something was..." Oh. Midoriya almost chuckled, as he saw Todoroki cast his gaze to the side, the muttering not helping on his own pounding heart. He always seemed to forget how cute this side of him was.

But who could blame him? Shoto never showed this side of himself to anyone else. Not even their own friends. So Midoriya cherished these small moments, especially when he remembered that he were the only person to see him like this.

A chuckle coming from the green haired teen seemed to catch the attention of Todoroki, "What's so funny?" Midoriya really wanted to laugh louder at the way Shoto scrunched his face up slightly, wanting to show his confusion, even if it made him look more puzzled than anything else.

"You're doing it again" He lowered his laughter, as he watched Todoroki get even more confused by his answer. 

The younger tilted his head to the side, as he raised an eyebrow, the questions in his mind not making any sense to him- Doing what? Were he doing something wrong? Midoriya weren't mad at him right? He couldn't stop himself, before his mouth spoke- "Doing what?".

He regretted asking, when a new set of chuckles left the others mouth. He were about to protest, or atleast ask for an answer, when he were cut off, by Midoriya leaning closer towards him. He kept leaning forward, until he got Shoto to back up slightly, making him bent his knees in the process, and as Midoriya were now able to tower over him just slightly, Todoroki couldn't help the slight shiver that ran down his spine.

There really were something about having Midoriya overpower him like this, that made his legs go weak... but he still didn't understand why though. 

As Todoroki were now about Midoriya's height, nothing could stop the older from whispering in the others ear- "You're just being cute again". The words instantly had the effect on Shoto, that Midoriya had hoped they would, as the younger suddenly covered his face with both hands, before sinking to the floor.

The older didn't know if it was out of embarrassment or the fact that his comment had been really cringe. He had a good guess though.


After some time, Midoriya had gotten Shoto off of the floor, and sat on his bed, where they had now been talking for... how long? The green haired teen quickly found his phone beside him on the bed, where he had placed it earlier after having rechieved.. many, many messages from Aizawa about 'how long he were in their conversation', he knew Aizawa were impatient, but he really thought- no, hoped that he would give him some time, without stress.

The time on his phone said; 17:57. It were almost time for dinner... Which also meant that he had been here for.. Midoriya estimated for a moment, before coming up with the conclusion that they had been talking for about an hour, and twenty-two minutes. He liked to get his math right.

But even though they had been here for more than an hour, Midoriya sill hadn't gained the courage to ask about what had happened. Maybe now were the time?

"Shoto?" The boy in question looked up from his lap, before his eyes landed on Midoriya, "Yes, Midoriya?" The way Todoroki said his last name, left a ache in his heart. But why? He always calls Izuku with his last name, why would now be any different?

"You know you can call me by my first name, right?" He watched as the latter's eyes widened by his statement, and he couldn't help but chuckle silently at it.

"I.. I can?" He didn't know? "Ofcouse, I call you Shoto, so you can call me Izuku too" He smiled trying to ease the younger a little, before he would later slaughter him with his many, many, many questions. Maybe cutting a few of them would be better?

"Alright... Izuku" Shoto said his first name in a so unsure tone, that it sounded like he had done something wrong. 

When Endeavor had been arrested, Shoto had told the class about some of the things he went through, especially about how he were used to getting punished for doing anything wrong. Did he think this was one of those times?

Midoriya shook the thought from his mind, before he decided to proceed in his 'investigation'. "Can you tell me what happened between you and Sensei?" The question seemed to catch the two toned boy off guard, even though they both knew he had expected the question.

"We just..." Todoroki averted his gaze from Midoriya towards his bed sheet, suddenly finding it alot more interesting than the older, "It was just an argument, nothing more" he still didn't look up, which only made the green haired teen more worried.

"I don't know what to do Shoto, can't you just help me out a bit?" He had yelled at him, clear distress evident his voice, "   ..come back!..." 

The words were muffled in his mind, he didn't see why though.

He really didn't want to tell Midoriya about what had happened, as he still didn't know himself. His mind seemed to keep mixing up present and past memories, so he didn't even know what had happened anymore, he only remembered a few things that had happened, but nothing else.

Were the memory even from this time, or from the past..?

His mind tried giving him flashes of what had happened, but it didn't make any sense to him-

His father hadn't been there, had he?

The silhouette in his memory, differently wasn't Aizawa's, as it was much bigger. He couldn't put it into words, how much he hated his brain for doing this. This isn't the first time either-

A voice suddenly cut his thoughts, aswell as the hands landing on his shoulders- "Taking into account by the way you ran past in the common room, and the way I know you have been crying, I really don't think that it was just 'an argument'" This time though, he couldn't help it, his gaze almost instantly looked away from the green haired teen infront of him, not wanting to see the disappointed look on his face, when he would find out what had happened.

"Do you wanna go back?! Shoto, answer me..." Who was the voice in his memory? He couldn't make it out, no matter how hard he tried.

"It was, I swear it was nothing more, than just a stupid.. argument" His voice trailed off, as he felt a hand pull his chin, turning his head back towards the older infront of him. "Please look at me" Todoroki's eyes averted again, he couldn't turn his head, but that didn't stop him from looking towards the farthest away wall. The action only earned him a tug by his chin, as Midoriya pulled his face closer.

"When I say look at me, you look, alright?" His tone were alot more dominant and serious now, making a shiver run down the youngers back. He almost forgot that Midoriya had this side too... Todoroki had to suppress a whimper. Something he didn't do often..

"I don't understand why you keep doing this, what do we..-"

He wanted badly to close his eyes by the memory, the look Midoriya were giving him not adding anything good to the different emotions running through his head. But he kept them open, knowing that the other wouldn't take lightly on another... disobedience.

The hand suddenly left his chin, as he could feel the pressure infront of him being lightened, Midoriya having changed his sitting position further down the bed, though still looking directly at Todoroki, as if waiting for a responds. What could he even say?

"I.. I don't remember all that happened, it's more of a blur than my other memories" He expected Midoriya to be taken aback, but the older simply nodded. Understanding...

He knew a bit about Todoroki's 'missing' memories, so it probably didn't come as a surprise. "It's alright, I'll just ask Sensei about it. But.." Midoriya trailed off, leaving the 'but' behind, as if to get others full attention- "I think you two should make up, Mr. Aizawa seemed pretty upset too you know" Upset? Had he made Mr. Aizawa upset?... That would sure count for a punishment..

A hand grabbed at his shoulder rather harshly, though not at the point where it would leave a bruise. The action didn't seem violent at all, just... desperate? He still didn't like the touch though, he knew that. Especially since he could still feel the stinging in his cheek, "Shoto, I'm sorry alright?"

Shoto didn't feel that he were sorry. "What do you want me to do? I don't know what you want or need, just talk to me!" The voice had gotten more desperate by then, the volume having decreased a lot, which only made Shoto see it more violently than it probably was.

He doesn't remember much after that. Just that he had came with a comment, that made his.. opponent? snap.

"You're just like...."

Like who? He really wanted to know by now.

"Are you really comparing me to that-..  .. seriously?-"

More mean comments, and he could already feel the stinging in his chest returning.

It were still a blurry mess...


Shoto will never get used to people calling him by his first name, instead of last name- "Good to see you Shoto, I'm happy that Midoriya were able to bring you down for food" Iida said from across the room, as he seemed to be scolding Kaminari for something again. No surprise there..

He nodded, making Iida turn back towards his previous conversation, though something didn't seem right. Iida had a.. troubled? look on his face. The thought only just crossed his mind, before a hand grasped his shoulder, "Shoto?"

He recognized that voice, but it didn't send him over the edge, like the old one did. Todoroki kept his back turned, to the man standing behind him, not acknowledging his presence at all, which, to his surprise, didn't seem to bother the older, as he simply removed the hand from the youngers shoulder.

"Shoto please, I'm sorry, I knew that what I said wasn't alright and-" A hug cut him from talking, catching him by surprise. "I'm sorry too, Mr. Aizawa.." Shoto's voice trailed off, as they could hear people crowding around them.

"Sensei? Is something wrong?" Kirishima had asked, earning a small smack to the side of his head by Midoriya, "Just let them have some peace, yeah?" The red head had nodded, though his gaze didn't falter from between his teacher and classmate.

Should he do it now?

Aizawa leaned down slightly, so he would be able to whisper in the youngers ear- "Can we talk, in private?" he could feel the nod against his chest, before Todoroki backed up, giving himself space to move through the crowd.

As Shoto moved past, a hand caught Aizawa's attention, from out of the corner of his eye. He could see Midoriya trying to catch, either his, or Shoto's attention. And he already knew why.. "We'll be right back" He tried getting the re-sureness he had learned from Mic to enter his voice, which seemed to work, as Midoriya nodded, before giving Aizawa space to move past too.

He quickly caught up to Shoto, before they both left the dormitory, having decided to speak outside, instead of inside, where all of the noise was. "Listen-" Aizawa tried speaking, but Shoto were already ahead of him-

"I'm sorry. I know it's my fault and that I shouldn't of acted like that, but it all just-" He didn't seem to realise the tears falling down his cheeks, until Aizawa had pulled him into yet another hug, cutting his rambling as it got replaced with quiet sobs instead. "Shhh, I know, it's my fault too, I shouldn't of slapped you like that. I knew you were stressed out, and I still..." He sighed, letting words sink into his own, and Shoto's mind.

Shoto had been stressed that day, way more than any other Aizawa had taken part in. He were pacing back and forth, while Aizawa tried to calm him down. "Shoto? Easy, I'm trying to help you" Shoto flinched at Aizawa's voice, but still kept pacing, he were muttering something under his breath, that Aizawa couldn't make out. "Shoto?"

What happened next, was something he couldn't of imagined-

"Shut up, please! You're not helping me, just.. leave!" The words were flying from his mouth, but he didn't seem to realise what he said. Aizawa tried grabbing at Shoto's arm to stop him from pacing, but the younger shook him off "Just go away!". 

He had seen the clear distress, but hadn't acted like he should of, like a hero should of.

"Shoto, you need to listen to me!" The demand didn't seem to sit well with the younger, as he reacted out of instinct, instead of what he should have-

"Shut up, you're not my dad, stop telling me what to do!" Ice had been flying at Aizawa in the moment, the only thing coming to his mind having been to erase the youngers quirk.

Now that he thought about it, those words really hurt..

"Stop it Shoto!" 

He hadn't stopped.

The moment Aizawa blinked, Shoto had sent a new wave of ice, making him jump back as to not be frozen solid, "Stop it now!".

He didn't stop.

Aizawa had enough. If this kept going something worse could happen.

He hadn't thought it through, he hadn't realised who he were up against. He had forgotten that he were supposed to protect him...

A loud smack had been heard, as the ice suddenly stopped, instead being replaced by a pained gasp.

He had hit him. Hit the one he should protect.

Only when Shoto's hand reached to his cheek, was when Aizawa realised what he had done. He could already see the tears spilling from Shoto's mismatched eyes, panic running through his own veins by the action. "Shoto I'm sorry.." It came out in a whisper, as his hand reached towards Shoto's shoulder, thinking it would calm him down.

How wrong he had been...

The moment his hand landed on Shoto's shoulder, was enough to sent him over the edge again-

He pulled back, pushing Aizawa in the process, as a new set of tears ran down his cheeks, his voice coming out louder than Aizawa thought it could- "Leave me the fuck alone!"

He had been desperate to fix his mistake, yet his intentions hadn't been right..

His hand grabbed Shoto's shoulders harshly, as he tried in the most desperate voice he could muster- "I'm sorry, alright?"

He was, he truly was. But he was so confused at the same time.

Everything was going down, and the words were flying from his mouth like a spitfire- "What do you want me to do? I don't know what you want or need, just talk to me!"

Shoto hadn't talked, he had acted, and he wish that he had let it go.

Shoto shook himself out of Aizawa's grip, before attempting to freeze the olders feet to the ground, failing miserably. "Stay away from me, I don't want your help. I don't want his help. I want to be left alone, leave me alone!"

He remember having tried again, only to get the most hurtful comment he had heard for a long time-

"You're just like him!" It sent Aizawa over the edge, his mouth running faster than his brain- "Are you really comparing me to that asshole! Seriously?! Wow" he yelled out, making Shoto back up  a bit, just not enough to brace himself for the words to follow- "If I'm so much like him, why don't you just go back to him, huh?! Do you wanna go back?!"

He had seen the devastated look on Shoto's face, and the guilt he had felt at that moment, seemed to come back to him. He couldn't even describe how much he regretted saying that..

Shoto had only looked at him as a responds, more tears falling from his bloodshot eyes, as he whispered a last thing, before turning to leave-

"Can't believe, that I ever felt like you were different.." The words had broken Aizawa's heart into pieces, as he watched Shoto run away without looking back.

Now that he thought about it, maybe he shouldn't of become a hero in the first place. Yelling at a broken teenager and slapping him, was something he were trying to protect him from, yet here he are, doing exactly the same things, as Shoto's former abuser. Aizawa couldn't even believe himself anymore..

"Sensei?" A voice whispered, pulling Aizawa from the awful thoughts about his memories. "Yes, Shoto?" He were almost a bit scared at this point. Did he want to say that, he wanted a new foster home? Aizawa wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

"Thank you" The words caught him off guard, giving Shoto a chance to finish, with a small smile on his face "You're nothing like my father, if anything, it has been me who acted like it" His smile faltered at the end, as he seemed guilty. About what? Aizawa didn't know.

"That means alot to me, Shoto. And you're nothing like him, you've just been through more than your brain and body can handle. I'm not mad at you in any way, I really hope you see that" Aizawa's words seemed to calm the younger down, as he relaxed more in his posture and facial expression.

"Thank you.. Dad"


As you probably already know, there won't be coming any chapters the next week, as I will be attending a new school, and won't be able to upload. I will be trying to the weeks after that though, as I'm sure that I won't quit any time soon, it may be harder for me to upload as much though. So I hope you understand.

I also have another story in mind, not a one-shot, it's a new book actually. I will try to write some chapters soon, as they won't be as long as these one-shot, and won't take as much of my time.


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