Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Rea...

By LittleRed11204

95.3K 5K 2.8K

Cupid being the god of desire, love, attraction, and affection has the biggest part in everyone's lives. Dete... More

The Beginning
School Cliques
A Much Needed Conversation
Just In Case
Status Update
New People
The Calm Before...
...The Storm
Crumbling World
A Little Later
A Long Time Coming
Only Two Weeks
Jennie The Knowing
Taste Of Her Own Medicine
Change Of Scenary
Back In Seoul
One Single Question
The Moon And Sun
Everyone Finds Out
Escape Room
Sunshine And Moonlight

In Her Dreams

3.5K 184 92
By LittleRed11204

The recent weather in Seoul has been cold rain that has been keeping everyone inside for the most part. Sure people still go to work and things like that, but no one goes outside unless they need to since the rain has been nonstop for two days now. It was 9pm in Seoul and all the bright lights shined and reflected on the falling rain and growing puddles.

Roseanne sat snuggled up in a blanket on her couch with some sheet music for her guitar that rested beside her. She was scrolling through her ipad to find some digital sheet music for herself to learn because she really hasn't picked up her guitar in a while and she noticed that the sheet music she has, she already has down.

"What to play, what to play." Roseanne mumbled to herself as she looked at plenty of different songs, none really catching her eye. But the sound of her oven timer going off caught her attention as a smile spread across her lips. She was making some homemade bread because it's something she has never tried before and she had all the ingredients at home already.

Roseanne hummed happily as she walked into the kitchen to turn off her timer. She grabbed two oven mitts and then opened up the oven, gasping at the beautifully risen bread that was on display. The delicious smell filled the air and she excitedly took it out of the oven, placing the hot pan on top to let it cool down.

"Oh my god, that looks fucking great." She complimented herself as she just stood looking at the bread for a little longer.

Ring ring ring

Roseanne's phone was buzzing on the coffee table as someone was calling her. She rushed over to see who it was and smiled as it was her mom. She hadn't talked to her in over a month, which was rare for her, but she had a lot going on in her mind and life. Roseanne answered the phone with a cheerful greeting,

"Hey mom!"

"Hello sweetie, it's been forever since we've last talked!" Clare said on the phone as Roseanne just plopped back down onto the couch.

"I know, I'm sorry about that. I've just been doing a bunch of stuff after the tour and I completely forgot to make plans with you and dad."

"I knew you were probably still busy, so it's okay. But how have you been?" Clare asked her youngest daughter.

"I've been better," she chuckled, "but I've been relaxing when I have the chance. Like I just took out a homemade loaf of bread from the oven and I'm playing guitar."

"Well that sounds rather fun; I'm glad you're taking time for yourself. Have you talked with Alice recently?"

"Mm, no I haven't actually. I'll probably call her after this call to check up on her, see how she's doing." Roseanne mindlessly said as the rain was now at a sprinkle, nothing too crazy. But the forecast said that there would be a downpour later tonight and into the morning.

"She told me some... interesting stuff she heard from a friend of hers."

"Like what? Someone we know got engaged?" Roseanne said as she scrolled through her ipad once more to find some music.

"No, no nothing like that. Well, somewhat."

"Mom, that's not helping; you're being all cryptic." Roseanne chuckled as she finally found a piece that she could play. She bit her lips out of happiness and clicked to download the sheet music.

"How are things with you and y/n?"

And there goes Roseanne's happy mood.

Her smile dropped as she stared off into space, fingers tightening around her phone. She doesn't know who specifically told Alice all this, but Jennie is the closest with her older sister, so she's at the top of the list. She'll have to pay Miss Kim a visit later that will involve breaking and entering.

"We're fine." The blonde said simply, hoping that by some miracle whoever snitched to Alice didn't mention the fact that they were soulmates.

"Hm, that's not the response I was assuming since she's your soulmate and everything." Roseanne groaned loudly and wanted to slam her head against a wall.

"Jesus, okay yes we're soulmates and I haven't spoken to her in over a week since we were forced into an escape room together." Roseanne spit out as she flopped back onto her couch, laying down and facing the ceiling.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Clare asked her daughter, clearing hearing how distressed she is about the whole situation.

"No, please. I already think too much about it."

"Okay, just know that I'm here and always available to listen. Anyway, I would love to see you once this weather clears up. Your father and I want to have a nice family dinner with you, your sister, aunt, uncle, and cousins."

"Sure, just text me the time and I'll be there," Roseanne said, thankful her mom actually dropped the topic of y/n, "it'll give me a chance to beat up Ally in person." She heard her mom click her tongue,

"There will be no violence at our home... do it at either of your apartments and I'll turn a blind eye." Clare joked with her daughter as she was successful in making her laugh.

"Got it, I can do that for you. I'll see you soon then mom. Tell dad that I love him and I can't wait to see him too. Love you!"

"Of course, love you too sweetie."

And with that, Clare hung up the phone and Roseanne had fire in her eyes as she furiously dialed Alice's number, sitting up on the couch and tapping her foot impatiently as it rang.


"ALICE YOU DUMB FUCKING BITCH WHY WOULD YOU EVER TELL MOM ALL THAT AND WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!?" Roseanne screamed into her phone without missing a beat. Alice groaned,

"God damn, give a warning next time you're going to blow my eardrums," she complained before continuing, "and I told mom that because it's important, duh. I'm with my soulmate, who I think is going to propose soon, and your soulmate is literally y/n. Like come on, this is amazing."

"Wait, you think you're going to be getting proposed to?!" Roseanne squealed, now completely getting off topic. Alice giggled,

"I do think I'm getting proposed to soon because he paid for me to go get my nails done with my friends yesterday. Like damn, make it more obvious that you're going to propose." Alice joked as Roseanne couldn't help but be happy for her big sister.

"Awe, I can't–" Roseanne then realized that her sister was trying to distract her from the reason she called her, "hold on, you're trying to distract me! Tell me who the hell told you!"

"Eh, do you really need to know?"

"Uh yes I think I have the right to know who snitched and told you everything." Roseanne sassed back to her older sister.

"I don't think you should know." Alice said as Roseanne caught how her voice got smaller.

"What do you mean?" Roseanne asked, confused and a little scared because of how her sister's attitude changed drastically. There was a rather long pause from her sister before she spoke, making Roseanne sit on the edge of the couch.

" was y/n."

Roseanne gasped hearing her soulmate's name fall from her sister's lips in this circumstance. She knew that her and y/n were close back when she was still a trainee, but she was certain that as they both got busier, they just stopped talking. So to say she was surprised was an understatement. Her heart raced as she wondered now why y/n even told her sister all this in the first place.

"I–uh, what did she say?" Roseanne stuttered out.

"Oh it's not my place to repeat anything she said to me. But she really just asked for advice, and I gave a little to her."

"Advice about me?"

"Among other things. She said she needed someone who was like a sister to her to talk to." Alice said as Roseanne just hummed,

"Will I see her again?" She had to ask that question because to her this past week after the escape room, that was all that was on her mind. The silence coming from her sister though wasn't helping her racing mind either, "Ally, am I going to see her again?"

"I...I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?! You're the one that gave her advice!" Roseanne said angrily, gripping the pillow on her couch tightly.

"When I talked with her, she didn't even know! God, it was like she didn't know anything; left from right, up from down, good from bad! Her whole world was chaotic in her mind!" Alice explained, sucking in her breath as she feared even that may have been too much to tell her sister. She promised y/n she wouldn't tell her younger sister anything, and yet here she was.

"I've said too much, I'll talk to you later. Love you." Alice said, hanging up the phone before the stunned blonde could react.

Roseanne sat with her mouth slightly agape just staring at a random spot on the floor. Sure her mind was a mess about this whole thing with y/n, but just from hearing Alice say that, it seemed like y/n was doing a lot worse than her. And that fact alone made her feel extremely horrible.

She started to feel guilty.

What if she had just not mentioned y/n's tattoo that night?

What if she waited until they were more friendly to each other to bring it up?

But before she could go into a mental spiral about everything, she took a few deep breaths and concluded that she needs to take a relaxing bubble bath. She walked to her bedroom and grabbed a change of pajamas before heading to her bathroom to start the water. Roseanne sat on the edge of her tub and turned the water on hot, letting it slowly fill the tub as she grabbed a few candles and her bluetooth speaker.

She was humming to herself as she searched for a playlist that would calm her down. She smiled as she clicked one and heard the soothing music play through her speaker softly. Roseanne grabbed her small lighter and lit the various candles she scattered around. And before the tub was completely full, she added in the soap for the bubbles. The blonde stripped herself of her sweats and stopped the water since the tub was now indeed full of both water and bubbles.

Roseanne stepped into the hot water and felt her body instantly relax as she let out a sigh. She slowly sunk down into the tub with the candles illuminating the bathroom and making it smell wonderful. The sound of her music playing made the whole atmosphere calming and she loved it.

"You know what, she's onto something. That's what I need; that's why I've been like this." Destiny said to herself as she was alone in the room where her and Cupid worked. He was out and about doing who knows what, so she was all by herself bored.

Destiny snapped her fingers and made a warm bubble bath appear over in the near corner of the room for herself. She was a little paranoid, so she looked around the room multiple times to make sure she was alone before removing her clothes and getting into the bathtub.

"Ah, I can feel my body relaxing already." She sighed deeply while closing her eyes, "hm, but I'm missing something."

And just like that, a glass of red wine appeared in her hand.

"That's more like it." She hummed and took a sip of it, appreciating the taste of it.

"Cupid thinking I'm sexually frustrated, yeah right," Destiny scoffed, "when was the last time that idiot got laid? He's probably been constantly sexually frustrated for the past millennia." She grumbled to herself as she then started to think when the last time she actually got laid was.

And it made her realize she hasn't had sex in over a thousand years.

"Holy shit, that's embarrassing. Thank god I don't have to tell Cupid that."

"Tell Cupid what?"

Destiny's eyes shot open seeing the god now standing over by his desk with a little bag of chips. She quickly remembered that she was naked in this bathtub with the god she was having an...attraction to less than 10 meters away.

"CUPID! I'M IN A BATHTUB NAKED!" Destiny screamed at him, making sure bubbles were covering her body as her face grew beet red. Cupid rolled his eyes and ate a chip,

"Oh whatever, it's not like I can see your body. But what were you talking about?"

"I'm not going to fucking tell you!" Destiny replied as Cupid raised an eyebrow,

"You do know I can sense your emotions right now, right?"

That sentence made Destiny's world stop. How in her right mind could she forget that Cupid, the god she worked with and had a growing crush on, could sense emotions. She knows that he can pick and choose when he wants to, so there was a possibility that he did it when she felt emotions towards him. The color drained from her face as he just ate another chip casually, licking off some of the salt from his fingers.

"What emotions are you sensing?" She asked quietly as he looked at her,

"Do you want me to tell you or you just tell me?"

"You tell me." Destiny said, not wanting herself to admit everything to Cupid if he already knew.

"Well," Cupid said as he started to walk over to Destiny, "you're feeling embarrassed right now, which isn't surprising because you're in a bathtub. You're also feeling anxious; again, not surprising. I'm also sensing though some more sexual frustration coming from you. " Cupid said with a snicker, making Destiny glare at him. He stopped and continued,

"Also some other emotions, ones that lovers have for their significant other. That's interesting because I haven't sensed those emotions from you really ever. And they only started not too long ago–"

"I LIKE YOU, OKAY!" Destiny screamed to Cupid, not liking how long it was taking him to explain everything. She then submerged her head under the water and wanted to drown herself, but dying still isn't possible up in the clouds. Cupid just patiently waited for her to come back up, a soft smile on his face.

Destiny was underwater for 2 minutes before finally coming back up for air. She wiped the water away from her eyes and flinched seeing Cupid still right there. She was sure she scared him off or something like that. He spoke up,

"It's up to you on what you want to do then." He then just calmly went back to his desk and went on with his day as if Destiny didn't just confess to him.

"In my dreams, you love me back." Roseanne sang quietly to herself, hating how much she related to the lyrics that Red Velvet sang so beautifully. In My Dreams was a song that hit too close to home for the blonde with everything happening.

It was in Roseanne's dreams where y/n did love her back and they spent their lives together. She's had countless dreams about her and y/n going on dates, starting a family, growing old together, and so much more.

But those were just in her dreams.

None of that was reality and it was probably never going to happen with y/n. And she didn't want to go find someone else to have all that with. The person would have their own soulmate and the second they find them, even if they were already married or something, they'd leave for them. So her only shot at living the love life she wants is with the girl of her dreams.


"I fucking hate this world." Roseanne mumbled as the song got to the bridge. She just listened to the rest of the song with a longingness present in her heart. And that feeling would only ever be satisfied by her soulmate. Roseanne told herself that instead of focusing on y/n right now, she'll just leave that for her dreams later tonight.

The water was cold now and the bubbles were completely gone. Small goosebumps formed on her skin as she rose from the bathtub, reaching over to grab her towel. She wrapped the big towel around her body and stepped out of the bathtub, turning back to drain it. Music was still playing as she just took another towel to dry her hair off, not bothering to blow dry it as she was going to go to bed soon.

Roseanne then unwrapped her body from the towel and shivered as the air hit her naked body. She flinched when she heard thunder coming from outside, along with pouring rain. But she got on her pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt. She was about to put on some fluffy socks, but she faintly heard keys opening her apartment door.

Roseanne rolled her eyes as she knew it was one of the three members because they're the only ones with keys. They didn't even ask for them, but they kept knocking and coming over to Roseanne's apartment so much, so she just got them each a copy of her key.

She finished putting her socks on and she disconnected her phone from the speaker as she saw the time was close to 11pm. Her mind put two and two together and realized that since it was now storming out, Jisoo probably paid her a visit because she doesn't like storms. It used to be Lisa that joined her in her room back in the dorm when they first started out as trainees because her and Jennie were yet to be together; Jisoo then also went to Jennie whenever a storm happened. But now that Jennie and Lisa are together, Jisoo goes to Roseanne and she's totally fine with it.

Roseanne walked out of her bathroom through her bedroom down the hallway towards the living room where Jisoo most likely was. Or she'd be in the kitchen raiding her fridge for food like a raccoon.

As a greeting was about to roll off her tongue, her eyes darted over to the absolutely soaked figure standing over by her door. Thankfully the person had half of a brain because they stayed standing on the small rug, somewhat protecting her flooring from the water.

It was y/n.

"Um, I–I don't know why I'm here honestly. My feet just kind of carried me here," y/n said as she looked into Roseanne's eyes, teeth chattering a little, "but I knew I needed...I needed to see you again."

Roseanne couldn't find it in herself to form any words at the sight in front of her. Her muscles couldn't move and her eyes didn't want to break away from y/n's. Noticing Roseanne wasn't going to speak, y/n continued to talk,

"I uh, I got this key from Jisoo because she saw me in the hallway coming here. She didn't ask any questions and just handed me the key. So I'm sorry for catching you off guard like this since you probably don't want to see me–"

"That's all I wanted." Roseanne interrupted y/n as the drenched girl looked at the blonde confused,


"All I wanted was to see you again." Roseanne clarified to the girl, taking a step towards her. Y/n blinked a few times as some water trickled down her face into her eyes,

"I'm sorry."

Roseanne furrowed her eyebrows at the seemingly random apology that her soulmate had just given her.

"What do you mean you're sorry?" Roseanne questioned quickly, her mind going to the worst things imaginable right away, "are you leaving? Am I never going to see you again? Is that why you're here? To say goodbye?" Roseanne said as her voice got louder with each question, tears started to form in her eyes as she also took a step forward with each one.

"What?" Y/n asked the angry blonde in front of her.

"Oh so now you're trying to act all stupid as if you don't know you're leaving me behind!? I know you can't accept we're soulmates and that you never will, so you're leaving to ignore everything!" Roseanne shouted.

"I'm staying."

Two words have never shook Roseanne's life up as much as those did. Y/n was staying. Roseanne's lips parted as she let out a breath, a mix between a sigh of relief and gasp of surprise.

"And I'm willing to try, to try love again if you'll allow me." Y/n whispered as a small smile graced her lips, showing her sincerity.

The moment that Roseanne had been dreaming about ever since that night she had with y/n was finally becoming a reality. This single moment was everything and more than anything in her dreams. Her eyes sparkled with happiness and glossed over with happy tears hearing that come from her soulmate.

Roseanne rushed forward and cupped the sides of y/n's face, bringing their lips together in a kiss. Y/n's hands went to her soulmate's waist and Roseanne pressed her body against y/n's, not caring at all that her clothes were getting wet. One thing that made Roseanne's heart flutter was feeling y/n actually smile into the kiss they shared; a complete 180 from when they'd kissed before.

Their lips moved in perfect harmony as their hands stayed attached to the other person, not wanting to let them go. The kiss was filled with hope, happiness, and a tiny amount of love. Roseanne pulled back from the kiss and rested her forehead against y/n's, shivering a little as she was now aware of the cold water that had seeped through her pajamas.

"Tell me this isn't just in a dream." Roseanne said softly to y/n as their eyes met.

"This isn't in one of your dreams, Rosie." Y/n answered back.

The second Roseanne heard her nickname fall from y/n's lips after too many years, she couldn't help but cry. She wrapped her arms around y/n's neck as she cried into her body. Y/n was hesitant to wrap her arms around Roseanne because of how drenched she was, but she didn't want to ruin the moment, so she easily hugged the girl against her body. Her left arm was around her waist and her right arm was up higher, her hand playing with the blonde's hair gently.

"I'm right here, Rosie. I'll always be here now."

That didn't help at all as the blonde now just cried harder, tightening her grip on y/n. Y/n cringed as she thought that saying that would help. She has been out of the relationship game for quite some time, so apparently things have changed from when she was last involved.

Y/n allowed Rosie to cry as much as she needed to, which ended up only lasting for another few minutes. Rosie pulled back from the hug and smiled tearfully at y/n, holding her cheek gently in her hand, causing y/n to lean into her touch. Y/n was done fighting what her heart wanted, so she gave in easily.

"Are you sure you're ready? I don't want to pressure you or anything just because we're soulmates." Rosie explained as y/n just gave her a genuine smile,

"I'm sure."

The two soulmates stared into each other's eyes as if they held the world. Rosie was over the moon because she saw that y/n was reciprocating the look she herself was giving her; something that didn't happen back then. Rosie's eyes widened as she noticed that y/n's lips were turning blue from being cold out of the corner of her eye,

"Y/n! Oh my god, you must be freezing!"

"Haha, um yeah. I didn't really dress for the weather." She admitted as she awkwardly rubbed the nape of her neck.

"Take off your shoes and I'll get you a towel." Rosie told her as she rushed through her apartment to go into her bathroom for a few spare towels. She quickly caught her reflection in the mirror and saw how lively she looked, even with the front of her body wet from the rain. She grinned widely as she rushed back to y/n who was looking around her apartment from the entrance. Y/n noticed Rosie was back and smiled, thanking her for the towels as she wrapped one around her shoulders.

"Tilt your head down." Rosie said as y/n complied, tilting her head down as she continued to dry herself off. Y/n smiled bashfully when she felt Rosie had taken a smaller towel to dry her hair off. The two girls were all smiles as they both dried y/n off from the freezing rain that was still falling outside.

"Thank you." Y/n said to Rosie as the blonde just gave her a fuzzy smile,

"Of course."

"Do you have an umbrella then?" Y/n asked as she turned to the side to see if there was one hanging up. Rosie looked at her as if she had grown seven heads,

"Why the hell do you need an umbrella?"

"To go back to my place?" Y/n said in a questioning tone sensing that might have been the wrong answer since Roseanne gave her an unamused look.

"You really think I'm going to let you go back to your place right now after we established we are going to make things work?" Y/n shrugged her shoulders,

"I don't know! I didn't know if you wanted space to process or something." Y/n defended herself as Rosie rolled her eyes,

"The last thing I want is space, so can you stay the night with me?" Y/n gave the blonde a lopsided smile,

"I guess I can do that."

Rosie took y/n's left hand and then guided her through her apartment to her bedroom. She let go of y/n's hand real quick in order to go into her closet to grab her some dry sweats and a shirt to sleep in. She emerged with a smile, holding the clothes out to her soulmate,

"Here, you can just change in the bathroom there."

"Thank you." Y/n said gratefully as she took the clothes and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Once Rosie heard the sound of the door fully closed, she flopped down onto her bed and screamed into her pillow. The biggest smile was on her face and she rolled onto her back, still not believing what was happening to her tonight. Y/n was here and they were going to be together. They'll talk all the nitty gritty tomorrow because there was indeed a lot to talk about, but Rosie didn't want to ruin the moment. She bit her bottom lip to try and suppress her smile a little, but nothing worked. She looked like a young school girl that just had her crush confess to them.

And in actuality, that's basically what this was because way back when, she was the school girl and y/n was her crush, even if she didn't want to admit it to herself back then.

The sound of the bathroom door opening grabbed her attention and she pretended as if she didn't just have a teenage girl freak out about y/n. Y/n just shot her a smile and quickly scanned the room for a hamper, which she found. She didn't even think twice before putting her own clothes into it, making Rosie's heart soar. Y/n was already acting like they'd been together for years and it was everything Rosie wanted and more.

In Rosie's eyes, y/n was adorable wearing her clothes. Sure the pants were a little short, showing off her ankles fully instead of touching the ground like when Rosie wears them, but she loved the sight. Y/n noticed the blonde staring at her with warm eyes,

"What's got you staring?"

"You." She replied easily as y/n rolled her eyes at how cheesy it sounded.

"Alright smooth girl," y/n joked as it was Rosie's chance to roll her eyes, "what's the sleeping situation? Are we gonna pull the cliché thing where we argue about who takes the couch and the bed?"

"No we are not going to argue about that because I've already decided we are both sleeping in my bed." Rosie stated as y/n nodded her head,

"Okay, fine by me. Scoot over there, Rosie."

Rosie scooted over on her bed and slipped underneath the covers, taking off her fuzzy socks and tossing them on the floor. She then just noticed that Hank was still asleep on his bed, not waking up at all. Y/n climbed into Rosie's bed and the smile couldn't be wiped off her face because the smell of strawberries was comforting to her. She loved how Rosie kept using the same perfume as she did back in Melbourne because y/n grew to love that smell.

"Mm, comfy bed. So this is how rich people live." Y/n said with a chuckle as Rosie shushed her,

"Oh, be quiet. I'm tired, so let's sleep."

"Okay, let me turn off your lamp." Y/n said as she reached over to the nightstand and turned off the lamp, plunging the room into darkness. Rosie heard y/n get under the covers and once her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw that y/n was facing her.

"Hi." Rosie whispered to y/n as she turned her body to also face y/n.

"Hello, lovely weather we're having." Y/n whispered sarcastically as a crack of lightning lit up the bedroom briefly. Rosie giggled and y/n just admired the girl for a split second when the lightning shone on her face.

"Can we cuddle?" Rosie asked her soulmate shyly as y/n melted hearing the question, allowing her heart to run free. Instead of a verbal response, she just lifted her arm up, along with the covers, and motioned for the blonde to scoot towards her.

Rosie lit up and scooted towards y/n's body, feeling y/n's arms soon wrap around her frame to hold her against her. Rosie was a little further down on the bed, so her head was stuffed in the crook of y/n's neck comfortably. She was able to hear and feel the racing heart of her soulmate,

"Why is your heart racing?" She asked gently as y/n sighed,

"I'm just scared, but we can talk about all of this tomorrow." Y/n admitted as Rosie bit her bottom lip, refraining from saying something that could lead them into a long conversation before tomorrow.

"Well for now, there's nothing to be scared about because I'm right here." She reassured y/n as she felt the girl squeeze her a little as a small thank you. Y/n also pressed a small kiss on the crown of Rosie's head before resting her chin on top of her head.

"Goodnight, Rosie."

"Goodnight, my soulmate."

"I'm about to throw up, this is the best day of my life." Destiny said as she stared at the screen with happy tears streaming down her face. Cupid also had happy tears in his eyes finally seeing the soulmate pair that had dragged them through the mud countless times snuggled up with one another.

He could feel the love radiating from their hearts and it just made him smile like no other. Destiny was watching the screen with a tearful smile, sniffling a little as it sunk in that this was it.

The soulmate pair that she had invested so much time watching, yelling at, and crying at had finally gotten together. They're finally letting their hearts mend together as one and she couldn't have asked for anything else.

"What do we do now?" Cupid asked the goddess as she just continued to smile seeing the soulmates also smile in their sleep, no doubt dreaming about one another.

"I...I don't know. They finally got together, what else do we need to do?"

"Well for one, we still have other soulmates to–"

"Shut up, I meant about these two in particular." Cupid smiled and nodded his head,

"I know what you meant, just wanted to yank your chain."

"And with that chain I'll wrap it around your throat and choke you." Destiny grumbled, crossing her arms. Cupid laughed and stood up from his desk, walking towards her,

"I say we can keep an eye on them, see where their lives will go. And maybe we'll have another soulmate pair that is just as infuriating as them." He concluded.

He was about to walk away, but he pressed a simple kiss on the goddess' cheek, "but I think you gotta take me out on a date before we see another pair like them."

And with that, Cupid walked out of the room, leaving behind a blushing mess of a goddess with a smile like no other.

i. am. going. to. kill. myself. this. was. the. cutest. chapter. ever. I LOVE THIS ONE SO MUCH, LIKE SO MUCH HAPPENED AND AAAAAHHHHH. i did in fact cry writing this one if u were wondering lol. we finally got y/n calling roseanne rosie, them actually getting together (but not officially gfs yet), and an absolutely amazing moment with cupid and destiny. what more could ya want?

i know, one more chapter before the epilogue, which im pretty sure will be well over 10,000 words with everything im planning to write in it LMAO. so pls be easy on me, it'll probably take a while until it comes out after the last chapter.

so i'll see u guys for the final chapter before the epilogue. who knows if i'll rip ur hearts out or not ;). I LOVE U ALL AND ILL SEE U ALL SOON <3


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