AVENGERS Incursion War (Secre...

Autorstwa MarvelDc_EU

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Sequel to Wandavision, Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness. 3 words alte... Więcej

The Trailer
Chapter 1: Kang the Conqueror
Chapter 2: The only way...?
Chapter 3: Solitude of Despair
Chapter 4: He Who Destroys
Chapter 5: Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't
Chapter 6: Drowning in a sea of nightmares
Chapter 7: Reunions long overdue
Chapter 8: Assemble Part 1
Chapter 9: Assemble Part 2
Chapter 10: Betrayals
Chapter 11: Tragedy
Chapter 12: The Being
Chapter 14: Prepare for war
Chapter 15: For the girl who lost everything
Chapter 16: Two sides of the same coin
Chapter 17: The Incursion
Chapter 18: The Kang Dynasty
Chapter 19: SECRET WARS Part 1
Chapter 21: SECRET WARS Part 2
Chapter 22: Death to the Queen of Chaos
Chapter 23: Harbinger of Hope
Chapter 24: The Scarlet Redeemer
Chapter 25: For the Multiverse
Chapter 26: INCURSION WAR Part 1
Chapter 27: INCURSION WAR Part 2
Chapter 28: INCURSION WAR Part 3
Chapter 29: INCURSION WAR Part 4
Chapter 30: INCURSION WAR Part 5
Chapter 31: A New Hope
Midnight Suns Part 1: Terror in Transia
Midnight Suns Part 2: The Candidates
Midnight Suns Part 3: Ambushed
Midnight Suns Part 4: A "witch" called Wanda
Midnight Suns Part 5: The origins of Chthon
Midnight Suns Part 6: FINALE

Chapter 13: The Prophecy

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Autorstwa MarvelDc_EU


It's been three years since Wanda trapped Agatha inside her own mind, trapped in a personality named Agnes. During those three years, she slowly began glitching and twitching to a point where she couldn't even grab the remote to turn the TV on. Her mind could not take the toll. After a long time, she lost nearly all motor functions. She luckily had neighbors that would take care of her. Every now and then the Agnes personality would creep through, as if everything was fine. Then she would sit on the couch, twitching. Almost none of the residents bothered to go near her.

As she was sitting on the couch, she hears a knock on the door. Her neck quickly moves sideways as she looks at the door. Then suddenly the Agnes personality reappears and a big smile forms on her face and she eerily shouts in excitement.

Agnes: Visitors! I wonder who it might be!?

She couldn't stand up to open the door.

Doctor Strange: Agatha Harkness, my name is Doctor Stephen Strange. May we come in?

There was completely silence for a moment and she suddenly twitches again.

Agnes: Doctor? Hahahaha there's a Doctor on my front porch!

Magneto looks at Strange in confusion, Strange raises one eyebrow slightly while looking at him as to tell him that Agatha may have gone crazy. Clea stands next to Wanda who stands behind them. Wanda is still shaking a bit and she still hasn't said a single word ever since Vision turned to dust while she was holding him in her arms. Wanda's eyes are tired with purple bags forming all around them. Her eyes are blood red from tears, she looks tired and completely done. Clea walks forward and kicks the door in. They see Agatha sitting on the couch. They walk inside and stand in front of her.

Agnes: You don't look like a doctor.

Agatha notices Wanda standing behind Strange and Magneto. She twitches again and becomes extremely excited, she hasn't seen her in three years.

Agnes: Wanda! The best neighbor in the world! I'm so happy to see you! Where have you been!?

Suddenly Agatha's expression changes after she glitches again, as if she was not just happy a second ago. She's far gone again and she twitches uncontrollably. Magneto looks at Strange once again.

Magneto: So this was your plan? Some crazy woman that has some serious mental health issues?

Clea had telepathic abilities so she was able to sense the magic that was trapping Agatha inside her own mind.

Clea: I sense something wrong in her head... Some sort of spell.

Strange knew what Wanda did to Agatha since he saw it in the dream, but he had no idea that it would be this bad.

Doctor Strange: Wanda, what have you done to her?

Wanda still said nothing, she was about to open her mouth to speak but then she held back. Strange casts four orange eldritch constructs in the air and he opens the eye of agomotto. He takes Agatha on both her hands. Her eyes glow yellow while the eldritch magic removes the spell from her mind. The constructs disappear and Strange lets go of her. She looked around in angst and confusion.

Agatha: I'm... I'm back... I'm back! (She looks at Wanda) You! You... Ruined... My... Life!

She stood up and slowly walked toward Wanda. Strange and Magneto held her back while Wanda took small steps backward.

Agatha: Let go of me! (Her eyes are dead set on Wanda) Do you know how much suffering you put me through!? For three years!

Agatha suddenly took notice of Wanda's mental instability, she saw her tired red eyes and melancholic expression. She saw her head and body still shaking like a dog in a cold winters night.

Agatha: You don't look very well yourself... (She looks at Strange) Why... Is she shaking like that?

Wanda just stood there, without any expression. Deep within her mind she felt guilt over what she did to her, she shouldn't have done it. She knew full well what she did and that she did it even before she was corrupted by the darkhold.

Doctor Strange: She's been through a lot.

Agatha: Been through a lot!? Been through A LOT!? What about all the people she mentally tortured inside Westview for weeks! What about the people she killed!? What about their families? (She looks at Wanda) You're a monster!

Magneto: Okay that's enough!

Agatha: Harbinger of chaos!

Magneto: I said enough!

Agatha: Destroyer of worlds!

Magneto: ENOUGH!

Agatha's words cut deep into Wanda's heart. It made her wonder once again if she really was in fact a bad person at heart, a monster, some sort of being that was destined to bring upon the destruction of everything. But then again, she thinks about that time she saved the poor squirrel stuck in a tree, it takes her back to her Sokovian days, before she even became an Avenger.

It was a time of war, the country had nothing left. She would steal food and warm clothes with the help of her brother and give it out to all the homeless families and the starving children. She could not wait to see the smile on their faces every day when they see her approaching them. But then she remembers all the unspeakable things she did when the darkhold had her, she remembers causing the citizens of Westview immense pain when she accidentally trapped them inside her sitcom world. But then she thinks about the 16 months she spent alone on an Island feeling nothing but guilt and despair over everything she's done while feeling great sadness over everyone she's ever loved to the point of trying to get rid of her own life. She also recalls giving up everything just so that others may live when she had to personally kill Vision, the only thing that mattered to her.

She was very conflicted. Over time she really started to believe that she was bad, she hates the thought so much but she keeps believing it. That was the main reason she tried getting rid of her powers... She tries to convince herself that she isn't a bad person by remembering all the good she did, but she feels so much remorse over all the bad she did that it completely overshadows all the good. Her guilt and remorse ironically proves that she is in fact a good-hearted person, deep down. But she finds it hard to believe.

Her lips started shaking, there were almost no more tears left to cry, not to mention she was way too tired. But it could be seen in her eyes. Magneto took action and walked toward Wanda, putting his hand on her shoulder while trying to comfort her. If Magneto didn't beat Strange to it, Strange would've done it as well. He was about to. It was something completely out of character for him. The dream made him different. He slowly began developing some of the very same qualities that Wanda had. It was because he lived her entire life from her own perspective.

Magneto: Don't listen to her, daughter.

Agatha: (Looks at Wanda) So that's how it's gonna be huh!? You're just gonna stand there? Say something!



Wanda: ...

Clea: She can't!

Agatha: What do you mean she cant!?

Doctor Strange: Something happened, moments ago... She's been completely mute ever since. She wouldn't even talk to us. I believe she has developed a form of psychogenic mutism.

(While it might seem like a person with psychogenic mutism is simply refusing to speak, they actually feel physically unable to speak, and forcing the person to speak is unlikely to work. Some of the causes of psychogenic mutism may be general anxiety or past trauma. In most cases the condition is luckily only temporary.)

Agatha: Psychogenic mutism?

Doctor Strange: Her mind and body is still trying to process the trauma.

Agatha: You don't say... What's the matter Wanda darling? Cat got your tongue? Good!

Magneto: Let's get out of here, Strange. There's nothing for us here.

Doctor Strange: No, this is it. I know she can help us.

Agatha: Help you? Now why... Would I help... You.

Doctor Strange: Three years ago you told me that I... unleashed som...

Strange quickly realized that he has just mentioned himself instead of Wanda. Agatha never said anything to Strange, she said it to Wanda, but Strange's memory was beginning to blur between Wanda's and his own.

Doctor Strange: Three years ago you told Wanda that she unleashed something when she became the Scarlet Witch. What was it?

Agatha: ...

Doctor Strange: You said she's gonna need you. Were you referring to the incursion?

Agatha: Incursion?

Clea: Strange! We're wasting our time here!

Agatha: I don't know about any incursion.

Doctor Strange: Then what were you talking about? What did she unleash?

Agatha: Becoming the Scarlet Witch set events in motion that would bring upon the end of all things...

Doctor Strange: The end of all things? Are you talking about the multiverse?

Agatha: The end is near... There's nothing anyone can do to stop what's coming.

Erik walked toward Agatha and pushed her against a wall while holding one of his hands on her throat.

Magneto: Enough with the cryptics and the stalling. You better give us some real answers right now or I will break your windpipe.

Doctor Strange: Erik, stop!

Agatha: (She breaks out into laughter) There's no use. It's already written... The prophecy is being fulfilled.

Doctor Strange recalls the words of Wong when they prepared Kamar Taj for Wanda's arrival. Wong said something about the Scarlet Witch being prophesied to either rule or annihilate the cosmos. He also remembers Agatha telling Wanda that it is her destiny to destroy the world.

Doctor Strange: The prophecy... Can you tell us more?

Erik finally lets go of Agatha's throat. Agatha just wanted to get it over with since she felt unusually intimidated by these people who just barged in demanding answers. She also owes them since they freed her from her mind.

Agatha: There have been many ancient texts, scrolls and entire books throughout the years, talking about the Scarlet Witch. Some of these texts date back over 5000 years. Many of these texts got lost in time, causing the prophecy to turn into myth... If only it was.

The multiversal war and the destruction of the multiverse by the hands of the Scarlet Witch turned into ancient legend, the primitive mindset of the writers in that time could not comprehend nor explain it in detail. They wrote down the event and the prophecy in the simplest, most primitive form possible. Because of that, the texts got many things wrong, such as mistaking incursions for dark magic or the Scarlet Witch being alive many years ago, fighting in an ancient war when it was actually just the previous timeline and the previous multiversal war.

Many of the texts got lost throughout the years so the full truth became a blur. In time the prophecy became untrustworthy with many things about the event being mixed up, but the main idea was still there, the main idea was still the truth.

Doctor Strange: What does the prophecy state?

Agatha: The texts describe the Scarlet Witch as an ancient being with the power of chaos magic, gifted to her by the elder gods. She is described as the most powerful magic user in existence, capable of doing pretty much anything she pleases. Some of the texts called her a Nexus being.

Wanda hated her powers. She hated the Scarlet Witch label, she hated the fact that she was some kind of powerful entity prophesied in ancient books that predate her existence by thousands of years. She would think, "Why me?" None of the other infinite Wandas across the multiverse became the Scarlet Witch, only her.

Wanda slowly walked to the couch, almost falling over her feet. She eventually reached the couch and sat down. Erik went to get her a glass of water. Her hand was shaking too much to be able to hold the glass steady enough. She was still shaken over what she just lived through on the Island. As she tried to hold the glass as steady as possible, the top half of the water spilled out onto the floor.

Agatha: It is said that the Scarlet Witch lived on Earth many years ago, she was born from beings older than time, beings larger than even the largest planets.

Clea: Celestials? You're saying Wanda was born from... Celestials?

Magneto: That's impossible.

Back when the prophecy was written, they had no name for Celestials so they made something up.

Agatha: The texts don't mention Celestials, whatever that is... They used the word Elder gods. The elder gods gifted her with chaos magic, she grew a lust for power. She had one single goal, to rule everything. It started a giant war between her and the elder gods with the humans in between. The war lasted for years. By using her near limitless power, she almost suceeded in taking over everything, but a dark form of magic (incursions) started to consume the world, born out of her chaos magic. Destroying everything in its path.

Agatha walked to the kitchen and poured herself a hot cup of tea.

Agatha: Tea, anyone?

Wanda was sitting in silence, her mind was not really present. She was just sitting and thinking about what happened on the Island. She only slightly overheard what Agatha said about her and became very confused.

Doctor Strange: Yeah that's not Wanda. I lived her entire life, I can't remember any of that. Was there perhaps another Scarlet Witch in the past?

Agatha: There was only ever one Scarlet Witch. Wanda is the only Scarlet Witch that has ever existed and will ever exist.

The sudden sound of glass shattering grabbed everyone's attention. They look in Wanda's direction and notice blood on her right hand and shattered glass all over the floor. She couldn't help it, it was just a sudden unexplainable reaction. When she overheard everything Agatha said, she just suddenly broke the glass of water that she held in her hand.

Doctor Strange: Wanda? Are you okay?

Doctor Strange is the first to go to her aid, he conjures some bandages that automatically wraps around her hand. Wanda looks at both of her shaking hands and finally gathers a strong enough will to try and say something. The tone in her voice made it clear that she was crying on the inside.

Wanda: I... I'm... a... m...

Doctor Strange: It's okay, take your time.

Wanda: M... (Whispers) Monster...

Doctor Strange: Hey, look at me. Don't ever say that again. You hear me? You're not a monster.

Agatha: Finally she admits it!

Magneto: You shut your mouth!

Agatha: Oh am I offending you? What is she to you?

Agatha looks at Magneto then looks at Wanda. From their resemblance, age difference and the way he acts toward Wanda, she quickly connected the dots.

Agatha: (Gasps) Are you... Her father? The ancient texts never once mentioned the Scarlet Witch having a father.

Magneto: It's complicated.

Doctor Strange: Wanda is 23 years old. Born and raised in Sokovia. So unless she can time travel, there is no possible way for her to have been fighting in some mythical war that happened thousands of years ago.

Agatha: Oh but she did. Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted by Wanda breaking my very expensive glass that I didn't buy.

Doctor Strange: Something about Wanda nearly destroying existence.

Agatha: Right, so according to the legend, the Scarlet Witch nearly destroyed everything in existence. She almost suceeded until one man stood up against her (*Kang*). This very brave man defeated her and saved the world. He put a spell over her and made her forget her entire life, suppressing the chaos magic inside of her. She became normal again. But the prophecy states that one day the Scarlet Witch will resurface... (She looks at Wanda) Evidently that has already happened. It is said that when she returns, she will try to destroy everything. But the man that defeated her before, will return and try to stop her again, but this time she would defeat him and finally bring upon the end of all things.

Doctor Strange finally began connecting the dots between this prophecy and the first vague dream he had about some war. He also remembers someone named Kang who was also involved.

Doctor Strange: This sounds like the dream.

Agatha: What dream?

Doctor Strange: It's a long story, let's just say the eye of agomotto revealed to me one of Wanda's deepest most forgotten memories in a dream... I know it has something to do with the incursion. What you just told me sounds almost exactly like the dream. Does this man have a name?

Agatha: I don't think the name is of any importance, but if I remember correctly, it was something like Lang... or Kang.

Doctor Strange: Kang. You just said Kang.

Agatha: And?

Doctor Strange: The prophecy is right... It filled the missing details about the dream. But this war didn't happen in the past... It's as if it was a previous reality... One that took place in the future, but in our past.

Agatha: Yeah I'm not following...

Doctor Strange: A forgotten timeline, overwritten by the current one. I saw the war in the dream, there were armies that had very advanced technology, there were heroes involved... I could make out some of them but the dream was too vague. I could've sworn I saw Iron Man, Thor, three different versions of Spider-Man and even myself along with many others.

Magneto: What exactly happened in the dream?

Doctor Strange: We were all running toward Wanda, she was about to do something... I also saw Kang. Then suddenly everything turned white after she said three words. Then the dream took me to Wanda being a child in Sokovia.

Doctor Strange gets a sudden enlightenment about the event.

Doctor Strange: She was never defeated. Kang was not the one that defeated her as the texts describe. She changed reality and made everyone forget that the previous reality ever existed, she even made herself forget...

The Watcher overheard everything that Agatha and Strange said. He was far above in the sky, observing everything.

The Watcher: It's all coming back to me now... I still don't completely remember everything, but I know now Wanda is the being that altered reality! She has to be stopped. I have to speak with the Living Tribunal.

In an instant, the Watcher vanished.

Wanda felt tremendous guilt after hearing what Agatha and Strange said. She does remember a small fraction of the event but the entire time she thought it was just a dream because the memory was so vague. It was like a memory of a past life. By hearing that she was the cause of a giant war and that everyone was against her, she once again started thinking that she must be inherently bad. Her mind kept thinking how she ruined everyone's lives and basically destroyed an entire reality while creating this new one. She thought to herself that no good person would do something like that.

She opened her mouth to try and say something, but she couldn't. She wanted to say she was sorry, for what it was worth. But then she just slowly exhaled, her lips began shaking again and she started weeping. She stood up and walked out the door. She sat down on a chair outside with her head looking down. Strange knew that she probably didn't mean what she did when she altered reality, he now knew Wanda better than anyone ever did. He understands her, but it doesn't mean he wasn't conflicted over the fact that she seemed to be the enemy in that war. He followed her outside and stood in front of her while he held her left shoulder. Magneto went along but he just stood next to Strange, holding her right shoulder, not saying anything.

Doctor Strange: Wanda, we don't know the full story. Maybe... Maybe you did it for a reason.

Strange was hesitant to say that since he doesn't really believe it himself, but he listened to his heart and tried to give her some form of comfort. She's been through too much. Strange was worried over his sudden change in his personality, he would normally never be the way he is now. He is developing a whole new personality. Almost like a mixture between his and Wanda's combined into one.

Doctor Strange: Not even you can remember the previous reality, you lived an entire life there that you can't remember... Memories shape us, but it doesn't change who we are on the inside. I don't believe that you, as a person, would just do such a thing if there was no reason for it.

Strange recalled when Wanda was doing horrible things while she had the darkhold, but he knew she would never have done any of it if the book didn't basically hold her true self hostage. He knew that she chose to read the book, but it was because of her curiosity and innocence. Something Strange completely understood. Wanda wasn't the only one who has read forbidden texts before. Strange's curiosity almost broke reality at one point. Wanda didn't even completely know what the book really was. She just knew it had an entire chapter devoted to her, the Scarlet Witch.

Doctor Strange: Even after the whole darkhold situation, that wasn't your fault. But you, Wanda Maximoff, sitting in front of me, you're not a bad person. I know you won't believe me because I know that you keep thinking about all the bad you've done... But doesn't that prove that you are good?

She slowly looked at him and lowered her chin again.

Doctor Strange: Looking at you right now, all I see is a broken heart. I see a spirit that just gave up. I see a delicate mind that broke under the weight of trauma. I see a little girl, still stuck in the past, watching sitcoms with her family. I see someone with a thousand open wounds, wounds that started to bleed on everyone else around you because the wounds never got a chance to heal.

Strange continued.

Doctor Strange: What I don't see, is a bad person. I know you think that's what you are... To be honest, not too long ago I thought so too, and I'm pretty sure everyone else on the face of planet Earth thinks you're a bad person, some would go as far as to say you're evil. Well they are all wrong.

He recalled the vivid dreams he had about her life.

Doctor Strange: I saw your entire life. I didn't just see it... I lived it, I felt it, I was you. You're just very misunderstood. Have you ever actually hurt innocent people on purpose? Not to my knowledge. I'm not talking about the time where you were corrupted by the darkhold, that wasn't you... Yes you do make questionable decisions, yes you did hurt people, yes you made mistakes that affected everyone else around you... But only because you are so fragile, so easy to manipulate, so easy to fall apart and give in to your powers, a power too extreme for any human being to handle. We can work on that. I know you accidentally caused this incursion when the darkhold had you, something that could destroy trillions of lives, but realistically, that could've happened to anyone, even me. (*And it DID, in "What If...?" Episode 4, with a variant of him from another universe*) But I give you my word, it won't come to that. Whatever it takes, we will fix it.

Wanda looked at Strange and Magneto in sincere appreciation, she really needed this. She couldn't express how much it meant to her, she was still unable to speak. She felt like the entire universe was against her and yet, here stood two people completely on her side. Even after everything she's done and after everything they just heard about her.

Wanda was also a bit confused that Strange kept talking about how he lived her life. Strange saw her confusion and remembered that he never actually told her.

Doctor Strange: About the whole "lived your life" thing. It's actually how we found you on your Island. I looked into the dreams of the other Wanda from universe-838, dreams she had about your life and dreams she was yet to have. But because the eye of agomotto makes everything all the more clearer, they felt completely real, up to the smallest detail. I lived through your life as if I were you. A part of me became you. A part of me... Loves you like a father (He looks at Magneto).

Strange then concluded.

Doctor Strange: I hope you can find some comfort in everything I told you. Hopefully with time, your wounds will heal and you will see yourself the way I see you. The way Vision saw you... The way your brother saw you.

Magneto holds out his hand.

Magneto: Come, daughter. Let's head back inside.

Wanda hesitantly took his hand and he helped her up from the chair. They then walked back into the house where Clea kept an eye on Agatha, patiently waiting for them to come back inside.

Magneto was still a bit confused as to how Strange's dream has anything to do with the incursion.

Magneto: Strange, what exactly does the dream have to do with the incursion?

Agatha: Can someone tell me what the heck this incursion is that you keep talking about?

Clea: An incursion occurs when the boundaries between universes erodes and they collide, destroying one or both universes entirely. Wanda caused an incursion when she dreamwalked to universe-838. This universe is about to collide with theirs.

Agatha: It's all making sense now... The prophecy really is true. Everything is ending and Wanda is the cause...

Magneto: The incursion is already starting. Our worlds are beginning to merge. Soon Buildings will appear in places they were not supposed to. bridges will collapse. Continents could break apart. All the people from both universes will appear on one single universe. All the driving cars from one universe will appear on the other, causing massive accidents around the globe, roads will be misplaced... And that's just earth, we are not even talking about stars that could explode and all the other trillions of planets that would experience the same fate as Earth. Galaxies would collide with each other... There are so many things I can say that it would take me forever to name it all.

Doctor Strange: But I think there might be a way to fix this... The eye of agomotto never lies. It showed me a way. I think I just figured out what it tried to show me. You said the Scarlet Witch can do anything she wants right? You also said she is a nexus being.

Agatha: What about it?

Clea: Nexus beings are the most powerful entities in the multiverse, there are only a few.

Doctor Strange: According to the book of Cagliostro, nexus beings have the ability to affect probability and thus the future, thereby altering the flow of the universal time stream. These beings act as the keystones of the Multiverse and are crucial to its ultimate coherence and stability.

Wanda slowly turned her head to look at Strange. She was tired, confused and frightened.

Doctor Strange: Nexus beings are therefore by definition, above prophecy. They can affect probability, that means prophecies to them are as worthless as a children's book.

Agatha: So you think she could actually prevent all this? (She starts laughing) There is no stopping this! It has already started.

Doctor Strange: I'll take my chances.

Magneto: So what do we do now?

Doctor Strange: Well, normally I wouldn't do this, but I think this time we might not be enough to stop this. We need all hands on deck.

Clea: Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?

Doctor Strange: Maybe they can try and figure something out while also protecting Wanda from the other heroes of your universe who are coming here to kill her.

Clea: So... How will we stop the incursion if they don't figure anything out?

Doctor Strange: Right now Wanda seems to be our only shot.

Agatha: Well... That's not very reassuring.

Doctor Strange: If Wanda can recall how she used a probability hex when she managed to keep the bomb in their apartment from exploding when she and her brother were children, she could do the same with the incursion.

Agatha: Why don't you just kill her? If you say there's a chance this might stop when she dies, why not take the chance instead of gambling with the fate of everything. I mean look at her. She doesn't even seem to want to be alive in the first place.

Clea threw a knife in Agatha's direction. The knife pegged into her leg and Agatha screamed in pain.

Clea: Shut your mouth!

Agatha: What was that for!?

Doctor Strange: Killing her won't fix this.

Agatha: What makes you so certain?

Doctor Strange: I don't know how many times I have to say this, but the eye of agomotto showed me. I sensed it when I saw that dream.

Agatha: And what exactly makes you trust that thing so much?

Doctor Strange: The Eye of Agamotto was created to reveal truth. It melts away illusions, pushing through the seas of lies and slander. It helps me perceive everything more clearly.

Magneto: So where would we find the Avengers of your universe?

Wanda already knew where they were. Vision received the Avengers signal back on the Island but he chose not to go. Wanda still didn't know what the signal was for, but according to the message, it seemed like it was referring to the incursion. She was still unable to speak clearly and she was still shaking a bit, but she had to try and tell them. She stood up from the couch and looked at Strange in a way that tells him she knows where they are.

Doctor Strange: Wanda? Do you know something?

Wanda takes short gasps for air.

Wanda: N...

Magneto: What is it Wanda?

Wanda: N... Norway.

Clea: Norway? What's in Norway?

Suddenly the entire earth got hit with a massive earthquake that lasted for a second. The earthquake was felt by all the heroes in New Asgard as well as on universe-838. The heroes in New Asgard was very confused since they were not yet aware of the incursion.

Doctor Strange: Ohhh boy. Here we go.

Magneto: We need an actual plan. And fast.

Clea: What if I summon dark dimension energy to hold off the incursion to give us enough time.

Doctor Strange: And risk you getting corrupted? Not happening.

Magneto: Well, then... let's head to... whatever you wanna do in Norway.

Doctor Strange: New Asgard is in Norway. That's where Thor and the rest of the asgardians are. I assume the Avengers have already come together there. Let me go check on Wong.

Strange opens a portal to Kamar Taj.

Kamar Taj

He searched everywhere but couldn't find him. He then asked one of the sorcerers if they knew where he could be.

Doctor Strange: Do you know where I might be able to find Wong?

Sorcerer: He left a while ago, along with that new kid with the ten rings (Shang-Chi) and the girl who can open star shaped portals (America Chavez).

Doctor Strange: Do you know where they could've gone?

Sorcerer: No idea, all I know was that the Avengers signal went off. They received some kind of message and took off.

After hearing that, Strange thought the Avengers somehow already became aware of the incursion. He didn't know that they assembled for a very different reason. He knew they probably went to New Asgard because of what Wanda told him. He opens a portal back to Westview.


Doctor Strange: They are all in New Asgard. We need to go there right now.

Clea: That was fast.

Magneto: Lead the way, Doctor.

Strange opens a portal just outside New Asgard, Strange walks through. Clea follows him. Magneto holds out his hand and gently takes Wanda's who is still shaking slightly. They walk through the portal together.

I'd love to hear your thoughts! Please don't be a silent reader. If you enjoyed this chapter, a vote or a brief comment would always be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for reading!


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Sequel to "Falling for a Maximoff". After we fell for Wanda and our mother is okay with it, there shouldn't be anymore problems, right? Well the dail...
156K 4.9K 67
This is the SECOND book of the Natasha Romanoff one-shot book. This book contains part 2/3/4s (etc.) from the first book, so make sure you read that...