Miss Miller

By JadeG96

37.5K 1.1K 265

Gwen Smith is a 21 year old university student in New York, who is studying writing. Gwen interviews Lou Mill... More

Hello Miss Miller
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41

chapter 12

999 30 9
By JadeG96

Continue from chapter 11....

After we shower we head down to the kitchen to make breakfast. I'm wearing a pair of Lou's shorts and an old t-shirt of hers. The others are in the main sitting area, watching us walk down the stairs.

"Oh finally...they are awake" Debbie jokes

"Oh shut up ocean, its only 10am" Lou snaps back

I smile at them, Lou takes me in the kitchen.

"Would you like cereal? We have plently"

She starts showing what they have. I choose cheerios. She chooses the same. She pours one bowl of cereal and places two spoons in it.

"Mind if we share? There's not a lot"

"Yeah thats fine" I smile at her lovingly. I look over at the bag of cereal to see there's almost a full bag, I chuckle to myself.

We sit at the breakfast bunker in the kitchen, we lean into each other. Our legs intertwined with each others.

"Do you have much planned today?" She asks me

"I've got work in a couple of hours actually, have you?"

She pouts her lip "do you have to go?"

"I do "I place a hand on her leg "I really need the money"

"Will you come back here tonight?" She asks

I look down at our bowl of cereal "I don't know...I've got a lot of stuff on right now"

She looks dissapointed "fair enough"

"But I could meet you after work if you want?"

"I would love to" I smirk

Debbie comes walking over. She's yawning.

"I never got much sleep last night...certain people were keeping me up" she makes eye contact with Lou.

Lou rolls her eyes "just because you aren't getting any"

"I could get plenty...if I wanted to" she takes a sip of her tea.

"Are you free tomorrow night Gwen?"

"I think so, why?" I take a mouthful of cereal

"We are having a party here for our other friend Daphnes birthday, you're welcome to come"

Lou shakes her head slightly at Debbie, I notice.

I look at Lou "Yeah, sounds great...I'll be here"

Debbie looks at both of us confused before heading back to the sofas to talk to Tammy.

"You never mentioned a party" I say to Lou

She looks down at the floor, avoiding eye contact with me "I had already asked someone else to come but I can blow her off for you"

Feeling slightly annoyed, I place my spoon back in the bowl and pull away from Lou slightly "Oh...dont do that on my account, bring her" I stand up "I'm going to get my stuff, I need to get home" Lou tries to take my hand but I move it before she can do so.

I get all my things together, I put the clothes back on that I had on last night. Lou comes in the room.

"Am I able to bring someone tomorrow" I ask her

She nods "yeah"

"Great" I say sercasticly "I'm going, I'll see you later"

I try to walk past her but she grabs my arm "don't leave like this"

"Like what" I say harshly

She raises an eyebrow "you know what"

I close my eyes and take a deep breath "I'm sorry" I sit down on the end of her bed "this is all to much, we've known each other for just over a month...I've never had these feelings before, it's driving me crazy...we aren't even together...I don't even have time for a relationship right now but I'm jealous that you invited someone else" I look down at my hands.

She moves my head up to face her "listen, we don't need a relationship...we can be friends...really good friends, if you know what I mean. I've never really had these feelings either and you're right...you don't have time for a relationship and neither do I but I want to be really good friends at least...for now"

I will hold onto that 'for now' forever.

I smile "I would like that"

"Now that's sorted, you can go...I'll give you a lift"

"No thats okay, I'll get the bus" Still feeling slightly annoyed she's bringing someone else.

She insits on driving me but my stubborn ass says no. We walk down to the main door and I say bye to everyone. We kiss each other goodbye.

I get home to find Jess waiting for me.

"Where have you been, you dirty stop out" she has a big smile on her face "I want to know everything"

I fall backwards on the couch next to her "Oh Jess its so confusing, i spent the night at Lou's...it was amazing, like really really amazing"

"So what's the problem" she plays with my hair as my head lays in her lap

"We both don't have time for a relationship so we decided to be 'really good friends' what do you think"

"I think that can work for people who can really control their emotions, I feel she can but I don't think you can"

I sit up "Well I need to try, I at least want to be friends with this woman" I shrug my shoulders "I don't know, she already asked someone else to go to this party with her that her friends are hosting...do you want to come with me?"

"Of course"

"Great, I better get ready for work"

I stand up and walk over to my door, I turn around to look at Jess "thank you for listening"

"Thats what I'm here for" she replys

I get ready for work, wearing plain cloths. I head out the door. Running late as usual. I get to work, Craig isn't here. I'm releaved. I can't be bothered with him today. I get on with my usual duties. I get a text from Lou that she'll pick me up from work. I'm excited to see her. I've missed her for the phew hours we've spent apart. The hours seem to pass by slower than usual, they have a way of doing that when I'm waiting to see her.

A girl comes into the store, I head over to the till ready for her to pay. She comes over with a phew things in a basket, she sits it on the counter. She smiles at me.

"Is this everything for you?"

"It is, thank you"

I take another glance at her, I recognise her from somewhere.

"Do you take a class at the local Uni?"

"I do, how did you know"

"I've seen you around campus...I study writing"

"Oh very nice, I'm studying photography"

"Oh you'll know my friend Jess, Jess wood"

"Yeah I know her, what a small world"

I continue to scan her items.

"I love your top" she comments

"Thank you" I smile at her

"Your eyes are very pretty" she throws me another compliment

"You are very sweet, thank you"

I finish with her items and she pays by card. She hands me a piece of paper before she leaves. It has her number on it.

"My name is Gemma, Call me if you want to grab a drink sometime" she winks

"I will, thank you...my name is Gwen by the way" I say before she leaves the shop, she turns to smile at me. I smile back.

I get a sudden guilt in my stomach, remembering Lou. I brush it off...trying to remind myself. I am not hers and she is not mine. We are just friends.

My shift is finally over, I freshen up in the toilet before leaving. Lou is waiting for me outside.

"Its so good to see you" She says as she walks over to me and wraps her arms around me.

"The feeling is mutual"

"Are you hungry? We can grab something to eat"

"That would be great I'm starving"

We both get into the car. She drives, like she's in a hurry. We pull up to a little sushie bar.

"This place is great, you will love it"

We both exit the car and head inside the restaurant. She has a presence everywhere we go, like everyone wants to please her. I watch as these people form around her, Offering her the best of the best. We get a table at the back because of Lous request. She orders everything off the menue.

"Why did you do that?" I say in shock

"You're hungry aren't you honey?" She says with a cocky tone in her voice.

"Well yeah..." Im interrupted by my phone buzzing.

Its Jess. She's telling me she can't make it to Lous party. She spoke to Gemma from her Uni class and thinks we would get along great. I wonder if I could ask her to come instead, I think to myself.

"Who's that" Lou asks "you look dissapointed"

"It's just Jess saying she can't come tomorrow night, I might ask Gemma"

Lou raises an eyebrow "who's Gemma? I've never heard you mention her before"

"I haven't no" I look up at her from my phone "I met her today at the store, she's in Jesse's Uni class...she wanted to grab a drink sometime so she gave me her number" I watch and wait for Lou's response.

"Oh right, are going to text her?" She says with a snappy tone.

"I don't know..." I say, waiting for a response from her.

"Well you can bring anyone...you're a free woman aren't you" she says before placing a piece of shushi in her mouth.

"How was your day?" I ignore that comment she made and try to change the subject.

"It was fine" she starts to be blunt and awkward with me.

"What's wrong?" I place a hand on hers but she quickly moves it away.

"You know what, I need to go...I don't know if I'll be there tomorrow...Debbie texted me, she's looking forward to me being there...but you're really pissing me off" I try to say as quiet as I can. Lou has no response to that. She glances up at me slightly then continues to drink her water. I gather my stuff together, before walking away from her I take one more look, I shake my head at her and walk out.

I'm standing on the side walk down from the restaurant waiting for a cab. the rain starts to fall heavy. One finally stops for me. As I get in, I see Lou rushing out of the restaurant. We watch each other through the car window as it passes her on the street. I look out the back window of the cab, She looks distressed as she runs her hands through her hair. My eyes starts to fill up with tears.


I hope you like, I wasn't sure about this chapter but I decided to go with it. Thank you for reading 💛💛

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