Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Rea...

By LittleRed11204

95.4K 5K 2.8K

Cupid being the god of desire, love, attraction, and affection has the biggest part in everyone's lives. Dete... More

The Beginning
School Cliques
A Much Needed Conversation
Just In Case
Status Update
New People
The Calm Before...
...The Storm
Crumbling World
A Little Later
A Long Time Coming
Only Two Weeks
Jennie The Knowing
Taste Of Her Own Medicine
Change Of Scenary
Back In Seoul
One Single Question
The Moon And Sun
Everyone Finds Out
Escape Room
In Her Dreams
Sunshine And Moonlight


5.5K 225 297
By LittleRed11204

Y/n was walking hand in hand with Rosie down the streets of Melbourne away from their parked car in the warm weather of March. It wasn't too unbearably hot since it was getting closer to autumn, but it was hotter than most people would find acceptable. But that's what happens when you've become used to this weather for years. Rosie swung their arms gently as they walked to where they were going to go shopping once again. It was already the second time they needed to get all this stuff, but that didn't make it any less exciting.

"Come on, babe." Rosie whined to y/n as she wasn't walking as fast because she was fine with taking her time. Y/n chuckled and picked up her pace to match Rosie's,

"Okay, I'm sorry I wasn't up to your speed." When they walked in stride with each other, they soon arrived at the store. Y/n reached forward and held the door open for her sunshine as they entered the air conditioned store.

Y/n smiled stupidly watching Rosie's eyes light up at everything they were probably going to end up buying. They had the money, so whatever their hearts desired, they could get it and they're so thankful for that. Rosie let go of y/n's hand and rushed over to the first section, touching all the fabrics and little trinkets that her heart melted at.

"Babe, look at this!" Rosie squealed happily as she held up something that made her almost want to combust on a molecular level. Y/n smiled at it and walked over, taking it out of her hands,

"It's very soft, I think it'll be good."

"Fantastic, go get us a cart." Rosie instructed y/n as y/n didn't even argue and went on the hunt for a cart. It didn't take long and she soon wheeled it over to her girl, putting the item inside it and walking behind Rosie as she explored other aisles. Every so often Rosie would point something out, get y/n's opinion on it, and throw it in the cart even if y/n didn't like it that much.

"Love, why are you asking me my opinion if you're just going to toss it in the cart anyway?" Y/n asked with furrowed eyebrows, wondering why she's even wasting her voice. Rosie stopped walking forward and spun around to face y/n, making her way over. She stood on front of her and cupped her face,

"Because I love hearing your voice. Also because I do care about your opinion, I just am disregarding it right now because last time we went shopping for this stuff, half the stuff you picked ended up being useless." Rosie explained as y/n scoffed,

"No, I don't know what you're talking about. We totally ended up using everything we got."

"Babe, no we didn't so stop lying to yourself and get your sexy ass back to pushing that cart again." Rosie finished with a peck on y/n's cheek, skipping back to the front of the cart and letting her eyes scan over everything.

"Ugh, why didn't you take Clare? She would love to do this with you." Y/n lightly complained as she knew she would just be stuck pushing the cart for the rest of the time. But a part of her didn't care that much because Rosie was always in front of her, so her eyes could wander her perfect body. Rosie stuck her hand back and stopped the cart abruptly, y/n almost crashing it against the back of her ankles. Y/n was silent as Rosie slowly turned around, squinting her eyes at her.

"Babe, are you really asking me this question?"

"Uh, no."

"Ugh, what am I going to do with you?" Rosie muttered as she just pulled the cart along behind herself, making y/n zip her lips shut and push the cart along.

"Love, what about that?" Y/n pointed out as she went to grab it off one of the shelves. Rosie looked back over her shoulder and gave y/n an unamused look as it was something they did not need at all.

"Why me?" Rosie asked dramatically, wondering where she went wrong. Rosie got all theatrical with it and even clutched at her heart, making exaggerated facial expressions.

"If I remember correctly, you were the one who said yes when I proposed. You also said 'I do' after me at the altar. So you must've gone wrong somewhere around then." Y/n joked with her wife as Rosie rolled her eyes playfully, giggling at her wife.

"Mm, you're right. I should've ran when I had the chance walking down the aisle." Rosie responded as y/n just placed a kiss on her lips,

"I would've paid money to see you try to run in those gorgeous heels you wore. 5 inch heels? Woman, I'm surprised you were able to stand upright without falling over or tripping." Rosie smacked y/n's shoulder lightly,

"Oh shut up. I could fully run in them if I wanted to."

"Sure you could." Y/n concluded as Rosie just made her wife continue to push the cart around everywhere she went inside the store. Y/n still gave her opinion and actually a few times Rosie listened to her if she didn't like something and put it back. It shocked y/n, but she was thankful to save at least a little money.

A small tub of tiny stuffed animals caught Rosie's attention as she practically ran over to it, cooing at all the adorable animals inside. Y/n pushed the now full cart over and also started to look through the bin, grinning at all the different animals and colors of the fabric used for each one.

"How about a little dolphin?" Rosie asked y/n, who was looking intently at a small stuffed elephant instead.

"Awe, but I like this little elephant. Look at its trunk!" Y/n said as she made a little noise as she moved the trunk up, mimicking the sound of an elephant as best she could. It got a laugh out of her wife and she was proud of herself for being the cause of such a beautiful sound.

"Okay we can get it. I think that's it for now, too." Rosie told her wife as y/n pretended that the cart was a basketball hoop and went to shoot a shot. The elephant was in the air flying towards the cart, but Rosie's hand slapped it out of the air, sending it straight to the ground.

"Wha–really? That was going to go in too!" Y/n whined as she bent down to pick up the stuffed toy and place it normally back into the cart. Rosie just chuckled at her wife as she pushed the cart towards the counter with deflated shoulders. She sighed as she can see she married someone who acts like a child sometimes, but she wouldn't trade them for the world.

"Hello ladies, did you two find everything okay?" The cashier said as she started to scan everything y/n was putting on the small conveyor belt.

"We did find everything we needed." Rosie replied with a smile as she patiently waited for everything to be scanned. In the meantime, she dug around her purse for her wallet and got her card out, ready to pay for it.

"Do you two need help loading all this stuff into your car? I can get someone to help if you need it." The cashier asked sincerely since there was indeed a lot of stuff that the two women purchased. Rosie shook her head as she motioned towards her wife,

"That won't be necessary. I married her so she could do all the physical labor." Y/n smiled and shook her head at her wife's remark, making the cashier laugh. They all continued to have small conversations with each other before the final total was announced.

"Your total is $636.88." The cashier said as Rosie heard y/n suck in a breath hearing the number. But Rosie just smiled politely as she swiped her card, the pin pad saying thank you moments later as the sound of the receipt printing could be heard. Rosie took the receipt and stuffed it into her purse blindly as y/n started to push the cart away towards the exit.

"Congratulations by the way." The cashier said as Rosie smiled brightly, resting her hand on her small baby bump from being almost 5 months along.

"Thank you, have a good rest of your day." Rosie responded as y/n was holding the door open, waiting for her pregnant wife to leave the baby store. She noticed her wife smiling widely as she got closer,

"What's got you all smiling, sunshine?" Y/n asked as Rosie stepped outside and went over to one of the benches. She looked up at her wife,

"The cashier just congratulated me on my pregnancy and you know how I get when people bring it up."

"That's true, you were always ready to have long conversations with people after they said congrats during your first pregnancy." Y/n said, recalling back to those times they shared.

"Guess I still have that baby excitement, even though it's the second time round." She told her wife as she placed her hand gently on her small bump. Y/n leaned down and kissed her wife's lips softly,

"Well I'll quickly go down the street to get the car and I'll be right back." Y/n told her wife as Rosie just nodded,

"Okay, do you want me to time you again?" She giggled, knowing that y/n would probably want to try and beat her personal record she set last time they were here; a whole 2 years ago. Y/n tilted her head back in laughter,

"No love, I'll end up crashing into something if I'm going to try and get here faster."

"Alright, be safe." Rosie called out to her wife who started to walk down the street to where the public parking garage was.

"I will!"

And so Rosie just kept the cart close to herself and just watched people walk by and soaked in the sun's rays. She hummed, feeling her skin all warm and radiant. She knew it would probably take her wife a little less than 10 minutes to get the car here, so she wasn't worried about getting burnt by the sun or anything like that.

Time went by and the sight of y/n's car came into view, making Rosie sigh in relief. She's always had an irrational fear that y/n would get into a fatal crash after a minor accident happened a few years back. It was just a miscommunication on the other person's part with the lights and they hit y/n's passenger side door. Y/n only had some scratches and bruises, along with a small concussion from the impact. But when she got that call from the hospital saying that her then fiancé was in a car crash, it was as if the world caved in around her. She couldn't bear not having y/n in her life.

"Your chariot, m'lady." Y/n said as she pulled the car up and stepped out. Rosie stood up from the bench and went straight to the car, wanting to get home to their daughter who was currently being watched by Lisa and Jennie.

The other soulmate duo had decided to also move to Melbourne after Blackpink came to an end. They were neighbors and loved knowing that they'll always have people there for them. Jisoo was still living in Seoul with her soulmate Jung Hae-in, but the two visited frequently; and of course the couples living in Melbourne went up to Seoul often as well.

Y/n was finished putting all the bags of baby stuff in the backseats and she climbed back into the driver's seat. She buckled up and started the drive back home, automatically resting her hand over on Rosie's thigh. Rosie's phone connected automatically to the bluetooth and she started to play some songs that she loved, the first one being Coldplay's Viva La Vida. Both women sung along to the song, Rosie stealing the show halfway since y/n decided just to shut the fuck up and listen to her wife's angelic voice.

It didn't take too long for them to arrive home, Rosie going over to get their daughter while y/n was assigned to unload the car. Rosie stood on the Manoban's porch as she rang the doorbell. Jennie soon answered the door and hugged Rosie,

"Rosie! How was shopping?" She asked as she allowed Rosie to step into their house. Jennie closed the front door as she followed Rosie to the living room.

"Shopping was great, we got everything we needed and it was nice to get out of the house without worrying about our little girl," Rosie said with a grateful smile, "speaking of, where are her and Lisa today?"

"They're upstairs in Evelyn's room, probably playing tea party since that's Evelyn's favorite game." Jennie said with a laugh as she heard her wife laughing loudly from upstairs.

"Ah, I shouldn't be surprised." Rosie said as she changed course and headed for the stairs that led up to Evelyn's room. The two women continued to talk with one another as they climbed the stairs, heading down the hallway to the door that was slightly ajar. Rosie poked her head in and couldn't fight off the smile that grew on her face.

She saw her daughter all smiles as she was happily bouncing up and down in her little bouncy chair. Lisa was sitting on a tiny plastic chair as Evelyn was being a great host, pouring the imaginary tea into the princess cups. Rosie then knocked on the door and pushed it open more, gaining all three of the girls' attention.

"Rosie!" Lisa said happily as Evelyn got up and ran over to her auntie, hugging her legs. Lisa then looked at the grinning baby in the bouncy chair, "it's your mommy, Luna!"

"My little angel." Rosie cooed as she made eye contact with her daughter. Evelyn then moved to Jennie and she bent down to pick up her daughter, resting her easily against her hip. Rosie walked over to her daughter who blabbered nonsense happily, making little grabby hands. She leaned down and got her daughter out of the chair, placing little kisses around her face, making her laugh cutely.

"She was a great tea party guest today." Lisa commented as she stood up from her little chair, going over to Luna's diaper bag to make sure everything was in there before giving it to Rosie. Rosie slung it over her shoulder and looked into her daughter's eyes, which she most definitely got from y/n. Rosie was so happy that science was on their side so their kids could have both of their DNA instead of just one of them.

"You were good for Auntie Lisa and Jennie?" Rosie asked her daughter as she just stared at her with a smile. Rosie then turned to face the couple that was standing near the door with Evelyn, "thank you guys for watching her today, it means a lot to y/n and I."

"How many times do we have to tell you that you don't need to thank us for watching your daughter? We love spending time with her, so it was our pleasure." Jennie told Rosie as she smiled at her two best friends,

"I love you guys."

"Love you too, Auntie Rosie!" The small 4 year old Evelyn shouted with a grin, making Rosie smile more.

"I love you the most, Evelyn; don't tell your moms though." She said with a laugh. Evelyn did the little move to zip her mouth closed and all the adults laughed at her antics.

"Well I need to head back home and see what the heck y/n is doing. Hopefully she hasn't burned down the house." Rosie joked as everyone soon headed downstairs towards the front door. They all said their goodbyes and Rosie was soon walking down the sidewalk to her home where y/n had thankfully gotten everything out of the car because the doors were all closed. She walked in through the garage and heard some pans and metal clanking around in the kitchen, making her feet lead her there.

When she rounded the corner, she saw her wife was unloading the dishwasher and Hank was curled up in his favorite spot by the kitchen island. The small little squeal that came out of Luna's mouth made y/n whip around with a spoon in her hand. Her eyes lit up seeing her daughter and she set the spoon down, making her way to her wife and daughter,

"The Manoban's haven't kept you yet, huh?" Y/n said in a cute voice as she talked to her daughter. Rosie always loved it when her wife talked like that to their daughter because it made her fall in love over and over again.

She remembers right when they got married 3 years ago on their honeymoon, a couple needed to deal with something and they needed someone to watch their 4 year old son at the beach. Y/n offered in a heartbeat and played with the little boy for over half an hour. She clicked with the little boy so well and Rosie was sitting under her umbrella getting baby fever then. Seeing her newly wedded wife be so good with kids made her want them as soon as possible.

"Did you get everything unpacked?" Rosie asked her wife as she took her daughter into her grasp. Luna snuggled up right into her mama's body and Rosie just wanted to take a million pictures of the sight. Luna had always been more of a mama's girl, but Rosie could feel that the baby on the way would be a mommy's baby. She was never jealous of the bond her daughter and wife had because she knew she was so lucky to have a wife that loved their child so much.

"I did get everything unpacked, sunshine. Tomorrow I'll just build the crib and we can put all the baby clothing into the cute dresser." Y/n said as she spun around with her daughter, making her giggle and clap her hands.

"I love you two, soon to be three."


"Okay, push for me!" The doctor instructed Rosie as she laid on the hospital bed with her wife tightly holding onto her hand. Rosie cried as she pushed with all her might,

"WHY DIDN'T WE JUST ADOPT THIS TIME!" Y/n smiled tearfully and pressed a kiss to her wife's head. She hated the first time Rosie was in labor because she hated seeing her in pain, and the second time wasn't any easier for her or Rosie. They both thought that the second birth would be easier, but it seemed like it was more difficult.

"THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE EASIER THE SECOND TIME!" Rosie shouted, her grip tightening on her wife's hand in anger.

"Mrs. Park, I need you to push for me again." The doctor said as Rosie did a few of her breathing techniques before pushing, sweat dripping down her face.

"You're doing so good, sunshine. Keep going, I'm right here. I'll always be here." Y/n said into her wife's ear, knowing she needed to hear those words from her. Those were exactly the words Rosie needed to hear as she pushed her hardest, screaming in pain as the doctor told her one more push.

"One more push my love and our little bundle of sunlight is here." Y/n said as she gave Rosie a smile like nothing she had ever given her before. Rosie didn't even know how to describe it, but she knew that it was only a warm and positive smile. And she did one more push, finally delivering their second child.

The doctor patted the back of the newborn gently to get air into their lungs and soon the harsh cries were heard in the delivery room. Rosie and y/n both cried tears of joy and the baby's umbilical cord was cut and they were cleaned up. They were wrapped up in a small blanket, the doctor gently handing them to Rosie,

"Say hello to your baby girl."

Rosie looked down at her second daughter with all the love in the world, y/n the exact same way. Rosie kissed their forehead and looked up to y/n with happy tears falling from her tired brown eyes,

"This is our daughter."

"I know, she looks just like you when you were a baby. I bet she has your eyes." Y/n whispered as she looked down at her beautiful baby girl.

"What is her name for the birth certificate?" One of the nurses asked, pen in hand ready to write down their name. Y/n bit her lip to suppress the wide smile threatening to show as Rosie told the nurse their baby's name.

"Her name is Kira Park."


"Girls, it's time for your first day of school... again!" Y/n chuckled seeing her daughters rub their eyes as they both exited their bedrooms at the same time. Luna was 10 and Kira was 8, both in primary school. Luna was not amused about school in the slightest and Kira was sporting a wide smile about starting another school year.

"Yay! I can't wait to learn more this year!" Kira said excitedly as she ran past y/n downstairs to the kitchen where Rosie was making breakfast.

"Nerd." Luna grumbled as she had rubbed all the sleep out of her eyes finally. Y/n sighed,

"It's not nice to call your sister a nerd." Luna looked at her mom,

"So you think she isn't a nerd?"

"...exactly what I'm saying." Y/n said in a tone that she always uses when she lies and wants to get caught. Luna laughed at her mom and y/n smiled knowing she at least made her daughter happy this morning, "your mom was a nerd, so I have nothing but love for them."

"Isn't she a drop out?" Luna questioned as y/n laughed loudly,

"Don't say that around your mom, but yes she is. Even though she later finished school, still don't mention it around her. She'll take away your favorite stuffed animal for a month." Luna pretended to zip her lips closed, but she still spoke up,

"How come you joke about it with her?"

"Because I've known her since I was Kira's age. Also since we are kinda soulmates."

"I guess that's fair."

The mother and daughter duo made their way downstairs as they entered the kitchen that smelled amazing. Luna joined her younger sister at the kitchen table waiting for their mom to finish cooking. Y/n went over to her wife and gave her a back hug, pressing a kiss to her cheek,

"Is everything good over here?" Rosie hummed in response and stole a proper kiss from her wife,

"Yes it is, so could you hand me the girls' plates?" Y/n nodded her head and reached over to where two plates sat, handing them over to her wife who filled them both up with food. Y/n got the grape juice out for Luna and the apple juice out for Kira, along with both their favorite cups. She poured their drinks and placed them down on the table for her daughters, both of them saying thank you. Rosie came over to the table and placed their plates down, once again both girls saying thank you.

"You're very welcome, my loves. Now remember when you two come home, your mama and I need to know two things about today from school." Rosie reminded her daughters as Kira nodded her head esthetically and Luna sighed deeply. Rosie bit her tongue before she said something about Luna's obvious hatred for school already.

She didn't scold her about it because the best person she has ever met was the exact same way back in primary school.


"Luna, how about you tell me two things that happen in your book today?" Y/n negotiated with her daughter, watching as her eyes lit up at the mention of the book she had been reading. One thing about their oldest daughter was that she was indeed a big book worm. Rosie shot y/n a loving smile as y/n just winked back at her.

"Okay, I can do that!"

"Fantastic, now eat your breakfast and get changed." Y/n told her daughters as they dived into their food, both moms heading back into the kitchen to fix their own plates of breakfast. As y/n was putting some food onto her plate, Rosie came up behind her and bit her earlobe teasingly, making y/n shiver slightly,

"Are we going to continue our tradition of having sex on the kids' first day of school again because we finally have the house to ourselves again?" Rosie whispered hotly into her wife's ear. Sure both women were now 38, but they still had sex rather often because they could. It wasn't as often as they wanted because of their daughters, but it was enough to satisfy the both of them.

"Hm, do you think you deserve it?" Y/n questioned her wife as she looked back at her. She smirked as she saw her pupils already starting to dilate with lust. Rosie slipped her hands underneath y/n's shirt,

"I think I most definitely deserve it because I've been a good girl."

"Roseanne Park, keep your horniness in check. Our children are still here." Y/n told her wife with a small chuckle as she headed over to the kitchen table with her food, leaving her wife turned on in the kitchen. Rosie mumbled a few swear words to herself as she soon joined her wife and daughters at the table.

"What are you guys going to do since Luna and I will be gone?" Kira asked innocently as y/n held back a smirk at the question. She looked at her wife to see what her response to the question would be,

"Oh I don't know. Maybe we'll have all the junk food that we've hidden from you two." She said with an evil smile as the girls gasped, hearing that there is apparently hidden junk food. Y/n chuckled lowly and continued to eat her breakfast after hearing her wife's words.

"Oh would you look at the time, you two need to get changed before the Manobans take you to school." Rosie announced as both girls brought their dirty dishes over to the sink and ran upstairs to get changed into their school uniforms. Y/n raised an eyebrow,

"I usually drive the girls to school; what's with the change of plans?" Y/n asked her wife as she ate a forkful of food. Rosie sucked her bottom lip in between her teeth,

"Well Lisa and I argued about who hasn't gotten laid for longer and I won, so they are taking the girls to school so we can get busy."

"You two really argued about that?"

"Uh, yeah we did. We talk about our sex lives still." Rosie said in a tone as if y/n was stupid. Y/n rolled her eyes at the condescending tone her wife used,

"It's just interesting in the first place you ever opened up about our sex life because I remember you getting very embarrassed when Lisa called you out on being a bottom."

"I think you need to shut your mouth." Rosie grumbled to her wife as she remembered back to all those years ago to that moment. Y/n laughed and got up to put her dishes in the sink, kissing Rosie's temple as she walked by. She then went upstairs to check on the girls and Rosie went to check up on some emails in the office after she also put her dishes away. As she mindlessly scrolled through them, the sound of multiple footsteps coming down the stairs pulled her attention away from the screen.

"Alright you two, picture time!" Y/n shouted happily as she pulled her phone out. Both girls groaned as they hated how they always had to get their picture taken on the first and last day of every school year.

"Why do we always do this?" Luna complained as she put her arm over Kira's shoulder and forced a fake smile for the picture.

"The smile that looks like you've been kidnapped, cute one Luna," y/n said with a small chuckle, "and we do this because the super secret agency of disobedient kids needs updated pictures."

"...what?" Kira asked in a small voice, clearly terrified with what her mama had told them. Rosie shot her wife a hard glare as she went over to her youngest daughter and crouched down to her level,

"Your mama is kidding, right y/n?" Rosie said, gritting out the last part through her teeth. Y/n gulped and nodded her head,

"I was just messing with you sweetie. We just take pictures so that we can embarrass you later."

"Oh, okay that's fine then because you already embarrass us both." Kira said now with a smile as she hugged Rosie and then y/n real quick since the sound of a car horn was heard. Both moms stood silently hearing that they both embarrass their daughters already.

"Have a good day the both of you! I love you!" Y/n shouted to her daughters as they opened up the front door.

"Be good and I love you two so much!" Rosie also shouted to her daughters as she somewhat recovered from what Kira said.

"Love you too!" Both Luna and Kira said at the same time, rushing out the door and down the driveway to the Manoban's car. Y/n waved to the couple in the front seats. Jennie waved back normally and Lisa made sure the kids couldn't see what she was doing with her fingers, holding them up to her mouth and moving her tongue in between the V shape. Jennie smacked Lisa hard as she just laughed, pulling out of the driveway, taking their kids to school.

"They already find us embarrassing?" Rosie said in a sad tone as y/n walked over to her wife, wrapping her up in a hug, "I thought we had until they were at least teenagers."

"Sunshine, you were absolutely insane at Kira's first football game," Y/n told her wife, "I even got embarrassed of you."

"WHAT?!" Rosie yelled at her wife as y/n just nodded,

"Love, you had face paint and streamers for a 6 year old's football game. Who the fuck does that?"

"A very passionate parent." Rosie said, defending herself. Y/n sighed,

"You're right, you were just passionate."

"You don't believe anything you just said.

"And you would be correct."

"I hate you." Rosie muttered against her wife's chest. Y/n laughed and squeezed her wife, moving her hand to tilt Rosie's head up,

"I love you too." She then captured Rosie's lips in a kiss. Her wife tried so hard to stay mad and not kiss back, but she failed miserably.

"I'm honestly shocked they weren't embarrassed by us earlier." Y/n said against her wife's lips. Rosie just pinched y/n's arm in retaliation. Y/n released her wife from her grasp and squinted her eyes at her, "that was mean."

"You deserved it."

"Oh yeah," y/n started, wanting to push her wife's buttons a little more knowing the sex would be great as a result, "Luna mentioned you were a dropout."

"SHE WHAT? SHE ONLY KNOWS THAT BECAUSE OF YOU! GET BACK HERE!" Rosie screamed at her wife, running after her as y/n's laughter echoed through their home.


"Sweetie, let's get your ass up for your last day of secondary school ever!" Y/n said as she opened Luna's bedroom door. The 18 year old groaned into her pillow as y/n rolled her eyes at her very happy daughter. Luna was in the prime of her emo phase and it was very evident with all the black clothing she wore. She walked through her somewhat messy room and opened the blinds, making Luna groan even more,

"Really mama?! You're going to blind me!" Luna complained as she pulled her blanket up above her head to shield herself from the light.

"Well if you lose your sight, maybe your listening skills will get better." Y/n said as she pulled the blanket off of Luna's head, smiling seeing her grumpy daughter, "how about you and me go and get ice cream at our favorite place after you come home today? How does that sound?"

Luna frowned a little hearing that come from her mom, knowing that she couldn't go because she already had plans.

"I'm sorry mama, I already made plans to have a bonfire over at Olivia's house. We are celebrating her 18th birthday, which is tomorrow."

"A bon fire at 3pm?" Y/n asked as Luna just avoided eye contact, making y/n smirk at her, "I see what's going on here. You want to just spend time alone with her, don't you?"

Her daughter's face grew a few shades red as y/n threw her head back in laughter. Luna came out to her moms two years ago, but she never really had crushes on any girls until the new girl from the states had moved here last year. And that girl happened to be Olivia. Y/n just walked back to the bedroom door, looking back at her daughter,

"That's okay, we can do it another time. Let your heart have some fun. I'll just have some fun with your mom then because we'll be home alone since you'll be gone and Kira has volleyball."

"Ew, gross mama!" Luna shouted as y/n chuckled, leaving the room and going down the hall to where Kira was already up and atom. Y/n just stood in the doorway as she watched her 16 year old dance around happily to music she was playing from her phone.

"Kira, are you ready for yet another last day of a school year?" She asked her youngest daughter who spun around and smiled widely,

"Yes because it means that I'm one step closer to being an adult."

"Mm, I don't think I'm going to allow you to be an adult." Y/n said as Kira rolled her eyes as she brushed her hair. Y/n smiled knowing that she got the small amount of attitude from her mom.

"I know you don't want me to grow up since I'm your little girl, but unless you make a machine that stops me from getting older, it's inevitable." Kira said to her mama as she looked at her through the reflection of the mirror. Y/n squinted her eyes,

"Are you challenging me to invent something?"

"Yes, because it won't happen." Kira responded with a smirk as y/n pretended to get shot in the heart,

"Ow, I've been shot! My own daughter doesn't believe that I can invent something!" Y/n went over to place a small kiss on the top of her daughter's head, "go head downstairs and eat your breakfast. I made it today since your mom is still sleeping. Make sure Luna also goes downstairs and that she actually stays inside before just running out the door. Still need to get that picture."

"I will mama, love you."

"Love you too, little one. I'm going to wake your mom up and we'll get our traditional pictures to embarrass you two."

"That's what I look forward to most on these days." Kira sarcastically said y/n got her daughter in a bear hug, threatening to mess up her neatly brushed hair, "NO! MAMA PLEASE, PLEASE HAVE MERCY!" Kira screamed while laughing, feeling her mama tickle her a little bit.

"Fine, I'll spare your life this time. Next time though, you need to watch your back." Y/n told her as she left her daughter in her room to make her way to the master bedroom. She opened the door and found her wife still completely dead to the world. Y/n giggled quietly to herself as she walked over to her wife's side of the bed, crouching down to her level and just admiring her sleeping wife. It looked like she wasn't a day over 30 since her skincare routine was always amazing. Y/n liked to think she looked 90 compared to her wife, but that always ended up earning her a smack on the arm from Rosie, telling her she was completely wrong.

Y/n leaned forward and placed a kiss to the tip of her wife's nose, making it scrunch up adorably. Her wife though didn't stir awake, so y/n then kissed her wife's lips gently. After a few moments, she felt Rosie lightly kiss her back, making her smile. Y/n pulled back and watched as Rosie's eyes fluttered open, softening when they landed upon her wife.

"Good morning, sunshine."

"Morning, moonlight." Rosie groggily answered back as she groaned, stretching her limbs out under the covers. Her eyes lazily went to the clock on her nightstand and she nearly screamed seeing the time.

"The girls-"

"Shh, love, it's okay. I turned off your alarm so you could sleep in because I know you had a rough time at the company yesterday. I got them both up and they are eating breakfast right now. Do you really think I didn't have things handled?"

"Can you blame me because you completely forgot to wake up and take them to school one time?" Rosie said as she now sat up in bed. Y/n scoffed at her wife,

"Like you just said, one time. And it wasn't my fault that you wanted to return the favor to me in the middle of the night." Y/n told her wife as she raised an eyebrow and pointed her finger accusingly at her.

"Well I didn't hear you complaining back then." Rosie smugly said as y/n lightly laughed,

"And you won't ever hear me complain about it. But go ahead and grab your phone because this is Luna's last day of secondary school." Y/n said as she watched tears form in her wife's eyes. Y/n cooed at the sight and leaned forward to give her wife a hug, feeling her lightly cry into the crook of her neck. Rosie was always the more emotional one when it came to anything, so of course y/n knew she was going to cry this morning; that's partly why she had her wife sleep in.

"Where did the time go? How is she going to be finished with secondary school already?"

"Well 18 years can fly by-"

"Babe if you don't shut the fuck up before you say something to piss me off more." Rosie warned her wife.

"Sorry. But I know, our Luna is going to be done with secondary school. It seems like just yesterday she was learning how to walk." Y/n said as she even felt a few tears form in her eyes, but she was easily able to keep them at bay unlike her wife, "come on sunshine, the girls are probably talking to each other about how slow we are."

Rosie gathered her emotions as best she could and went to the bathroom real quick to splash some water on her face before taking y/n's waiting hand to walk downstairs. They heard laughter coming from their daughters in the kitchen and they smiled at the sound. They were so lucky that Luna and Kira had such a good relationship with each other. Sure they bonded over making fun of their moms, but that didn't upset the moms in any way because their girls were so close because of it.

"Alright you demons, are you all fed and ready to take a picture?" Y/n asked her daughters as she entered the kitchen with her wife.

"Morning mom, and yes we are mama." Kira said as she put her dishes in the sink, Luna following behind her and doing the same. The two girls went to stand at the wall where they always took the pictures and Rosie got her phone out, getting emotional seeing their beautiful daughter Luna on her final day of school. Both girls saw their mom get teary eyed and gave y/n a look as to what to do. Y/n pointed to the phone Rosie was holding first, telling them to smile for the picture. They both did and y/n smiled seeing how Luna's smile was actually genuine this year.

"1, 2, 3!" Rosie said as she took a bunch of pictures of their daughters. Rosie then walked away back to the kitchen so her girls wouldn't see her all emotional as the two girls walked up to their mama,

"Why was mom about to cry?" Kira asked as she looked in the direction of the kitchen. Y/n smiled at the pair,

"It's hard on your mom that this is Luna's last day. It's a surreal feeling having your first child be finished with school," y/n said as she then looked to Luna, "go and tell your mom you love her before you leave."

"I will, I love you mama." Luna said, hugging y/n tightly as her mama placed a long kiss on the top of her head,

"I love you too, now go." Y/n encouraged her oldest daughter as Kira and y/n went to where they could see the interaction between mother and daughter.

"How much money Luna will cry?" Kira whispered to her mama as y/n snickered, loving the fact that her daughter was trying to make a bet with her. But she decided to play along,

"$5 that Luna will get teary eyed but not let the tears fall and ruin her makeup."

"Deal." The two laughed to themselves as y/n put her arm around her daughter's shoulders, holding her close as they watched Rosie let a few tears escape her eyes as she talked to her oldest daughter. Y/n lowered her head and whispered to Kira, still watching her wife and daughter interact,

"You know this will be mom to you in two years, right?"

"Oh I know. And I know I'll cry, so don't go making any bets about me." Kira joked with her mom as they watched the two in the kitchen embrace. Rosie's back was now to them, so they could see Luna's face. Luna did indeed have tears in her eyes, but she didn't let them fall. Kira complained lightly and y/n just made eye contact with her daughter, nodding her head proudly as Luna gave her a smile.

"Alright, go head out to the car and Luna will be out soon to drive you guys to school." Y/n told Kira as they shared one more hug before she went out the front door. After a few minutes, Luna left the kitchen with a sad smile on her face. Y/n just opened her arms up for a hug and Luna walked right into her embrace. Even though she's now an adult and gets embarrassed by her mama sometimes, she's still a mama's girl. Y/n held her daughter tightly,

"Thank you for doing that for your mom. I'll see you tomorrow morning since I know you'll ask to sleep over Olivia's." Y/n said with a small chuckle, earning one from her daughter.

"How'd you know?"

"Because I was in your shoes long ago," y/n said with a small smile, "now go head to school. Kira is already in the car. Drive safely please also."

"Always. I love you mama."

"I love you too, Luna."

Y/n let her eldest daughter get out of her hug and she waved to her daughter as she went out the front door and closed it behind herself. Y/n watched out the front window to make sure they got out of the driveway okay and she watched the car disappear down the street. She sighed and turned around, seeing her wife once again in tears standing a few meters away.

"Oh sunshine" Y/n said softly as she walked over to hold her wife. Rosie cried into her wife's chest as she held onto her tightly,

"Luna said that she'll always be my little girl." Rosie said in between cries, making y/n let a few tears fall from her own eyes finally. She's glad that her daughter knows exactly what her mom wants to hear already because it took y/n 25 years to figure out her wife.

"They both will always be our little girls."


Y/n stood in front of the gravestone with a sad smile on her face, setting the bouquet of flowers down in front of it. It made her knees ache since she was 87, but she needed to visit her wife on what would've been her 88th birthday. It had been just under 2 years since she had passed away from natural causes. Y/n was a mess when her wife had passed, but she has come to accept it. She knows that they'll be reunited soon because she knows that her time is almost up, too. But nothing was going to stop her from seeing her wife today. She knows that Luna and Kira were watching from the car, probably holding back tears as they had drove y/n here today.

"My sunshine, how are you? I miss you everyday, but I know that I'll see your beautiful self soon. I can feel your presence around every so often and I know the girls can also feel you around. Happy 88th birthday today, my love. I got you your favorite flowers because I know you would want me to continue the tradition of giving you the bouquet of flowers on your birthday. What kind of wife would I be if I broke tradition?"

Y/n let her tears fall freely as she looked at her wife's name engraved on the gravestone. Nothing was ever going to make it easier to see her soulmate's name in stone. She wished she had more time with her, but a part of her is glad her wife had passed before her because that's what Rosie wanted. Rosie didn't want to live in a world where y/n wasn't alive because she would go insane. And a part of y/n too also wanted Rosie to pass first because the thought of seeing her wife crying over her death would break her.

"I know we both joked about how you wanted to die first so you didn't have to live in a world without me, but my god does everything feel different without you by my side. The family holidays have been the hardest because you weren't by my side anymore," y/n took a deep breath before continuing, "I just want you to know that I still love you so much. I never stopped loving you and I will love you up until the day I die. I had the best time of my life loving you with everything I had for over 50 years. All the smiles, laughs, tears, frowns, good days, and bad days we have shared are all positive memories in my mind because they all happened with you. You always made everyday worth living because you were the light of my life. I remember you telling me so long ago that I was your light at the end of the tunnel. Well I want you to know that you are also the light at the end of my tunnel. I fear my legs will be giving out on me soon though because I'm old as hell," y/n joked to her wife that she knows is listening, "so I'm not stopping running towards the light because I don't love you anymore, I just don't think an 87 year old can do that. I hope you are doing so well up there being reunited with your parents and others we have lost on our life journey. My mom better not have told you embarrassing stories about me without my permission; that's something she would definitely do in the afterlife."

Y/n paused her speech for a little, trying to gather her thoughts as best she could. The overcast day didn't make her mood any better because the sky reflected how she was feeling. But even with that overcast, a warm breeze blew by her and she smiled through the tears, knowing that it was probably her mother telling her to shut up. She got her thoughts together and finished talking,

"So Rosie, I love you so much. I will probably be joining you this year if I'm being honest, the doctors said that my body is slowing down during my last check up. Luna and Kira both know, so they are spending more time with me before I die. Our little girls also miss you so much and they love you so much as well. Obviously not as much as I love you, I'm always number one in that category," y/n chuckled as she knew no one was ever able to capture Rosie's heart like she did, "I love you my sunshine, so, so much."

After y/n said that final sentence, through the many clouds, a ray of sunshine poked through and shone on Rosie's grave.

"I love you too, my moonlight, so, so, so much." Rosie cried as she stood next to her wife, wishing more than ever should could just give her a hug. But she was just a spirit and couldn't do that, but she was able to at least cast sunlight onto her gravestone. She watched as her wife cried harder next to her. Rosie reached out helplessly and placed her hand on y/n's cheek, closing her eyes tightly and trying to at least warm her hand the tiniest bit.

And it worked.

Y/n immediately felt the faint warmth of what felt like a hand being pressed onto her left cheek and she subconsciously leaned into it. She knew Rosie was there for certain now. Y/n looked down to where Rosie's eye level always was and smiled through the tears,

"Hello my sunshine."

"Hello my moonlight."


Y/n took her final breath and the sound of the flatline was heard in the hospital room. Everyone was in tears, especially Luna and Kira since both their moms were officially gone. They knew though that their moms would be back together again, so there was that silver lining. So even though everyone was in tears, y/n was blinded by the white light and couldn't help the wide smile from spreading on her face.

She would be reunited with Rosie again.


She very impatiently waited for whatever she needed to wait for. Soon the blinding light went away and she was met with a very pretty woman, but not as pretty as Rosie. This woman was a tiny bit taller than her and she had the biggest smile on her face. This woman had jet black hair that was rather long and a very gorgeous pastel pink dress that y/n couldn't help but imagine Rosie wearing flawlessly. But it was weird how this woman was looking at her as if she knew her.

"I'm so sorry, but do I know you?"

"No you personally do not, but I know you. I need to get someone here and then another person and I'll introduce myself properly." The mystery woman said to y/n as y/n just sighed, wanting to find her wife already. But she didn't say anything as she didn't want to upset whoever the hell this was.

Y/n then took in her surroundings and realized she was in this extraordinary garden with so many different plants and flowers. She reached out to touch one and that's when she noticed she didn't have wrinkles on her hands anymore. She gasped and looked down at her body, seeing that her youthful look was back. She looked to be 25 again and she smiled, feeling young again which was a lovely change from feeling old.

Soon the mystery woman came back walking hand in hand with a shorter man with dirty blonde hair. He wore a white suit and also had a shit eating grin just like the woman next to him.

"So this is really y/n y/l/n?" He said to the woman as y/n furrowed her eyebrows at the pair hearing them use her maiden name since she changed her last name to Park when she married Rosie,

"Where the fuck am I?"

"Yeah that's definitely her," the woman mumbled to the man, "well where do you think you are?"

"I would say hopefully in the good afterlife. But you know being gay and everything." Y/n responded as the two people laughed at her answer.

"That stuff about gay people is a complete myth. And you would be correct, you are in the good afterlife up in the clouds."

"Fantastic, now where is Roseanne Park?" Y/n asked the pair as they looked at each other, smiles on their faces,

"Why don't you head through those doors?" The woman said, bouncing on her feet a little. Y/n looked at her suspiciously as she walked past the pair, heading towards the big doors. She felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest as she opened the doors to the building.


Y/n stood in awe seeing her wife in the middle of the room, so pissed off as to why she was there. She shouted to no one in particular and her back was to y/n, so she didn't know she was there. Even looking at the back of Rosie, y/n knew that she also looked younger, probably 26 or something like that. Y/n didn't move because tears were welling up in her eyes. But she felt two hands push her slightly, encouraging her to go towards the fuming blonde in the middle of the room. She looked back to see the two people giving her reassuring smiles. Y/n looked back to Rosie and spoke,


One word was all it took for Rosie to turn around at the speed of light. The two soulmate's eyes meet after two years of not being with one another. Rosie started crying immediately as she sprinted towards her wife, y/n just still standing frozen as her mind was still freaking out seeing her wife. Rosie's body slammed into y/n's as her arms wrapped around her as if she was her lifeline. The impact sent both women crashing down to the floor below them, Rosie rested on top of her wife who wrapped her arms around Rosie.

"Moonlight, you're here." Rosie cried loudly as her tears wet y/n's shirt. Y/n was crying too as she nodded her head,

"I'm here, I'll always be here now." Y/n said as her voice cracked, her hand caressing Rosie's hair gently. Rosie so desperately missed the feeling of her wife playing with her hair, and just the physical feeling of her wife in general. The two stayed on the marble floor wrapped up in each other's arms crying for another 10 minutes. Y/n pressed kisses on her wife's head as she felt Rosie shake from all the emotions, "I missed you so much, my love."

"I missed you too. It hurt me so much to leave you behind." Rosie told her wife as she sat up a little, looking her wife in the eyes. She was able to look into her wife's eyes and now have them truly look back at her. She would watch over her wife and always look into the eyes she loved so much, but y/n never looked back because she obviously couldn't see a spirit. With a shaky hand, y/n reached up to cup Rosie's cheek, the now blonde again woman leaning so far into her soulmate's touch again.

"You didn't leave me behind, Rosie. I knew you were still around."

"I hated seeing you cry because of me though. I hurt your heart so much." Rosie said as her bottom lip quivered.

"Pain is temporary though, we're forever."

"I love you, y/n Park."

"And I love you Roseanne Park."

After that confession of love from both women, they leaned forward and connected their lips in the most emotional kiss they had ever shared. They both erupted into tears as they kissed each other. This moment felt so surreal to the both of them because they had been waiting for this exact moment for over two years. Fireworks went off inside their bodies and their hearts felt complete for the first time in over two years again.

The sound of two people sniffling nearby caught their attention as they pulled apart from the kiss, looking over to see the two people crying at them being reunited. The woman made a tissue somehow appear and both women looked at the two people with confused expressions.

"This was everything and more. Just a good old 88 years in the making." The woman said after cleaning herself up a bit with the tissue.

"I know." The man said as he pressed a small kiss on the woman's cheek.

"Okay strangers, please say who you are because you did just watch me kiss my wife and that's kinda creepy." Y/n said as she held onto Rosie, her arms around her waist and Rosie's around her neck. The two people smiled at the pair,

"My name is Destiny, I am the goddess that ya know, deals with destiny." The woman said while doing jazz hands.

"And I am the god named Cupid, I match soulmates." The man said with a proud smile as he was looking at his best pairing. Rosie gasped after hearing that from the god,

"What, so you matched y/n and I together?" Destiny butted in right away,

"All he did was shoot you two with some stupid arrow when you were born. I was the one that saw the courses of your lives and told him to shoot you two." She cleared up, making Cupid grumpily cross his arms next to his girl.

Both girls had their jaws dropped knowing that these two gods were the ones that made them soulmates. Y/n tapped Rosie's waist gently, their way of telling the other person to get up silently. The two stood up hand in hand as they looked at the gods in awe. Destiny smirked,

"I know, we are kind of amazing."

"Destiny, shut the fuck up!" Cupid told her as she just rolled her eyes at her partner.

"So could you guys have just paired us up with someone randomly if you wanted to?" Y/n asked them. They looked at each other before Cupid decided to answer the question,

"Technically yes, we could've matched you with some random person. But we knew you two would be great and damn did you guys have quite the love story."

"You guys watched us?" Rosie asked, kind of creeped out that there were eyes watching them live their lives on Earth.

"Duh," Destiny responded as she snapped her fingers, the desks and big screen appearing, "this is where Cupid and I work. That screen lets us see whatever and yes, we did watch your guys' lives because we honestly thought of you two as our children. And before you even ask that question I know you're thinking, no we did not watch you during those...intimate times."

The soulmates glanced at one another, processing all the information that the goddess had just told them. Y/n spoke up,

"What... so what was your guys' favorite moment of our lives?" Y/n asked now intrigued. Rosie stayed silent as she too also wanted to know, even if she was still a little freaked out. Destiny smirked and motioned the two women to look at the giant screen.

"How about I show you our favorite moment?"

"Um, creepy but okay." Rosie responded as y/n chuckled lightly, pressing a kiss to Rosie's lips briefly. Rosie felt her knees weaken as she smiled like an idiot. Cupid smiled at the pair as Destiny found the clip she and Cupid both mutually agreed was their favorite years ago.

"Here you go." Destiny said as both girls gasped, knowing exactly what was going to happen based on the location, time, and what they were wearing.

"Um, I–I don't know why I'm here honestly. My feet just kind of carried me here," y/n said as she looked into Roseanne's eyes, teeth chattering a little, "but I knew I needed...I needed to see you again."

Both girls got teary eyed looking back at the day that they had finally let their hearts love each other. Rosie leaned into y/n's body as she smiled seeing how nervous her wife was all those years ago, completely soaked from the rain.

"I uh, I got this key from Jisoo because she saw me in the hallway coming here. She didn't ask any questions and just handed me the key. So I'm sorry for catching you off guard like this since you probably don't want to see me–"

"That's all I wanted."


"All I wanted was to see you again." Roseanne clarified to the girl, taking a step towards her. Y/n blinked a few times as some water trickled down her face into her eyes,

"I'm sorry."

"God when you said that, I thought I was going to kill you." Rosie told y/n as her wife laughed,

"Yeah, I guess I really should've clarified myself back then. I was saying sorry because of how long it took me to accept everything. I didn't mean to make you worry so much back then, my love."

"What do you mean you're sorry?" Roseanne questioned quickly, her mind going to the worst things imaginable right away, "are you leaving? Am I never going to see you again? Is that why you're here? To say goodbye?" Roseanne said as her voice got louder with each question, tears started to form in her eyes as she also took a step forward with each one.

"What?" Y/n asked the angry blonde in front of her.

"Oh so now you're trying to act all stupid as if you don't know you're leaving me behind!? I know you can't accept we're soulmates and that you never will, so you're leaving to ignore everything!" Roseanne shouted.

"I'm staying."

Two words have never shook Roseanne's life up as much as those did. Y/n was staying. Roseanne's lips parted as she let out a breath, a mix between a sigh of relief and gasp of surprise.

"And I'm willing to try, to try love again if you'll allow me." Y/n whispered as a small smile graced her lips, showing her sincerity.

Destiny then paused the video, looking back at the soulmate duo that had smiles on their faces, that night also being one of their favorite memories. Just seeing their lives from a different perspective like this was weird, but it gave a new outlook on their lives. They could see things maybe they couldn't back then and they were a bit thankful that this memory was captured.

"I can play more of this one or pick another memory." She said as she waited for what the soulmates would want.

"Do you have our whole lives documented?" Rosie asked as Cupid snapped his fingers, making a small flash drive appear in the palm of his hand. He held his hand out to Rosie, who cautiously took it from his grasp,

"Both of your lives are on that drive. We always give people who arrive here a copy of their lives if they have fond memories they want to see again. So there are you guys' memories and you can watch them whenever, however many times." Cupid explained as Rosie looked down at the little flash drive like it held the most important information in the universe.

And to her and y/n, it did.

They could relive their childhood together, their wedding day, both their daughter's first words, their first grandchild being born, and all those little cliché dates they had throughout the many years they were together. This was the greatest thing anyone had ever given them and it only took them to both die to get the best gift.

"Thank you." Y/n said sincerely to the gods who were taken aback with how kind she was. They know her as the sarcastic and sometimes mean woman. But they smiled at her,

"It was our pleasure watching you two grow up to be beautiful women that made us want to pull our hair out multiple times." Destiny responded as the soulmates laughed at her words, knowing they were definitely a little insufferable.

"It is also an honor to meet you two since we've kept an eye on you two since you were born. We had been waiting for you two to arrive for a while because we wanted to meet you two so badly." Cupid said as he smiled at Destiny. Y/n squinted at them and pointed at them,

"Are you two together?"

Cupid and Destiny laughed at the question y/n had asked. Rosie smacked her on the shoulder and told her not to just go around and ask gods personal stuff like that. Y/n and her started to argue lightly about it and Destiny decided to answer the question Rosie deemed too personal,

"Yes were are together and we kind of have you two to thank." Rosie and y/n stopped mid argument hearing that they had some role in bringing gods together. They looked at the gods extremely confused, making Cupid speak up,

"We got closer over time watching you guys because you were kind of a mutual interest for us. We bonded over you two and that eventually led us to develop feelings for one another. So thank you for living your lives since it gave me a wonderful relationship."

The women smiled widely at him, seeing Destiny blush a bit hearing that from him. He chuckled seeing her blush as kissed her sweetly before turning his attention back to the soulmates,

"Now I think we should let you two go on your way. Roseanne, you've been here for some time, so I think you can bring y/n to reunite with everyone. And if you need us again, just call for us and we can see what ya need. I hope you two live happily again here since you both deserve it." Cupid told the two as they thanked the two gods once again for making them soulmates and not messing it up.

"Let us get you two to the main fountain." Destiny said as Rosie went to tighten her grip on y/n's hand, making her wife look over at her confused,

"How come you- AHHHH!" Y/n started as soon they were teleported to the fountain as Destiny snapped her fingers. Y/n's face lost some color at the sudden change of scenery and knowing she had just gotten teleported. There were many people walking around that she didn't recognize at all, but there were smiles on everyone's faces. Rosie laughed at her wife's reaction,

"Hahaha! I remember the first time I got teleported!"

"So you've actually met them before?"

"No, I've met Aaron though and he's cool." Rosie said casually as she started to gently tug her wife towards a small building that looked rather inviting. But y/n stopped her wife's advancements as she stood still instead of following along. Rosie worriedly looked back at her wife, "what's wrong, moonlight?"

"Nothing is wrong, I'm still just processing everything. It's just a lot to take in, don't worry about me." Y/n said with a small smile as Rosie just went to snake her arms around y/n's neck, pulling her closer to her body,

"I always worry about you, it's my job as your wife." Rosie whispered to her as y/n rested her forehead against her wife's,

"You're right, and it's my job to worry about you."

"I love you so much and I'm so glad I get to hold you in my arms again." Rosie said as her eyes glossed over looking at her soulmate. Y/n put her hand on the small of Rosie's back and pushed her body further into her own,

"I think I have you beat on how much we missed this because I wasn't able to check up on you at all. You at least got to see me." Y/n told her wife as she leaned in a bit more and kissed her lovingly. Rosie hummed in satisfaction and mumbled against y/n's lips,

"This moment was better than I ever could've imagined." Y/n breathlessly pulled away from their kiss with a lopsided grin,

"I feel the same way. And I can't believe those two gods made us soulmates and we got to meet them. They look great together and their dynamics fit perfectly."

"I know, it's crazy. It was really all because of a damn arrow." Y/n went to quickly clarify what her wife said because she believed that the god should get his credit because he brought them together,

"Cupid's arrow."

The End

and thats the end of Cupid's Arrow :'). this story was an absolute blast to write since i changed to 3rd person instead of 1st person POVs. it was challenging and i feel like i got better as a writer because of this book. this one has a special place in my heart and its right next to my other stories. this epilogue is the longest of this book and actually the longest chapter i have ever written in any of my books at just over 12,000 words. I UGLY CRIED WRITING THIS WHOLE EPILOGUE, OH MY GOD IT TOOK MULTIPLE WRITING SESSIONS BC I WOULD CRY TOO MUCH AND I HAD TO STOP LMAOOOOO.

i hope u all loved this journey and plot of this book as much as i did. i never planned for y/n to break the golden rule at the beginning of the story, that just kinda happened out of no where, but i loved it. i was also scared that this book wouldnt do too good bc of the writing style change, but the support on this book made me beyond happy and grateful that all my readers support me so much.

Fun fact time:

-i chose the names Luna and Kira for the children's names because Luna means moon in Latin and Kira means sunbeam in different languages (rough meaning lol). so they represent the sun and moon, just as y/n and rosie are to each other :)

-also in the afterlife, rosie is 26 and y/n is 25 because thats how old they were the night y/n went over to rosie's apartment to confess

now some news for my next book, which is called 'Guarded Heart': i will post an announcement on my page in about a week with the description of the book. this story is also going to be my first (and probably only) g!p reader, so if you are not comfortable with that, i am sorry (i have been posting annoucments about people's concerns and stuff, so feel free to scroll through them to read more details about it). and one major thing in this story besides the reader being g!p is............ Rosie will have a child already because so many of you when i asked for book ideas a long time ago wanted to see that. so... SURPRISE!!!!!!! if u hate that she has a kid already, i dont care at this point, ur just gonna have to live with it. updates for the new story will not be for a while bc this bitch aka me needs a break bc ive written just under ONE FUCKING MILLION WORDS IN UNDER 2 DAMN YEARS.

i hope to see a majority of you in my next book whenever i decide to start releasing chapters lol. i love u all so much it hurts and ill see u guys kinda-ish soon <3 if u ever want to talk, my messages are always open and i will respond bc im on here way too much.

your talented, stunning, gifted, hot, sexy, intelligent, amazing, caring, cool, fantastic, and humble author <3

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