AVENGERS Incursion War (Secre...

By MarvelDc_EU

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Sequel to Wandavision, Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness. 3 words alte... More

The Trailer
Chapter 1: Kang the Conqueror
Chapter 2: The only way...?
Chapter 3: Solitude of Despair
Chapter 4: He Who Destroys
Chapter 6: Drowning in a sea of nightmares
Chapter 7: Reunions long overdue
Chapter 8: Assemble Part 1
Chapter 9: Assemble Part 2
Chapter 10: Betrayals
Chapter 11: Tragedy
Chapter 12: The Being
Chapter 13: The Prophecy
Chapter 14: Prepare for war
Chapter 15: For the girl who lost everything
Chapter 16: Two sides of the same coin
Chapter 17: The Incursion
Chapter 18: The Kang Dynasty
Chapter 19: SECRET WARS Part 1
Chapter 21: SECRET WARS Part 2
Chapter 22: Death to the Queen of Chaos
Chapter 23: Harbinger of Hope
Chapter 24: The Scarlet Redeemer
Chapter 25: For the Multiverse
Chapter 26: INCURSION WAR Part 1
Chapter 27: INCURSION WAR Part 2
Chapter 28: INCURSION WAR Part 3
Chapter 29: INCURSION WAR Part 4
Chapter 30: INCURSION WAR Part 5
Chapter 31: A New Hope
Midnight Suns Part 1: Terror in Transia
Midnight Suns Part 2: The Candidates
Midnight Suns Part 3: Ambushed
Midnight Suns Part 4: A "witch" called Wanda
Midnight Suns Part 5: The origins of Chthon
Midnight Suns Part 6: FINALE

Chapter 5: Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't

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By MarvelDc_EU

The Dark Dimension

Doctor Doom follows Doctor Strange and Clea through the dark dimension. They stop running and turn around to confront him.

Doctor Strange: Listen here Darth Vader, I really don't have time for this.

Doctor Doom: Now that is something we can agree on, there is no time for this. Our universes are on the verge of collapsing in on each other.

Doctor Doom summons lightning from his hands and he directs it towards Strange. Strange blocks it with his magical shield, the lightning is so powerful it pushes Doctor Strange back and it starts to break the shield apart. Clea jumps toward Doctor Doom with her sword but he swats her away like a fly, she stands up and does it again, he tries to block her but suddenly she teleports behind him and stab him in the shoulder. She teleports in front of him and summons a giant fist and she punches him with a blow to the head so big it created a shockwave. But Doom did not even move.

Doctor Doom: My turn.

He blasts clea with a green energy blast, she blocked it with a forcefield just in time but the blasts sent her flying through the air but she lands on one foot with one knee on the ground with her sword pegged into the ground. Doom uses his telekinesis to lift giant rocks the size of a truck from underneath the surface and he starts to throw it towards them. Clea slices through the rocks with her purple energy sword and Doctor Strange summons a giant hand that catches a rock and he throws it back at Doom. Doom reaches out with his hand and disintegrates the rock into million little pieces and then continues to throw rocks at them. Doctor Strange then turns each rock into water, he uses the water to create a whirling vortex lifting Doom up while he is turned round and round by the water. Doctor Doom creates a giant burst of energy turning the water into vapor. Clea uses the vapor to her advantage since Doom can't see her in the mist. She jumps from his right side and cuts part of his armor clean off. She tries to mess with his mind with her telepathic abilities but because of Doom's indomitable will, she is unable to.

Doctor Doom: I can sense what you're trying to do, you can try all day. It will never work. I am DOOM!

Doctor Doom's telepathic resistance caused Clea to fall to the ground in agony from a giant headache. Doctor Strange creates an illusion of hundreds of projections of himself standing all around Doom. Strange then uses that to his advantage to fly above Doom without him noticing, he flies from above Doctor Doom's head and he tackles him into the mirror dimension.

Doctor Doom: You fool! I have unlimited power in the mirror dimension.

Doctor Strange: (Confused as to how Doom knows about the mirror dimension, but he shrugs it off.) So do I.

They engage in a battle of epic proportions, they both use the mirror dimension to their advantage to bend reality. They fly around blasting each other with energy.

Strange creates a giant ball the size of a plane from materials taken out of the rocky surface and launches it toward Doctor Doom. Doom constructs a giant baseball bat and hits the ball towards Strange. Doctor Strange quickly makes a drill made of sharp rock and drills a hole through the ball that was about to hit him, causing the ball to go right through him where he drilled a big hole. The fight looks like a tennis match but on a cosmic scale. Doom extracts all the metal from all around the dark dimension, he uses the metal to create sharp blades. Doom launches all the thousands of blades toward Strange, Strange lifts a big rectangular chunk of rock out of the ground to stop the blades. He makes another big rectangular chunk of rock and took the metal of the blades and created a metal shell around the two rectangular rocks. He puts one rock on the left and the other on the right of Doctor Doom, Strange then tries to hit the two rocks into each other in order to crush Doom in the middle, he knew it would not kill him, just weaken him, but doom has a forcefield so strong that the rocks shatters upon hitting him.

Doctor Doom: That's enough!

Doom flies towards Strange at a very fast pace and tackles him in the air, they both get launched out of the mirror dimension. Doom touches Strange's head with both his hands and creates an electrical current within his fingers which shocks Doctor Strange unconscious for a very short moment. Long enough for Doom to open up a portal back to Universe-838 in the baxter building where the meeting happened.


Wanda of this universe was at home with her two sons, sitting on the couch watching a sitcom while her boys were playing a board game on the dining table when the doorbel suddenly rang.

Billy: I got it!

Billy ran to the door and opened it up to Magneto standing in front of him.

Billy: Grandpa! (He gives him a big hug)

Tommy runs over and hugs him as well.

Magneto: How are you two little rascals! Wow what's that behind your ears?

He uses his magnetic powers to lift two coins and make it appear to come out of their ears.

Tommy: (Rolls his eyes) We know about your powers grandpa...

Magneto: What powers?

On this universe, Magneto and Wanda found out he was her father years ago, Magneto renounced his villainous ways for a long while now and he's been straight ever since, but he is not really a hero although he tries to do the right thing. They fought side by side several times when Wanda was still active as an Avenger, but that felt like ages ago.

Magneto has a strange relationship with Wanda since she does not really feel any family bond with him but he has a deep fatherly love for her. She did warm up to him over the years so all hope is not lost. Wanda stood up from the couch and walked toward Magneto standing in the front porch.

Wanda#2: Eric? What brings you here?

Magneto: May I come in? We have important matters to discuss.

Wanda moved sideways as a sign that he may come in. They sat on the couch while the boys went to their room upstairs. Magneto began explaining to Wanda about the incursion and what they have to do to prevent it (killing our Wanda). He explained to her that they need her to agree to look into her head to find out where that Wanda currently is.

Wanda#2: So, what you're saying is you don't even know if this will work?

Magneto: One life against trillions, isn't it worth a shot? If we do nothing, there is a chance both universes will perish, with her included. What about your boys? Think about them.

Wanda#2: I would understand that if it was the only way, we would have no choice but to kill her, but I don't see how it can work? You told me it only worked once, killing the person responsible for an incursion. In a multiverse with infinite possibilities, I don't see how this can work again. I mean what are the chances? Can't we just leave and go to another universe?

Magneto: Daughter, even if we leave, what makes you think we won't cause an incursion where we go? Multiversal travel was never meant to happen, it's against the laws of the multiverse. What about the rest of the universe? We are not just talking about earth here. Everything in the entire universe will perish, either ours or theirs or both. It doesn't change the fact that countless lives will be lost. We have to take the only shot we have. Maybe killing her would not prevent the incursion, but maybe it could prevent both our universes from being destroyed, there could still be one survivor. We would be saving an entire universe.

She struggled to come to a conclusion and thought for a long time before finally responding.

Wanda#2: If all of you think this is what we should do... then do what you must.

Magneto: I'm glad we came to an agreement. Would you care to come with me to the Baxter building? The rest are already waiting for us there.

Wanda#2: What about the boys?

Magneto: (Puts his hand on his face and shakes his head) You really need someone to take care of them when you leave the home. Do they go everywhere with you?

Wanda#2: Can't they come with?

Magneto: (Sarcastically) Oh I'm sure they are allowed to hear about everything that's going on. Killing your variant, the entire universe ending, preparing for war... They would absolutely be fine afterward... Well, now that I think of it, they very well could be fine with it since their souls are not of this world.

In this universe Wanda also had an emotional breakdown but on a much larger scale and much earlier than our Wanda. But instead of creating a fake sitcom world around Westview, she inadvertantly caused harm to come to many of her friends and allies, then she created a world ruled by mutants under Magneto where she had two boys, Billy and Tommy already grown up to 10 year olds. This reality became known as "House of M" She eventually set reality back to normal and fixed her mistakes and all was forgiven in the end, but she gave up being an Avenger afterward. What Wanda did not know was that the two boys she "created" in "House of M", was in fact real souls. After Wanda gave up her perfect reality and put things back to normal, the two souls resurfaced in the real reality. Wanda suffered temporary memory loss for a while until her children found her being manipulated by Doctor Doom. Her children brought her back and she regained all of her memories. She reunited with her boys and lived together in Westview ever since.

Wanda#2: Can't you just get Strange to come to me instead?

Magneto: (Sighs) Fine you can bring them with you.

Baxter Building

Magneto appeared through a wormhole with Wanda and her children.

Cyclops: Glad you decided to agree to help us Wanda. Trust me, we are doing the best we can to stop this incursion. Had there been any other way, we would've done so instead.

Wanda#2: I'm not here because I agree with you, I'm here because I trust you. If everyone here made the choice together, there must be something I'm missing.

Iron Man: So you'll help us?

Wanda#2: As I told my father, do what you must.

Doctor Doom appeared through a portal from the dark dimension and threw Doctor Strange on the floor in front of the other heroes. Magneto looked at Wolverine with a smirk.

Magneto: Told you.

Wolverine: Pfft.

Doctor Doom: Don't worry he's not dead... I just knocked him a little unconscious for a brief moment, he should open his eyes any moment now.

Iron Man: Where is the woman? (Clea)

Doctor Doom: She is still unconscious in the dark dimension, she is of no importance to the mission.

Wanda moved in front of her boys to protect them and red glowing energy appeared out of her hands when she saw Doctor Doom.

Wanda#2: What's he doing here!?

Bruce Banner: Calm down Wanda. He's an ally... for now.

Wanda#2: How can you even let him inside this premises? I would never agree to come here with my boys if I knew he was here!

On this universe, Wanda and Doom had a history. After "House of M", she experienced a temporary memory loss, Doom used it to his advantage to manipulate her in doing his bidding. Inadvertantly causing her to fall in love with him in the process. Doom used that to his advantage as well. Needless to say it did not work out once her memories started to resurface.

Doctor Doom: I have no hostile intentions my lady, I'm here because I want to save Latveria. Anything else is of no concern to me.

Beast: Trust us, Wanda, he's here to help.

Wanda calmed down and the red energy went away.

Wanda#2: Fine, but I'm keeping my eyes on you.

Billy: Mom, what's going on?

Tommy: I'm scared.

Wanda crouched in front of them and puts her hands on their shoulders.

Wanda#2: Don't worry boys, everything is going to be fine. You don't have to worry about a thing.

Billy: Why are we here?

Wanda#2: I'm just going to do something here and then we will go home and have ourselves some nice ice cream. What do you say?

Doctor Strange woke up and opened his eyes, he then saw all the heroes standing around him.

Doctor Strange: You guys just won't quit, will you? Fine, if it means there might be a chance to save our universes, I'll do it.

Doctor Strange did not really agree to help them, but he played along because he knew he would not win this battle. Not by himself at least.

Wolverine: No tricks!

Doctor Strange: No tricks.

The Science Lab

They layed Wanda and Strange down on two separate beds. Iron Man, Bruce Banner and Beast connected wires to both their brains, linking them. They connected a computer to the wires that showed both their brain patterns. Wanda's two boys held her hand on both sides.

Billy: Mom, what are they doing to you?

Wanda#2: Don't worry Billy, it will be okay. (She looks at Magneto) So, what exactly are we doing?

Iron Man: We are linking your brainwaves with Strange's brainwaves, we will inject you with a serum putting you in a dream state. Then Strange will use the eye of agomotto on his chest to search deep into your mind. Him, too, will go into a dream state, looking deep into your mind, unlocking dreams you are yet to have. He will be able to see and dream everything you are dreaming about.

-This is the eye of agomotto:

Wanda#2: I still don't really get this whole dream thing? Is everything I dream about real? Somewhere out there in the multiverse?

Bruce Banner: Precisely, dreams are windows into the lives of other versions of ourselves across the multiverse. We found out our dreams especially have a connection to the universe that is about to collide with ours since it is the nearest universe to our own. Most, if not all of our dreams are from that universe and vice versa.

Doctor Strange: So are we doing this or not?

Beast: You may proceed.

Wanda falls into a deep slumber. Doctor Strange activates the eye of agomotto and closes his eyes, soon he goes into a dream state as well. The two are now linked in their dreams.

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