Wikigirl 2 //PJM

By LizSorora

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This is the second book, continuing the plot of Wikigirl exactly from where it was left in Book 1. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Author's Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Healing 1O1

Chapter 5

1.1K 165 260
By LizSorora

The taxi left you right in front of a house, which supposedly was the address Jimin had sent you, and you looked around, already feeling like you didn't belong there, for this was a well of neighbourhood.

Your eyes observed the vehicle drive off, wondering if you still were in time to call it and just go back, yet again if you were to not go, you may be ultimately leaving him helpless about something.

An exhale escaped your lips as you turned around and faced the big gate, your phone at hand to which you couldn't help but take some glances, reluctant to call him to inform him that you had arrived.

Maybe you should inform Jin first but what would you say exactly? It wasn't like anything had happened yet and from what you had googled on your way there, this residence was one of Jimin's properties, which he rarely visits but had bought a long time ago, for personal reasons.

"Whatever, I already cancelled work and God knows what I will hear from Miss Kwan tomorrow. What could be scarier than that anyways." You concluded as you shove away your anxious feelings and walked up to the gate, ringing the doorbell that was at the side, while observing the security camera that was at the corner, most likely already watching you.

The door clicked open very soon and you made your way inside while making sure you close it well so no unexpected guest could slip in. Your steps echoed in the darkness of the night as you walked up some stone-designed stairs that lead you to a small yard with huge pots of flowers and a beautiful floor design that bore the image of a blossomed tree.

You couldn't help but stare at it for a while, for it sure was uncommon and a sight worth observing for a long time, yet once the sound of the main door opening reached your ears, you diverted your attention and witnessed Jimin's figure standing by the door frame.

His attire and change of hair colour were what instantly fall to your notice, bringing you a small wave of shock, not only because it was edgy and a look you had never seen him before but also because he emitted such a different aura that left you speechless.

"What are you waiting for Y/N? Come in." He urged you as he gestured with his hand to approach him and you reluctantly did so, halting by the doorstep once there.

"You...are Jimin right?" You tilted your head, your gaze looking at him full of doubt, despite the fact that your gut feeling wasn't alert nor you were feeling on edge like you usually do when someone else is using his body.

"Will you doubt me every time I change clothes?"He replied with a slight smile on his lips before he took hold of your wrist and pulled you inside, only to quickly let go of you so he could turn and close the door.

His touch lingered on your flesh, making you get hold of your wrist as you looked at him, and he just smiled more at you, before he walked ahead, you following after him while taking in your surrounding as best as possible.

"Why are we here exactly?" You couldn't help but question him right before you turned at a corner and entered a spacious living room that gave you a reply, even though you didn't quite understand yet.

The floor was full of rose petals, and a table with served food and two candles were placed in the middle of the room, awaiting to be occupied.

"Before you start freaking out, it's a role play. I have to do a romantic scene in my new role and the truth is I lack at that kind of interaction. I wanted to practice so here we are." He uttered a bunch of lies for telling the truth was going to sound more absurd than this excuse.

"Are you serious? You made me come all this way and leave my shift, just so you can practice? You should have just gone to sleep at this late hour Jimin" Your irritation got displayed more and more clearly as you spoke since your tone of voice became harsher and harsher, yet that didn't seem to have affected him at all.

"I know, I know.  But now you are here so it's done. I will add more money to your monthly pay just for this. I promise." He placed his hand on his heart as he smiled at you, making you leave an exhale after you gave him a death stare for a few seconds.

"You are more unpredictable than dice I swear...but at least you are okay." 

"Did you worry about me?" He raised his eyebrow at you before he walked towards the table, pulled a chair for you and waited for you to go take a seat.

"Why else would I come at such an hour so far away? I am not that much of a masochist you know." You retorted, making him crack up at your use of words, then you approached him and took the seat he was holding for you, feeling slightly more comfortable than before.

"I didn't mean to scare you off, but if I were to have told you how it really was, we both know you wouldn't have come." You nodded your head in agreement for he was definitely correct on that and he took his seat opposite you, with a wider smile on his face.

"You are a workaholic. You should seriously try to fix this. You can't rest even when you are on a break, you are worse than me." Your blunt thoughts had him look down at his food, silently taking it for there was no way he could argue with the truth.

"Then this ended up being a date between two workaholic people. "He joked and you scoffed a bit at the use of words, for even though the environment was that of a date, you definitely didn't consider it as one.

"You said that you wanted to act a scene out right? Do you have the script around?" You tried to change the subject, your eyes already looking for it however his quick and immediate response, had your thought come to an abrupt halt momentarily.

"I lied."

You slowly turned and faced him, goosebumps taking over your skin as you met his serious-looking face, that for some reason made you feel intimidated.

"What?.... Why?"

His eyes averted to the floor as a humming sound trailed from his lips for a while, his hand reaching the back of his head and ruffling some of his hair as he was struggling to come up with words to express himself.

Maybe he should have just kept up his lie but having you face to face he couldn't help but feel bad for hiding from you.

"It's difficult to explain... but let's just say that I was in need to not be myself for a while. Strangely enough when you want them to take over you they don't. " He joked, giggling a bit as he returned his eyes to you, however you didn't find his words are nonchalant as he was trying to make them.

There was something in his orbs, that still left you thinking of the lingering desperation that used to resign in your mother's eyes. Even though it wasn't as loud as it had been back in his voice, in your understanding he still didn't seem okay.

"I wouldn't have liked for you to have been taken over by anyone else tonight because I like hanging out with you and not just your body." Your reply got him by surprise and a shy smile took over his face, as he felt flattered despite the fact that he understood well that you were just trying to comfort him.

"Are you... blushing?" A smirk formed on your lips as you leaned slightly forward, intending to tease him just to light up the atmosphere and he burst out laughing while his hands covered his face, denying words escaping his lips that made him appear so much cuter than his aura was supposed to be.

"You have sure started getting bolder Y/N. I think this is the first time you actually tease me back." He started fixing the tablecloth that was already just fine, avoiding eye contact as he utter his observation with quite a lot of delight.

"I took your friendship package so I am giving you mine in return too. Friendships should be equal after all " You replied sincerely since for as long as you knew him, he sure had won the chance to be your friend. God only knows when was the last time you had been smiling yet with him around it had grown to become a phenomenon way more repeated. His company was fun even if you couldn't fully say that you knew him yet.

"Fair enough. Let's hang out well tonight then. " He stood up from his seat and proceeded to grab the bottle of wine he had placed at the table, filling you a glass before he filled his.

"To our health" You made a toast and he laughed as he thought that his health certainly was in ruins already but he said nothing about it and just clicked glasses with you before he proceeded to junk down the whole thing in one go.

"Woah...that isn't water."

"Worry not, I have high alcohol tolerance. What about you?" He questioned as he proceeded to refill his glass, you being still full for you had only taken a sip.

"I don't want to brag but I am pretty good at it too." Your confident reply was followed by a bigger sip from your win, just to prove that you weren't bluffing.

"I bet you would get drunk before I do. No matter how good your tolerance may be, none here surpassed me so far." Jimin purposely let you know of that information, intending to get some remark of cockiness towards his attitude.

"I won't doubt that, nor I will try to win over you. I can't allow myself to get tipsy."

"Can I ask why? Do you feel unsafe with me?" He couldn't help but utter his thoughts exactly as they came to him and you took one more sip before replying to him.

"No no, that's not it. It's because when I drink, my lips get problematic." Jimin's face morphed to confusion upon hearing that, puzzled and in wonder how was that possible but his facial expression only won a peal of laughter from you, finding it so funny.

"I mean that I start blabbing a lot. I spill out things I shouldn't, I become totally unfiltered."

"Well if that's the case, you should drink a bit more. You could start spilling some secrets" He rushed to fill your glass again as he joked making you roll your eyes at how shamelessly he was being nosy.

"Yeah, don't be happy. I don't spill other people's secrets. I spill my own. It's not entertaining at all"

"Speak about yourself. I am certainly interested in your secrets more than anyone else" Jimin sincerely let you know but you dismissed his words as one more joke before you proceeded to junk down your glass of wine, feeling that it had gotten sweeter than before.

"All I do is nag. I am telling you it's not a nice sight." You warned him as you grabbed the bottle and started filling your glass on your own, making Jimin smile at you and the way your words were contradictory to your actions.

"Just say that you want to get drunk and let go of having control. That will make two of us, that don't want to be themselves tonight." He called you out and you met his eyes briefly.

"A friend shouldn't leave a friend alone. You left me no choice but to accompany you." You turned the blame on him jokingly avoiding agreeing with the fact that he had read you right.

There were plenty of moments when you wanted to escape from things too. Plenty of times when you could wish to have been a machine that has a switch and could be turned off. Only if your mind could halt for an hour or two. Only if your heart could get amnesia and forget every wound it has.

There are plenty of times that every human being wants to be anyone else but themselves and even though you usually didn't acknowledge those moments in you, there's existence was still a fact. But there was no one you could complain to. Work is tiring, so what? Everyone's work is. Life is lonely, so what, you aren't the only one who feels alone. You are dying, so what, time has a shovel and open graves for each and everyone at every tick it makes.

Because of such thoughts, you always ended up keeping your complaints to yourself but no matter how much you tried to pretend like nothing was bothersome for you, deep inside there existed something that was. And that was none other but your father's birthday that was just around the corner and that stupid party of his, with which you had fought with your sister.

Things had happened one after another and had buried that moment behind, but inwardly it remained at the back of your mind like a thorn and it filled you with fear, that because of that scene between you two that day, you most likely have gotten a bit farther away in her heart. You have lost her a bit more and only you would ever know how that truly makes you feel.

In between silly and meaningless conversations, accompanied by the sweet taste of wine, you had buried your worries. Each glass you emptied made you feel further and further away from that aching feeling in you.

It sure appeared to be a good thing and you were enjoying yourself but you had gotten tipsy before even realizing it, your mouth saying things that had him Jimin holding his belly while laughing.

"Gosh, I never thought you were this humorous. " He commented, while wiping some tears from the corners of his eyes as you had just told him how you had once forgotten your pad in between a client's clean towels and upon realizing it, you had done every silly thing possible to retrieve it before he was to see it.

"You are laughing, but my job was on the line because of that pad. Miss Kwan would have taken my head off." You shivered only thinking about it, while Jimin's laugh reached the point where it became inaudible.

"Ultimately he found the pad, and I had to gaslight him into thinking that it was his despite the fact that he was a man...As you can see I have many things to be sorry for. The poor bold guy started questioning his own existence."

"Oh my...stop I will pass out." Jimin was hitting the table as he spoke, his cheeks hurting from so much laughing and his belly too.

"Okay okay, I will stop. But I mean it though. I have many people I owe apologies to... like even to you." He collected himself a bit and met your gaze as you said that, questioning you immediately after about what was that you wanted to apologize to him for.

" When you were P1, I tried to seduce you and kissed you. " You blurred out and his eyes grew wide immediately for he wasn't expecting such a thing to leave your lips.


"It's not that I wanted to, I swear. I just had to derive your attention so I could give you the insulin...I felt so embarrassed when I tried to seduce you in bed and failed... God humiliation~" You hid your face between your palms before letting your forehead hit against the table once and two, in an attempt to get that image out of your head. Having failed to notice how Jimin seemed to have frozen.

That lucky bastard! I hate P1.

He thought inwardly as he felt briefly bothered that such a thing happened but he hadn't lived it.

"Why would you want to apologize if you got rejected?" He questioned you and you lifted your head slowly to meet his eyes, making his heart start being louder in his chest for you looked so cute with your wide-open eyes, flushed cheeks and messy strands of hair falling gracefully all over your face.

"I kissed you ultimately. Used your body in a way for my personal gain without your awareness. I know it wasn't like I could have done any better at that moment but part of me still felt guilty and didn't see it as a good thing. Please accept my apology." Your formal reply had him crack up, for you definitely sounded way too drunk. In your right senses ain't no way you would take responsibility for something that wasn't directly your intention, he knew that well by now.

"Ah Y/N, if you had tried to seduce me instead, you wouldn't have to be sorry now. I don't think I would have rejected you." He tried to tease you even though he knew that partially his words weren't far from the truth.

"Really? You wouldn't?... So it's like my seductive technics are bad but just that P1 was stupid?"

"Of course. Why would you doubt yourself to begin with?"   You squinted your eyes at him for a bit, feeling as if he was trying to sugar coat the situation and hide his real opinion.

"You aren't lying just to safe my confidence, are you?" You pointed your index finger at him accusingly and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay you aren't being trustworthy, so we should put it to the test."


You stood from your seat, ignoring his question and walk up to him, whose eyes had been watching your every action until you halted by the side of his chair.

"Y/N?"Jimin uttered your name once your eyes met and you just proceeded to push the table slightly out of the way, only to take a seat on his lap after.

His whole body froze instantly as you turned to face him, your nose touching his as your arms wrapped slowly around his neck, making him highly aware of how your fingers dug onto his hair.

He thought he was losing his sanity while looking into your eyes at that close contact, trying his best to keep his hands hanging in mid-air and not wrap themselves around you, as he definitely wanted to do at that moment.

"How about now?..." Your whispering words felt like a siren's call in his ears, luring him to temptation.

"...Do you still think, you wouldn't have rejected me if it were you?" You added to your sentence, your breath hitting against his lips so softly that Jimin's eyes had fallen close without him even noticing.

How could he give you a reply to that question? When his heart was thumping like crazy at that moment and he found himself in the middle of a fire that was torturing him. For he knew, if he was to make a wrong move now, he could ruin everything with you.

Damn... If you could read my mind... would you have kissed me already by now.... would you have crossed this line that I want so much to tear apart, right this instance.

---To be continued...

(Gjstjstjsifs I love this chapter 😍 Can't wait for the next, because it's also 🔥. I hope you feel the same XD)

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