Betting On Red {DevilDice}

By LazzyyPotatooo

25.6K 1.1K 1.8K

♣♥♠♦ Betting love as an exchange for a simple moment of pleasure, victory, and pride. What could go wrong? Al... More

Chpt 1: King Dice
Chpt 2: A little help
Chpt 3: Life-changing bets
Chpt 4: Quarreling
Chpt 5: Progress
Chpt 6: Waiting for you
Chpt 7: Best brother
Chpt 8: Revive me
Chpt 9: Victory!
Chpt 10: Recovering
Chpt 11: Great choice
Chpt 12: Sick
Chpt 13: Cute couple eh?
Chpt 14: Back to work!
Chpt 15: Let's play pretend
Chpt 16: Tiny little imp
Chpt 17: Sleeping with the boss
Chpt 18: Something New
Chpt 19: Saudade
Chpt 20: Dreams
Chpt 21: A little kiss
Chpt 22: Out on the roof
Chpt 23: Shifting gaze
Chpt 25: Special day
Chpt 26: Pieces
Chpt 27: Billiard gone sexual?
Uh..this is awkward
Chpt 28: Tormenting Amelia
Chpt 29: A vacation!
Chpt 30: Past scars
Chpt 31: Stupid Dice
Chpt 32: Bad luck!
Chpt 33: Good old days
Chpt 34: It's called love
Chpt 35: Oh, Mr. Wheezy
Chpt 36: The crew
Chpt 37: Birthday Boi
Chpt 38: The gay and the stalker
Chpt 39: Love me I say
Chpt 40: Love sick
Chpt 41: Isn't she lovely?
Chpt 42: A brawl is surely brewing..
Chpt 43: Nicknames and Promises
Chpt 44: Can't sleep love~
Chpt 45: Maybe just a little bit more?
Chpt 46: Sweet confessions
Chpt 47: A cute couple.. of dorks
Chpt 48: Not So Subtle Moves
Chpt 48: Stupid customers
Chpt 50: A Date At The Carnival!
Chpt 51: Once A Cat Of Time
Chpt 52: A Very Lucky Dice
Chpt 53: Here's A Real High Class 'Bout!
Chpt 54: It's On!
Chpt 55: Numb
The Last Chapter: Betting On Red
Farewell!+ Alternate Ending

Chpt 24: Special guests

372 17 13
By LazzyyPotatooo

The golden coin flips over another finger, and another, going on a loop and then resting on the palm of his hand. His eyes were fixed on the coin, not examining it, but rather just blankly staring at it, his head on the clouds. This coin was the same coin that the boss gave him when he lost to a game of poker. He made a special place for it on his table, and never spent it. The pile of papers was just waiting for him to be signed. He snapped out of it when he hears knocking on his door "Boss? Can ya give the papers I gave ya ta the devil?" Mr. Wheezy's voice was muffled "Ok, I'll give 'em to him in a minute" He started signing the stupid papers that only took him a few minutes "Oh and the boss is calling ya" He opened the door "Alright" walking past him "And about the tables I asked?" Wheezy keeps up with his pace "We already fixed it yesterday, so we shouldn't have any problem 'bout it" Dice nods his head, walking towards the office, leaving Wheezy behind.

He knocks on the door and waits for a response before opening it "You called sir?" The devil showed him a newspaper, a smirk on his face "Read it" Dice took it and did as told. His eyes carefully read each word until he finished "Ooh! A bunch of famous actors are comin' this way from a different place!" The devil happily nods his head "Yes! We can boost our reputation higher than it was before!" The devil still couldn't move on from the time he was defeated by two kids "So I'm gonna need you to make that day special! While I do my best to satisfy them~!" Dice nods his head, taking out a notepad "Alright boss, I'll start thinkin' for some ideas" He sat down "Do you have something in mind?" The devil looks around "Not yet, but I heard one of 'em really likes your singing, sssooo..~" Dice chuckles "I'll find a song to perform for them" The boss happily thanked him "I'll also have a meeting later to find some ideas with the crew, when will they arrive?" The furry man grabbed the newspaper "Probably around... next week!" He nods his head "I see, we have plenty of time then" He stands up "If that's all I'll be taking my leave sir" The devil was too focused on reading the newspaper, his tail swaying a bit behind him. It made Dice chuckle, seeing his boss excited about the Casino, he wanted to do his very best to make him feel delighted about the special day. Dice wants everything to be perfect, for the Casino, but especially, for his boss.

"Alright! So I gathered you here to discuss an important matter. Next week, a couple of big celebrities are gonna be playing with us, so Boss wanted to improve our Casino and make sure ya'll are on best behavior" The crew gasped in surprise and excitement as Dice says the list of celebrities who are going to be joining them "So, any ideas?" Some raised their hands "Pirouletta?"
"How about we add some of their favorite sweets to the bar? Maybe add new drinks too!"
Dice listed that down "Oh! And we just changed the old tables! It looks good as new!" Chips happily added "Honestly, I don't think we should add too much? We already changed the overall look of the place after the fight so.." Wheezy suggested, the others agreed "Yeah, Wheeze has a point. Also, what are we supposed to do with the fans? If they know their favorite person's gonna be here, then this place will surely be packed" Dot said with a concerned face, cleaning up the place would be a nightmare "Maybe we can give
'em a private room! There's like 13 of them right? Im sure they'll rent a room" The others nod their head. They kept passing ideas 'till they made some final decisions.

The next day, the Devil decided to help/ observe his crew and what they'll be changing. It was early in the morning and he seems to be in a happy mood "Good morning boss!" Dice greeted, seeing him approaching "Good morning Dice! How are the preparations going?" Dice stops repainting some of the designs to talk to his boss "Everything's going swell sir, just adding a bit of retouching that's all" The others were also helping "Splendid! Amazing work as always!" The devil notices some tiny paint on Dice's cheek, he leans in, causing Dice to be a little nervous, and gently wipes it off "But don't overwork yourself, King Dice~" Devil quickly left to check out some other stuff, leaving the manager stunned, a blushing mess over the gesture. He noticed some of his employees are staring so he stopped thinking about it and yelled: "Get back to work!!" glaring at them. The employees immediately went back to work, snickering silently over what they just saw.

*boom* new chapter!
also, im excited to write the special day cuz somethin' special is about ta happen'~ y'know what am sayin'~?

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