Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Rea...

By LittleRed11204

95.8K 5K 2.8K

Cupid being the god of desire, love, attraction, and affection has the biggest part in everyone's lives. Dete... More

The Beginning
School Cliques
A Much Needed Conversation
Just In Case
Status Update
New People
The Calm Before...
...The Storm
Crumbling World
A Little Later
A Long Time Coming
Jennie The Knowing
Taste Of Her Own Medicine
Change Of Scenary
Back In Seoul
One Single Question
The Moon And Sun
Everyone Finds Out
Escape Room
In Her Dreams
Sunshine And Moonlight

Only Two Weeks

2.5K 154 73
By LittleRed11204

Rosé was surprised that her alarm woke her up in the morning because she really didn't think that she would be able to sleep after the events with y/n. Quite frankly, she was dreading dance practice today because of what y/n might end up doing. She'll probably yell at her multiple times throughout and also make her feel like an idiot.

The van ride over to the YG building was filled with laughter by the other girls as Rosé just leaned her head up against the window. She told them that she was just tired and it was true. The girls believed her when she let out a big yawn, making them giggle.

Walking through the hallways of YG was actually a little hard to do because Treasure was preparing a comeback in a month, so staff was everywhere. But through navigating the back hallways, the girls were able to get to the practice room before y/n. They set their things aside on the countertop at the back of the room and started doing some stretches as they awaited Shadow. Jennie's phone then dinged, causing her to look at it.

"Ah, y/n said that there was an accident on the normal route here, so she'll be a little late."

"I hope whoever was involved in the accident is okay." Lisa said with a frown as Jisoo nodded her head in agreement.

"But how come she texted you when I'm clearly her favorite?" Jisoo questioned Jennie as the girl just shrugged her shoulders. Rosé just sat confused looking between them arguing about why y/n texted Jennie while she didn't even have y/n's number.

"When did she give you guys her number?" Rosé decided to ask as she also wanted the girl's number so she can keep in contact with her.

"Oh I think you were in the bathroom or something like that because you weren't there." Jisoo explained, trying to remember correctly. Hearing that from the oldest made Rosé angry because it was evident that y/n didn't want to give her number to her.

"Huh, I'll just ask her for it when she gets here so we can keep in touch." Rosé said with a smile, knowing that y/n couldn't decline her when they were in front of the other girls.

"You guys didn't keep in touch after you came here?" Lisa innocently asked Rosé, obviously not knowing the horrible terms the friendship ended on. Rosé shook her head,

"No we didn't. I wanted to focus on all this and y/n wanted to focus on school and dance." She said lying right through her teeth.

Then the sound of the practice room door opening caught their attention. In walked y/n with an expression that showed she was terribly sorry for being late. Her hair was a little wet and she had a jacket on since the forecast did say there was going to be some light rain this morning.

"Hey guys, I'm super sorry for being late. Hopefully it won't happen again." Y/n said with a small bow as Jisoo shook her hands at the girl and told her to stand up straight,

"Ya, no bowing to us over something small like this. Don't worry about it, we are late to many things and there was a reason you were late anyway."

"Still," y/n was going to continue, but Jennie cut her off,

"Blah blah blah, stop apologizing and let's get to dancing." Y/n chuckled at her words and set her stuff down, getting everything set up.

"Hey y/n, can I get your number since I wasn't here when you gave it to the other girls? I think you just forgot afterwards to give me it." Rosé said with amused eyes, watching as y/n tensed up the slightest bit hearing her request. Y/n's back was to them, so she glanced over her shoulder and gave her a fake smile,

"Sure, it's actually still my old number, so you have it." Rosé was surprised that it was still y/n's old number since it's been forever. But she nodded her head and made a mental note to check her number after they got back to the dorm because they had stuff to do today.

Y/n shrugged off her jacket, leaving her an old band t-shirt, and then found the song that they have been working on in the sound system. Lisa whistled in y/n's direction as Rosé glanced over to see what Lisa was going on about.

"Looks like someone had a fun night."

Rosé's eyes immediately fell to y/n's neck where there were multiple hickeys scattered around. Y/n looked down and gave a bashful smile,

"Yeah I did." Her eyes didn't even wander in Rosé's direction when she said that. Lisa and the other girls laughed as y/n just told them to shut up. Rosé didn't realize the grip on her water bottle was tightening until she felt her hand cramp up a bit.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Jisoo asked since she was the most nosey out of the four of them. Y/n laughed while shaking her head,

"No, not a guy. I'm not into men, women are more my type."

To say the four girls in the practice room were shocked was an understatement. All their jaws dropped and y/n just looked at them with a goofy smile, allowing them to take in the new information. She just got the music set up and leaned back on the counter,

"Are you guys good now?" They shook their heads as y/n sighed and rolled her eyes with a small smile. All their hearts were racing because they obviously found the woman attractive. Lisa's gay ass was in awe that another woman so talented was gay, and Jennie's bi ass was loving how another badass woman was gay. Obviously the couple love each other, but they can still appreciate an attractive person when they see one. Jisoo admired the woman even more and Rosé... she just couldn't comprehend that. She can't believe that she never noticed or caught on when they were younger. Yes y/n was a tomboy, but still.

"Now I think we're fine." Jennie said with a small voice as she blinked a few times. The other girls nodded their heads and y/n clapped her hands, ready to get dancing.


"Wait!" Jisoo said, interrupting her, "so who's the girl then?"

"I can't remember her name, it was just a hookup. I don't do relationships." Y/n's expression dropped for a second before picking it back up and telling them to get into their places. The girls didn't question her any further and got to where they were supposed to be, waiting for the music to play. Y/n hit play and she watched as they did the choreography up until the chorus because that still needs to be tweaked.

"Rosé, you need to work on timing up the body roll with the rest of the girls. You're a half beat too early on it. Make sure you count in your head if you need to."

Rosé nearly scoffed out loud because there went y/n nitpicking what she was doing. She held it in though, but she subtly rolled her eyes when y/n wasn't looking. One thing she didn't account for was the other three pairs of eyes that were indeed looking into the mirror that could see her. They didn't say anything, but they were going to ask why the girl rolled her eyes over just a small little critique.

The dance practice continued on and y/n kept pointing out Rosé's mistakes without fail. She did point out the other girls' mistakes, but it was nothing compared to Rosé. The hours went by slowly for her and she was glad that the torture was finally over.

"Hey y/n, do you want to grab lunch with us?" Lisa asked as she wiped the sweat off her arms, "We'll go after we get cleaned up if you're up for it."

"Um," her eyes flickered over to Rosé, internally battling with herself because she'd have to deal with the blonde longer. But the rest of the girls are really sweet and she can spend more time with them, "sure. Just text me when and I'll be there."

"Great! We'll see you soon then!"

The girls went their separate ways and headed back to the dorm, all of them hopping into their showers and getting changed. Rosé took a rather quick one because she needed to see y/n's number. She doesn't even know if she's blocked or anything. After her shower, she wrapped herself up in a towel and grabbed her phone, immediately going to her contacts and searching for y/n's name.

Y/n/n <3

She looked at the name sadly, knowing that she didn't change the contact name even when they first broke off their friendship. Her heart hurt and she clicked it to see if she was blocked or not. Much to her surprise, she wasn't blocked. Thinking back, she doesn't even know if y/n ever blocked her number.

But seeing all the old friendly text messages they used to send each other made Rosé want to cry. She got teary eyed reading the last message y/n had sent her.

Y/n/n <3: u can come over
my house and we can go to
school together

Y/n/n <3: i'll see u tomorrow,
so merry first-day-of-school eve!
love ya <3

Rosé let a tear fall from her eyes, but she quickly brushed it away with the pad of her thumb. She took a deep breath and went to go do some light makeup before getting changed into some nice clothes. She picked out some jeans that were more slim fitting and then a YSL blouse, paired with Tiffany & Co jewelry. She had just finished putting in her earrings when her door opened up, revealing a nicely dressed Lisa ready to go to lunch.

"We are going to be heading out, so are you ready?" Rosé hummed and grabbed a small handbag before walking out of her room to join the other girls. They all went down to the lobby and filed into the van before driving to where they were going to meet y/n for lunch.

Y/n was fiddling with her fingers as she just decided to get on the city bus instead of trying to get a YG staff or an SM staff to pick her up. The rain was soothing for a moment before she reminded herself that she'd be spending an undisclosed amount of time with Rosé. She sighed and watched the glass of the window fog up slightly before listening to know when her stop would arrive.

The overhead announcement for her stop brought her out of her daze and she stood up, thanking the bus driver before exiting. The rain was coming down harder, so she put the hood of her jacket up before jogging over to the entrance of the restaurant the girls told her. When y/n entered, she let her eyes wander to try and find their table, but she didn't see them. Then her phone buzzed, showing that Jennie had texted her.

Ruby Jane: tell the host
ur here for Min Joon

Y/n then put her phone back in her pocket and went up to the host, telling them the name. They immediately took y/n to the table that was in a closed off part of the restaurant. Y/n knows that a bunch of restaurants in Seoul have these almost exclusive areas because of all the idols and actors. She's been to a fair amount with the idols at SM.

Soon the girls came into view and she was so ready to sprint out of the restaurant seeing that the only open seat was right next to Rosé. Just by glancing into her eyes briefly, it was certain she made sure this happened. But y/n smiled at the other girls,

"Hello again." She said with a fake curtsy as they giggled at me. Y/n then slowly moved her chair out and sat down, subtly moving her chair further away from Rosé as she scooted in. Rosé noticed and scoffed quietly to herself, but y/n was able to hear it and she carried on like she didn't.

"So tell us more about yourself!" Lisa encouraged as a waiter came by and handed them all glasses of water with a bread basket.

"What do you want to know?"

"What kind of student were you like in school?" Jisoo asked y/n as she now had to reminisce on her school life; something she didn't care to do.

"Well, in primary school I would zone out 90% of the time and would doodle in my notes. I didn't really care too much about grades and I just had fun with my classmates. Some of that carried into secondary school, but I soon wanted to try more academically and that's what I did. I got great grades my final few years of school and graduated with honors."

"Wow, what was the reason for the change of heart?" Jennie asked without knowing the painful memories that were floating around in y/n's head.

Rosé knew why y/n had that change of heart way back when. It was right after they ended their friendship; her and Lily (if she remembered her name correctly) started to get close after that. Lily was at the top of the class, so it made sense if y/n wanted her attention, she'd have to do good. Y/n gave them an incredibly forced smile,

"Just some people in my life made me realize some things." The girls could tell that the smile was fake, but they didn't comment on it and just moved on to a different topic.

"What's your favorite song currently?" Lisa asked her as she rested her elbows on the table, leaning forward awaiting the answer. Y/n pondered for a little before a lightbulb lit up in her head,

"Ah, it totally has to be Moscow Mule by Bad Bunny." Y/n answered with a satisfied grin, taking a sip of her drink before being bombarded with even more questions from the girls. They ordered their lunch and the food came out fast since the staff was probably terrified to keep Blackpink waiting.

"Have you found your soulmate?" Rosé asked y/n since the girl said earlier that she didn't do relationships. Y/n physically tensed up at that dreadful word that fell from Rosé's lips. She clenched her jaw and looked beside her, right into the brown eyes of the girl that asked the question,

"I don't believe in soulmates."

Lisa and Jennie dropped their chopsticks onto their plates and their jaws went slack hearing that. Rosé was taken aback, as was Jisoo. None of them could comprehend how someone doesn't believe in soulmates. Lisa and Jennie are literally a soulmate pair sitting across from a nonbeliever. Y/n could feel the judgmental eyes of the girls as she glanced around,

"Yes I know, crazy."

"How– why don't you believe in soulmates?" Lisa asked y/n as she just gritted her teeth,

"I'd rather change subjects, please." She stated as calmly as she could. The girls glanced around at one another before mutually deciding that would be best because it was obvious y/n didn't want to talk about something.

"Okay, lighter topic, got it," Jennie said mostly to herself as she then asked a different question, "alright: team Jacob or team Edward?"

Y/n couldn't help but smile at the question that was thrown her way. The girls all said their opinions and conversation just continued to flow throughout lunch.

But Rosé couldn't shake the fact that y/n doesn't believe in soulmates and that there is a reason why. And she wanted to know why because when they were younger, y/n did in fact believe in soulmates. She remembers all the conversations they would have about them in each other's rooms.

Rosé's thigh accidentally brushed up against y/n's and y/n flinched. Rosé took offense to that because it was indeed only an accident, but y/n treated it like it was the plague. So, Rosé set her thigh right up against the side of y/n's, not moving it away this time. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed her jaw tense up and how she took a long deep breath to calm herself down.

Then the sudden feeling on y/n's hand on her thigh made Rosé snap her eyes down, heart racing.

But just as quickly as the touch came, it disappeared, effectively pushing Rosé's thigh away from y/n's.

From that small interaction, Rosé's mind was boggled and her heart was feeling weird. She made sure to contribute to the conversation briefly before excusing herself to use the bathroom. When she got up to walk away, she swore she felt eyes on her for a second. Rosé opened the main door to the bathroom and went into a stall, locking the door and allowing her mind to run a million kilometers an hour. She wasn't understanding why her heart was doing the things that it was.

"Aw shit, I spilled my drink." Y/n said as she totally didn't spill her drink on purpose to go to the bathroom.

"Do you need napkins?" Jisoo rushed out as she started to hand y/n hers. Y/n shook her head and stood up,

"No, don't waste them. I'll just go to the bathroom real quick and clean up best I can." Y/n gave them a smile before turning around, her smile dropping as her eyes went straight to the bathroom. She opened the door calmly and then bent down to see if anyone else was in here besides Rosé. Much to her relief, no one else was here and she could see Rosé's shoes in one of the stalls.

Instead of yelling right away, y/n just leaned her back against the wall and casually opened the door again, waiting for the sound of it to close as her eyes stayed glued on the stall Rosé was in. She was silent as the minutes ticked by, and soon the shuffling of Rosé's feet was heard. Then the sound of the stall lock unlocking came next.

Rosé's eyes went to the figure by the door without missing a beat. She gasped under her breath as she wasn't expecting y/n to be in here, let alone anyone else. She cursed out y/n in her head because she definitely deceived her with the main door. The two just stared into each other's eyes, one pair with annoyance and the other with uncertainty.

"What the hell was that out there?" Y/n questioned Rosé as she continued to lean back on the wall. Rosé held her ground,

"I was just shifting around in my chair, getting comfortable."

"So why'd you have to press your leg up against mine? There was plenty of room between them, so there was no need to do that."

"Maybe I did it just to piss you off." Rosé said with a smug look, knowing that she was going to start pushing y/n's buttons. And she was right as the girl clenched her jaw tightly, pushing herself off the wall and striding over right in front of Rosé, backing her up into the wall behind her. Y/n pressed her pointer finger onto Rosé's chest as Rosé sucked in a breath,

"I know you love to piss me the fuck off, but I'd suggest you stop before I explode on you." Y/n said lowly as she stared down at the girl that was frozen under her finger.

"You wouldn't explode on me, you don't have it in you." Rosé said with a lot more confidence that what she was actually feeling in this moment. Y/n chuckled darkly,

"Oh Rosé, you have no idea how much of a bitch life has been to me over these 10 years. I most certainly can because I've done it before to other people. Needless to say, they no longer go near me."

Rosé gulped at the younger girl as y/n smirked at her, seeing the scared expression making its way to her features. Y/n stood up straighter and pulled her finger back from Rosé, walking over to the sink to actually get the small stain out.

"I'm not scared of you."

That got y/n's attention as she glanced back at the girl through the mirror. She turned the sink off and physically looked back at Rosé,

"You should be." Y/n then went to get a few paper towels and dry the spot that was wet from the water. The drink barely came out, but she wasn't worried about that. Rosé walked over to y/n before she could leave the bathroom,

"I'm going to get on your good side again whether you want it to happen or not." Y/n spun around on her heels to face her, her expression cold,

"I'm working with you girls for only two weeks and then I'm gone. It's already been 3 days, so times a ticking. And if that somehow happens, I'll give you a little reward." Y/n said sarcastically as she opened the door and went back to the table.

Y/n's words rang in Rosé's mind: she only has two weeks.

Cupid and Destiny were now back to normal for the most part. Cupid would do his usual daily routine, but Destiny would add sly remarks about the god she learned from Fate. So every now and then, even if Cupid was minding his own business, Destiny would say something just to annoy him. She would always, without fail, do the pretend cough thing as well to 'try' and cover up her words.

"Destiny, can you check up on angel 926 please?" Cupid asked the goddess as he was going through some paperwork and noticed they hadn't matched any of the pairs they were assigned.

"Sure," cough, "60 seconds," cough. Destiny replied in between horribly timed coughs. But she still smirked as Cupid rolled his eyes,

"Just go."

"Yeah yeah, I'm going. I'll be quick." She said with a laugh as she exited the building, going to where the angels worked. She asked a few angels that were on break where angel 926 was stationed. They told her over in the west wing and she thanked them before making her way over to the wing.

Destiny entered and then went over to where the overhead speaker was located. She picked up the little phone and made an announcement,

"Hello lovely angels. If angel 926 could please meet me at the entrance, that would be amazing, thank you." She hung up the phone and waited for an angel to approach the entrance.

A very timid and shy angel started to walk towards her, avoiding eye contact at all costs. She observed them and then spoke up when they were close enough,

"What's up?"

"Uh, nothing." They mumbled as they held their elbow, nervous to be in front of a goddess knowing they haven't really been doing their job.

"I'm guessing you know why I've called you here."

"Yeah I do."

"Care to explain then?" Destiny asked as she crossed her arms, but not in an intimidating way, more of a curious way. The angel glanced up to her and rushed their words, just wanting to get everything out,

"I had messed up a soulmate pair and then I had to try and fix it, but it didn't work. So now I'm terrified to set up more soulmates because I'm scared that I'll mess those up too."

"How did you 'fix' the soulmates then?" Destiny asked them, wondering what in the world they could've done.

"I just struck the right soulmates with new arrows." Destiny face palmed as now 4 people each had two soulmates. That might make for an interesting moment in the future.

"You know what, that's fine; I've heard worse. But that was just one mistake. You've done so many good things and you're letting the one bad thing outweigh all of that. Don't do that. You won't mess up these ones, I can feel it. Just because you messed up doesn't mean you're supposed to neglect your work. It means you try harder the next time to correct it." Destiny explained to the angel as they nodded their head,

"Okay, and I'm sorry by the way. I'll catch up with my work."

"Good, I can't wait to watch the soulmates you pair together grow old together." The angel smiled at those words and flew away to grab their small bow and arrows. Destiny clapped her hands together as that was one problem solved.

Now she can get back to making sly remarks to a certain god.

will rosie be able to get on y/n's good side before time is up? who knows... i do lol. i finished stranger things s4, vol1 and MY GOD THE 4TH EPISODE WAS A MASERPIECE, SAME WITH THE LAST ONE. if u havet watched stranger things yet, i HIGHLY recommend it. any who, thank u for reading and voting and commenting and being amazing, ill see u all in the next one and I LOVE U GUYS <3

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