Everyone hates me (end)

By Felipebarbadosa

36.9K 2.8K 250

1. Ultimate Villain Witness the journey of a second rich generation to become a super Villain. "Stabbed some... More

1. Transmigrated
2. A Trainee
3. CEO
4. Chinese Mozart
5. Rebirth
6. Tyrant At School
7. Saving A Life
8. I'm The Beta
9. A Handsome New Actor
10. We Meet Again
11. Super Villain
12. Burning Flame
13. Stalker
14. Chasing Him
15. Weekend
16. Your Choice
17. I Must Be Crazy
18. My Wifey
19. Target Locked
20. First Sex?
21. Troubles Find You At Door
22. Daddy
23. Moving In
24. Jealousy
25. Retribution
26. Love Is In The Air
27. Second Chance
28. Meeting In Laws
29. Living Together
30. In Love
31. Poisoned?
32. A Farming Village
33. Cruel People
34. Unwanted Ending
35. Win And Win
36. Official Date
37. Lost Him
38. You Are Perfect
1.Going To War
2. New School
3. Roommate
4. Dating Someone
5. Paid And Taken
7. Revelation
8. System Is Gone
10. Meeting The Parent
11. His Wifey
12. Confession

9. Donated

153 15 2
By Felipebarbadosa

Jun has finished his breakfast. He has lost his phone. Probably dropped in the car. He wants to call Bai Yang.

He is going downstairs when he overheard something.

Suzie is calling someone by phone. She is sitting in a couch at the living room.

"When will the surgeon arrive? I have a trial tomorrow morning. We can't let him leave here."

Suzie listens to the order by phone.

She rejects, "No. We can't let him go to a hospital for check-up. Jun will be suspicious. I don't want the police have leads on us."

"Boss, Jun is still young. I'm sure he got a good heart. You will be saved. Just prepare yourself for the heart plantation."

Jun gasps. He places a hand on his chest. He thought his birth father regretted dumping him like trash.

That bastard only wanted his young heart. They probably paid 5 millions yuans to keep Pop seal his mouth.

Suzie hears the gasp and looks upward.

She smiles and asks, "Are you bored? Wait a little bit more. Your father is OTW."

"You are going to kill me?"

Suzie calls, "Guards!"

Bodyguards appear on her call. They try to capture Jun.

The young hooligan punches and kicks them. He manages to rob a phone from one of them.

He dials Bai Yang's numbers. Fortunately it's easy to remember.

"Bai Yang, save me! They are going to kill me!"

A punch knocks him down. He got too many foes. Three men are holding him down.

Suzie stabs a syringe to his neck. Jun feels his body is heavy like lead.

"No... I... Don't want... Die..."

"You were accidentally born to provide a new heart for the Chairman. No worry. It's good to sacrifice for him."

Jun was born from one of his ex-mistresses. When she got dumped, she tossed Jun away in a backseat.

Suzie sighs when she stares at her broken finger nails. Troublesome teen. She hates kids. They always rebel against adults.

The guards take Jun to bedroom. Suzie receives a call from the surgeon. She nods and orders the guards.

They need to prepare the donor. To avoid messy bloody scenes.


Jun finally regains consciousness again. His body still feels a bit heavy. He opens his eyes and nearly passes out again.

Lying naked in a bathtub filled with shattered ice blocks. That wasn't in his wish list.

Jun felt he is like a fish, ready for filleting.

It's like a scene in horror movie. Too bad he's the miserable actor here.

He doesn't know how long he has passed out.

He rises from the tub. He looks down and checks his chest. No wound.

Good. I still have my heart intact.

A man's voice could be heard from outside the door.

"Where's the damn surgeon?"

"OTW. He got trapped in traffic jam. Heard a large container rolled over and crashed to a wall. They need a tow truck to move it."

Jun prays for the tow truck to be super late. So he could keep his little life.

"That surgeon is going to earn millions of yuans. Heard the Chairman didn't care for the leftovers. He's going to get the kidneys, eyes, liver and everything else."

"Lucky bastard. Wish I were smart enough to be a surgeon."

Jun wipes his tears away.

I'm scared! Somebody helped me! System, where are you?

There is no answer. The system has gone from his life.

Jun wipes his face. No time to cry. He has to escape first. He looks around to find any kind of weapon.

A guard opens the door to check on Jun.

"Ouch! My eyes!"

Jun has sprayed him with soap water. He punches and kicks his head.

One down. Two to go.

They are fighting when Jun accidentally slips due to his wet feet. He falls down and the guards jump on him like a scene in a football match.

Jun groans.

I'm dead... Pop... Bai Yang... Sorry...

He closes his eyes and tries to breath more regularly.


Bai Yang has arrived. The guards rise on his feet. Two more guards arrive and block the exit. The cute boy got surrounded.

Jun whispers, "I'm sorry..."

I shouldn't have called him. Dragged him into this mess. I should have called the police...

A guard grabs Bai Yang from behind. He sneers after capturing this cute looking boy. He knows a rich pervert who could pay well.

Bai Yang stomps on his foot and elbows him when he lowers his head. Other guards got alarmed when their comrade is down.

Two guards are going to capture him.

Bai Yang's spinkick knocks them out and sends them to dreamland.

The last one got kicked backwards. He fainted after his head hits a wall behind him.

It was like a scene in blockbuster movie.

Jun's mouth is wide open. He forgets to clap his hands.

Who am I? Who is he? That isn't my cute little sheep...

Bai Yang's fighting skills are even better than him.

Hooligan Jun has been fighting since elementary school.

More guards show up when Bai Yang helps Jun up.

Jun orders, "Run... I will stall them."

"No! We go together!"

One of the guards warns, "Nobody leave! Capture them!"

Suddenly the guards fall down. They have been shot.

One bullet, one man.

A blond haired woman walks in with a gun in her hand. Her shoulder length hair looks shiny. She is wearing sleeveless shirt.

Bright red rose tattoo could be clearly seen in her right biceps.

A gentle looking glasses man walks behind her.

He scolds, "Young Master, you shouldn't run off on your own!"

"I can't wait until you found fertilizer guns! They might kill Jun!"

The woman sighs.

She complaints, "Sometimes I wonder if you were traded at birth. Our parents got excellent genes. How come you are so dumb?"

Bai Yang is pouting. He looks like he is going to cry any moment now.

Jun is dumbfounded. He never heard fertilizer guns. Maybe it's a new kind of weapon.

Secretary Yang corrects him, "They are neutralizer guns, Young Master."

In short, none of them died. They are just sedated.

She notices Jun and her eyes widened. That's a huge rod.

Bai Yang frowns and stands in front of Jun. Can't let anyone else admire his boyfriend's hardware. Not even a family member.

The male secretary takes off his jacket and offers it to Bai Yang. He accepts it. He helps Jun to wears it.

They leave the villa. Jun needs to be send to a hospital for medical treatment. His bruises look terrifying.

The secretary stays behind to give statement to police. They should be here soon.

A car arrives at courtyard. A bald man walks out of it.

He apologizes, "Sorry. Worst traffic jam ever..."

He stops talking when he notices them.

Jun points to him and orders, "That's the black hearted surgeon! Catch him!"

The man is going back to his car to escape.

The blond woman aims and shoots him. The surgeon is neutralized.

Bai Yang helps Jun to her car. He left his motorcycle behind.

She leaves some men behind to assist her secretary.

Jun falls asleep in the ride. He is safe and his eyes refuse to open anymore.

It has been a long day.

The blond woman asks, "Is he worthy?"

"Sis, I love him. Don't interfere."


A smirk on her lips.

She can't let her little brother get fooled. This little lover needs to pass her assessment.

That afternoon, Chairman Wu got arrested in his manor. On charge: attempting murder.

He hired his lawyer and some goons to kidnap his illegitimate son. Trying to get his heart.

The company stock prize has been plummeted.

The police doesn't announce the name of the victim.

Jun still needs to give testimony at court. He is more than willing to send his birth father and others to jail.

There is no love lost between them.

Please vote and comments.

Poor Jun.

His birth father only wanted a new heart. Not his long lost son.

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