Book Two: My Forever Love

By ChelseaFlynn8

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It has been Twelve years since the death of her brother James and his wife Lily, leaving behind a son whom th... More

Chapter One: Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten: Goblet of Fire
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty: Order of the Phoenix
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty: Half Blood Prince
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty: Deathly Hallows
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty: Final

Chapter Eighteen

13 0 0
By ChelseaFlynn8

Rosalie’s P.O.V
It was finally the day of the Third and Final Task and th Champions were starting to walk out and both Dumbledore and I had walked out with Edeline and Harry as the crowd cheered for who they were cheering for and Dumbledore and I just looked at each other before we stood with the rest of the champions before Dumbledore soon spoke up to everyone, “earlier today, Professor Moody placed the TriWizard Cup deep within the maze, Only he knows it’s exact position. Now as Mr. Diggory along with Mr. Potter and Miss. Lupin, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum and Miss. Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner.” Dumbledore said to everyone as they cheered before he continued as I stood with both Edeline and Harry, “I’ve instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter so that at anypoint a contestant wishes to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants gather around” Dumbledore said and they had done so so that he could talk to them before Cedric, Harry and Edeline had waited for the cannon to go off so that they could enter the maze, “Champions, Prepare yourselves.” Dumbledore said, “everything will be alright, ok” I said to the both of them and they nodded before I hugged the both of them, “I love you both.” I said to them before moving away from the hug, “on the count of tree, one-” Dumbledore began to say before Mr. Filch had fired the cannon and I sighed a little before sharing a glance with Dumbledore, “Mrs. Luping, may I speak with you for a moment?” Dumbledore asked and I walked over to him, “what is it?” I asked him, “it’s about Professor Moody, I know you don’t have a good feeling about him and neither to I so for Harry and Edeline’s sake, we should keep and eye on him alright.” he told me and I nodded before I had gone to sit next to Remus along with the rest of the staff as all we can do is wait for the Champions to come back, “she will be alright. She’s strong and so is Harry.” Remus said to me, “I know they are, I’m just worried that something is off about the whole thing, that’s all.” I told him and he kissed the side of my head.  

Edeline’s P.O.V
It has been a while since we had entered the maze and Harry and I had eventually met up along with Cedric after Viktor nearly attacked us only for it to get extremely windy as the three of us had reached the cup, “take it, either of you. You both saved me take it.” Cedric told us, “we all take it.” I shouted at them, “together.” Harry said before the three of us managed to grab onto the cup only for it to transport us somewhere else besides to where we needed to be, “why does this place look familiar?” I questioned Harry, “I think I might know.” he said as we looked around as we got up, “are you both ok?” Cedric asked us, “I’m fine.” I told him, “yeah” Harry said, “where are we?” Cedric asked us, “I think it’s from the dreams we’ve been having. That’s probably why it looks familiar.” I whispered to Harry, “you’re right, we’ve been here before.” Harry said to me, “Harry, Edeline, the cup is a Portkey.” Cedric mentioned, “we’ve been here before. In a dream.” Harry said as we looked at the grave and saw Tom’s name at the bottom before Harry spoke up again, “Cedric, we have to get back to the cup.” Harry told him, “now” I said to him, “what are you two talking about?” Cedric asked, “I don’t think you want to find out.” I said to him before we heard a door open before seeing Wormtail and I began to get a massive headache while Harry’s Scar burned and I soon landed on my knees, “Harry, Edeline, what is it?” Cedric asked us, “get back to the cup.” Harry said to him, “just listen to him please Cedric.” I said to him as I began to feel dizzy, “who are you? What do you want?” Cedric asked Wormtail before he killed Cedric causing me to jump a little and I was about to rush to his body before I was thrown back to where I was before, before Peter managed to get Harry and I pinned to the large gravestone before Peter had dropped whatever he was holding into the Cauldron before Peter started toing a spell, “Bone of the Father, unwillingly given. Flesh of the servant, Willingly sacrificed. Blood of the enemies, forcibly taken.” Peter said as he had cut into both Harry and I’s arms causing us both to groan from it, “the Dark Lord shall rise again.” Peter said before the headache got worse.

After the spell was over, Voldemort was standing in front of us before he walked up to Peter, “my wand Wormtail” he said to him and Peter had done so before Peter held out his arm and had done something before we heard thunder before more Death Eaters had arrived, “Welcome my friends. Thirteen years it’s been and yet here you stand before me as though it were only yesterday. I confess myself disappointed. Not one of you tried to find me.” Voldemort said before he said their names as he took off their masks before he walked up to someone else, “not even you, Lucius.” Voldemort said as he had done the same before Malfoy spoke up, “my Lord, had I detected any sign or whisper of your whereabouts-” Luciuc said before Voldemort Continued, “there were signs my slippery friend and more than whispers'' Voldemort told him, “I assure you My Lord, I have never renounced the old ways. The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence, That is my true mask.” Lucius said to him before Peter spoke up, “I returned” he told Voldemor before he spoke up, “out of fear not loyalty. Still, you have proven yourself useful these past few months, Wormtail.” Voldemort said before regrowing Peter’s hand, “thank you Master. Thank you.” Peter said to him before Voldemort walked over to Cedric’s Lifeless body and I struggled to get loose from where I was before Harry spoke up, “don’t touch him.” he said to Voldemort before he looked at Harry and I, “Harry and Edeline. I’d almost forgotten you both were here. Standing on the bones of my father, I’d introduce you but word has it, you’re almost as famous as me these days and as for you Edeline, I would have gotten to you if I hadn’t died getting there.” he said to me and I struggled, “go to hell.” I said to him and he just laughed before turning around, “the Boy Who Lived and the Girl Who Slipped Away. how lies have fed your legends Harry and Edeline, Shall I reveal what really happened that night 13 years ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? It was love while the other got lucky from being killed. You see, when dear sweet Lily Potter gave her life for her only son, she provided the ultimate protection and I’m sure that dear Rosalie Lupin, the younger sister of James Potter would have done the same, I could not touch him, it was old Magic, something I should have foreseen but no matter, things have changed. I can touch you both.” Voldemort said before he touched both of our foreheads causing Harry and I both to scream in pain because of it and from that, I began to feel different before he stopped touching us, “astonishing what a few drops of both of your blood will do. Pick up your wands Potter and Lupin as both Harry and I fell to the ground, “I said pick them up.” Voldemort said to us again and both Harry and I grabbed them, “you've both been taught how to duel I presume?  First you bow to each other. Come on now you two, the nicer it is must be preserved, Dumbledore wouldn’t want either of you to forget your manners would he? I said Bow.” Voldemort said, forcing us to bow and eventually, he began to torture the both of us causing us to scream from the pain until he stopped, “there we go you two, both of your parents would be proud, especially your filthy Muggle Mother and that filthy mut of a father of yours and both Harry and I tried to attack him but blocked it, “I’m going to kill the both of you Harry Potter and Edeline Lupin. I’m going to destroy you both. After tonight, no one will ever again question my power. After tonight, if they speak of either of you, they’ll speak only of how the both of you begged for death and I, being a merciful Lord, obliged.” he said to us before forcing us up before the both of us hid behind one of the graves, “what do we do? We can’t stay here forever.” I said to him before Voldemort spoke up, “don’t you turn your backs on me, Harry Potter and Edeline Lupin. I want you two to look at me when I kill you. I want to see the light leave your eyes.” we heard him say to us, “we’re going to fight back.” Harry said and I let out a sigh before the both of us came out of hiding, “have it your way.” Harry told him before the three of us fought each other as both Harry and I fought against Voldemort.

After a few moments had passed, something had happened as what looked like a shield surrounded the three of us before something else happened and ghosts appeared from Voldemort’s wand and soon enough, I saw Aunt Lily and Uncle James on either side of Harry and I, “Harry, Edeline, when the connection is broken, the both of you must get to the Portkey.  We can delay them for a moment to give you both some time, but only a moment. Do you understand?” Uncle James said to us and we both nodded, “Edeline, tell your mother I will always be with her.” Uncle James said and I nodded before Cedric spoke up, “Harry, Edeline take my body back will you? Take my body back to my father?” he asked us before Aunt Liy spoke up, “let go. Sweetheart, you're both ready. Let go. Let go” Aunt Lily said to us and we had done so before we had managed to get to Cedric’s body and grabbed the cup before leaving and once we made it back to where we should have been before what had happened and I just sat on my knees as everything that had just happened had processed through my mind and a scream was what brought me back to everything before my mum rushed over to me.

Rosalie’s P.O.V   
After Harry, Edeline and Cedric came back, it had taken me a moment before seeing that something was wrong and it really hit me when I heard someone scream and I rushed over to Edeline, “darling what happened?” I asked her as my worry grew, “he’s back mum.” she told me and everything around me froze and went quiet before I saw something on her forehead, “did he do this to you?” I asked her as I mentioned her forehead and she gently nodded, “he killed Cedric.” she told me before she hugged me and started crying and I held her close, “he’s back. He’s back. Voldemort’s Back. Cedric, he asked us to bring his body back. We couldn’t leave him. Not there.” Harry told Dumbledore before I noticed Remus had come over to us as well, “it’s alright Harry and Edeline, it’s alright. He’s home, you all are.” Dumbledore said, “keep everybody back.” the Minister said before he whispered that Cedric was killed, “the body must be moved Dumbledore. There are too many people.” the Minister said before hearing Cedric’s father Amos come forward and to Cedric’s body before he started crying himself because of it, “Edeline, come with me. This isn’t the place for either of you right now.” I heard Moody say to her before she got up and looked at me, “you stay close to Harry, do you understand? I’ll be there soon.” I told her and she nodded before going with Harry and Professor Moody, “why did you let her go with him? I thought you didn’t trust him?” he asked me as I watched them walk away, “I don’t and neither does Dumbledore. That’s why I didn’t want Harry going alone. They need each other and they need to be close.” I said to Remus, “I can’t imagine what Amos must be feeling right now.” I said to Remus as we looked at the scene and after a while, I noticed Dumbledore approaching Remus and I, “Rosalie, come with us for a moment.” he said and I looked at Remus, “I’ll be right back” I told him before following Dumbledore, Snape and Minerva, “where are we going?” I asked Minerva as we rushed through the halls, “to Harry and Edeline. Dumbledore believes they’re in danger.” she said as we continued to rush before we had gotten there.

By the time we had gotten to Professor Moody’s classroom and got to his office, Dumbedore had blown the door off its hinges and I rushed to Harry and Edeline, “are you two alright? Are you hurt?” I asked them and they both shook their heads, “do you know who I am?” Dumbledore asked Moody, “Albus Dumbledore.” he answered, “are you Alastor Moody? Are you?” Dumbledore asked him, “no.” Moody answered, “is he in this room? Is he in this room?” Dumbledore asked him but they said nothing before everyone looked over to the chest that was in the room, “do you think he might be in there?” I asked them, “he has to be.” Dumbledore said before I moved Harry and Edeline out of the way before Snape managed to open the chest only to soon reveal the real Alastor Moody, “are you alright Alastor?” Dumbledore asked him, “I’m sorry Albus.” he said, “that’s Moody, but then who’s-?” Harry asked before Snape spoke up, “Polyjuice Potion” he said to Dumbledore, “now we know who’s been stealing from your stores Severus.” Dumbledor said to him before Snape looked at us, “told you so.” I said to him, “we’ll get you up in a minute.” Dumbledore said to Alastor before something began to happen to the person who was impersonating him and we all looked to see that the Polyjuice was wearing off and it turned out to be none other than Barty Crouch Jr.

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