Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Rea...

By LittleRed11204

102K 5.2K 2.8K

Cupid being the god of desire, love, attraction, and affection has the biggest part in everyone's lives. Dete... More

The Beginning
School Cliques
A Much Needed Conversation
Just In Case
Status Update
New People
The Calm Before...
...The Storm
Crumbling World
A Little Later
A Long Time Coming
Only Two Weeks
Jennie The Knowing
Change Of Scenary
Back In Seoul
One Single Question
The Moon And Sun
Everyone Finds Out
Escape Room
In Her Dreams
Sunshine And Moonlight

Taste Of Her Own Medicine

3.2K 169 77
By LittleRed11204

Y/n walked into the YG building with a hanging head knowing that this would be her last time walking into this building. She had her headphones on, so she was also listening to sad music to match her mood. Her legs carried her to the elevators easily and she went inside one, pressing the floor for the practice rooms.

She knows that the girls are still in the studio doing some touch ups to songs, so she'll be the first one in the practice room for once. Y/n walked down the hallway when the elevator opened and went to the practice room they always use, pushing the door open and turning on the lights. She sighed and put her bag down on the counter, finding the song right away so she won't waste time trying to find it later.

Y/n then started to do some stretches as she just kept her headphones on, listening to more upbeat music now to get her in the dancing mood. She hummed along and after she finished stretching, she took her headphones off and played Blackpink's song. She played the song four times and did the choreography for each of the members, making mental notes on the more precise parts that may need to be worked on today.

After being alone in the practice room for about an hour, footsteps and cheerful voices were heard in the hallway coming closer to the door. She smiled a bit to herself knowing that those voices belonged to the ladies of Blackpink.

Jisoo was the one to open the door and she froze in the doorway, pointing at y/n,

"You're here already!? Since when the hell are you here before us?"

"Well I have something to tell you guys." Y/n said with a sad smile as the rest of the girls filed into the room with anxious expressions hearing how y/n's voice wasn't as bright as usual. Y/n looked at all of them, her eyes meeting Rosé's for the shortest amount of time. She waited patiently for them to set their things down and they soon were standing across from her.

"Today is my last day here."

Protests and raised voices filled the practice room as the four girls couldn't believe what y/n had just told them. Shadow still had like 4 more days with them, so the information completely blindsided them.

Lisa was already closer to y/n, hands on her shoulder as she begged her to somehow decline going back to SM until the two weeks were up. Jennie and Jisoo were on either side of y/n, also asking her to figure out a way she could stay. They didn't want her to leave because she was like a breath of fresh air for them all. She was a new friend and they didn't want to let her go.

Rosé on the other hand was letting her mind go wild. She was supposed to still have a few days to get on y/n's good side, but now that was completely gone. She didn't know what to think of the situation. Rosé might not even see y/n again because if she did end up texting or calling her, who knows if she would even want to answer.

"Hey hey, there's nothing I can change, so shut up," y/n laughed as the girls pouted at her, "so let's make this day a productive and fun one."

"Fine." They grumbled, still sad about this being the final day that y/n will be here.

All of them got right to work going over the small things y/n mentally noted before they arrived. She worked with Lisa first since she picks up the choreo the fastest. Then she worked with Jennie, and then Jisoo because Rosé went to the bathroom real quick since she didn't have any time in the studio.

The three girls picked up everything smoothly and went to practice their parts individually as Rosé came back from the bathroom.

"Rosé, it's your turn." Y/n said as Rosé gulped before going over in front of the mirrors next to y/n. They met eyes in the mirror before y/n then showed the part she wanted Rosé to do, making sure to explain how to do the moves precisely.

"Now try it." She instructed Rosé as she crossed her arms, looking intently at Rosé's body as she started to do the moves. Seeing y/n's eyes on her body made her mind wander back to last night's conversation with Jennie. She knew that y/n looking at her body wasn't sexual because it was for work, but she couldn't help but think.

But the thinking caused her to mess up.

"No, you fucked up this part." Y/n said, cutting her off from continuing dancing. Y/n did the moves correctly and then motioned for Rosé to repeat them. She was able to do it fine now without her mind being in a different place.

"Better," y/n glanced into Rosé's eyes, "it was like your mind was somewhere else, focus."

"Oh her mind was definitely somewhere else." Destiny said with a smirk as Cupid also had a sly smile. The two gods listened to the conversation last night between Jennie and Roseanne and they couldn't agree more with Jennie.

They too have noticed something swirling around the soulmates whenever they were close to one another. The bathroom was a prime example because when y/n pressed her finger against Roseanne's chest, her heartbeat was through the roof. And when y/n left Roseanne in the utility closet, she couldn't calm her heart since she let it finally react.

"Can these two just do something now?" Cupid asked as he watched the pair dance, y/n correcting Roseanne once again. Y/n reached forward and placed her hand on Roseanne's hip to turn it a bit, making both gods scream like middle school girls seeing their crush in the hallway. Both of their eyes were wide as they noticed how gently y/n was with Roseanne, even though she still apparently hates her.

They also didn't miss the smirks coming from the other girls in the practice room. The gods snickered and saw Roseanne get a little flustered before excusing herself to get water. Y/n flawlessly pretended that Rosé meant nothing to her once again as she went to help a somewhat struggling Jisoo. Destiny scoffed,

"I don't care about you, Jisoo; no offense. But can Roseanne fucking come to her senses and make this more entertaining? Like ugh, she's always excusing herself to go to the bathroom or fill up her water bottle whenever she feels like this. I want to see her encourage y/n and not back down. Now that would be something."

"Now you're getting my hopes up here. Plus she only has today to do it and it isn't looking too good right now." Cupid reminded her as she just rolled her eyes,

"Whatever. I have a feeling something will happen today." Cupid he's his hands up defensively,

"Whatever you say."

Rosé was looking at her reflection in the mirror of the bathroom, scolding herself harshly for feeling and thinking certain ways.

"You need to get a grip on yourself, you dumbass!" She said angrily to herself as she was washing her hands. Rosé put on a cold expression when she walked back into the practice room, determined not to show any emotion towards y/n since she does that to her.

She'll give her a taste of her own medicine.

Y/n was in the corner drinking her water as the three other girls were giggling while doing stupid dances. Y/n rolled her eyes fondly at them before glancing over in Rosé's direction since she had just returned.

She immediately noticed that Rosé was carrying herself differently. Her posture was straighter and the look in her eyes was determination.

Y/n liked seeing this side of her since it shows she's ready to work and learn.

She put her water down and instead of her having to call Rosé over, the girl snapped at her and pointed next to herself, looking at y/n through the mirror. Y/n raised an eyebrow at the attitude and glanced over at Jisoo, but she just shrugged her shoulders. Y/n made her way over to Rosé,


"I think I have it down, so watch me." She basically commanded as y/n tilted her head slightly at the girl. But she didn't say anything and just went in front of her and sat down against the mirror wall, looking up at her and motioning for her to start. There wasn't any music playing, but that made it clearer to know if she was hitting the beats because the music wouldn't be distracting y/n. She has to admit, the song is a very good one and gets stuck in your head.

Y/n was counting in her head and had her eyes scanning over Rosé's figure, seeing if she was going to make any mistakes. As y/n was concentrating on the dance, Rosé felt powerful. Knowing y/n had all her attention on her did something to her.

And much to y/n's surprise, Rosé did the whole dance correctly. Rosé was breathing heavily as she let her eyes lower to see an impressed look on y/n's face. She shot her a smirk before taking a seat on the bench against the wall opposite of her. Y/n had kept her eyes on her when Rosé walked backwards and then quickly averted them when she spun back around.

Lisa then asked y/n a question and y/n went right back into instructor mode, ready to help right away. Rosé sat there proud of herself as she dabbed away a bit of sweat with a small towel. Jennie then slid next to her on the bench, making Rosé try and fight the smile that wanted to appear so badly because she knows what she's going to say. And she can't deny it.

"Well Miss Park, you had someone's eyes on you when you were walking back." Jennie whispered to her as Rosé snapped her head to the side, not knowing that. She thought she was just going to bring up her dancing in front of y/n.


"Seems like you're happy to know. Huh, wonder the reason," Jennie said with the biggest smirk, "and yes really."

Just like that, Rosé was left alone on the bench as Jennie went over to help Jisoo with a part as y/n continued to help Lisa.

The rest of the dance practice carried on like normal and soon 4pm hit, meaning that the final practice with the girls of Blackpink was over. Y/n announced that the session had come to an end and before she could say another sentence, Lisa tackled her to the ground,

"NO!" Y/n laughed a little after getting the air knocked out of her lungs, hugging Lisa back.

"Manoban, I need to get going soon." She told her as Jennie was frowning looking at the pair on the floor. Y/n sighed and opened her arms up, Jennie flying on top of Lisa's back to 'hug' y/n. Y/n grunted at the added weight, but still smiled.

"My turn!" Jisoo shouted as she also joined the now dog pile on y/n. Breathing was a little harder now, but she felt all the love from the girls. Y/n then looked over to Rosé, seeing her just roll her eyes and mind her own business.

It hurt seeing that she didn't care that it was her last day. Y/n clenched her jaw and reminded herself that Rosé doesn't give a fuck about her, so why the hell should she give a fuck about Rosé.

After the girls had finished laying on top of her, they helped her up and then got her in a group hug standing up. Y/n chuckled and hugged them back, thanking them for welcoming her with open arms and giving her a lot of memories.

"So we can keep in touch?" Jennie asked y/n, wanting to hear confirmation from the girl.

"Of course we can. I'll just be busy and you guys will also be busy soon with a comeback. That'll probably lead into a world tour, so I'll just congratulate you girls on how successful the comeback and tour will be right now."

"Oh shut up." Lisa laughed as she lightly smacked y/n's shoulder. The girls always got shy whenever someone complimented them and their success as Blackpink. It means a lot though when people they care about say these things though.

"Well, I'm going to get my things together and then. I'll be leaving." Y/n stated as she went over to the counter and put all her things into her bag.

Rosé was sitting over on the far bench when the three girls walked up to her. All of them had stern faces as they looked down at her,

"What?" Rosé whispered confusedly. Jisoo yanked the girl up by the forearm and then shoved her over in y/n's direction. They motioned for her to talk to y/n and she shook her head, silently arguing with her bandmates.

Y/n turned around and widened her eyes seeing the scene that was unfolding behind her. The three girls made brief eye contact with y/n before pretending to do something else. Rosé turned around after seeing the girls act weird and flinched seeing that y/n was facing her already. She pointed behind herself,

"I don't know what they were doing." Y/n hummed in acknowledgment and waited for Rosé to say something else. She waited for a decent amount of time, but Rosé couldn't figure out what to say to the woman standing in front of her. Y/n tightened her grip on the strap of her backpack and gave a forced smile,

"I hope we don't see each other again then, Park."

And just like that, y/n was out the door and the other girls decided to walk her out, leaving Rosé alone in the practice room.

"Well that was such a dandy thing for y/n to say." Cupid sarcastically said as he tossed his pen aside. Destiny sat in her chair like she had just gotten heart broken,

"Is that really... it?" Destiny said with a small voice, not wanting that to be how her soulmate duo ended. Cupid shook his head,

"Certainly not. You know we've seen plenty of soulmates go through this annoying phase. It'll just... take more time."

"You know this isn't an ordinary soulmate couple though, right?" Destiny asked Cupid as he rolled his eyes,

"Of course I know that."

"Okay, just making sure." Destiny and Cupid sat in front of the screen, watching as the girls walked y/n to the YG van and said one last goodbye to her. Cupid's phone on his desk started to ring and he rolled his chair over to it, answering it,


"There is the annual immortality ritual for select spirits today. So you and Destiny need to get down here because I know both of you have forgotten." The Big Man said roughly as he hung up the phone. Cupid glanced over to Destiny,

"Do you remember what today is?"


"No, it's d the stupid ritual day. Get changed and let's go to this thing." Cupid grumbled as he snapped his fingers, getting into the proper attire for the event, same goes with Destiny. This ritual was an annual event where a spirit is deemed worthy enough to not pass into the afterlife, but help guide new souls and spirits. It is a very big deal for a lot of spirits as they get to still look over the world; their home.

"Hey Shadow!" Mark called out to y/n as he waved enthusiastically at the girl. She laughed and went over to hug him. He was like a brother to her, as well as like all the other idols here at SM.

"Hey Markie. Are you ready for this comeback?" Y/n asked the boy as he nodded happily,

"I am so damn ready! I love the title track and I can't wait to see what your brain comes up with for the choreography." She admitted as y/n smiled,

"I can't wait to hear it and figure something out that will hopefully do the song justice."

"Please, whatever you make will become a worldwide trendy dance for the billionth time, so it will definitely do the song justice." Mark replied as y/n rolled her eyes,

"How many times do I have to tell you that a trendy dance does not make it a good one."

"Until I'm six feet under." He joked with her as the two walked through the halls of SM Entertainment towards the studio where y/n will listen to the full EP. All the idols always allow her to listen to all the songs first because they adore her opinion and just like her as a person. So for all the effort she puts in for dances, they let her have the listening experience of a lifetime.

"So what's the vibe of the EP?" Y/n asked as Mark sat down in the main chair and went scrolling through multiple saved files for the finished EP songs.

"Well since it's still summer, that's the vibe we were going for. You know those parties on the beaches with loud music and fires? We wanted to capture that and then also the morning after; how the sea is calm and relaxing with the sun rising." Mark explained as he finally found where all the songs were located.

"Alright man, show me what you talented idiots did when I was gone." Y/n said with an excited smile as she leaned back on the small couch in the studio as she got ready to hear the music.

Y/n sat there on the couch for almost 40 minutes humming along to the catchy music. Her foot tapped in time with the beat and she had a smile plastered on her face the whole time. She praised Mark and knew when she saw all the boys for dance practice to compliment them and congratulate them on a wonderful body of work.

"So which one is the title track?" Y/n asked as her eyes skimmed over the multiple titles. Mark pointed to one,

"This one."

"Sweet, that was my favorite. It would definitely be a more laid back dance with movements that seamlessly flow into one another. Also I want you guys to have fun with the dance, so it won't be as strict as other ones."

"That sounds like a blast," Mark then handed y/n a small flash drive, "here is the song since I know you'll have your creative juices flowing at 2am for some reason and you'll need to listen to it."

"You know me too well." Y/n said with a smirk as she took the flash drive out of his hands and stuffed it into her pocket.

"So you thought it was a bright idea to give her a taste of her own medicine?!" Jennie scolded Rosé as the four of them were back at the dorm. She sighed frustratedly,

"Yes I did think that was a good idea! But I obviously know now that I should've just spoken to her like a normal fucking person!" Rosé fired back as she was growing angry about how her and y/n ended earlier in the day.

"Why haven't you just said that you want her back in your life and you're willing to take baby steps to get there? Whether it be walking around in the park together or something." Jisoo added as Rosé glared at her,

"Do you think I've had any time to mention that with her?! No! Our conversations consist of her yelling at me and then me matching her because I get annoyed with her being a bitch! So sorry I didn't think of asking her to get fucking tea and crumpets with me!" Rosé yelled as she stormed off to her room and slammed the door.

Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa all looked at Rosé's bedroom door with wide eyes. They've never seen her lash out that bad over anything; maybe food, but that's it. All three of them shared knowing glances,

"Oh she's in love with that girl." Jennie concluded as her girlfriend and Jisoo nodded their heads in agreement.

Rosé laid flat on her bed, wondering where everything went wrong. Was it when she met eyes with y/n and didn't reintroduce herself? Was she too pushy? Was she trying to cling onto a dead friendship too much? So many thoughts ran through her mind and she groaned out in frustration, running her fingers through her hair.

But with all the overthinking, she knew they had a busy day ahead and she needed to get sleep. Rosé got ready for bed and put on a calming music playlist before turning her lights off and closing her eyes to sleep.

Roseanne was in the middle of the giant field of red roses once again. Except something was extremely different than the previous time this dream had occurred last.

The roses were dying.

Their once bright and vibrant red color was fading and wilting away. The petals on all the flowers were wrinkly and the stems were an ugly mix between green and brown. She looked around and the trees surrounding the field also seemed to be dying slowly for some reason. The sky wasn't as blue as before and the sun didn't feel as warm or radiant.

And when Roseanne looked straight ahead of herself, the figure was back in its spot. She assumed that it was y/n again frozen in some random pose, so she made her way towards her. This time she wasn't stepping so delicately since the flowers were basically a lost cause anyway.

She noticed that y/n was wearing a black hoodie with black and white plaid pajama pants. Her hair was messy as if she was previously laying down. Roseanne walked around to the front and then braced herself to see the same angry expression that said a million unspoken words.

But this time was different.

The biggest grin was spread across y/n's face as she had her head turned to the side a bit, as if smiling at something; whether that be a person, a few people, or something else. This was a much better freeze frame of y/n than the last time, and Roseanne couldn't help but smile at the sight. Seeing y/n smiling so much and seemingly looking carefree put her heart at ease.

She always loved seeing her smile. It was something that y/n didn't do when she was around now. If it was just the two of them, there would only be cold expressions and scoffs exchanged.

After realizing that she couldn't possibly put a smile like that on y/n's face, her heart broke. She remembers smiles just like the one on y/n's face now because she used to be the cause of them when they were younger. But that's all gone now.

It was as if this dream was showing her that y/n was better off without her. That y/n would be happy without her in her life. But Roseanne didn't want to accept that fact just yet; she still felt the need to try somehow. She doesn't know how, but she can figure it out.

Roseanne then reached out slowly and with the expectation of feeling the pain course through her fingers as she touched the girl, she cupped her cheek innocently.

The pins and needle feeling from the first time was barely noticeable this time as the palm of her hand rested gently on y/n's left cheek. Even though she knew this was a dream, y/n felt alive under her touch; her skin felt warm and soft. Roseanne then hesitantly caressed her cheek using her thumb, smiling sadly at the grinning girl.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't be a better friend to you in the past. But I hope somehow luck is on our side and we can rummage through the remains and repair one of the wonders of the world: our friendship."

oh my god she had that dream again, but different... interesting. idk about yall, but i love the last sentence of the chapter, im proud of my brain for thinking of it LMAO. also an IMPORTANT UPDATE: i am doing a shit ton of stuff, so the next update may be in like 5-6 days, IM SO SORRY FOR MAKIN YALL WAIT. but onto another note, DID YALL SEE ROSIE FOR VOUGE AUSTRALIA?????? GIRL LOOKS SO FINE AND FOR WHAT. ok, im done lol. i hope to see you guys after this small little wait and I LOVE U ALL <3

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