Experiment 3 (countryhumans)

By OkieDokie10101

8.1K 148 408

Sequel to the book 1945 Art made by: @YunJins_Polearm Germany with his boyfriend Poland were having a regular... More

Before the book starts
The door to the left
5k dollars
Nice try.
Don't mess with Germs
She warned her.
Polish human vs Czech (+more) human
Taiwanese and Austrian threat.
Deal's made
Trust is not the answer
You failed the only rule
1st attempt?
Fun 1/3
Fun 2/3
Fun 3/3
Moments before disaster
Double disaster 1/3
Double Disaster 2/3
Double disaster 3/3
German union
Visible confusion
I'll do it myself.
Failed magic
Coal Black Vision
Authors note
German Union (GU)
Amelie's ending
Almost back to normal
Oh, Canada..

Portal to Earth

457 7 11
By OkieDokie10101

Germany entered with Poland and NATO.
Panama , America, Australia, Canada and New Zealand were there with Czechia, who found the machine.
'Czechia aren't you meant to be in the meeting?'
'Nope! Not if I found this thing.' Czechia pointed at the thing and Germany was breathing faster, oh god I hope they don't force him to open that cursed machine.

'Germany, what is this thing?' Germany froze again. 'Germany you can take your time.' Czechia said in a calm voice as he leaned against a wall nearby.

'I-I can't! I can't tell you. I can't.' Germany was trying to say that, in reality he said this:
'I-I can't... tell. Uh.. I *random mumbling*'

NATO crossed his arms.
'You have to tell this time. We let you off the hook two years ago but it's time.' Germany turned to Poland who nodded lightly and wrapped his hands around Germany to comfort him. Czechia punched NATO lightly to warm NATO to be less "aggressive".

Germany breathed out.
'That was meant to be.. for teleportation without the power to teleport.. it failed and we accidentally made a portal to another planet, Earth.' Germany explained. 'I used a huge amount of my magic and energy on that.' He added.

'Does it work?'

'I don't think so. Don't you dare try it though.' Germany said before resting his head on Poland's chest who in return patted his back gently. 'It hurt a lot when doing it, making it. They weren't easy on me at all. I was like Weimar to them.' Germany panicked slightly at the thought.

Panama saw a paper and saw it.

Log 4: Germany seemed to be in a lot of pain, it didn't matter. It seemed to work when he disappeared and reappeared. He would claim that he saw humans but he was lying, he didn't want this at all. He doesn't understand this is my glory time.

-two drops of Germany's blood onto the small compartment on the top of the machine
-add three of Germany's feathers
-any type of magic inside
⚠️ a little risky since might take more than one person at a time.

Panama passed the paper to NATO who looked at Germany.
'Let's try it.' Germany's eyes widened.

'No! NEIN! Non. Ne!' Germany yelled in four languages. 'Nie!' Poland backed Germany up, 'this is stupid. It probably doesn't even work.' Poland scoffed.

'Best to try, we can develops this to work as a actual teleporter and make it painless as well. Germany.' Germany looked at Poland. 'We can raise your paycheck by 30%.' Germany saw it and wanted to accept it but was horrified by the pain he got from it.

'W-what? Pain for 30% raise?'
'50%. Well you have no choice so we will do 50%.' NATO pulled Germany from Poland unexpectedly and Germany yelped.
'Hey!' Poland tried to get Germany back but America restrained him.

'Sorry Poland, I have to follow NATO's orders.' Germany was also restrained.
'NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! NEIN!!' He kept yelling, loud enough for everybody to hear him as well.

'do you mind doing it?'
'But.. Germany, this is a countryhuman right. If he doesn't want to do it then I won't.' She was helping Germany a bit.

'Panama.. I know it matters but eventually he needs
to get over it. I know this is hard but he can't panic everytime he gets a flashback, he excused himself from work 7 times already from panic.' NATO had a point but this probably wasn't the best way. She sighed and took out a needle. Germany thrashed but NATO kept him still. Panama gently took two drops out and placed them in the compartment.

'Wait! Go in my pocket, I already have some plucked out feathers.' Germany exclaimed, Panama nodded and took them out before adding them.

'WHO the heck keeps feathers in their pocket?'

'I do. Poland does too, they can be useful.' Germany answered while rolling his eyes lightly. Panama nodded and looked around, she quickly activated her own power and placed it inside. She pressed a random button on it and NATO let go of Germany. The machine was vibrating and Germany was praying it would break but sadly..... A huge light blinded everybody. NATO rubbed his eyes, he was alone in the room.

'Wait.. Germany was right. The note said, it can take more at the time. HOW DO I BRING THEM BACK?!'

EU entered the room.
'Austria and Hungary magically disappeared, have you seen them?' NATO explained the situation to EU.

'Germany told me about that when I asked him passively, you shouldn't have done that.'

'How can we bring them back?'

'We need Germany's blood and feathers. We need to find them, Germany donated blood before and looses feathers. We have to find them. Quick.'


Germany and the others woke up to somebody poking Germany.
'What the hell are you commoners doing in Area 51?' Germany jerked up and looked at himself, he looked human, but he had a small flag tattoo on his threat, leg and wrist. 'AND HOW DO YOU HAVE WINGS? Are you guys on cocaine or any drugs?'

'Nein?' Germany answered.
'GERMAN SPY!!' They grabbed Germany by the throat, Germany yelled and kicked around until he kicked them harshly in the stomach, making the guard fly across the room. A swarm of guards went around Germany.

'WAIT! NEIN I AM NOT! WE ARENT ON DRUGS EITHER??? I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW ME, POLAND AND THE OTHERS GOT HERE!!' Germany let out panicked and the guard let him go.

'Do a drug test on them. What is your name?' Poland took Germany to himself.

'He is the federal republic of Germany. I know this sounds crazy but we come from another universe. Don't mess with Germany or else.' Poland threatened.

'He looks weak, we have the power here. You guys are unarmed.'
Germany activated his power and destroyed the metal wall nearby. 'W-what? SEIZE THEM!' Germany quickly made a barrier, the countries were inside and the humans were outside.

'No! We were demonstrating. We cause no harm. We just need to find a way back, right Niemcy?' Germany nodded. 'Also, we have USA here.'

'Sup.' America said randomly, also confused. He noticed he was in a barrier. 'WHY ARE WE ON EARTH?? GERMANY WHAT DID YOU DO?'

'I DISAGREED TO DO THAT SHEIßE!!' Germany replied back and got up. He deactivated the barrier. 'Look. Don't you dare touch any of us, let us out.'

'Well we found you and we will keep you.'

'No you won't.' Germany added and America stood behind Germany, agreeing with the German. 'You really want to disobey your own country?'

'You guys come from another universe so it doesn't matter.' The guards scoffed, 'if you refuse we will take you forcefully.' New Zealand was annoyed.

'Excuse me? We will be out of your way we just need to find a way back home. Germany this isn't your fault since you didn't want to in the first place.' New Zealand said.

'You guys are the living piece of evidence that other universes exist! Who even is the strongest one here?'

'Oh NIE... Niemcy, then me and then America.' Poland replied.
'Who the hell is Niemcy?' The guard asked, confused. They didn't speak one word Polish.

'Germany.' America replied, 'Look, just let us go. We cause no harm.' Germany nodded as he retracted his wings and so did Poland for personal safety. Germany walked in front of his magic and activated his magic before staring at one of the guards eyes, using his dark side of his magic.. darker side... darker than ever. Pure manipulation.

'We can let them go.' The guard said emotionlessly, it was slightly obvious. The guards knew that and tried to get to Germany but Germany ducked which made the guards crash onto each other.

'RUN!' America said and everybody ran behind America, Poland made a holy barrier to protect Germany's back. 'FASTER YOU SLOW POKES!'

'HALT DIE FRASSE AMERIKA!!' Germany yelled. Panama tripped a bit but Czechia pulled her up and carried her while using his tails for a boost.

'GUARDS LOCK THE ROOM DOOR 58! I REPEAT-!' One of the guards yelled, would they make it on time? Panama had an idea to flash with her magic, she activated her golden magic before throwing it on a guards face which delayed pressing the button to close the door, just enough time for them to jump down to pass the gate.

'That was close.' Poland said, 'Niemcy did my holy magic barrier hurt you?' Germany shook his head. They were about to escape when it hit them, there was a huge gate outside, nobody had the ability to teleport. 'Niemcy, do you think Cechy, you and I can fly over this while carrying the others?'
'Es ist worth a try, better than giving up.' Germany shrugged. 'LISTEN YOU LOSERS! POLAND, I AND CZECHIA WILL CARRY YOU GUYS OVER THE GATE AND FENCE.' Germany yelled before a disaster happen. Germany, Czechia and Poland took turns taking people over, Panama sadly was last. Germany quickly used his strength with Poland's push to get over there faster, the guards were outside with strange nets and guns and darts. Germany dodged most of them and got to Panama

'Quickly! They are here.. WATCH OUT!' Germany turned to see a dart hitting his shoulder.
'Germany!' Czechia cried out, only being able to watch the disaster. Germany fell weaker and more tired by the second, turning tipsy.
'Panama ... quickly come to me.' Panama did as followed and Germany trapped the two together in a barrier he made out of his own magic. 'P-Polen! Amerika??' Germany called out. Poland took the America and threw him across before America landed on the ground angrily.

'You messed with my brother? Did you.' He said angrily before activating his strength. In a speed amount of time, America knocked out three guards and was fighting with the guards, he was winning despite America being unarmed while the guards were heavily arms with armour vests.

Poland meanwhile told Germany to deactivate the barrier which he gladly did, saving his energy. Poland told Panama to got on Polands back, avoiding the wings while Poland carried Germany.
'W-wait I can fly myself.'
'NIE. You are literally unable to walk so how do you expect yourself to fly?' Poland argued a bit before Czechia flew over to pick up America while Poland settled the two down. Panama tried to heal Germany, but it wasn't an injury, it was a sedative so she couldn't help. She prevented an infection forming in his shoulder at least.

'Czechia! Quickly I'm dying over here!' Czechia nodded and swiped America up.
'Bro why are you so heavy?'
'Czechia you are like thrice as small as me.'
'It's 50cm- okay you got a point.' Czechia used his tail to let America down. 'SUCKERS! NEXT TIME YOU LISTEN TO USA AND US!' Czechia blowed a raspberry before leaving. America rolled his eyes before Czechia landed harshly.

Czechia would have broke an arm if it wasn't Australia catching the Slav.
'Dík. (Informal way of saying thank you)' Czechia said before getting off Australia. Poland checked up on Germany. 'Je on poho? (Poho is a shortcut of okay, translation: is he okay?)' Czechia asked and Poland shrugged. Germany tried to move but was too weak, o guess countries take longer to sedate. A van was passing and Poland waved, before the guard came, the van stopped and took the countries in.

'Who are you guys?' The driver asked.

'Look, I know this sounds we are on drugs. We are 100% clear of drugs. We are countries from another universe, we represent the countries and stuff...' Canada said.
'Can you prove it?' Canada nodded and Poland used his magic.
'I am a holy country, also our strength is not by military. Germany is the strongest out of us but also the most.. sensitive.' Poland said as Germany stuck is hand out. 'He got shot in the shoulder by some dart.' The driver parked nearby where nobody will be found.

'Let me take a look at.. Germany?' Poland nodded and the driver looked at Germany, he had slight tan skin with the flag on his throat, wrist and leg. The dart area looked slightly swollen and Germany was practically fighting to stay awake. 'It's best for him to sleep, that's my advice.' Germany looked at the man, 'just don't resist it, you're making this harder to recover from.'

'Who will take care of this problem then?'
'Niemcy it's okay we can wait.'
Germany looked unsure before Poland placed his hand on Germany's forehead to help him relax, Germany eventually fell asleep. 'Can you get us out of here? Stupid portal got us in AREA 51.' Suddenly the driver got an notification from the BBC.

BBC news:

Area 51 finally reveals one of their findings.

"country humans" escaped Area 51. Today at 1pm US time. Apparently based on their claims before escaping is that Germany is the most powerful, each country has their own ability and you shouldn't attack them anyway otherwise they will be hostile.

Please report any sightings of them!

Each country human has the flag they represent on their throat, leg and wrist. Some have wings
Each one most likely has a unique ability.

5 guards got knocked out and killed by 2pm, escaped in a van.

Here are some images we found on the security camera

*insert images of Germany flying with Poland, Germany destroying a wall, America destroying everything on his path, Poland activating a holy barrier and a random close up of Germany that looked like a selfie since he encountered a secret camera on the gate*

Poland coughed hearing thats.
'Hostile? I'm not some wolf.' Poland scoffed, 'if I was hostile I wouldn't be calling for help earlier would I?' The driver nodded a bit. 'Please don't bring us back.

'I will let you out in the city, I am a CEO of Hotel Hilton and will get you guys rooms for free until you find your way back.' The driver said.

'Thank you!' Canada said happily. Poland smiled and everybody else were thanking the driver like there was tomorrow.

'Wait.. do you guys have phones?' Everybody nodded.

'Let me explain, our bank accounts are the country's GPD, our debt isn't as big though, instead of billions it's millions for example.' Austria said.

'So a less broke version?' Austria along with Hungary nodded.
'But we ain't broke unless you are Greece-'
'Hungary, I told you to not use American English.' Austria said.
'You do it yourself! Besides, UK isn't here so it's fine.' Hungary exclaimed. The driver was confused.

NATO took a list of the people that went to Earth:
countries that go to Earth:
-New Zealand

'HOW DO WE GET THEM BACK?!' NATO yelled frustrated

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