Two Strangers #Book 1 *EDITIN...

By Ann-jey

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His hot breath against my skin made me snap out of my thoughts, especially when he placed both hands on my ch... More

1. Between You And Me
2. The Obnoxious
3. Stuck In My Mind
4. Humanity
5. Saviour
6. Drunk
7. Kidnapped
8. Old "Friends"
9. Mystic Falls
10. Hallucinations
11. Last Fight
12. The Salvatores
13. Forgiveness
14. Returning Back
15. Cheers, Darling
16. Life With The Originals
17. Shadows From The Past
18. Heartbroken
19. Too Late
20. Running From Death
21. Always After You
22. Turn It Off
23. Do You Remember?
24. The Way It Is
25. My Aching Need
26. Sympathetically Apathetic
27. Mind Tricks
28. Goodbye Memories
29. A Gamble Worth The Risk
30. Torture You Until You Break
32. The Mistakes We Made
33. Mother Is Back
34. Destroy Them First
35. Almost
36. Old But Gold
37. The Strength Of A Mikealson
38. All You Need Is A Helping Hand
39. Long Time No See
40. When The Flower Lost Its Innocence: Part 1
42. When The Flower Lost Its Innocence: Part 2

31. Brother-To-Brother

2.6K 47 10
By Ann-jey

Davina's POV:

The next morning, the first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was the lack of Kol's presence beside me.

I frowned a bit but, knowing that he kept his promise from last night, it was enough to put a smile on my face again this early in the morning. I buried my face under the covers, perhaps a bit afraid that someone might see my red face. After so long, it finally felt like a good day to start.

“Oh my god, it does stink Kol everywhere in here. I can smell him to an overbearing extent.”

Being drowsy no more, I sat up and flopped the covers. Stunned by the sound of the voice, I refrained from showing too much of astonishment, but indicated my confusion blatantly.

“Rebekah? What are you doing this early in the morning here?”

Rebekah, with folded arms, walked in the room without any resistance, her eyes curiously darting around the attic. She didn't seem fazed by my reaction or the fact that she had come here out of the blue, at this hour.

“Just had to check where my brother slept last night,” she nonchalantly replied, “Marcel told us you two would be coming from a trip together. It was weird to hear that, but, I can't say I'm surprised to see that he ended up here with you.”

Finally, her gaze rested upon me. I furrowed my eyebrows, staring back at her quizzically. She had this unidentifiable glimmer in her eyes, a bit sly and cheeky. She stood for a while like that and then suddenly grinned, focusing her gaze elsewhere as she sighed in defeat.

“I don't even want to know what happened last night here, but–”

“What? Nothing happened, Kol just–”


I paused. There we went again and shared a common look, hers a bit more softened and approachable than the one from before.

“I'm just glad that you two ended up together. It's enough for me to know that my reckless brother is happy and that you are too. But if he starts treating you unwell, tell me immediately. I'll take care of him.”

That was one hell of a morning to have, alright.

Chuckling awkwardly, I shook my head, “It's fine, Rebekah. Thank you for understanding, though. But, anyway, why are you really here? It can't be just for Kol, right?”

She sighed and then abruptly, cracked a bright smile. With wide open arms, she motioned for me to come in or a hug. I stood confused, not sure what was going on.

“Of course. Happy birthday, love! Now come here for a celebration hug.”

Feeling a bit lost, I returned the smile and indeed wrapped my arms around her. Rebekah squeezed me as she let out a happy squeal and patter my back. It really did feel for a second there as if I was hugging an older sister or a very dear person to me. Then again, Rebekah had become a shoulder for me to lean on me she had always been there to listen to me.

With those thoughts, my smile widened even more. I pulled back, yet we were both sharing the excitement on our faces.

“Wait, how did you know today is my birthday?”

“Marcel told me and also we both agreed to throw you a birthday party. It's a very important occasion, after all.”

It was bewildering hearing all this information at once, I slowed her down, “Wait wait, a birthday party? I don't really like the idea of it, Rebekah. Parties are a bit–”

Davina, listen to me,” placing her hands on my shoulders, “You won't have to worry about a thing. I'll be taking care of organising it, even Kol agreed to assist me. You won't ruin that amazing cooperation, will you?”

I couldn't believe Marcel was so quick to tell Rebekah about the trip and my birthday. And if she knew, that meant her siblings did too. I didn't know if that was a good thing or not, yet again, I couldn't be rude because of Marcel's good intentions.

“Where is it even going to be held?”

“Our mansion. Tonight.”

“What? Rebekah, this is too much, I–”

“Oh for god's sake, Davina, shut up and let the people who care about you do something nice for you.”

I sighed. A birthday party.

I always spent my birthday with my parents.

It was a memory linked to them, but I knew I couldn't start mopping around again because of that. Maybe this birthday would be different. With different people whom I had met and loved ever since I came in New Orleans.

Eventually, I made up my mind.

“Alright. It's hard to say no when you're being so persuasive like that, Rebekah.”

Proud as she was, Rebekah gave me another hug. She was genuinely eager about this and her excitement had changed my mind slightly for that party, after all.

This day would definitely be an interesting one.

~ • ~

Kol's POV:

"So... What did happen on that trip, Kol? I am plainly curious."

Indeed, Rebekah was already curious when we met later that morning, after she claimed that she had just visited the little witch in the attic. She was too nosy, nothing new there, but I knew avoiding her would only have worse consequences for me.

So I did what I did best. I smirked.

"You aren't afraid of asking anything, are you Bekah?"

"Well I know you won't tell me by yourself unless I ask you. Apparently I have to beg my brothers in order for them to talk to me about their lives."

"Touché. Alright, then. I'll tell you the short version. Davina's accident wasn't an accident. It was a trap."

Rebekah looked annoyingly confused.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I mean that when the police arrived, they didn't find the other driver inside his car. And Rebekah, I know what I saw. My memory never fails me. I know when I found the little witch the driver was in the other car, dead." 

"Who told you that?"

"I compelled a guy from a bar to tell me. We found the grave of Davina's family but we don't know anything about the other man," I admitted and Rebekah heaved a sigh.

"Poor thing. She has gone already through much as it is and now she learns this."

I kept my lips shut, preferring not to talk any further about the matter.

We had just walked in the mansion, when we found a very irritated Klaus talking with a very sullen Elijah. Again, nothing new here.

"Good morning, brothers," I greeted them, already knowing where this conversation was heading to.

"Oh well, there is our brother who left suddently for vacation. How was your trip, brother?" Nic, caustic as ever, was quick to speak first.

"Are you degrading my research trip? That's unfair, Nik."

"You can call this however you please, Kol, but while you were away some unexpected issues arose."

"Again? And what happened this time?" Rebekah replied worriedly and I simply stood by watching them talk.

Elijah massaged his temple and took a big breath before explaining to us.

"The witches of the French Quarter located a source of dark magic."

"In New Orleans? Is that supposed to be shocking?"

"Well, Kol, we all know about dark magic. Our mother was well-known about her witchcraft. She had great knowledge of the darkest kind of magic and now, a similar one appears here," Klaus retorted.

"So what are you hinting at? That mother is back?"

Rebekah looked away uncomfortably at the mention of her. Couldn't blame her, really.

"We can't be sure of anything yet. Marcel and his vampires are searching for clues and they're trying to get some help from the witches," said Elijah calmly and Rebekah left a  sigh of exasperation.

"Well, whatever. Tonight, we will be having the party for Davina and I don't give a bloody damn if Esther decided to come back from the dead for a second time!"

Klaus looked at our sister amused, grinned and, completely unfazed by the whole ordeal, clasped his hands behind his back.

"Well you can do whatever you want, Rebekah, but I can't attend tonight."

"Really, Nik? And what's so important that can't wait for a night?"

There was a brief second of eye contact between Elijah and Klaus, something between the lines me and Rebekah were not able to grasp.

Elijah knew something about Klaus's sudden statement, about that so-called important thing he had to do tonight. I arched my eyebrow. Is that also what they were arguing about for before we came?

I decided not to raise any objections.

However, Klaus truly unexpectedly explained anyway.

"Ever since Kol and Davina had left, our other brother, Finn, has been missing all day. He comes back late at night, and leaves again. Tonight I am going to keep an eye on him."

"Our brother has secrets? And what, because he is out all day does that mean he is hiding something?" I scoffed.

"You're not getting the point here, Kol," Elijah came to his defense, "Connect the dots. It's a pattern, once you see."

"Oh for God's sake just say it already! What is it?" if there was another person more impatient than me, that would definitely be Rebekah. And she just proved it.

"What Elijah means is that it all happened the same day. The moment the French Quarter witches located that source, the night Kol and Davina Claire left the city and the first time Finn had gone missing was the exact same day. It can't be a coincidence, can it?"

"Then you are suggesting our brother is working behind our backs?" I voiced what they had been hinting at the entire time. Rebekah looked stunned, while Elijah and Klaus just stood there unperturbed.

"That's outrageous!" Bekah groaned, "Finn wouldn't do–"

"But it's not like he hasn't done it before," Nik instantly replied sharply.

Silence fell in the room.

We all knew how wounded our broken past with each other was. Trust had lost its meaning when it came to the Mikealsons, so it was always a matter of time when it would be shattered once more. However, Rebekah never ceased believing in our ridiculous family bond.

Then... if it was just her, what was I doing here?

"Why did you all go silent all of a sudden? It's not like you don't know, " Klaus was the only one who didn't even faze or turn his gaze away from us.

"But that's kind of ridiculous, isn't it?" Rebekah shifted the subject to something else, "The fact that he's not here most of the time doesn't prove anything. We're all outside for the biggest part of the day. Does that mean we're all hiding something from each other? Finn was always just an introvert. He prefers staying alone."

"Maybe we are," Nik mocked.

"We are what?"

"Keeping secrets from each other."

Klaus was looking at me. I chuckled, finding his assumption tragic.

"If you want to imply something, Nik, say it openly. I don't mind at all."

Rebekah instantly bolted right between me and Klaus, placing her hands on our chests.

"Hey, don't you dare fight again. Enough with that, okay? If what you're saying is true and Finn is connected to that source of magic, then we can just ask him."

Elijah crossed his arms. Klaus just sneered.

"Oh of course, Rebekah, how couldn't we have thought about this sooner? I'm certain our cryptic brother will be delighted to share with us his conspiracy plans! Elijah, we have a new task at hand."

The oldest brother just sighed, probably exhausted by the rest of us and Nik's theatrical reaction.

"Niklaus, stop this. I do understand what Rebekah is trying to say."

"Not you too, brother," Klaus rolled his eyes, "I can handle if Rebekah is the only mental person here, but I expected a rational reaction from you."

Elijah continued, "I do want to trust Fin, Niklaus. But, Rebekah, if that magic is linked to Esther and Finn is behind this, I am afraid we cannot confide in our brother any longer."

"Well, what about you, Kol?" Klaus smirked, "You have experience with backstabbing. Please advise us on how a traitor's mind works."



Elijah was the one who silenced us down. Better that way, because if he hadn't popped between us, Klaus would have woken up with no heart the next morning. Weird how he made me feel so bloodthirsty all of a sudden. Must have been the smug look on his face I so badly wanted to wipe off.

"This has gone on forever. Niklaus, you and I will be heading outside tonight to find where Fin has been going this whole time. Rebekah, please do organise that party. We must diverse any kind of attention from us, act like everything is normal. Kol, I trust that you do the same as well."

Rebekah grunted, yet mildly nodded in agreement. I looked away, losing interest in talking with them. Klaus was still proudly staring at each one of us, as if he had won an imaginary debate in his head.

"Well then, I'll be off. Send my best regards to Davina Claire."

Klaus left with no further word. Rebekah was next.

"And I have a party to take care of. See you later and, be careful, Elijah. Don't let him do anything reckless."

I sneered and Bekah shot me a death glare. As if Elijah could stop Klaus from killing anyone, even our brother.

Elijah looked at me, the only other person now in that living room. He approached me slowly and chuckled under his breath, as if nothing had happened in the past ten minutes.

"So, Kol. How was your trip with Davina Claire?"

I smiled in the same polite manner of his, with the exception that mine was meant to be sarcastic.

"Brilliant. But I suppose that's not what you wanted to really ask, is it?"

"You're right, it wasn't. Your relationship with that little witch is none of my concern. But I do hope it ends well, for her sake of course."

"Why thank you, Elijah. Don't worry, I'll do my best not to kill her."

He smirked, used to my sarcasm.

"What I want to say here, Kol, is that you equally matter to me just like the others. I don't want you to feel secluded like before. We're family, and a family stays together."

A family.

A very damaged, unstable family ready to crumble down at any moment.

I looked away, the irony of his comfort being written on my face.

"Ah, there it is again. Always and forever. Which of course breaks the moment one of us tries to act on their own. Isn't that the reason we're ganging up on Finn, after all?"

Elijah furrowed his eyebrows, as if clearly not sharing my thoughts.

"Of course not. We're not going to hurt Finn, Kol. But you know what will happen if Esther comes back. What she did to us. You didn't forget, didn't you? If Finn is trying to bring such a horrible person back, would you still see him like you do now?"

I averted my eyes away. No. I could never forget. Esther's influence on us, on me. That's what always drove Finn, what used to drive me to all these actions as well. The feeling of bringing her satisfaction. Finn was always obedient to our mother's will, but I utterly despised it, despite the fact I used to be under it as well.


I felt his firm hand gripping my shoulder, Elijah's confident eyes staring back to mine. I knew I could trust the honesty in his eyes, but rarely the sincerity of his words. Despite his moralism, Elijah would often go back on his word if that meant protecting Klaus, no matter the cost.

"I know how this looks, especially to you. But you're not Finn. Unlike Klaus, I do not consider you as a traitor. You're my brother, and you have proven that to us countless times. I'll be forever sorry for what happened back in Mystic Falls, but I'll also be forever grateful for you staying here with us. For coming back to us, brother."

I pressed my lips together, angry that I could not find a smart answer to spit back at him, to hurt him. Perhaps I didn't want to. Perhaps that was exactly what I wanted to hear from him. I did not want to analyse his tone or facial expression further in order to determine if there was some kind of truth lying beneath his well-spoken words, partly because I feared of what I might find. Partly because it didn't really matter any more.

So I looked away.

And then he did something bizarre, something Elijah hadn't done in years.

He pulled me into a tight, brotherly hug, leaving me standing there, completely flabbergasted. With his hand grasping the back of my neck, he firmly said in his steady voice,

"Always and forever, till forever ends."

------------ A/N ------------

Sorry for ghosting on you, guys.

We've almost reached the end with this story and I have to say, editing the chapters is easier for me in the last chapters because the mistakes aren't that atrocious anymore, lol.

So before long, we'll be done editing this book!

To be honest, I am focusing more on my new Peter Pan fanfic, that's why I haven't updated in a long time. Worry not, I'll be more responsible from now on.

Anyway, have a beautiful day guys and many many kisses to you all! ❤️

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