Book Two: My Forever Love

By ChelseaFlynn8

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It has been Twelve years since the death of her brother James and his wife Lily, leaving behind a son whom th... More

Chapter One: Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten: Goblet of Fire
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty: Order of the Phoenix
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty: Half Blood Prince
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty: Deathly Hallows
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty: Final

Chapter Thirty Six

12 0 0
By ChelseaFlynn8

Rosalie’s P.O.V
It was another day and I had heard about what had happened to Ron as I rushed with Dumbledore, Snape, Minerva and Professor Slughorn until we managed to make it to the Hospital Wing to see, Harry, Ginny, Edeline and Hermione sitting with Ron, “quick thinking on your part Harry, using Bazor. You should be very proud of your student Horace.” Dumbledore said to them, “Mm, oh yes, very proud.” Slughorn said to him, “I think we agree, Potter’s actions were heroic but the question is, why were they necessary?” Minerva said to us, “why indeed. This appears to be a gift Horace. You don’t remember who gave you this bottle?” Dumbledore asked him as he sniffed it, “by the way, it possesses remarkably subtle hints of liquorice and Cherry but not polluted with Poison.” Dumbledore said, “if it was poisoned, it could have been something scentless.” I said to them, “Actually, I intended to give it as a gift myself.” Slughorn said, “to whom might I ask.” Dumbledore said to him, “to you Headmaster.” Slughorn said before we heard Lavender speak up, “where is he? Where’s my Won Won.” she said as she rushed in, “bloody hell.”  I managed to hear Edeline say, “has he been asking for me?” She asked, “nope. Hasn’t said a word.” she said to Lavender, “what’s she doing here?” Lavender asked, “I might ask you the same question.” Hermione said as she stood up, “I happen to be his girlfriend.” Lavender said, “I happen to be his-” Hermione began to say. “Friend.” Edeline finished, “don’t make me laugh. You haven’t spoken in weeks. I suppose you want me to break up with him now that he’s suddenly all interesting.” Lavender said, “he’s been poisoned you daft dimbo. And for the record, I’ve always found him interesting.” Hermione told her, “face it Lavender, you and I both know she has a point.” Edeline said to her before Ron began to mumble in his sleep, “well, see, he senses my presence. Don’t worry Won Won, I’m here, I’m here.” Lavender said before we eventually heard Ron say Hermione’s name and I smirked a little, “sorry about your luck.” Edeline said before Dumbledore spoke up, “ought to be young and to feel love's keen sting. Well, come away everybody Mr. Weasley is well tended.” he said to everyone before Edeline came up to me before the both of us left the Hospital Wing, “so what happened last night?” I asked her, “well, Ron had taken an pretty powerful Love Potion and Slughorn had given him something for it and it had gone away before he poured out whatever it was in that bottle her had and Ron was the only one that drank from it causing him to have a Seizure and nearly die from it.” Edeline told me and I thought about it, “I think someone has their heart set out on killing Dumbledore.” I said to her before I made sure she had gone to her class before doing my own thing before helping Mr. Filch with a few things before helping a few other teachers throughout the day.

Edeline’s P.O.V
Later that day, after class was over, I was sitting in one of the empty hallways thinking to myself before I heard footsteps and saw that it was Draco and saw that he was holding a bird, “why do you have a bird?” I asked him, “you’ll see.” was all he said before the both of us had made it into the Room of Requirement before finding the Cabinet and Draco had put the bird in it before closing the door and after a moment had passed, the bird was gone before having it come back and saw that it was dead and I held Draco’s hand the entire time before I felt his grip tighten a little more on mine, “what is it?” I asked him before he hugged me as we slowly slid to the floor as he started crying as I held him close to me and I didn’t know what to do but hug him until he finally calmed down, “how are you feeling now?” I asked him, “I don’t know, but it’s not a good feeling. I don’t want to do this anymore, I can’t do this anymore but if I don’t do what he says he’ll kill me and I don’t want to die.” he said to me and I kissed the top of his head, “I wish I knew how to help you love.” I told him, “I don’t want you to do anything. It’s bad enough that you know about this anyways.” he told me as he looked at me, “I'm worried about you.” I told him, “So am I, but I don’t know what else to do at this point.” he told me and I sighed a little as I held his hand, “I love you.” I told him, “I love you to.” he said to me as he kissed the side of my head as the both of us eventually left the Room of Requirement 

It was another day and Ron was finally out of the Hospital Wing as the four of us were sitting in the Great Hall for Breakfast before Hermione and I noticed that Ron was making it snow, “Stop it Ron. you’re making it Snow.” Hermione said to him, “tell me how I broke up with Lavender again?” Ron asked us, “um, well, she came to visit you in the Hospital and you talked. I don’t believe it was a particularly long conversation.” Hermione told him, “it was rather complicated to be honest.” I told him, “don’t get me wrong, but I’m bloody thrilled to be shot of her, she seems a bit put out.” Ron told us before we looked to see Lavender looking at us before turning away, “I think she’s having her fair share of Anger. It looks like she’s ready to murder someone.” I mentioned to them, “yes, she does, doesn't she. Say, you don’t remember anything from that night? Anything at all?” Hermione said, “there is something, but it can’t be I was completely boggled wasn’t I?” Ron said to us and I looked at Hermione knowing that wasn’t it, “Boggled.” Hermione said before we noticed Katie, “Harry. That’s Katie.” I said to him, “Katie Bell” Hermione said to him before he got up and went over to her and talked to her before I noticed them look at someone and I looked to see that it was Draco that they were looking at and I began to panic before I noticed Harry go after him after Draco rushed off and  had done the same, “Harry, what are you doing?” I asked him as I tried to catch up before seeing mum next to me, “what’s going on?” she asked me, “I don’t know but I don't think it will be good.” I told her, “go and get Snape.” she said to me and I had done so before eventually finding him, “I think there might be a problem” I said to him before we rushed off only to find Draco, Harry in mum in the Bathroom as mum made sure that Draco was alright as I froze in place, “get Harry out of here. Now.” mum said before I dragged him out before managing to be far enough away, “what’s gotten into you. You nearly killed him for bloody sakes” I said to him out of anger, “he cursed Katie.” he told me, “with what Proof Harry. There’s no proof that he’d done anything.” I said as I began to shout, “look, you can’t just go around sending him to the Hospital Wing because of some instinct that you have against him.” I said to him before um came up to us, “he’ll live. But you, you had no right to do what you did. I don’t care what he did but what you did was a lot worse since you nearly killed him.” Mum said to him before walking away leaving the both of us before going on with our day and went to class.

Once classes were over, I went back to the Common Room as I wanted to get changed out of my Uniform before I left again and before I could, someone grabbed my arm and I looked to see that it was Hermione, “hey, where are you off to?” she asked me, “I wanted to go for a walk to clear my head. Why?” I said to her, “oh well, we were planning on having Harry get rid of the book he carries around.” she told me, “good. It’s changed him since he took it from Slughorn’s class that day. I think it’s best that he never sees it again.” I told her before walking away and eventually left the Common Room and making my way to the Hospital Wing to check on Draco only to see him lying there as I walked up to him and sat down next to his bed before grabbing his hand and holding it before he slowly started waking up, “Edeline?” he asked and I gently kissed his hand, “it’s me love. I’m sorry for what happened.” I told him as he tightened his grip on my hand, “it’s not your fault darling. It will never be your fault.” he told me, “how are you feeling?” I asked him, “still sore and tired But I’ll be fine.” he told me and I sighed a little as I stayed with him for a while longer before I eventually left later on to let him rest before seeing Harry and Mum walk back into the Castle

Rosalie’s P.O.V
After Edeline left, I let out a sigh before going for a walk to clear my head before bumping into Harry, “where do you think you’re off to?” I asked him, “I’m off to see Hagrid.” he said in a cheerful mood before walking off, “Harry wait. You can’t leave the castle after Hours.” I told him as I went after him before catching up to him as he was with Professor Slughorn only to see that Harry had scared him, “Merlin's beard Harry.” Slughorn said, “sorry sir. I should have announced myself, cleared my throat or coughed. You probably feared that I was Professor Sprout.” Harry told him, “I did actually. What makes you think that?” Slughorn said to him, “oh, just the general behavior sir. The sneaking around, jumping when you saw us. Are thoughts Tentacular Leaves? They’re very valuable aren’t they?” Harry said to him, “I think so.” I mentioned to him, “10 Galleons a leaf to the right buyer. Not that I’m familiar with any such back alley transactions. But one does hear rumors. By your interest, purely for academic purposes.” Slughorn said to us, “then I’m sure Professor Sprout wouldn’t mind.” I said to him, “personally, these plants always kind of freaked me out.” Harry said before leaving, “exactly how did you get out of the Castle, Harry?” Slughorn asked, “through the front door sir.” Harry told him, “which you weren’t supposed to do in the first place.” I told him, “I’m off to Hagrid’s you see, he’s a very dear friend and I just fancy paying him a visit. So if either of you don’t mind I will be going.” Harry said before walking off, “I swear he’s the exact same as his father.” I said to Slughorn, “Harry.” Slughorn said, “sir” Harry said to him, “it’s nearly nightfall. Surely you realize we can’t allow you to go roaming the grounds by yourself.” Slughorn said to him, “Well then by all means come along sir.” Harry said before Slughorn looked at me, “I tried, I really did.” I said to him before we followed Harry to Hagrids, “Harry, we must insist that you accompany us back to the Castle immediately.” Slughorn said to him, “That's counter productive sir.” Harry said, “what makes you say that?” Slughorn asked him, “No Idea,” Harry said as we continued until we eventually made it to Hagrid only to see that something had happened to his spider, “Horace. Rosalie.” Hagrid said to us, “What in Merlin's beard Happened to him, Hagrid?” I asked him, “Merlin’s Beard. Is that an actual Agromantula?” Slughorn asked Hagrid, “a dead one I think Sir.” Harry said and I just glared at him, “good god. Dear fellow, however did you manage to kill it?” Slughorn asked Hagrid, “I don’t think he did sir.” I said to Slughorn, “kill it? Me oldest friend he was.” Hagrid told him, “so sorry, I didn’t-” Slughorn said to Hagrid, “oh don’t worry about it. You’re not alone.  Seriously misunderstood creatures spiders. It’s the eyes I reckon. They unnerve some folk” Hagrid said to us, “not to mention the pincers” Harry mentioned, “if you keep talking, I will make sure you will have nothing to talk with.” I said to Harry and he lowered his hands, “yeah, I reckon that too.” Hagrid said, “Hagrid, the last thing I wish is to be indelicate but Acromantula Venom is uncommonly rare. Would you allow me to extract a vile or two? Purely for academic purposes you understand.” Slughorn said to Hagrid, “well, I don’t suppose it’s going to do him much good now is it?” Hagris said, “my thoughts exactly. Ought to have an ample or two about my person for just such an occasion as this. Old Potions Master’s habit you know.” Slughorn said to us, “I wish you could have seen him in his prime. Magnificent he was, just Magnificent.” Hagrid said to us, “I’m sure he was.” I said to him before Slughorn stood next to me, “would you like me to say a few words?” Slughorn asked, “yes” Hagrid said, “he had a family I trust?” Slughorn asked, “oh yeah.” Harry said, “farewell-” Slughorn began to say before he realized that he didn’t know its name, “Aragog.” Hagrid told him, “farewell Aragog. King of the Arachnids, but he will decay, but your spirit lingers on.” Slughorn said as he continued.

After dealing with Aragog, the four of us walked into Hagrid's home as both Hagrid and Slughorn had a few drinks together as the both of them talked to each other as they also began to tell stories before Hagrid passed out, “and Slughorn continued to tell how he’d gotten the fish he had, “it was a student who gave me francis. One spring afternoon I discovered a bowl on my desk with just a few inches of clear water. And floating on the surface was a flower petal as I watched, it sank and just before it reached the bottom, it transformed into a wee fish. Just beautiful Magic. Wondrous to behold. The flower petal had come from a Lily. your mother and sister in law. The day I came downstairs was the day the bowl was empty was the day your mother died. I know why you’re here, but I can’t help you. It would ruin me.” Slughorn told us, “do you know why my cousin and I survived sir? The night I got this. Because of them, because she sacrificed herself, because she refused to step aside, because her love was more Powerful than Voldemort and I know Aunt Rosalie would have done the same with Edeline.” Harry said to him, “don’t say his name.” Slughorn told him, “I’m not afraid of the name Professor. I’m going to tell you something, something others have only guessed at. It’s true, I am the Chosen One and that Edeline is the One Who Slipped away. Only we can destroy him but in order to do so, I need to know what Tom Riddle asked you all those years ago in your office and I need to know what you told brave Professor, be brave like my mother. Otherwise, you disgrace her. Otherwise she died for nothing. Otherwise the bowl will remain empty. Forever.” Harry said to Slughorn, “I know you're worried or scared, Professor, but Harry is right.” I told him, “please, don’t think badly of me when you see it. You have no Idea what he was like, even then.” Slughor told us as he took the Memory from his head and Harry helped him as Slughorn put it in a Vile and after a while, the three of us left Hagrids and made it back to the Castle before Harry and I had gone to Dumbledore’s office to see the Memory Slughorn had given us, “this is beyond anything I imagined.” Dumbledore told us, “you mean to say he succeeded sir? In making a Horcrux?” Harry asked him, “oh yes he succeeded alright. And not just once.” Dumbledore said, “what are they exactly?” Harry asked, “they could be anything.” I told him, “the most common of objects. A Ring for example, or a book.” Dumbledore said, “Tom Riddle’s Diary” Harry mentioned, “it’s a Horcrux, yes. Four years ago when you and Edeline save Ginny Weasley’s life in the Chamber of Secrets, you brought me this. I knew then this was a different kind of Magic. Very dark, very powerful. But until tonight, I had no idea just how powerful.” Dumbledore told us, “and the Ring?” Harry asked, “it belonged to Voldemort’s mother. Difficult to find and even more difficult to destroy.” Dumbledore said, “but if you could find them all, if you did destroy each Horcrux ?” Harry asked, “you destroy Voldemort.” I said to him, “how would you find them? They could be hidden anywhere, couldn't they?” Harry asked, “true, but Magic, especially Dark Magic-” Dumbledore began to say before something happened when Harry touched the ring and shortly after, both Dumbledore and I noticed something and looked at each other, “leave’s traces.” Dumbledore finished, “it’s where you’ve been going isn’t it sir? When you leave the school?” Harry asked him, “yes and I think Perhaps I may have found another. But this time, I can’t hope to destroy it alone. Once again, I must ask too much of you and Edeline, Harry.” Dumbledore said before telling him and eventually dismissed us before we left the Office and I walked him back to the Common Room for the night before heading back to my room to see that my Owl was back and saw that it was from Remus.

Remus’s P.O.V
I was just sitting in the living Room thinking to myself about everything before something had flown in through the Window and saw that it was Rosalie’s Owl before it dropped something before landing next to me and before I read the letter, I managed to feed the Owl something before I had done so and I began to open it before I began to read Rosalie’s Letter.

Dear my darling Remus,

There’s a lot going on around here as someone is trying to get to Dumbledore and I wouldn’t be surprised if Voldemort is making this person do this for him but other than that,  there’s something Edeline told me before the Holidays and I was worried to tell you before but she has grown feelings towards Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. To me these look like genuine feelings towards him and besides that, she hasn’t told me much more about this and I think the reason she hasn’t told you was because you might have overreacted about it and say something none of us would like but I told her that if whatever Harry said was true about Malfoy,  to leave those feelings behind and forget about him as I know neither of us would want her near someone who was on his side and I made her keep that promise. Other than that, I hope that you are doing well my love and that you are staying safe. I love you more than anything my Love.



After reading the letter, I could help but feel angry that Edeline would keep something like that from me but I could blame her from doing so and I thought about it for a while before writing back to Rosalie about how I felt about it all and that I agreed with her about what she said about Harry and whatnot and once I was done writing the letter, I gave it to her Owl before sending it back to her hoping that they were alright and safe for the time being.  

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