Betting On Red {DevilDice}

By LazzyyPotatooo

25.6K 1.1K 1.8K

♣♥♠♦ Betting love as an exchange for a simple moment of pleasure, victory, and pride. What could go wrong? Al... More

Chpt 1: King Dice
Chpt 2: A little help
Chpt 3: Life-changing bets
Chpt 4: Quarreling
Chpt 5: Progress
Chpt 6: Waiting for you
Chpt 7: Best brother
Chpt 8: Revive me
Chpt 9: Victory!
Chpt 10: Recovering
Chpt 11: Great choice
Chpt 12: Sick
Chpt 13: Cute couple eh?
Chpt 14: Back to work!
Chpt 15: Let's play pretend
Chpt 16: Tiny little imp
Chpt 17: Sleeping with the boss
Chpt 18: Something New
Chpt 19: Saudade
Chpt 21: A little kiss
Chpt 22: Out on the roof
Chpt 23: Shifting gaze
Chpt 24: Special guests
Chpt 25: Special day
Chpt 26: Pieces
Chpt 27: Billiard gone sexual?
Uh..this is awkward
Chpt 28: Tormenting Amelia
Chpt 29: A vacation!
Chpt 30: Past scars
Chpt 31: Stupid Dice
Chpt 32: Bad luck!
Chpt 33: Good old days
Chpt 34: It's called love
Chpt 35: Oh, Mr. Wheezy
Chpt 36: The crew
Chpt 37: Birthday Boi
Chpt 38: The gay and the stalker
Chpt 39: Love me I say
Chpt 40: Love sick
Chpt 41: Isn't she lovely?
Chpt 42: A brawl is surely brewing..
Chpt 43: Nicknames and Promises
Chpt 44: Can't sleep love~
Chpt 45: Maybe just a little bit more?
Chpt 46: Sweet confessions
Chpt 47: A cute couple.. of dorks
Chpt 48: Not So Subtle Moves
Chpt 48: Stupid customers
Chpt 50: A Date At The Carnival!
Chpt 51: Once A Cat Of Time
Chpt 52: A Very Lucky Dice
Chpt 53: Here's A Real High Class 'Bout!
Chpt 54: It's On!
Chpt 55: Numb
The Last Chapter: Betting On Red
Farewell!+ Alternate Ending

Chpt 20: Dreams

413 23 21
By LazzyyPotatooo

I was looking up. Shiny little stars were scattered around the dark sky. The cold breeze blew past me, some leaves dancing in the wind. I gently nudged my head towards his shoulder, his furry arms wrapping around me. No words were said. Only the sound of our heartbeats was enough for us. My heart.. feels so full. I feel complete, at peace.. I can feel something so different "You're someone special to me, Dice.. never forget that" He gently kisses my forehead as I wrap my arm around him "Of course, and I'll forever be your right-hand man"

Dice woke up, a hand to his chest. He looked outside, the sun was shining behind the clouds, but it was really chilly right now. The feeling of being complete slowly disappeared, and his thoughts were flooded with questions and confusion, his face flushed as his brain replays his dream. But he realized that he was going to get late for work if he stop and think about it now. He quickly stood up, take a shower, change and put some makeup on to emphasize how beautiful he is. He walks downstairs after he ate his breakfast "Mornin' boss" Mr. Wheezy greeted "Good morning Wheeze" Dice made his way to his boss to greet him. His fingers curled, ready to knock, he took a deep breath 'Act normal, Dice' He knocks on the door, opening it once he got permission.

"Good morning-!" He cuts himself off, seeing his boss's situation. He looks like an angry pomeranian, his fur is up and his trying his best to brush it down "-boss.." He tried his best not to laugh but to no avail. He burst out laughing while Devil frowns at this "Yes, really funny"  "HaHaHaA!! S-Sorry Boss!" He covers his mouth to help him stop laughing. He approached him, showing his hand in front of him, asking for the brush. With a pout, the pomeranian gave him the brush and Dice started brushing his fur. His hands gently press his fur down, Dice finds this cute and quite relaxing, his fur is really soft too. Like a big teddy bear, it makes him sleepy 'I guess that dream means that I just wanna cuddle with him.. Well, he was really comfortable, none of my blankets could match him' He hears chuckling from his boss "Pfftt- so little Dicey wants to cuddle?" Dice's face went red and he stopped brushing "SIR!" he exclaimed, a hint of annoyance and embarrassment in his voice while his boss bursts out laughing "Aww! You even had a dream about it? How cute~" Dice wanted to get swallowed by the earth right now, his face feels so hot, you can cook an egg on it. I don't know why I used that, sounds odd "Well I can't blame you, my fur is amazing and so is quality sleep" He proudly said while Dice didn't know what to say or do, so he just covered his face, inching away from him "Aww, no need to be shy Dicey~" He chuckles, enjoying tormenting his friend. Suddenly, Dice felt arms around him, trapping his arm "S-Sir! You don't have to–"  "None sense! Im doing you a favor!" Dice's heart is racing, that feeling was back again "B-But sir, I have to open up the Casino and–" Devil dragged him down so they can sit on his chair "Let the cigar handle that, it ain't like the world's gonna burn if you stay here for a few minutes" Dice accepted his fate and let it be. The devil placed his head on his shoulder "Comfy?" Dice's eyes moved to the side "My arms sir.." He let Dice's arms go free, then wrapped his arms around his waist. Dice's face turned even redder as he's trying his best to stay calm thinking that he made the situation worst for him. A soft sound of rumbling can be heard from his boss, purring while his eyes are closed 'that is so fcking cute please don't read my mind right now!' Dice thought. But now he doesn't know if he is taking a nap or not, maybe it's best to not bother him. He let out a sigh, relaxing on his teddy bear, placing his hand on top of his boss's. Their bodies are so close right now, that he can't help but smile. This feeling, whatever it is, he kinda likes it.

Let's just enjoy the moment while it lasts.

thnx for reading and sorry for the late updates, i was sick :')

*knock knock*
"Boss? It's me, Wheezy" Oh Sht.

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