Heathen (Severus Snape x Read...

By vestiali

53.9K 2.1K 822

Can anyone say enemies to lovers?? In this story, YOU are the main character. You have a large number of frie... More

2 - The Book
3 - Bracelet
4 - Thoughts
5 - Fire Rules
6 - Unhealthy
7 - Avoidance
8 - Long Talks
9 - Slytherin Party
10 - Punishments and Theories
11 - Soulmates?
12 - Nightmare
13 - Caring for the Professor
14 - Sudden Opportunities
15 - It Can't be True
16 - Heathen
16 - Quidditch Results
18 - Confessions
19 - Trusting Minerva
20 - Unwell
21 - Observation
22 - Thoughts (again)
23 - How Dare You?
24 - Divination
25 - Replay
26 - Bad Intentions
27 - Softly Dreaming
28 - Getting Closer
29 - Prank
30 - Trials
31 - Confirmed.
32 - Trashed (No, not drunk)
33 - Fluff
34 - Realization
35 - Haunted by the Past
36 - Promise?
37 - Mentions of a ball?
38 - Dinner Party
39 - Albus, no!
Pls vote for ending
40 - Yule Ball
41 - Last but not Least

1 - Arrival

4.5K 83 16
By vestiali

This is not my first fanfiction ever, however it is my first Hogwarts based one, so bear with me. 🐻

Here are the main abbreviations: Y/N = your name, N/N = nickname.

Some of the other things not listed will be set for you. You are of age in this story, of course.


"Y/N, get your ass downstairs right this second!" I rolled my eyes hearing the loud scream of my sister. "Ugh. Would you calm down? I'm coming." I tucked the last item into my carry on, zipping it up and grabbing it to go downstairs. "You are SO SLOW. Come ON! I'm excited for my first year!" I huffed and walked slower on purpose, just to annoy her.
"Y/N, MY HEAVENS, WOULD YOU WALK FASTER?" I smiled and finished my walk to the kitchen in a normal pace.

"Ready, little one?" her grin grew three times the size it was originally. "AM I?! OF COURSE, I AM! I'M GOING TO HOGWARTS!" I giggled and ruffled her hair.

"You're lucky you're older than me!" she yelled while stomping her foot onto the hard tiled floor. "I am also taller... and braver... and stronger. Should I continue?" She shot me a glare and I returned with a smile. I really was glad she was joining me this year; I could even ask Dumbledore if I am able to show her around, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. "Y/N, stop daydreaming and let's GOOOO." It was now my turn to glare at her, to which she just giggled in response.

"Fine, get your bags." she jumped up and down while grinning, "I AM SO EXCITED!". I rolled my eyes for the second time in the last 10 minutes. "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Let's go." I started walking out to my car, opening the back door for our bags to go in first. "Hand me your bag, I can sit it back here while you get in and buckle up." throwing her bag in my direction, she laughed and flopped into the passenger seat. "You are lucky it's your first year, Amelia, otherwise I would make you walk after that one."

I hopped into the car beside Amelia, allowing myself to buckle up, and turn on the radio before I started it. "Ahem." I heard her clear her throat from beside me. "Oh, dear sister, what can I do for you on this fantastic..." I quickly looked at the clock on the radio. "...morning?" I smiled at her sarcastically, which earned a puppy face from the younger human. "I forgot to eat today." She pouted and batted her eyelashes, trying to get a reaction out of me. I only laughed at her.

"Aw, how sad! Next time you will learn." I smiled evilly, allowing her to stare me down before I looked back at the road, beginning to leave.

(Slight time skip, as the ride would be rather boring for you to read about.)

I ended up stopping and getting food for the both of us. What? I was hungry too! Once we pulled into the train station, I stopped the car and got out, heading over to the back seat to grab my bags. "Here, Amelia, get your bags." She sat in the car still, looking straight ahead toward the train station. I opened her car door and kneeled down next to her. "Lia. Are you alright?" She vigorously shook her head no. "Aw, come on! It will be fun, I promise. If anything goes wrong, I am right here with you." She finally smiled and nodded slowly, getting out of the car and grabbing her bags. "Y/N, can you sit with me on the train? I um... don't have any friends, yet." I smiled back at her. "Of course! You can meet my friends, as well. They're a little odd, though." I winked at her, and she giggled back.

Stepping onto the train, I immediately notice my friends sitting in the second cart down on the right. I sneak up on the door with Amelia to my left. I hurriedly slammed the cart door open, everyone inside jumping, and yelled "YOUR FAVORITE SLYTHERIN IS BACK!". I got many obnoxious stares from people remaining in the aisle, but I did not care, I was just happy to have successfully scared everyone there. "Thank heavens you're here, Y/N. I was beginning to think you forced me to ride this train ALONE." I looked over at Draco, my friend of 5 years- this being my 6th year- and giggled. "Why, of course not, dear Draco!" He raised an eyebrow back at me. "You are being oddly kind today, are you sure you weren't meant to be in Hufflepuff?" He grinned menacingly at me, to which I just grinned back. "Nope, making you ride alone would mean I'd have to walk!" His jaw dropped, and he glared at me. I laughed and flopped down beside him.

"This is Amelia, my little sister." She smiled at all of the people in the cart. "Amelia, this is Draco, Luna, Fred and George.", I pointed to each person as I was introducing them, they all smiled back at her. Luna then spoke up, "First year?" Amelia nodded back, and Luna smiled sweetly at her. Next thing I know, Fred spoke up. "WOO! GET READY FOR THE BEST 7 YEARS OF YOUR LIFE." George laughed and they both grinned at each other. Those weirdos. "Anything from the trolley, dears?" I looked over to see the trolley witch at our cart door. I looked back to Amelia, who shook her head. "Nothing from our cart, thanks!" Luna shouted out. The trolley witch frowned and kept walking. "Hmm, I am going to sleep until we get there. SOMEBODY woke me up early today." I glared at Amelia, who laughed.

I leaned on Draco's shoulder and closed my eyes. Everybody went silent and I could feel the stares. "Oh relax, you weirdos. Why so tense?" I smirked and everyone laughed. I fell asleep in the next 2 minutes or so.

(Another time skip... I know- last one.)

I woke up to somebody shaking me. "Ugh, leave me alone." I heard Draco giggle, and I then fell to the cold seat. "DRACO I AM GOING TO KILL YOU." I sat up quickly, glaring at the blonde boy. He laughed and ran out of the train. "Ah, come on then, Lia." She nodded and grabbed her bags, following me off the train. Lia had to split off from me when Hagrid called for the first years. I told her I would meet up with her later, she was worried but agreed, being too excited to argue.

Finally made it to the front doors. I opened the door, and quickly looked behind me, seeing Draco, I let the door go shut and it hit him right in the shoulder. "OUCH, Y/N!" I stuck my tongue out at him, "Payback." He pouted playfully and jogged to catch up to me. "Such a meanie." I giggled and we made our way to the Great Hall. Once we found our seats, the first years walked in behind McGonagall. "Ooh, here they come." Crabbe spoke up from beside Draco. "Shush it Crabbe, I'm trying to hear!" Somebody yelled from down the table to which Crabbe just stared at the first years.

"Now, once you get sorted, you can then take a seat anywhere at the table of your house. However, Dumbledore would like to say a few words before allowing you to do so." Everyone directed their eyesight over to the headmaster, waiting for him to start speaking. "Good morning, wizards. We have some good news, today." Everyone perked up, excited for new things. "With the greeting of our wonderful first years, we also have a new staff member." I raised an eyebrow, wondering who it would be. "This is the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Professor Lupin." I noticed a man with dirty blonde hair stand. Hm, not bad looking. "Moving on to the sorting!" Everyone cheered and turned their attention back to McGonagall.

"Ahem. Pattinson?" Some young, scruffy boy stepped forward and sat on the stool. The hat then began to speak. "I see...what an interesting mind you have. The first house of the year, let's give it to Slytherin!" Our table erupted in cheers, and the boy looked pleased with his result. "Abigail?" A very fancy looking girl stepped onto the stool, smiling. "Ah, must be...Hufflepuff!"

This went on a few times more before it reached my sister. "Conway." Amelia grinned nervously and stepped forward, sitting on the stool. The hat was placed on her head and it began to speak. "Oh.. I am seeing two very unique choices here." I was not expecting the next words. "Much different from your older sister." Most of the kids around the room, and even some teachers looked at me. Amelia giggled and got everybody's attention back on her. "I ought to make it...Ravenclaw!" I smiled, happy she got her first choice. She deserved to meet friends just like her. She smiled and jumped off the stool, reaching the table and sitting next to Luna.

"Opal." A sweet looking boy grinned and stepped up, being the last to get sorted. The hat spoke before it fully touched the boy's head. "Easy. This one belongs to Gryffindor!" The table erupted into cheers. McGonagall walked up to the teachers table, smiling as she sat next to Dumbledore. He then spoke. "Enjoy your breakfast." Everyone began to dig in.


Hi, again! I plan to update this book pretty often as I'm very into this storyline and have a lot of ideas for it. I hope you enjoy the first chapter. :)

If there's any mistakes I've made, please let me know as I probably skipped over them on accident.

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