Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Rea...

By LittleRed11204

95.7K 5K 2.8K

Cupid being the god of desire, love, attraction, and affection has the biggest part in everyone's lives. Dete... More

The Beginning
School Cliques
A Much Needed Conversation
Just In Case
Status Update
New People
The Calm Before...
...The Storm
Crumbling World
A Little Later
A Long Time Coming
Only Two Weeks
Jennie The Knowing
Taste Of Her Own Medicine
Change Of Scenary
Back In Seoul
One Single Question
The Moon And Sun
Everyone Finds Out
Escape Room
In Her Dreams

Sunshine And Moonlight

4K 170 89
By LittleRed11204

Rosie woke up first and she was thankful for that because that meant she got to admire y/n in the morning light. The soft glow that was present on her resting face made Rosie's heart dance. There was no sign of any negative emotions on her soulmate's face and she decided right then and there that she never wanted to see any negative emotions on y/n. Y/n's hair was messy due to the fact that it was still a little wet when the two crawled into bed, but that made her more adorable to Rosie

Rosie continued to look up and admire the sleeping woman as they stayed in each other's embrace. She was surprised that they didn't let go of each other during the night because she always gets way too hot, so she kicks off blankets in the middle of the night. So the feeling of y/n's arms loosely draped over her waist, slightly on her skin as her shirt rode up a little, made her the happiest woman in the world.

After a few more minutes, Rosie's desire to see y/n's beautiful eyes grew to be too much for her to suppress. She gently leaned up and placed small feather-like kisses along her soulmate's jaw, smiling into each one. It took a while before y/n started to show any signs of waking up, but she soon did when she lightly groaned.

"Mm, what?" Y/n mumbled out as her arms tightened around Rosie's waist, making her open her eyes as she seemed to forget she was in bed with the blonde. Y/n's eyes looked down to the blonde who was still leaving little kisses along her jaw and now neck, making her subconsciously smile.

"Morning, sunshine." Y/n whispered because she knew if she tried to speak at a normal volume, her voice would crack and break very unattractively. Rosie's heart fluttered at the cute little nickname y/n had given her. She met eyes with her and stopped kissing the girl for the time being,

"Morning, moonlight." Rosie replied as y/n couldn't help but smile stupidly at the nickname. Y/n just called Rosie sunshine because that's what she was in her eyes, especially with the sun rays pouring in from the windows. But Rosie called her moonlight because of her soulmate tattoo and she was going to make it their thing for sure.

"Hm, I like those nicknames," y/n said as she placed a kiss to Rosie's forehead, making the blonde close her eyes in satisfaction, "I know you just called me moonlight because of my tattoo, and your tattoo–"

"So you did see a tattoo!" Rosie loudly said as y/n rolled her eyes, chuckling a little because it was clear Rosie wasn't mad anymore about that since her tone was playful.

"Yes I did see a tattoo; and yes, it was on your ankle. Anyway, it's fitting how I called you sunshine because your tattoo is a little sun and clouds. So we're each other's sun and moon; sunshine and moonlight."

"Awe, we already have cute nicknames for each other." Rosie said as she cuddled closer to y/n, which was nearly impossible because they were already practically glued to one another. The two just basked in the presence of one another for a little longer before y/n broke the silence,

"Do you want breakfast?"

"I'd love breakfast. Can we make it together?" Rosie asked y/n.

"Of course. Let's get up then," Y/n said as she was about to remove her arm from over top of Rosie's waist, but the blonde whined and reached over to keep her arm there. Y/n raised an eyebrow at the girl who was pouting, "what? We need to get up."

"But getting up doesn't mean letting me go." Rosie stated as y/n looked into the brown eyes that so easily captivated her. She squinted her eyes and tried to not fall for the puppy eyes her soulmate was doing, but the sigh of defeat that fell from her lips made Rosie cheer.

Y/n tossed the covers off of their bodies and then Rosie latched onto y/n's body; her arms holding onto her tightly. Y/n kept her one arm around Rosie's waist as she moved to the side of the bed, slowly sitting upright with Rosie following suit.

"Can I brush my teeth first?" Rosie asked y/n as she nodded her head. Y/n moved Rosie so she was straddling her lap, making it easy to grab the back of her thighs as she stood up. Rosie's arms went to y/n's neck as they made their way to the bathroom attached to the bedroom. Rosie mindlessly played with her baby hairs as they entered the bathroom. She flinched feeling the cool countertop of her vanity against the back of her legs as y/n gently set her down on it.

"What the hell?" Rosie questioned as she reached out to try and get back into y/n's hold, but the girl was too quick to step back.

"What? I don't need the sound of you brushing your teeth right in my ear. And shush, it'll only be for two minutes, you big baby." Y/n said as Rosie muttered a swear word before grabbing her toothpaste and toothbrush. Y/n just leaned back onto the wall behind her as she was going to wait for the blonde to brush her teeth. She quirked an eyebrow as she watched Rosie open a drawer and start sifting through it. She smiled triumphantly when she pulled out a spare toothbrush, handing it over to y/n,

"Here, I don't want to kiss you with morning breath."

"Well what if I don't want to kiss you?" Y/n countered as she left Rosie hanging with the toothbrush. Rosie glared at her and waved the toothbrush around,

"Then I'll force it down your throat."

"Kinky." Y/n smugly said as she took the toothbrush from the now furiously blushing girl. They both brushed their teeth and y/n was trapped in front of Rosie because she wrapped her legs around y/n's waist. But she didn't mind as they both finished up, minty fresh breath now coming from their mouths.

"Now, what d–" y/n wasn't handed the opportunity to finish her question about what they wanted for breakfast as Rosie had pushed her closer to her with her legs and captured her lips. It didn't take y/n long to adapt to the kiss as she moved her lips sweetly against Rosie's. She set her hands down on the countertop as Rosie's hands were on the nape of y/n's neck.

Rosie could never get tired of kissing y/n. Her lips fit against hers like a puzzle piece and she knows she has them being soulmates to thank. Also how their hands complimented the other's perfectly was something that will never cease to amaze her.

Rosie wanted the kiss to go for longer, but y/n sadly had other plans as she was somehow able to pull back from the kiss. Both their breathing was ragged and Rosie was about to pull y/n back in, but she lifted her finger to press against the blonde's lips,

"Now hold on a little, Rosie," y/n chuckled as Rosie just melted once again at hearing that name, "I need to know what you want for breakfast. I was thinking we can have pancakes, is that okay with you?"

The blonde just nodded her head in response. And before y/n could pull her finger away from her mouth, Rosie decided to have a little fun as she opened her mouth and playfully bit down on y/n's finger. Y/n quirked an eyebrow at the gesture, but ultimately brushed it aside as she took her finger back.

"Bridal or piggyback ride to the kitchen?"

"Mm, bridal!" Rosie answered as y/n reached out to grab Rosie properly, soon carrying her out of the bathroom and through the bedroom to the kitchen. Y/n was giggling the whole way there as the blonde was leaving little kisses on her skin, along with nipping at it gently here and there. They arrived in the kitchen and Hank soon joined them as his tail was wagging, wanting someone to pet him. Y/n looked down and saw the dog looking at them curiously,

"Rosie, I think Hank wants you to pet him. He also may need to go outs-" y/n paused her sentence because her eyes had glanced out the window. Instead of the downpour that was supposed to continue into today, it was just pure sunshine and not a single dark cloud in the sky. She carried Rosie over to the window wall in her apartment and looked out, "outside seems really nice out right now."

"Look!" Rosie shouted as she pointed in a direction, making y/n's eyes follow to where she was pointing. She grinned as a rainbow was casted over the skyline across the Han River.

"Wow, that looks ethereal." Y/n whispered as the two just continued to look at the sight in front of them. It looked like it was something out of a fairy tale because of how out of this world it looked. Sure there have been rainbows over Seoul before, but something just seemed different with how this one felt.

"I knew mother nature loved gay people."

Y/n laughed loudly at Rosie's remark, shaking her head in disbelief. Rosie just smiled and leaned her head against y/n's chest, feeling it vibrate in happiness. And the best feeling washed over her knowing that she was the cause of it.

"I can't believe you just said that. Alright, I say you take Hank outside real quick because mother nature loves gay people and I'll get started on the pancake mix. Deal?"

"Fine, but I don't want to leave your arms." Rosie whined as y/n rolled her eyes,

"I will drop you on this floor."

"NO! I'm going!" Rosie frantically said as she scrambled to get out of y/n's embrace. She nearly face planted onto the floor beneath her, but y/n quickly caught her falling body,

"Be careful, sunshine. Can't have you breaking your face and having to pay the ER a visit." Y/n told her as she helped stand her upright. Rosie pressed a kiss to her cheek as a thank you before heading over to take Hank outside. Y/n watched with a grin as Rosie and Hank left the apartment. Before Rosie completely closed the door, she dramatically blew y/n a kiss and in return, y/n dramatically caught it, pressing it to her heart.

If someone saw them, they would think they were the most disgustingly cute non-official  couple.

"They are the most disgustingly cute non-official couple." Destiny noted as she looked down at the small screen briefly before returning her attention back to the god in front of her.

Destiny and Cupid were on their first date.

They were at the most popular restaurant in the clouds and they were having dinner with one another. Destiny was dressed in a floor length red silk dress with a leg slit, showing off her long legs. Cupid then wore a classic suit, opting for a normal tie instead of a bow tie because he always felt that those were too cheesy. So the two gods were sitting across the small table from one another and waiting for their food.

"What's happening with them now?" Cupid asked his date as Destiny smiled, showing him what had just happened a few moments ago, "awe, they're adorable now. What a nice change from infuriating."

Destiny laughed after hearing that because that was completely true. Cupid smiled at the sight, watching Destiny tilt her head back slightly and eyes scrunch up in happiness.

"I still can't believe that after 25 long years, they finally got together." Destiny said in awe after collecting herself. Cupid took a sip of his red wine,

"I know, it feels like just yesterday Roseanne was crying over how she'll never be with y/n," he paused, "oh wait, that was yesterday!" He chuckled as he couldn't help but laugh at his own joke. Destiny rolled her eyes fondly,

"You know something?"

"Hm?" Cupid hummed, waiting to know what Destiny thought.

"They feel like our kids."

"Kids already? Jeez, let's finish dinner first," Cupid joked with Destiny as the goddess rolled her eyes, "sorry. But they do I guess in some way. We've watched over them since they were both born. I'm glad they aren't related though because if we're they're parents, that would make them siblings."

"You really know how to ruin a moment."

"It's a gift." Cupid said as their food arrived, making both their stomachs grumble in anticipation.

"Sure, let's go with that." Destiny responded as they both thanked the angel waiter for their meals.

Y/n was mixing the batter up, combining all the ingredients evenly in the kitchen when Rosie and Hank both came back. Y/n chuckled as Hank now had a lot of energy, sprinting around the apartment with a little toy in his mouth. Rosie gravitated towards the sound of laughter and walked into the kitchen where Hank was now continuously pressing his squeaker toy against y/n's leg, wanting her to play with him.

"Buddy, I have to make breakfast!" Y/n said in a higher pitched voice than she normally talks with. Hank just paused for a moment and then went back to squeaking his toy against her leg. Rosie just walked up behind y/n and wrapped her arms around her waist, setting her chin on y/n's shoulder,

"I can do some stuff while you play with him in the living room. Does that sound like a deal?"

"But I thought we were making breakfast together?" Y/n questioned as Hank now just sat down and looked between the two humans, just waiting for someone to play with him. Rosie placed a sweet yet gentle kiss on y/n's cheek,

"We'll have plenty more mornings together in the future. Now go play with my son." Rosie joked as y/n turned her head to the side and kissed the blonde on the lips quickly before Rosie let her out of her arms.

"Alright you little demon, give me that toy!" Y/n shouted with a bright smile as Hank's tail wagged rapidly, the two of them running off to god knows where in Rosie's apartment. Rosie bit her lip to contain her smile as she heard them playing in the living room. She got a pan out for the pancakes and then also got some Korean sausage to have as a side.

She was hard at work for a decent amount of time, just humming to herself as y/n tired out Hank. And y/n was able to get the once hyper dog pretty tired as he didn't bother running back to y/n with his toy in his mouth to fetch. Y/n smiled down at him and gave him some pets before he just plopped down onto the floor, letting out a deep sigh. Y/n quickly went to the bathroom to wash her hands before quietly tiptoeing into the kitchen since Rosie's back was to her. She stood behind her and slipped her arms around her waist, making Rosie gasp and almost mess up flipping a pancake.

"My sunshine." Y/n mumbled against the skin of Rosie's neck, making her giggle because it tickled.

"You almost made me mess up!"

"But you didn't." Y/n remarked as she squeezed Rosie's hips gently while placing little kisses around the side of her face.

"Stop! I'm going to end up burning something!" Rosie giggled as she somehow successfully flipped the rest of the pancakes. She also made sure that the sausage wasn't burning in the other pan.

"Fine, I'll set up the table then," Y/n said, releasing Rosie from her grasp as the blonde whined and reached back behind herself to pull y/n back in, "Rosie I can't set up the table like this."

"I just want you near me."

"Okay." Y/n whispered as she just held Rosie, letting her cook without little distracting kisses being placed on her smooth skin.

The two soulmates soon were sitting at the kitchen table with empty plates and full stomachs. Y/n was sipping on the last of her drink as she noticed Rosie start to get all fidgety. She placed her cup down and reached across the table to take one of her hands in her own,

"What's wrong, sunshine?"

"I think we just need to talk about everything. I know my mind still needs details and I know you're still scared. We can't live in a bubble of happiness forever." Rosie said as she met y/n's eyes. Y/n bit her bottom lip and nodded her head,

"Okay, let's head over to the couch and we can talk about everything. I'm guessing you have a lot of questions for me and I'll answer them all." Y/n told the blonde as they both got up and walked over to the couch in the living room. They sat facing each other, their knees touching.

"Do you want me to explain everything or do you want to ask questions and I answer them?" Y/n asked Rosie as the blonde thought for a moment, figuring out what she wanted.

"Can I ask questions and you answer because I feel like I'll interrupt you if you just explain."

"That's completely fine, Rosie. Ask all the questions you need to get rid of any uncertainty." Y/n encouraged her.

"Okay, um what made you change your mind about soulmates and love?"

"I had a talk with Alice and I also just thought about everything. Do you want to know what I talked to Alice about?"

"Yes please." Rosie said softly as y/n nodded her head,

"Well, right when I called her, it was a few days after the escape room and I was in tears about how I was feeling about you. My heart wanted me to just go find you and kiss you until the end of time, but my brain wouldn't allow me to even send you a sincere smile. So I just told Alice everything from me starting to work with you guys all the way up to the escape room. She told me how we only have one life and that you were so ready to love to the best of your abilities and that it would be a waste if I didn't try. She told me that Lily was just someone sent to try and fuck with me; and she succeeded. But it was my job to move forward, even if my mind wasn't fully ready. We talked a little more and then I hung up and cried for hours, still scared about what pain you could bring me."

Rosie wanted to interrupt y/n right there because there would never be a moment where she would ever want to cause y/n pain. But she refrained from interfering and let her soulmate continue,

"I had a panic attack since I had spiraled, too. I then let my brain take over for a little and come up with every possible way things could go wrong. Then I let my heart take over for a little and come up with every possible way things could be amazing. I didn't even realize it, but tears were streaming down my face thinking about spending the rest of my life with you. They were happy tears. And then I came here."

"So you're still scared?" Rosie asked in a small voice.

"God yes, I don't think I'll ever have my brain fully get rid of being scared. That's just what happens with everything I've gone through. But the excitement in my heart outweighs the absolute fear of love now, and I'm so thankful for that."

"Did you really hate me when you told me?"

"I hated how conflicted you made me feel." Y/n told her as Rosie nodded her head.

"Are you going to be able to tell me whenever you do feel scared? I need you to be open with me so I can make you feel safe and reassure you that I'm not going anywhere or going to do anything mean to you." Rosie told y/n as she reached forwards and squeezed her hand gently. Y/n gave her a small smile,

"It'll be hard in the beginning, but we have the rest of our lives for me to get my shit together and tell you whenever I'm feeling like that." Y/n said as Rosie gave her a warm smile,

"The rest of our lives together, huh?"

"Yeah, I think that's a pretty good amount of time. Can I ask you questions now?"

"Sure, go ahead." Rosie said, sitting up a little straighter to prepare herself for whatever questions y/n had for her.

"How long have you liked me?"

That was a loaded question for Rosie. If someone asked her this a month ago, she would've said that she only started liking y/n romantically a week or so before they had sex. But now, she's had time to think about this very question.

"Since Australia."

"...what?" Y/n said in a whisper as Rosie could see the wheels turning in her head. Y/n blinked a few times, "um, like when exactly?"

"When you kissed Lily outside in your front yard. I felt horrible and I thought it was just because you were doing fine without me back then. But looking back at it now, it was because I liked you."

"What the fuck." Y/n mumbled, not believing what she was hearing, "wait, how did you know about that kiss?"

"I saw you guys outside from across the street at the corner." Rosie explained as y/n just absorbed the information she was given.

"Well then, that's definitely something. Um, sorry you had to see that kiss then."

"It's fine, I'm past it." Rosie said dismissively.

"Another question: do you have enough patience for me? I know that sounds weird, but I just don't know how long it'll take for me to open up. I'm trying my hardest though, I do want you to know that."

"Y/n, like you said before, we have the rest of our lives together," she replied with a warm smile, "and I should be the one worried about your patience because you've always been the one with a short fuse."

"Hey!" Y/n laughed as she took her hand away from Rosie's. Rosie laughed and then lunged forward, knocking y/n onto her back on the couch. Rosie laid down on top of y/n and dreamily looked into her eyes; her blonde hair cascading down towards y/n. The two soulmates just looked into each other's eyes silently before y/n spoke up,

"I have one more question." Rosie blinked and was about to sit up, wanting to be more serious about it, but y/n's hand went to her hips and kept her in place. Rosie didn't say anything and watched as y/n's hand slowly went up to her face and tucked some strands of hair behind her ear, making her blush a little at the action.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Will you be my girlfriend? Will you be my girlfriend? That sentence repeated in Rosie's mind a few more times before her brain was able to process what her soulmate had just asked her.

Y/n just looked up at the girl, amused seeing her eyes zone out and jaw slightly drop. Y/n rubbed her thumb back and forth on Rosie's thigh comfortingly, just waiting to hear her answer, even though she really already knows what it's going to be. There was a long pause of silence and y/n knew that her sunshine was freaking out internally and lost in her own world, so she brought her free hand up to cup her cheek. That gained the attention of the blonde right away and their eyes met once again with Rosie leaning into y/n's touch. Y/n raised her eyebrows a little, nonverbally telling Rosie that she's still waiting for her answer. Rosie blinked a few times and breathed out,

"Yes I'll be your girlfriend."

And with that, the two new girlfriends sealed it with a loving and passionate kiss.

"I'M–THIS IS AMAZING!" Destiny cried against Cupid's body as they were back at their building. He held the goddess tightly and also cried a little, tears of joy. Destiny was crying very hard and gasped for air a few times, but he knew those were happy tears, even if they didn't sound like it.

"They're finally official." He said, making Destiny clutch onto him a little tighter. He brought a hand up to the back of the goddess' head and gently stroked her hair. Destiny hiccuped a few times before pulling away from Cupid's embrace. He bit his tongue from saying anything about her appearance.

"So," Destiny sniffled and gave her best smile, "how do I look?"

Destiny had mascara all over her face, which was really impressive because Cupid doesn't know how it could've gotten to her forehead. Her lipstick was smudged and her eyes were puffy from crying. Cupid reached out and held her hands,

"Like you just got 100 water balloons thrown at you." He said with a small laugh as Destiny couldn't even be mad at his response. She hoped he had said something romantic and lie, saying she looked beautiful, but she knew that wasn't naturally him. The statement still made her smile because his eyes told a different story than his words.

In Cupid's eyes, she was the most beautiful goddess to him.


Y/n and Rosie stood in the middle of Rosie's living room as the 8 girls were all crying happy tears after hearing what Rosie and y/n said. Jennie was crying into Lisa's chest, Joy and Yeri were holding onto each other for dear life, Wendy comforted Jisoo, and Seulgi rubbed Irene's shoulder. Y/n squeezed Rosie's hand and leaned over to whisper into her ear,

"I think that this is going a lot better than I expected."

"I know, but it'll probably take another 10 minutes before we can talk again." Rosie whispered back to y/n, making her chuckle because that was most certainly true.

Time went by and the girls finally recovered enough to let the two soulmates finish what they had started saying. They all started crying when they got to the part of y/n saying she was willing to try love again, so they don't even know the rest of the story yet.

"So, so what happened next?" Seulgi asked after sniffling a few times.

"Well, we slept together in my bed–" Rosie started before being interrupted by Lisa,


"WHAT, NO!" Y/n shouted as they most certainly didn't have any sex last night. Y/n looked over to Rosie and the blonde had her face covered by her hands, probably realizing there was a much better way to word that.

"But look how red Chaeyoung is!" Yeri pointed out as you could even see the blush creeping up Rosie's neck, giving away she was a blushing mess.

"We did not have sex, my god what is it with you people wanting to know about our sex lives?"

"Do you want me to tell you because we've made a list of reasons before." Joy said as she was ready to pull her phone out. Y/n frantically shook her head,

"Please no! Rosie is just embarrassed that two guys would even say that." Y/n said as Rosie just nodded her head with her face still covered.

"Awe, does Rosie get embarrassed knowing that we know you're the bottom?" Lisa cooed jokingly as Rosie took her hands away from her face and made a break for the girl. Lisa was quick and shot up from the couch, sprinting away from the blonde.


"AH, PARK CHAEYOUNG!" Lisa screamed as she flew past them and made a break for the apartment door. Everyone was laughing watching them act like kids. Lisa was too jittery trying to get the door open because she couldn't unlock it quick enough, resulting in Rosie body slamming her against the door.

"OOOOHHHHH!" Everyone yelled, scrunching their faces up in discomfort as that sounded painful. Rosie started cussing out her band mate like a sailor in English and y/n knew from that moment on to never piss off the blonde. She even recognized some Thai swear words mixed in, meaning she was really going at Lisa's throat. Y/n rushed over to pry her girlfriend off Lisa as she held her back, Rosie still swearing up a storm to the now traumatized Lisa.

"Rosie! Relax!" Y/n said as Rosie didn't listen at all.

"HELL NO! LISA, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD," and the blonde just kept going.

"Sunshine," y/n whispered into Rosie's ear as she physically felt the blonde's body get less tense and her words stopped, "shhh, it's all okay. I'm here."

"She still needs to shut the fuck up." Rosie grumbled as she turned around in y/n's arms, tucking her head into the crook of her neck. Lisa was breathing heavily looking at the soulmates. Y/n shot her a look and Lisa nodded her head, pretending to zip her lips closed.

"What do you say we tell them we're official, hm?" Y/n suggested to her girlfriend as she felt Rosie smile against the skin of her neck. Y/n let go of her sunshine and they went back to the living room where Jennie was whisper-shouting at Lisa, scolding her.

"Okay, I'm just going to spit it out: y/n and I are officially girlfriends."

And with that, multiple neighbors on Rosie's floor came over to complain about the noise and glass was so close to shattering.

epilogue next

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