Experiment 3 (countryhumans)

By OkieDokie10101

8.1K 148 408

Sequel to the book 1945 Art made by: @YunJins_Polearm Germany with his boyfriend Poland were having a regular... More

Before the book starts
The door to the left
Portal to Earth
5k dollars
Nice try.
Don't mess with Germs
She warned her.
Polish human vs Czech (+more) human
Taiwanese and Austrian threat.
Deal's made
Trust is not the answer
You failed the only rule
1st attempt?
Fun 1/3
Fun 2/3
Fun 3/3
Moments before disaster
Double disaster 1/3
Double Disaster 2/3
Double disaster 3/3
German union
Visible confusion
I'll do it myself.
Failed magic
Coal Black Vision
Authors note
German Union (GU)
Amelie's ending
Almost back to normal
Oh, Canada..


221 5 28
By OkieDokie10101

I've been summoned

Taiwan and Ukraine sat at Ukraine' office again.
'They didn't approve it... should we still go to Earth?' Taiwan asked.
'I'm determined to go.' Ukraine said, 'In fact. We have to go.'

Taiwan didn't know how to feel, she was a people pleaser, and when one action she does that makes the other's mad, it makes her sick to her stomach. It was either pissed off organizations or a pissed Ukrainian.

'Fine.. I guess we will go to Earth. I need to make something first.' Taiwan decided, 'I need to make a contraption that will return us to here without anybody else.. you know they will make us instantly return.' Ukraine nodded. 'Also... Ukraine you might have to work on your hair, I'm not going to be walking on a planet with an ugly minion flag rat.' Taiwan added before leaving. Rude much?

'Taiwan. Your face is literally a stupid blue sun.' Ukraine scoffed.

'Ukraine? Sounds like minion language. Now I'm going to start working on the machine.' Taiwan said before leaving.


Germany checked on his wing.
'Well at least they are fluffy from when I cleaned them.' Germany shrugged.
'Niemcy. You literally got stabbed in the wing and you aren't the slightest bit concerned?'

'Nein, SHEIßE Happens.' Germany replied and Poland blinked multiple time.
'What?' Poland was confused, how could somebody be so chill.

'Should we check on Austria?' Germany asked.
'I mean yeah.. we should.' Poland said before helping Germany up from his chair. They walked to Austria's room and opened the door.
'Hey Austria, how are your wounds doing?'

'Better I guess. I just want to go home mainly.' Austria said while adjusting the bandages on her leg.

'Who stabbed you?'
'No idea... true figure was wearing a hood and a mask.' Austria said, 'Poland I need to tell you something.' Austria said. Poland looked at Germany and Germany nodded before leaving and shutting the door gently.

'We. Can't. Trust. Amelie.' Austria said as she held onto the table for support.

<Other dimension>

Taiwan was working on the machine carefully with Ukraine next to her.
'Ukraine.. can you pass me some water?' Ukraine nodded and took a water bottle before pouring some on Taiwan's head as revenge for the minion comment before handing the bottle to Taiwan. 'Oh you did not just-!'

'Oh yeah I did. That was for the minion flag comment earlier.' Taiwan strained the water from her head annoyed and took off her head band (or whatever the heck you call those in English) and wiped it on her sleeve before putting it back on before drinking some water and putting it aside.
'Wait what colour is this?' Taiwan pointed to a wire. Ukraine looked at Taiwan.

'Green, what? You thought it was orange or something?' Ukraine asked.

'Nah just double checking.. this is an important part.' Taiwan replied before soldering the wire to the board. (I tried soldering before, let's just say RIP to me but hey I made a custom lamp that runs on a small battery and lasts months)

'Ah shit!' Taiwan screamed before swearing quietly in Chinese to herself before taking the water bottle and pouring it on her wrist. 'I put it on the highest setting? You serious?' Taiwan said annoyed before damping the tool in a cold wet sponge and disconnecting the tool. 'Alright. That's it!' Taiwan announced. 'We can go to Earth.' Taiwan smiled proudly.

The door burst open, Ukraine and Taiwan turned slowly towards the door to see an annoyed Hong Kong.

'Taiwan, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?' Hong Kong yelled. Taiwan raised an eyebrow.
'What did I do wrong?' Taiwan questioned her little brother.

'YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS. YOU ARE LEAVING ME BEHIND ALL ALONE?!' Hong Kong screamed angrily at Taiwan. Taiwan was confused, what?

Ukraine took some steps back to an edge, well Taiwan left that part out when telling Ukraine that she went to Earth.

'Hong Kong.. I have to. I need to help them.' Taiwan said, 'I already made a deal.'

'FUCK THE DEAL! YOU PUT YOUR FAMILY FIRST! FAMILY IS FIRST! I CARE FOR YOU TAIWAN. YOU ARE ALL I HAVE LEFT!!' Hong Kong cried. Taiwan glanced away from Hong Kong for a second with guilt.

'Hong Kong, I care for you as well, you are also what I only have left but I need to do this. I promise I'll make it back alive.' Taiwan replied. Hong Kong walked closer to Taiwan.

'THAT 'S A LIE!!! WE BOTH KNOW YOU WON'T MAKE IT OUT ALIVE!!' Hong Kong yelled with angry/sad tears. Hong Kong looked to his side, he saw a broom before glancing at the machine that Taiwan was making. He snatched the broom and walked over to the machine while pushing Taiwan aside.

'I WON'T BE AFRAID TO SMASH THIS IF IT WILL KEEP YOU HERE!' Hong Kong threatened. 'YOU HAVE THREE SECONDS TO DECIDE, TAIWAN.' Hong Kong glared at Taiwan. Taiwan knew that Hong Kong wanted to keep her safe, but she had to do this.

'3.' Hong Kong said, slightly confident that Taiwan will change her mind to stay. Taiwan crossed her arms and keeping her dragon tail low, a way of saying "no".

'Hong Kong-!'
'2..' Hong Kong said, ready to hit the broom, Hong Kong would actually smash it. Taiwan wasn't listening, convinced that Hong Kong wouldn't actually smash her machine that she worked hours on.

'2 and a half...' Hong Kong said, with tears in his eyes. Taiwan's as tearing up too, she did think about it. Last time wasn't a fun time.

'3!!'  Hong Kong yelled, and whacked the machine.. well almost, Ukraine stepped in and and held the broom between.  'LET GO OF IT! YOU WERE GOING TO EARTH WITH HER WEREN'T YOU?!' Hong Kong yelled further.

'Please, no need to yell and respect your sister's decision' Ukraine requested calmly. Taiwan was frozen in shock.

Hong Kong lowered the broom.
'She can't leave!' Hong Kong cried.
'Taiwan is literally older than you Hong Kong... she really wants to do this. We need to help the others.'

'SCREW THEM! I LOST EVERYTHING AND I AM NOT LOSING TAIWAN!' Hong Kong said while running to hug Taiwan.

'Hong Kong. This has to be done, I promise I will come back okay? I promise.' Taiwan promised while putting out her hand. Hong Kong hugged Taiwan.
'You better come back...' Hong Kong said with tears.

'Sorry to ruin the moment but you didn't tell me you had a second brother.' Ukraine said.

'You didn't tell me about your family at all, I found it out myself.' Taiwan scoffed in return while hugging her younger brother. 'Ukraine when are we leaving..?' Taiwan asked.

'Anytime, up to him.' Ukraine said while pointing slightly at Hong Kong.

'In that case it will be never.' Hong Kong responded.

'Okay.. ten minutes? We should double check everything because heading to the machine.' Taiwan nodded and made sure her machine was in tact. 'Is it good?'

Taiwan nodded.

'Got the second machine so NATO and the others can contact us at least once a week?'

'Obviously, what do you think I am? Stupid?' Taiwan rolled her eyes at Ukraine while saying that before picking up her small machine and headed to the experiment 3.

When they entered the room, Ukraine shut the door and locked it to make sure they won't stop the process of going to Earth. Taiwan put the machine on the ground and kneeled under experiment 3 to pull out the machine she uses to communicate with the others. She took out a paper and scribbled the instructions in traditional Chinese and placed it on the top before flipping a lever on the second small machine.

'Ukraine.' Taiwan looked Ukraine and Ukraine stared at her back. 'Put your hand on the machine we are taking to Earth and also activated your magic.' Ukraine nodded and walked over to the machine. She activated her dark magic slightly and hovered her hand on top of the machine. 'Not over the machine dumbass, in this compartment.' Taiwan said while placing some scales in the compartment.' Ukraine rolled her eyes and moved her hand.

'Wait.. you know how to deactivated the magic right..?' Taiwan said, 'I mean I saw you knock out Panama the other day-'

'Yeah no.. no clue.' Ukraine said while trying to smack the magic off her hand. Taiwan walked over.

'Look! An idiot Sandwich!!' Taiwan pointed at Ukraine, Ukraine put her focus on Taiwan.


'Hey, your magic is deactivated! You're meant to distract yourself to deactivated it not focus on it. Idiot sandwich.' Taiwan explained before pressing the button, 'Fight me later if you're so mad, hold onto that machine though.' Ukraine tried to keep her cool and held the machine machine before a white light came from.

<outside the room>

'OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR TAIWAN OR UKRAINE!' China said as he smacked the door.
'Wait me try something...' Singapore said as he took a Bobby pin before trying to pick the lock.
'This isn't working!!' Singapore got annoyed and threw the pin on the floor.

China looked at the Bobby pin before picking it up and unlocked the door on the first try.
'Good idea, idiot action.' China laughed.
'Bad idea, good action.' Singapore glared at China before opening the door, hitting China's head slightly while doing so.

'Shut it. Where the hell did they go?'  Singapore said, they noticed one machine on the floor with a note on it. 'There's a note.'

China's asked over and took the note and read it while translating from Chinese to English.

Dear whoever the hell reads this, I don't care.

Ukraine and I are out "on a road trip". That's right. We are going to Earth. On the other side of the note is how you can call us from this dimension to Earth, downside? You can only call once a week. Time difference is 12 hours so be considerate for my sleep schedule selfish weirdos.

Also while I'm in Earth, take care of Hong Kong, my little brother. Thank you.. not really it's the bare minimum.

From.. your "favourite country" Taiwan <3

'You didn't have to translate it to me.. you know? I speak Chinese too!' Singapore said, 'I speak Chinese, English and-'

'Nobody asked.' China Spat. 'It's too late. We got to go tell the others now..'



Ukraine shook Taiwan to wake her up without success, they were in a dark alley in a city instead of Area 51 like the others. Ukraine was tired of being nice by shaking so she slapped Taiwan hard on the cheek, she opened her eyes.

'Hong Kong what the f- oh it's you.' Taiwan got up slowly. 'Did you seriously have to slap me awake? Shaking was find you know?!' Taiwan scolded lightly.

'Oh please. First of all, I tried that and yo dumbass didn't wake up, second of all.. how did you fall asleep while getting to Earth- that stuff was traumatizing.'

'It's called fainting. I have motion sickness.... Idiot sandwich minion.' Taiwan answered.

'I swear if one more time-!' Ukraine yelled slightly. A man walked by the alley.

'Did I hear someone say-?'

'Yeah you did. You did hear it, we were making a joke.' Ukraine cut the man.

'Oh good.. because I was about to say T-!'

Taiwan shushed the man.
'I'm sorry, but I traveled 12 universes, 24 planets, 59 galaxies and over 100 countries and yet couldn't find who asked for your political opinion.' Taiwan interrupted before pushing Ukraine slightly.

'Come on. Move your ass out of this crusty alley, I'm not getting robbed by any weirdos today, you look like a robber, no offense.' Taiwan gestured to the man she interrupted before leaving.

This was a quick chapter I did today, hope you liked it ;-;

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