Timeless [Yuuki Konno X OC]

By SkyCometValstrax

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The name 'Zekken' has spread across Alfheim, of a swordsman whose skill rivals even the most battled-hardened... More

Chp. 0 - From You To Me
Chp. 1 - Curiosity
Chp. 2 - Encounter
Chp. 3 - Skirmish
Chp. 4 - Memories
Chp. 5 - Realization
Chp. 6 - Echoes
Chp. 7 - Moonlight
Chp. 8 - Red
Chp. 9 - Merchant
Chp. 10 - Asuna
Chp. 11 - Phobia
Chp. 12 - Deception
Chp. 13 - Defiance
Chp. 14 - Determination
Chp. 15 - Unity
Chp. 16 - Failure
Chp. 17 - Hosaka
Chp. 18 - Merida
Chp. 19 - Fight!
Chp. 20 - Yuuki
Chp. 21 - From Me To You
Chp. 22 - School Daze
Chp. 24 - Meru Zena
Chp. 25 - Homura
Chp. 26 - Moving On
Chp. 27 - United Duelling
Chp. 28 - Growing Warmth
Chp. 29 - Starting Line
Chp. 30 - The Cold Sniper
Chp. 31 - Thinning the Herd
Chp. 32 - Revenger
Chp. 33 - Expectations
Chp. 34 - The Twelfth Finals
Chp. 35 - Zekken Vs. Sinon
Chp. 36 - Quarter Finals
Thank You + Future Arcs
Chp. 37 - Malzeno
Chp. 38 - Flash of Lightning
Chp. 39 - The Finals
Chp. 40 - In The Aftermath
Chp. 41 - Our Way
Chp. 42 - The Day After
Chp. 43 - A Sticky Situation
Chp. 44 - Bear Fists
Chp. 45 - Vestige of the Past
Chp. 46 - Down in the Dark Below
Chp. 47 - Harbinger of Destruction
Chp. 48 - Legend Resurrected
Chp. 49 - Thus Kindly Scatter
Chp. 50 - Heart to Heart
Chp. 51 - Gunland
Chp. 52 - Dance of Scarlet and Violet
Chp. 53 - Purpose
Final Arc Prologue
Chp. 54 - Ordinal Scale, Activate!
Chp. 55 - Kagachi, the Samurai Lord
Chp. 56 - Delete
Chp. 57 - Disappearing Act
Chp. 58 - The Dire Tusk
Chp. 59 - Once There Was a Land of Sword
Chp. 60 - Shinobi in Green
Chp. 61 - Former Knight Vs. Former Orange
Chp. 62 - Asura the Executioner
Chp. 63 - Break Beat Bark
Chp. 64 - The Place We Should Have Reached
Chp. 65 - Catch The Moment
Chp. 66 - Timeless

Chp. 23 - Memento of Yore

320 11 10
By SkyCometValstrax

[IRL, Hoshikawa Station]

[Malzeno's POV]

I really didn't like trains, more so how crowded they can be, but finally, we were free as I stretched out a long sigh. "Maaan, that was uncomfortable, swore someone was looking ready to swipe you," I relented as Yuuki laughed for the first time since we left. Whatever it was she wanted to see, it was plaguing her thoughts.

~Well, I know you'd come rescue me anyway, so I wasn't worried~ She complimented, making me laugh embarrassingly. ~Never taken a train in years so the sights were really fun to see, forgot how big Japan can be...~

"Imagine flying through the air though? That would a sight," I pointed out as I walked forward in the cool afternoon breeze, tucking my red jacket over my uniform. My blazer was in my bag so I could feel comfortable in my... well, comfort hoodie. 

~Yeah...~ She sighed. ~Sorry for making you humor me like this. Is your family okay with this?~

"Hm? Why wouldn't they be? My Mom's doing alot better after a surgery she had so she said for me to, and I quote, 'be a gentleman', pfft, like I don't do that already!" I snarked but I knew my Mom cared, "Besides, exploring on my longboard's fun, now I have a travel companion, so it's a bonus,"

Taking out the black wood that was jutting out from my bag, I held it out for Yuuki to see. ~Oooh, I've never really used one before~

"I assure you I have only nearly died twice," I put my hand up in a solemn vow. "Now then, where to, Cupcake?"

~Um...~ Clearly recalling where to go, I listened, and the second I was given a direction I gave a running start before zipping away on the longboard, keeping a mild pace as to avoid any accidents with the camera. 

This whole area was brand new to me, so I took my time to give Yuuki a good view of the area while I skated down streets and shopping streets, keeping my distance from people as Yuuki guided my feet, like her arm was pointing over my shoulder the whole time. Due to my speed compared to walking, say for any inclines, the sun was only just beginning to touch the horizon as I slowed down a little.

"Tsukimidai... could it be around here?" I pondered, not sure in which direction was best.

~Yeah... there's a white house around the corner up there. Stop in front of it~ By now, how Yuuki expressed very little emotion, and that obvious tell, I figured out why we came here. 

"We have arrived at our destination," I chimed after one last kick off the ground, soon, I skidded to a stop before a large, white house that appeared to be abandoned by the state of the garden and porch around the perimeter. "So, this was your place?"

~Yeah. I never thought I'd see it again~ Her voice was barely a whisper, the thoughts running through her head must've been heavy. ~Thanks for bringing me all the way here, Kazuki~

"Anytime - speaking of..." I picked up my board before approaching the lot.

~W-wait, just seeing it w-was enough, honest!~ Yuuki tried but I had the power to move of my own accord so I stepped past the hedges to look around, noting the fallen plant pots near the doorway. 

"May I remind you, the round trip is quite the distance, so better to make the most of this until we can stop by next time," I replied, moving to fiddle with the door handle, it didn't budge. With a shrug, I turned to shift the one standing pot aside, and to no one's surprise, a key was there. "I'll be keeping that," Beforehand, I walked around to the back garden as Yuuki sighed softly.

~We only lived in this house for little more than a year. But I remember each and everyday from that time so clearly~ Yuuki sounded like she was smiling again. ~My sister and I always used to run around and play on the lawn~ 

I sat down on the one standing deck chair as she reminisced. ~We had barbecues and even built bookshelves with Dad! Those were good times~

"A bookworm to your core, cute," I teased, listening to her laugh in my ear. "Now, how's about we see how things are inside?"

~Y-you sure? Place is probably a mess...~ 

"Your call, it is your house, no?" I flicked the key up and back into my hand as Yuuki hummed. 

~...that's true, uh... sure, let's go!~ With that burning passion, I stood up and doubled back to the entrance, and within seconds, we had made it through the door with ease. Inside was pretty spacious. The hall led to a living room on the right with a doorway just ahead of me leading into the kitchen with a dining room to the left of the living room. Several shelves with items and pictures decorated the dark home, the hallway continued to my left, with a stairway not far and several other doors. ~It's exactly how we left it...~

"No one but family would've been here, so I imagine they didn't touch it for that reason," I replied, pulling out my phone to shine a light on everything, giving us a better view of the photos. "Huh, so they're your parents?" A kind-looking woman with long black hair, and a tall man with sharp features and short dark brown hair. 

~Mmhm, Mom and Dad were strict but kind, I think I got my love for books from my Dad, my sis definitely adopted Mom's maturity more than me, hehe~ Yuuki giggled as I lifted one frame that had just an image of her and Aiko, there was a subtle height difference, with the eldest twin being taller, not to mention the ponytail. Yuuki had short hair which looked really good for her.

I laughed slightly as I put the photo down, a funny thought coming to mind at our predicament. ~What? Is something wrong with our picture?~ Her tone was sharp as I shook my head.

"Just think, this would be the perfect set-up for the whole 'brought a boy home' sorta scenario, dontcha think?" I grinned as I heard Yuuki groan in pain. With a mocked sigh I placed a hand on my chest. "I didn't believe I caused you this much discomfort, Ms Konno?"

~Stop, use my first name!~ She whined but I could tell she was hiding her laugh desperately. ~A-and for the record, my parents would be totally chill with a guy like you, maybe the odd question, but completely cool about it!~

"Is that before or after I'm given the 'hurt our daughter and you're dead' talk ooor...?" I cocked my head dramatically.

~Like I'd know, I-I never had f-friends over so...~ Right, being bullied definitely didn't help that notion. 

Instead, I smiled, and added softly. "Well, you've got me, my friends, Asuna, and the Sleeping Knights, that's more than plenty - oh, and you look really cute with short hair, Cupcake,"

~Eh? W-what's with the compliment, n-not that I mind just really outta the b-blue?~ Yuuki stuttered as I shrugged.

"Just speaking the truth," With a final look around, I asked. "Anything else you want to see?"

~Maybe my old room?~ She offered to take me to a sacred place, oh boy. I slapped my cheeks and steeled myself for this challenge. ~It'll be nice to remember it before it's torn down~

"Huh, why's that?" I asked while climbing the stairs.

~My aunt wants to put a convenience store here or sell the property. It's why I wanted to see it one last time before that happened~ Despite the sour note this left in my mouth, Yuuki sounded happy, or was it content? ~I was fine with seeing it, but... knowing they kept it as we left it is really touching, it feels like I've stepped back in time, y'know?~

As I made it up I grinned, feeling my face heat up at my spicy thoughts. "Welp, only one solution!" I put my hands on my hips as Yuuki made a noise of surprise. "You're fifteen now, so when you turn sixteen just marry someone you love and boom! They can own the house and keep it standing - man I am a genius!"


[Yuuki's POV]

"Pfft hahahaha! T-That's the craziest idea yet!" I nearly doubled over in a fit of hysterics at his idea. It was smart but the idea was pretty insane. Without thinking I just let my words spill out. "Besides, who would I even be with? Not many guys can keep up with my antics after all,"

~Hm, true, what about Jun?~ Kazuki said probably with a straight face. 

"What!? No way-!" I waved my hand dismissively with a roll of my eyes. He's a real good guy, and I loved him to bits but 'love-love' that's... definitely not it. "-a child like that won't do!"

~Haha! Well, not my pride on the firing line~ Kazuki mused, then raised an 'OK' sign to the camera. ~Very well, as a side-quest, getting you a husband is a go!~

I grunted at that idea, "You dare..." But then, I felt my mind wander as he approached each door in sight to quickly check each one since I didn't reply to tell him my room was the last at the end of the hall. "...what about you?" The questioned rolled out without me thinking about it. 

~What about me?~ He replied. 

"...you know... being with me?" Why was I starting to get all flustered again? Grah, it's like when those girls in Asuna's class started asking if we... were... a thing. My face slowly reached a boiling point as I coughed with an anxious laugh. "S-sorry, sorry, really weird questio-"

~You... really be okay with me?~ His question was... withdrawn. Was he nervous about me? ~I-I'm flattered but... I'm not that great of a person, I've made alot of stupid mistakes, both here and in SAO. Hah, any wonder why several girls hang around Kirito, he's pretty cool in his own right when he's not being the 'lone wolf' time to time~

Where'd all this come from? So Kazuki was really insecure? I've seen him nervous, and it was cute, but this was different, he genuinely didn't see himself as anything more than an annoyance, but I thought it was a good show of his persistence. With a warm smile, I decided to return the favour for all he's done for me. "That's not true," He stopped, clearly leaning against a wall. 

~I spent three days wallowing over every possible issue, and... I can't just create miracles from thin air, I'm not much of anything outside of Full Dive~ Kazuki huffed. ~Merida was talented, smart, and you've seen how good she is in Full Dive, she's always been the one I wanted to be like most. But I'm afraid I can never be like her. H-How do you become someone that great? That brave? That... selfless?~

I could hear how his voice cracked, and I wanted every reason to hold him to help him, but all I could do was press my hand to the screen, facing the side of his face as he bit his lip, looking up. "I wanted to be like Aiko for so long. I even made my hair long in ALO to feel closer to her even now, but she will always be stronger than me, smarter, more mature, I... can never be like her. And you can never be like Merida," He needed to hear this, I wanted him to hear this.

"Kazuki, you're so strong, you didn't give up in helping me and my friends with our crazy goal, and we won as a result! I pushed you away because I didn't want you to feel burdened by my death, and yet, you came back, you ran back without a moment's hesitation," My smile was growing as my heart pounded in my chest. "I got to go to school again, to see my home before it would disappear, I can't ever thank you enough for this!"

"So you see? You can't be like Merida because you already are amazing in your own way! That's what I believe," I heard him sniff, rubbing his eyes as a tiny smile crept onto his lips again. I placed a hand to my heart. "Back when we used to live in this house, Mom used to say this to my sister and me after prayers, 'God would never subject us to suffering we couldn't bear',"

"But, I was just a little bit resentful. Rather than a quote from the bible, what I really wanted was for Mom to talk to us with her own words," I smiled, that feeling of warmth building in my chest. "But you know, seeing this house again, I get it now, it wasn't with words, Mom was enveloping us with her feelings. She was praying all that time for me to be able to walk straight and strong till the end,"

"I finally understand that now... and she was right," His emerald eye met the camera, he couldn't see it, not yet, but I poured this strange feeling into my voice. "I've endured this long to meet you,"

He was silent, I watched as Kazuki moved without a word to the final door, my room. He knocked twice as if he needed to ask to enter, I made a noise of consent, and he twisted the handle to open up the light of his phone to my room. It was about as average as it gets, but with many more bookshelves still filled with all sorts of books I've read in that year alone. My bed was still made, and my desk was still cluttered with office supplies, pages, and books from my old school. 

~I'm not really that religious, but...~ Kazuki murmured, and I saw a smirk on his cheeks shine through. ~...I think your mother had it right. Whatever you want to call it, I'm glad... that we got to meet, Yuuki~ 

My heart fluttered at his answer, and I lowered my hand from the screen to tug around my legs tightly, he easily made me feel all hot and fuzzy inside, I had an idea what I was feeling, but that was another day. 

~Because of you I... could make a connection to my sister again that I lost, something I wasn't strong enough to do alone... she passed away two months after SAO began, I... was so lost after that - I... still have so much I can't face... how do I even become as strong as you?~ He said that like I had any idea myself... but I appreciate it. 

I frowned a bit, looking down at myself. "I'm... not really that strong or anything... not at all,"

~Huh?~ He said this as he scanned through one of my notebooks on old drabbles and school work, I didn't really mind. 

"See, back in the real world... I think I was always trying to play a role that wasn't me," I chuckled slightly, seeing his shoulder shift quickly at my admittance. "I didn't want my Mom or Dad to feel sad, so I thought I always had to be cheery,"

Kazuki sat on the edge of my bed, notebook in hand. ~I see... just like Merida did for us~ That I knew too, my sis, my parents... they were doing the very same for me.

"But... this is what I think, so what if it's acting? If that helps me to go on smiling even a little longer, then it shouldn't matter at all!" I knew I was smiling, but I still hugged my legs close, feeling my heart clench the way it did. "I mean, this I don't have much time left... it seems like such a waste of time to hold back. I can't help feeling that way,"

Then I threw my arms wide, seeing the full view of my room left to gather dust and the cold, there was probably no electric so my home was cast in a dull darkness. "Why not just start out by clashing with people with a bang? I don't care if they have a problem with it. Because, either way, I can get real close to their heart, right?"

Kazuki laughed once at that, ~Don't I know it, you promptly chipped away at my pride until I caved under the might of 'Zekken the Absolute Sword'!~ That awful knight-like voice made me snicker. ~That crushing defeat led to that lost connection to my past, like I said, and to you... someone I never can imagine ever not meeting~

What's with this guy making me feel weird and fuzzy when he's all sentimental? Given all he's done for me, I... can't say I don't feel the same about him. The goal he wants me to achieve, if always felt so unrealistic, and yet, I wanted to try, to live just a little longer... with him.

"I didn't do anything... you were the one," I replied.

~How so?~

"I ran when you found out the truth, I cut myself off and yet you kept chasing after me, you reached me when I was so afraid to hurt you - you cut through my walls, even now you've done nothing but pave a new way to live that I had no reason to follow... it's me who wants to know how you're so strong, how you can stomach the fear that I may die and leave you," That was something I never wanted, but Malzeno and Kazuki are so stubborn, it was that trait they shared that brought me here.

A hand then appeared on the edges of the camera lens, hearing him sigh with relief, like a big weight lifted. ~...then I'll return the favour... by telling you... who I was~

My back straightened up at this, seeing his frown out the corner of the camera. Turning it as far as it could go, I now saw the look in his eye, fear, anger, sadness, so many mixed feelings trying to shift into focus as his hand moved away with a tremble. My smile remained, touching the screen gingerly.

"...then I'll listen; I want to know who you are, Kazuki, please," No regrets, I want to hear his story, the person that wants to save me. 

He shuttered a breath, nodding to me. ~I need some air while I talk... but this I'll tell you~ 

Taking another breath, he stood up to leave, clutching my notebook as I saw his reflection on the mirror on my desk, the guilt that dripped from his expression like blood. 

~In SAO... I-I was... an Orange Player~

[To Be Continued...]

[Author's Notes]

Quite the long chapter, the context in this part of the story is just not worth cutting, even if it takes me ages to write one chapter. But this'll be an original chapter up next. I decided to add a few extra bits to Kazuki's and Yuuki's talk around her home rather than just outside. But now we'll get to see a piece of the life he once had in the Death Game.

With that, I hope you enjoyed, I appreciate the support; seeya in the next chapter, readers!

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