My Beloved Loki

By Wholockian221b4

6.3K 205 26

Rae Stark. Telepathic, superstrength, flight, and awkwardness. She was born with these powers and currently l... More

New York
Loki the Hot Villan
Right, Army
What Boredom Reduces Me To
We Just Have to Tolerate Each Other
Actually Talking to Loki
Home Again
Chores and Dancing
Don't Take My Loki
Fury's Fury
New Clothes and Ex Boyfriends
Surprise Visits and One Awkward Morning
I'm Sick
Drunken Confessions
The Complicated Flower
Pizza and Movies
Call of Duty: Black Ops, Zombie Edition
Heads or Tails?
The Other
It's All My Fault
Day of Pain
The Argument
Hell is Rebuilt.
Morning Awkwardness


159 7 0
By Wholockian221b4

I wake up to the feeling of my insides being squeezed and compressed to the point to where they might snap, before relaxing a little bit. My period. Great. I knew it was coming soon so I already have a pad on thankfully. I cringe and whimper and try to pull my knees to my chest to see if I can get enough relief to get some medicine. My mid thighs hit someone's arms and that's when I realize I'm in Loki's bed with him. And he has his arms around me and my back is lightly against his chest. My whole body shivers with pleasure. Must be the hormones. I try to pry his arms out from around my midsection so I can curl up in a ball and cry because the pain is near unbearable, but as soon as I try to lift his arm, he tightens his grip on me a little and pulls me into his chest more. I whimper again as a tear escapes my eye. I quickly wipe it away. Loki Burt's his head in my neck. This is actually pretty comfortable. If I don't have cramps that is. I reach my hand and stroke his pale face and sharp cheekbones in an attempt to wake him up. He stirs and I retract my hand, face pinkened from the contact. He groans and I find it sexy, before he sits up. I curl tighter into a ball and try to hold back a sob, but it doesn't work and I end up racking my body making the pain worse.
"What's wrong with you?" He says carelessly an tired. My back is too him but I can tell he's annoyed and thinks that it's girl drama or something.
"My stomach is cramping up." I feel him get up and walk around to my side of the bed. He kneels down so he's on my level and his face is a mere inch from mine. I blush at the closeness. His Emerald orbs stare into my brown ones sympathetically. I didn't know he was capable of sympathy. Maybe, just maybe, he's changing.
"Is there anything I can do?" He asks
concerned. I nod.
"In the hallway in the closet there's a light blue bottle that says 'Ibuprofen'. Get me that. And a drink of water please." He nods and rushes out of the room as another wave of pain hits me. I shrivel up and take it like the soldier I am. I've had worse than this. I can hear the closet door flung open and it sounds like he just dumped the whole container of bottles on the floor. I hear quickened footsteps walking towards the kitchen and not long after, the sink running. Loki emerges into the room a few moments later. He walks over to me and I painfully sit up. I take two Ibuprofens before curling up into a ball again.
"Is there anything else I can do?" He asks. He actually sounds concerned. You can rub my stomach. That's what you can do. No you can't. I don't like you. But I do. But I don't. But, ugh. It must be the hormones. But if he did rub my stomach it would actually make me feel better. Oh crap. Warm sensation in my brain. Loki smirks before walking around to the other side of the bed and crawling back under the covers next to me. He puts his hand on my side and tugs gently so I will lay on my stomach. I do, but reluctantly. He chuckles and it causes a shiver of pleasure to run down my spine and mutant butterflies erupt in my gut. He keeps his eyes trained on mine while he slips his cool hand under my shirt and rubs my bare stomach, taking caution that he doesn't go to high or too low. The shirt still covers most of the skin though. I relax under his touch and I guess he could feel it because he gives me a smirk as he draws circles on my stomach. Meanwhile I'm probably as red as a tomato right now. This is more than awkward.
"So......." I say awkwardly.
"So......." He says, mocking me.
"I'm trying to break this awkwardness."
"Yes, that would probably be for the better." He says and gives me a half smile, cocks his head to the side, with a mischievous glint in his beautiful Emerald eyes. It's adorable. Okay, woah, hold on. No no no, I can't think like this. But he's adorable. Alright, I am just going to blame all romantic thoughts about him on hormones.
"What did you do in Asgard? I mean, as children?" I ask. He looks away from me and at the window, which has the blinds down but is still letting sunlight in. He draws small circles with his fingers on my stomach and the coolness and the motion actually helps a lot.
"I would practice magic and tricks with my mother, Frigga. My so-called father, Odin, wanted me to be a warrior like my perfect brother Thor. I never took such interests. My brother and I used to play games in the palace when we were children. We have become more separate as the years have passed. But my mother used to tell me fairy tales and she would show me all the tricks she had up her sleeve. I used to play them on Thor. When Odin found out about me prankish the holy perfect child, he would punish me. Harshly. My mother wouldn't let it go on though. As soon as she heard my screams she would come and rescue me. Afterwards, she would take me to the gardens and we would play games. My mother was also my best friend. Although she probably hates me and is extremely disappointed in me now." He says the last part harshly and rage fills his saddened eyes. His hand tightens around my stomach making it hurt, but I don't yelp or show any indication that it hurts. He hurts more. I put my hand under my shirt and on top of his. He loosens his grip all the way so it's just resting on my mid-section. He looks at me, startled a little bit that I would try to comfort him. Sometimes I surprise myself with this stuff too. Right now is one of those moments. He looks at me and I look back into his eyes. His soften a little before looking down and playing with the covers like it's the most interesting thing he's ever seen. I remove my hand from his and he continues to draw meaningless designs. We stay like that for a little while.
"Tell me an Asgardian fairy tale." I say, in hopes to make him feel better. His eyes light up and a small smile plays at his lips. He looks at me before telling me the story.
"Alright. This one was one of my mothers favorites." He says and smiles, probably remembering his past with his mum, before continuing.
"Both Jotun and Asgardian were the royalty of their realm, born of highest standing and destined to inherit the throne of their people. Their realms had long been at war, but in the generation of their fathers an uneasy peace had been established. It lay tenuous, often tested by skirmishes near the border where the realms met.

When the Asgardian prince neared the age of manhood, he thought himself ready to ride out and see these enemies of which he had always heard tell. He was young and brash of action, and fascinated by the stories of old telling of great battles between Asgard and Jotunheim. He wished to test himself.

The Jotun princess was not so reckless. She was a quiet and had a more thoughtful way. She practiced magic, but also enjoyed the solitude of the wilderness, where she would often go to hunt the great beasts that wandered the frozen plains between the borders of their kingdoms

They happened to meet by chance. They were immediately hostile to one another. The Jotun princess thought to use magic and tricks in an attempt to humiliate the Asgardian and run away, and the Asgardian gave chase. He would not relent. Finally they came to blows.

Neither won. It was an even match. They fought for the whole of a day, but neither would yield. It was only exhaustion that caused them to part, and they agreed to meet the next day to finish the battle.

Neither knew the other was of royalty. The Asgardian wore armor like that of every other warrior in the realm, and the Jotun princess had dressed herself as a hunter.

But they kept their word and met in the same location the next day for their match. And the day after that. And the day after that. Soon, they eventually fell in love.

It is not so unreasonable to consider. With no knowledge of the other's rank, they treated each other with a genuine respect earned through skill. They did not share with the other who they truly were. They enjoyed too much being accepted as themselves, rather than their titles.

It did not happen quickly, but it did happen. They would meet. They would battle. Then when it was proved once more the match could not be decided, they would yield together, their bodies as one upon the snow.

Both of their parents found out after a long while, although it did not feel long at all for them. Of course both demanded they cease consorting with the enemy immediately. With heavy hearts they set out to their place of meeting, but the Asgardian prince happened upon an idea. Instead of common armor he dressed himself to full, shining regalia, and put his winged helm upon his head, and set out upon a royal warhorse.

When the Jotun princess saw him dressed so, she could scarcely look upon him, so bright shone his glory. The Jotun princess had come as she always did: in hunter's furs and leathers. She demanded to know who it was whose grand visage stood before her.

The Asgardian prince revealed himself by name, and the Jotun knew him instantly.

'What do you come here for?' said the Jotun.

'I bring a message from he who would have met you here,' answered the Asgardian. 'I am to tell you your lover will not be coming. He is banished, never to see you again.'

Hearing this, the Jotun flew into despair. She would scarcely listen to anything else the Asgardian said.

But the Asgardian prince spoke on.

'However, I see you are as lovely as ever described. I will extend my hand to you, and allow you to return to Asgard at my side. I will give you riches and comfort beyond any that common fool could offer.'

The Jotun would not hear him.

'I have no need nor care for your riches,' She bristled. 'I would have his smile before all the glittering gold in your city. Now get thee gone!'

'But I offer you everything,' said the Asgardian.

'I already have everything I could want,' answered the Jotun, 'save the one thing I desire.'

Then the Jotun princess revealed herself by name, and the Asgardian was astonished. He could not bear the sight of his love in such distress any longer, and climbed down from his horse. He removed his helm and cloak, and stripped the more gleaming parts of his armor, that the Jotun could see him.

'Dear heart,' he said at last. 'I am your desire.'"

The Jotun princess was quite cross at having been deceived. I believe she threw a ball of snow at him. But she quickly forgave him.

With their union, the two forged a stronger and better peace for both realms.

My mother liked to believe they lives happily ever after. So I also believe it." He says. It's a wonderful tale.
"That's a very fantastic tale. But, what exactly is a Juton?" I ask. Loki's eyes grow dark.
"They are Frost Giants. Monsters. They are among the most foul beasts in all the Nine Realms. No one loves them or are even capable of doing so." I can swear I see a glint of red in his real da and his skin turns a light shade of blue. I put my hand over his again and he looks at me, sadness and anger in his eyes. Something happened to him with a Jotun.
"What happened?" I ask. He looks away from me.
"I do not wish to talk about it. Particularly with you." He says bitterly. Regret flashes in his eyes and facial features, but he does nothing. It hurts, but I ignore it and cautiously draw small circles on his hand. He looks at me with regret. I smile at him and he gives me a confused look.
"Would you like me to tell you a fairytale from Earth? Maybe that will make you feel better." I say. He just looks even more confused.
"You wish to help me?" I nod.
"Why?" He asks.
"Because, I hate to see people suffer." His face softens and he nods.
"This is one of my favorites." I say as I tell him the tale of Beauty and the Beast in great detail. His hand hAs never left my midsection or stopped running i,t even though I'm perfectly fine now. He seems to enjoy my story. He looks away from me at some parts and I can tell that he is tearing up, but I go on anyways, because the ending is the best part. As I near the end of my story, he keeps his eyes trained on mine. I avoid his eyes because it would be awkward for me. But I see him smile as the Beast turns back into an because of Belle's love. I finally look at him.
"That was a wonderful story." He says.
"They made it into a movie. Wanna se it?" He nods and smirks. He picks me up bridal style, along with all the covers.
"Loki!" I say startled and wrap my arms around his shoulders out of fright. As son as I realize what I did, I retract my hands. He chuckles. And it's heaven to my ears.
"Whatever is the matter?" He asks mischievously.
"I'm fine. You don't have to carry me." I say and fiddle with my hands. He leans down so our faces are an inch apart. I look into his Emerald orbs and he stares back into my brown ones, curiosity and mischief shining bright in his eyes.
"I know." He whispers in a husky voice, making me shiver with pleasure and melt inside. Again, blame it on my hormones. Or maybe, am I really am starting to like him? I don't know and it hurts to think about it. For now, I shall blame it on hormones. Loki stands straight again and I can breathe. He starts walking towards the couch and sits down. With me in his lap.

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