Fix me

By Goodvibesgoodcompany

96K 482 24

..... this is a cheryl cole and kimberley walsh story...... not my story originally from GAM...:) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chaptr 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 56
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 58

1.4K 6 0
By Goodvibesgoodcompany

'Oh my God, are you havin' a bubble bath!!' Cheryl screams. She jumps on me, hugging me tightly, both of us laughing.

'Am I having a what?!'

'I can't believe it!' she says breathlessly as we break apart. 'Actual Lady Gaga! Even I've never met her!'

'I couldn't believe it when she walked in.' I laugh. 'She said tell the restaurant I was waiting for Stephanie G... said they'd seat me straight away and they did. Five minutes later she just sat in front of me like we'd known each other years. I couldn't even speak!'

'What's she like?!' Cheryl says eagerly.

Just then, the buzzer goes, and Cheryl jumps out of her skin, grabbing my arm tightly.

'Hey... babe, it's ok...'

Cheryl slowly relaxes her grip on my arm. 'Who is it?'

I walk to the buzzer, watching her carefully. She looks so afraid.


'Hi, just dropping off the car?'

'Oh, of course...' I hear Cheryl sigh behind me. The car had been in for its MOT and was just being brought back.

'I'll be right down.' I say quickly.

'I'm gonna go and grab the keys babe, ok?'

'Yeah, go on it's alright.'

I practically sprint outside and collect the car keys, then run back upstairs, see Cheryl is stood exactly where I left her.

'Sorry Kimba, I dunno what came over us.' She mumbles. 'Don't look like that, you look really upset.' She adds with a nervous giggle.

'Come here, give me a hug.'

Cheryl smiles, doing just that. 'Aah, babe, I'm fine, it just took us by surprise... I was being silly.'

'No you're not... look I'm never going to let anyone hurt you again, I promise.'

'I thought we'd talked about this.' Cheryl sighs. 'It was not your fault, ok?'

'I'm just telling you.'

'It's alright... come on, tell us all about today, I wanna know everything before we go anywhere tonight!'


'So are you gonna be rolling in it then?' Cheryl jokes as we lock up the flat and head out that evening. We're dressed casually, just going for something to eat somewhere quiet.

'I dunno.' I laugh. 'From what she said though, it's a lot of work, but the tour doesn't start until later in the year so I should be able to get a good head start... she's gonna put me in touch with her PA, should hear from her in a couple of days... it sounds like big bucks!'


I turn around at the sound of my name as I reach the car door, and Cheryl gasps behind me.

Kate is stood there. Stood there like she has every right in the world to be there. She takes a step closer.

'What the fcuking hell are you doing here?!' I say furiously. Something had ignited inside me; I can just see red. My blood is boiling. I grab Cheryl's hand and push her behind me.

'I need to talk to you--'

'You need to disappear right now before I fcuking kill you!'

'Kimberley,' Cheryl says behind me 'just get in the car let's go--'

'Cheryl, please hear me out.' Kate says, turning her attention to Cheryl and coming closer.

'Go away!' Cheryl shouts, backing away, pulling me with her.

Without thinking I let go of Cheryl's hand and charge at her. I grab her throat and swing her around, slamming her into the side of the car.

'Don't you dare speak to her!! Don't you dare even look at her, you sick b*tch, how can you come here--'

'Kimberley you're choking her!' Cheryl screams. She's behind me, trying to pull me back. 'Kimberley stop it!'

I swing her around again and I let go, watch as she crashes to the ground, rolling over before trying to get up, coughing.

'You better go before I kill you, I swear to God...'

'Kimberley leave it! I'll call the police, nobody's killing anyone!'

'Drop the charges, please.' Kate shouts desperately.

My whole body freezes. Even Cheryl seems to have stopped breathing.

'What did you just say?!'

I've barely even thought about taking a step when Cheryl stands in front of me, placing her hands firmly on my face. 'Kimba. Baby look at us. Leave it, let her go, stop it.'

I can't take my eyes off Kate. I've never ever in my life felt so angry. But I reign it in. Somehow I see past my fury. Putting my arm around Cheryl tightly, I take a few deep breaths, staring her down.

'Nobody's dropping anything, you're insane if you think that's going to happen. If you don't leave now I'll be satisfied going down for your murder.'

'...I'm sorry.'

I don't move until she is gone, out of sight. I hear Cheryl sigh beside me, burying her face in my shoulder.

'I'm calling the police.'


'She just broke her bail conditions, surely?' I snap. 'She's not getting away with that, she's going back inside if I've got anything to do with it.'

'You can't, she'll tell them you attacked her!'

'I don't care, Cheryl! What if I hadn't been here?'

'I know... please Kimba let's just go out, forget it...'

I shake my head, already holding my phone. 'I'm sorry Cheryl she's not getting away with it, she cannot just come round here like that and expect me to ignore it.'

Cheryl just stands leaning against the car while I'm on the phone, and doesn't move when I hang up.


'What did they say?'

'Not much, but I think they're gonna pick her up. She's in the sh!t now.'

I slowly step in front of Cheryl and stroke her arm. 'I'm sorry Chez...'

'It's ok... if I could stand to be near her I'd probably have done the same... I can't believe she just turned up like that...'

Cheryl sighs and rests her head on my shoulder. I gently put my arms around her, giving her the chance to push me away if she wants to. She doesn't.

'I'm sorry.'

'It's fine. Not like she didn't ask for it.'

'I take it you're not much up for going out now?'


'I've got an idea.' I say, smiling suddenly. 'Get in the car.'


'Trust me, just get in the car.'

'Alright... where we going?'

'You'll see, come on.'


'This was your plan?' Cheryl whispers as we walk slowly through the darkness, Cheryl clutching my free hand tightly. 'There could be anyone here Kimberley...'

'Awh, don't worry babe... all the creeps and murderers don't come out until much later.'

'You're hilarious, really...'

'I know. Here, look come and sit down there.'

I twirl Cheryl around, giggling, holding her hand while she sits down on the secluded bench I spotted amongst the trees and bushes.

'Right then, you hungry?' I open the plastic bag between us and hand Cheryl her Chinese.

'What if something smells it? What if there's wolves?'

I almost choke on the mouthful of rice I've just raised to my lips. 'Wolves?! We're in a public park in the middle of London!'

'You never know, what if a rhino's escaped from London Zoo? Or a tiger, or a gorilla...'

Cheryl watches me, pouting sulkily as I laugh hysterically, wiping my eyes. 'Oh God, I can't breathe...'

'Fine make fun of us, it could happen you know.'

'Awh, babe... if you're scared we can go somewhere else, or go home...'

Cheryl shakes her head, a mouthful of food delaying her speaking.

'I'm only messin', I'm fine. It's actually really peaceful here.'

We eat in silence for a while, both of us appreciating the quiet, the seclusion.

'I'm really sorry about earlier, Cheryl.'

'I knew you were gonna say that at some point tonight.' Cheryl smiles. 'Don't be, babe...'

'She's the only thing that... she makes me lose control. Everything else, I can deal with. But just seeing her walking around like that, at our home... I physically wanted to kill her.'

'And I don't blame you for feeling like that.'

'I can't believe how shameless she is, just standing there like that... I won't let her near you again, you know that don't you? I'm sorry you even had to see her.'

'Let it go babe.' Cheryl soothes, rubbing my leg gently.

'Are you alright though?'

'Of course I am... thanks to you.' She smiles, resting her head on my shoulder. 'I would've probably freaked out if you weren't there.'


We walk around the park for almost another two hours before heading home, laughing and scaring each other with silly stories, just cheering each other up. As we get closer to home, a small group of paparazzi appear, walking backwards in our path, taking pictures and asking questions.

'Cheryl, is it true there was a confrontation between you and another woman earlier this evening?'

'Cheryl, why are you having fights in the streets?'

'Kimberley, were you there this evening when this took place? Is it true?'

'Cheryl was Kimberley involved?'

'Who was she Cheryl?'

Neither of us answer, we just keep walking until finally we get inside, leaving them and their questions and their cameras behind.

'I swear this area was more private when I first moved in.' Cheryl smiles weakly.

'Yeah, then you moved in and they all followed you.... Everyone else in the building must love you for that!'

'Very funny.' Cheryl smirks. 'I'm just goin' to the bathroom babe.'


I'm lying across the bed, reading 'The Catcher In The Rye' for about the hundredth time, when I hear a little cough. Turning my head, my jaw just drops open. Cheryl is stood there, leaning against the door, wearing nothing but some lacy black underwear, one hand on her hip, smiling seductively.

'Like what you see?' she purrs. I can't answer; my mouth is completely dry, but somewhere else is certainly very wet. Cheryl walks slowly towards me, stops at the foot of the bed, neither of us breaking eye contact.

Cheryl climbs slowly onto the bed, crawling up to me with that same smile on her face. She grabs the top of my book and throws it over her shoulder, giggling when it thuds to the floor.

'You gonna stop starin' and kiss us anytime soon?'

I clear my throat quickly, licking my lips. 'That's impossible. You look so... what're you doing?'

Cheryl straddles me and runs her hands under my top, going straight for the back of my bra. She moves her face close to mine, her breath heating my lips. She brushes her lips against mine briefly; too briefly.

'I want you, Kimba.'

'You w - I don't-w-when... we--' I stammer incoherently and Cheryl laughs softly.

'I know you're never gonna initiate it babe... it's ok, I know it's only cos you care so much... but I want you... I want you now.'

I don't have a clue what to say, so I just nod, still staring dumbstruck into her eyes. Cheryl flicks her tongue out, swiping across my bottom lip.

I pull her in and kiss her hard. Cheryl moans as our tongues meet, and before I know it she's pulled my top off and discarded my bra.

She continues kissing me heatedly, pushing me until I am lay down underneath her, then she pulls away. 'Wait here.'

'Where're you going?' I gasp, my hands on her waist.

'I'll be one minute.' She winks. 'Wait here.'

I watch, mesmerised as she backs out of the room. 'Don't move.' She whispers before she disappears from sight.

When she returns, Cheryl has removed her sexy underwear, and walks back to me completely naked, both hands behind her back.

'What've you got there?' I grin, my entire body rippling with goose bumps and anticipation as she mounts me again. She has a wicked grin on her face but I can see something in her eyes that tells me she is nervous.

'D'you trust us?'

'Yeah, course I do.'

'Will you close your eyes?'

'...Why, what're you up to?' I giggle. Cheryl claims my lips in a sweet kiss, lovingly brushing my hair off my face. 'Trust me.'

I close my eyes, my heart hammering. Whatever she is going to do I hope she is quick; I need her.

Cheryl gently takes my hands, kissing the tips of my fingers gently, her tongue occasionally licking across them too. Then I feel something silky on my skin. I can't help it; I open my eyes, and she is staring right at me. When she meets my eyes she smiles, like she knew I wouldn't be able to resist looking.

I watch as Cheryl ties my wrists together, my body shuddering with new feeling of pleasure and lust. Cheryl is watching me with hooded eyes, gently biting her bottom lip. She raises my arms above my head and secures my hands to the headboard, never looking away, like she is asking with her eyes if she can continue. I let her.

Cheryl grins, I think with relief, when she is done. She slides her naked body down and leans in for another long, heated kiss before pulling away and making her way down my body.

She reaches my chest and I let out a long, low moan, closing my eyes as she takes an erect nipple into her mouth. While she sucks and bites expertly, her hands travel down, coming to rest at the button of my jeans.

'Chez, please...' I moan shakily. She briefly looks up, her eyes shining, and she slowly kisses her way down my stomach, removing the offending material at an annoyingly leisurely speed.

I eagerly kick my way out of my jeans, leaving my soaking thong as the only thing concealing my throbbing centre. Cheryl slowly slips her bare thigh in between my legs and another desperate moan escapes me.

'Cheryl, God, please...' I gasp, fervently rubbing myself against her. Cheryl slides her hand past the material and I gasp again, desperately pushing myself at her, needing her.

'Let me take these off...' she whispers teasingly. She does it slowly, but as soon as I can I kick them off myself, as quickly as I can. I pull at the bonds on my hands, desperate to touch her.

Noticing this, Cheryl slowly runs her hand up my leg, before lifting it and hooking it over her shoulder, then quite suddenly she ends her teasing, snail-paced technique, burying her head in between my legs.

I can't help but scream, my body jerking. I close my eyes again as her hands move up my body, cupping my breasts as her tongue goes to work inside me.

It doesn't take me long after that, and I think it is the fiercest orgasm of my life. When she has had her fill Cheryl crawls back up to my level, grinning deliriously. 'Was that alright for you babe?' she says, her voice deep.

'God, yes.' I sigh, still breathless. Cheryl giggles, licking her lips clean, then reaches up and unties me, throwing the material behind her. I take her in my arms, rolling her over. Cheryl squeals and laughs as I roll on top of her, one hand in her hair, the other caressing her bare stomach.

'That was... out of this world.'

'I aim to please.' She grins proudly, pulling me in for another passionate kiss. Cheryl groans as my hands rove over her body. 'Yeah...' she sighs into my mouth. 'Keep going...'

'Don't you worry, I've got no intentions of stopping.'

Cheryl grabs my hand and forcefully places it between her legs. 'Touch me.'

'Hhmmmm... say that again.'

'Touch me.' Cheryl groans. 'Please.'

I briefly delve into her and she moans, her eyes closing, then opening again when I remove my hand. She watches as I lick her honey from my fingertips, her chest heaving with her heavy panting.


I let her grab my hand again, forcing it back where it was. 'Please, Kimba...'

Cheryl gasps, her back arching as I enter her, and she pulls me closer. 'Yes, that's it... oh God...'


Cheryl is still lying in my arms when I wake up late the next morning, bright sunlight straining through the curtains. I feel surprisingly awake, considering we made love until the early hours, and I am content to lie there for as long as she needs to sleep, watching her peacefully, occasionally reaching up to stroke her hair, or lean forwards slightly to kiss her cheek, her nose, her forehead.

Cheryl finally wakes up when her phone starts to ring, stirring reluctantly and rolling away from me briefly to grab her phone. She thrusts it at me and snuggles back into me. 'Tell em to fcuk off.' She grunts, and I laugh before answering.

'Hello, Cheryl's phone... oh, hi... yeah just a second.'

Cheryl opens one eye as I poke her.

'Chez, it's your lawyer.' I whisper. Cheryl sits up then, rubbing her eyes. 'At this time?'

'It's actually quite late on I think... shall I tell her you'll call back?'

'Nah, give it here... hello? Hiya, yeah, what's up?'

I sit up straighter, watching as Cheryl's screwed up, sleepy expression changes to one I can't quite read.

When she hangs up Cheryl just looks at me, her mouth slightly open.

'What is it?' I ask, placing my hand over hers. 'Chez?'

'That was me lawyer.'

'I know that babe, I answered the phone.' I remind her. 'What's wrong?'

'Nothing... no, it's good news...'

'Well, what?' I ask desperately.

'Kate's changed her plea. She's admitted it.'

My mouth drops open at Cheryl's words. 'Are you serious?!'

Cheryl nods. 'She's admitted it... m-me lawyer says I don't have to go to court now... they don't need us. They have me statement and yours, and the evidence... she's admitted it, they don't need us anymore!'

Cheryl laughs a little, as it hits her properly, then quite suddenly she starts to cry, dropping her phone and covering her face with her hands.

'Cheryl! Babe, awh come here, it's ok...'

I envelope Cheryl in my arms and she holds me tightly, just crying. I think it's the relief. I just let her get it out, rocking her gently.

'It's ok now babe, it's over... it's ok, I've got you... I've got you.'

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