AVENGERS Incursion War (Secre...

By MarvelDc_EU

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Sequel to Wandavision, Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness. 3 words alte... More

The Trailer
Chapter 1: Kang the Conqueror
Chapter 2: The only way...?
Chapter 3: Solitude of Despair
Chapter 4: He Who Destroys
Chapter 5: Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't
Chapter 6: Drowning in a sea of nightmares
Chapter 8: Assemble Part 1
Chapter 9: Assemble Part 2
Chapter 10: Betrayals
Chapter 11: Tragedy
Chapter 12: The Being
Chapter 13: The Prophecy
Chapter 14: Prepare for war
Chapter 15: For the girl who lost everything
Chapter 16: Two sides of the same coin
Chapter 17: The Incursion
Chapter 18: The Kang Dynasty
Chapter 19: SECRET WARS Part 1
Chapter 21: SECRET WARS Part 2
Chapter 22: Death to the Queen of Chaos
Chapter 23: Harbinger of Hope
Chapter 24: The Scarlet Redeemer
Chapter 25: For the Multiverse
Chapter 26: INCURSION WAR Part 1
Chapter 27: INCURSION WAR Part 2
Chapter 28: INCURSION WAR Part 3
Chapter 29: INCURSION WAR Part 4
Chapter 30: INCURSION WAR Part 5
Chapter 31: A New Hope
Midnight Suns Part 1: Terror in Transia
Midnight Suns Part 2: The Candidates
Midnight Suns Part 3: Ambushed
Midnight Suns Part 4: A "witch" called Wanda
Midnight Suns Part 5: The origins of Chthon
Midnight Suns Part 6: FINALE

Chapter 7: Reunions long overdue

1.1K 47 31
By MarvelDc_EU

Universe-199999 (The MCU)
Outside New Asgard

The Watcher looked at them from a distance with only his eyes being barely visible from far above in the sky.

Loki: Wait what just happened, where are we?

Ant-Man: (Touches his body in shock) I'm not dead! Guys... I'm not dead!

Invisible Woman: How did we even get here in the first place? One second I was knocked unconscious and the next we're all... here. Wherever here is.

Ant-Man: WOAHHH... We're in New Asgard! I've always wanted to come here.

Johnny Storm (Human Torch) looked into the distance and saw a beautiful city with golden buildings and lots of tourist cruise ships everywhere.

Human Torch: (Taps Sue on her shoulder when he sees New Asgard) Sue you gotta look at this! Are we in heaven? This. Is. Awesome!

Ant-Man: I know right.

Sylvie: (Reads the name of the city) New Asgard? Loki, I thought you said in this universe all of Asgard perished in Ragnarok...

Loki: (Stunned) So I have... I don't know how we suddenly got here but whoever or whatever sent us here may be helping us find Thor.

They began to walk toward New Asgard and entered the city. They walked the streets searching for Thor while all the asgardians looked at them weirdly since they recognized Loki.

Mr Fantastic: So this is Asgard? Or... New Asgard? It looks... way more... normal than I thought it would look. Oddly similar to Earth.

The Wasp: That's because this is Earth. When Asgard was destroyed, the remaining survivors came to Earth and rebuilt their home here in Norway.

The Thing: Does that mean we're back? Finally! I've been starving! I haven't eaten since last night, then we got stuck in that weird acid trip of a place.

Ant-Man: Wait how long do you guys think you were inside the quantum realm?

Mr Fantastic: I dunno maybe about 24 hours give or take.

The Wasp: Okay... should we break it to you slowly or...?

Invisible Woman: Break what?

The Wasp: You were trapped inside the quantum realm for 65 years...

Mr Fantastic: What!?

Human Torch: Awesome! We're in the future! Wait, what year is it?

Ant-Man: 2026

Mr Fantastic: Hold on Johnny, if we were stuck for 65 years, that must mean... We're not in the future... We are currently standing in the present day...

A big realization came over them as they stood there knowing they will never be able to return home, back to their families or their lives in 1961. Their faces showed a sense of hopelessness and uncertainty of the future.

Invisible Woman: That means...

Mr Fantastic: We can't go back.

Thor suddenly flew in front of them after he was informed about Loki's presence. When he arrived, there Loki stood, Thor was not even paying attention to the others that came with Loki. His attention was fully on his brother. This was not the first time since Loki "died" and came back, but this time Thor really thought he was gone for real.

Thor: Loki!? This cannot... Be.

They slowly started walking toward each other.

Loki: Hello brother... It's me.

Trying to hold back some tears he wrapped his arms around Thor. They pat each other on the back and Thor lifted Loki up in overwhelming joy.

Thor: Where have you been brother!? It's been over 8 years! What happened!?

Loki: Well... it's kind of a very very long story and we frankly don't really have time for any of that... Will you let go of me now brother?

Thor let go of Loki and then saw everyone else he brought with him, his joy suddenly turned into anger.

Thor: Why have you come here after such a long time! and who are all these new friends you brought with you!? How many times will you die and come back just to mock me brother!? Why have you stayed away for such a long time if you never really died that day!?

Loki touched Thor on his shoulder.

Loki: I assure you brother, I did not stay away this long for no reason, to tell you the truth, for me it was merely months since the last time I saw you in New York. (The battle of New York, 2012) Somewhere deep down I was frightened that you may have died during Thanos' attack on the entire universe. I am glad you're still alive. I see a lot has changed...

Thor: Wait, if the battle of New York was mere months ago to you... How are you here? Does that mean nothing that happened between us after that event has happened to you yet?

Loki: Like I said, very very long story. One which we do not have time for right here and now, but I will tell you, you have my word brother. Let's just say I got a second chance at putting things right.

Thor glanced at Ant-Man and recognized him from the battle of earth against Thanos back in 2023.

Thor: Wait you're that big giant man who fought with us against Thanos!

Scott was a bit shocked and excited that Thor of all people recognized him.

Ant-Man: That's me alright!

Thor: Well what are you doing here?

Mr Fantastic: So, you must be Thor. I'm Reed Richards.

Loki: Can we take this somewhere else brother? We really need to talk. I'm afraid the reason why we are here is of great enormity.

Thor: Brother what are you talking about? I'm Thor, we have Korg and the Valkyrie... Whatever it is, we will fight it together, and we will win. I just can't believe you're back!

Loki: Brother, I'm afraid the enormity of the coming battle... Look it's of such great scale I'm willing to say it exceeds Ragnarok by ten thousand fold in both scale and casualties, and this is just the beginning... even Thanos was nothing compared to what's coming.

By hearing those words, Thor's smile dissipated and he got an extremely worrying expression, an expression unseen since Thanos won back in 2018. Ragnarok and Thanos were the two things that made Thor lose everything. His father, his best friends, all of his family, his entire planet and almost all of Asgard. It made him lose himself in the process as well. In over 1500 years, Thor has never lost so much in so little time. Three years later things are starting to settle again, he has friends again, he has people again. Although Jane died, he took it upon himself to adopt and raise the child of Gorr who was given life by eternity itself and now Loki is back too. He looked at Loki in denial and began smiling.

Thor: Pfffft! Come on Loki you can't be serious. What could possibly be worse than that? You always were so dramatic.

Loki: I'm afraid, brother, this is not just me being me, with all sincerity I wish it was... We are all in grave danger... Everything is in grave danger. That is the absolute truth. This is bigger than just us... This is bigger than the Avengers and Thanos. This is about the fate of existence itself!

Wanda's Island
Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean

After Wanda tried to drown herself in the ocean, a mysterious figure dived in to retrieve her body. While lying on the very beach she created, pale white and soaking wet, the figure put his hand behind her head, revealing himself to be Vision, the real Vision in his new white form. What Wanda saw moments before walking into the ocean, was in fact not a figment of her imagination. It was Vision, looking out for her, like a guardian angel.

The last time he was seen, he regained his memories after S.W.O.R.D. tried to keep it from him and then he flew out of Westview. Wanda, still lying on the beach, began coughing excessive amounts of water out of her lungs as she opened her eyes to see this white Vision sitting next to her. She was startled and she pushed him away out of instinct. She then crawled backward while looking at him. The last time she saw him, he was trying to kill her and her family she created in Westview, she didn't know he was actually the real Vision being controlled by S.W.O.R.D. at the time.

Wanda: You!

Vision: Wanda calm yourself...

Wanda stood up in anger and confusion while red energy emitted out of her hands, but as soon as she looked at her hands, she hesitated... She hesitated because over time she had formed a certain fear. Over these months, dhe became afraid of herself. She was heartbroken over everything these powers caused in her life... and everything it made her do. Her subconscious created a mental block, preventing her from being able to use her powers. It's been months since she used it. The red energy went away and a small tear appeared in her eyes. Vision felt great pity for her once again when he looked into her glowing emerald eyes. He slowly started walking toward her.

Wanda: Don't take one more step! I'm warning you.

Vision: Wanda... it's me. (Takes another small step forward)

Wanda then took small steps backward.

Wanda: I said get back!

Vision: (Stops walking) Wanda, I know the last time you saw me, things didn't... really go as you'd hoped.

Wanda: You tried to kill me.

Vision: I was not myself at the time, I was just brought back with no memory or emotion other than what was being programmed into me, being to eliminate you and the Vision you were with in Westview. I am sorry for how things turned out.

Vision's words slowly started to get to Wanda, as she has always been very easily fooled, especially due to her emotional fragility. As she looked into his innocent eyes, she started to believe this might actually be Vision. The one thing that kept her head above water and made her whole again. The one person who understood her and made her feel loved while her entire world fell apart. The only thing in the entire world that mattered to her. Her facial expression changed from being angry to being cautious, a tear fell down her cheek.

Wanda: Wh... Where have you been all this time... Why come now?

She then thought about the moment she had with all her deceased loved ones when she was drowning. She began whimpering.

Wanda: I was happy! (She pauses for a moment and in a whispering voice she says it once more) I was happy...

Vision: Wanda you have no idea how many times I have tried to come back to you. I... I was afraid of what I might do... I was afraid the programming to kill you was still somewhere inside my head, I would not be able to live with myself knowing I was responsible for hurting you.

Wanda was very conflicted, every fiber of her being wanted him to be Vision so bad, but too much had happened to her to completely fall for it. She knew the entire world was searching for her, if they knew what she did under the corruption of the darkhold, she would probably be locked up and thrown into the deepest darkest hole they could find. They could have found her and sent this Vision as bait to finally catch her.

Wanda: Why now...? Why didn't you rescue me from the darkhold? Why didn't you stop me from doing all those... Horrible things!?

She got immense emotional distress just thinking about it, with a crying voice she responded.

Wanda: You could've brought me back... Why didn't you save me from myself? What if you're being programmed to say these things right now by S.H.I.E.L.D. or Damage Control or S.W.O.R.D... Only to lock me up somewhere!

Vision: Just look. Look into my head and know I am telling the truth. Come to me and you will truly see and understand... It's really me.

Wanda: You want me to come closer just so you can grab me and knock me out?

Vision: Wanda why would I save you from certain death only to imprison you somewhere else? Besides, if you wanted to, you could easily tear me apart if I lay one finger on you. Just look into my head.

With hesitation she slowly walked toward Vision and touched his head with both her hands, she then saw all the memories he had from being given life, to falling in love with her. She saw all the good memories they had together and when she had to kill him to save the universe. She saw him being brought back in his white form, regaining his memories and flying away from Westview going to Wakanda talking to Shuri.

What she saw next shocked her. She saw him always being there wherever she was, looking out for her but never revealing himself. She saw him observing her for over two long years from a distance. His eyes were closed and a tear flowed from it. She touched his cheeks and began crying softly.

Wanda: Vis?

Vision: Yes darling. It's really me.

Wanda: It's really you...

So overwhelmed with emotion, she just stood there in front of him, erupting into tears with mixed feelings of anger and sadness over everything that happened to her, but also a feeling of relief and hopefulness when the one thing that mattered in her life finally came back. She cried her heart out while Vision wrapped his arms tightly around her. He felt completely broken on her behalf as he held her tightly between his arms.

After a while, Vision finally let her go. He then wiped away her tears with his thumbs and kissed her softly on her lips.

Wanda: This whole time... you were always there, watching me.

Vision: After I regained my memories, I was overwhelmed with all the information and out of instinct I flew back to Wakanda, the place where Thanos took the mind stone from me.

Wanda: Why go there?

Vision: For answers, and to hopefully get rid of S.W.O.R.D's programming. It was there where they tried to remove the programming that made me try to Kill you, but they were not certain that they removed all of it. Shuri told me I should be careful since the programming was so deeply burned into my mind that it was very difficult to remove it and that it may still be activated if I were to come within a small 50 meter range of you. So I kept my distance, but I watched you from afar, hurting and alone, doing something you were not supposed to (reading the darkhold), even these 16 months you spent on this Island of your making, it was probably the lowest I've seen you since... ever. I could not do anything about it. It broke me into pieces. Every single day I tried to go near you, just before the point where the programming would hypothetically take over. Then I would fly into the distance angry at myself and saddened because of what you were going through alone.

By hearing these words, Wanda felt a sense of sadness but also happiness at the same time.

Wanda: What made you finally break free?

Vision: You did. Well, I was not really breaking free from the programming, I overcame it. When I saw you walking into the ocean with endless tears streaming down your face... It tore me apart. Every step you took tore me apart even more, piece by piece. When I saw the ocean swallowing you whole, I immediately flew straight down and retrieved your body. Right then and there I knew I would not hurt you. Had the programming still been in control, I would not have been able to save you, but I did. I'm here now and you have my word, I will nev...

Before Vision could complete his sentence, Wanda kissed him softly. Vision suddenly received an alert from the Avengers, a signal that was not activated since 2016, telling everyone to meet at New Asgard. It was a code black, implemented in case something like Thanos ever happened again, but both Wanda and Vision did not known what a code black was.

Wanda: Vis, what is it?

Vision: The Avengers signal? S.W.O.R.D. must not have taken it out of my built in system when they dismantled me. No one even knows I'm alive anymore.

Wanda: That means you don't have to go...

Vision: Just like I told you, I would never leave you again. Let's head home.

Wanda: Home?

Vision: Yes, home.

They smiled at each other and held hands while walking back to the cabin on the Island. They closed the door behind them and the dark clouds that covered the entire Island suddenly vanished into thin air and the sun showed its face for the first time in months. The dead leaves on every plant, flower and tree immediately sprung back into life regaining all of their beautiful colors. Suddenly small cracks began appearing in the sky all around the Island. The small cracks were purple.

-Like in Spider-Man: No Way Home:

Out of these purple cracks in the sky, some of Kang's forces began appearing on the Island, unbeknownst to Wanda and Vision.

Hey readers, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to comment and tell me how you feel about the story so far?

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