The Powerhouse's Little Siste...

By Chancie_2004

138K 1.8K 360

The Shield was an unstoppable group. They longed to bring justice back to WWE. They waited for something to c... More

Meet Lelani...
Chapter 1...
Chapter 2...
Chapter 3...
Chapter 4...
(A/N) Hey!
Chapter 5...
Chapter 6...
Elimination Chamber...
Chapter 8...
Chapter 9...
Undertaker 30
Wrestlemania 29...
Chapter 11...
I'm Sorry...
Chapter 12...
Chapter 13...
Extreme Rules...
Chapter 15...
Chapter 16...
R.I.P Brodie Lee
The Date!!
Chapter 18...
Chapter 18 (Pt.2)...
Chapter 18 (Pt.3)...
Chapter 19...
Chapter 20...
Chapter 21...
Chapter 22...
Chapter 23...
Chapter 24...
Wrestlemania 30...
Chapter 26...
Chapter 27...
Chapter 28...
Extreme Rules...
Chapter 29...
Chapter 30...
Chapter 32...
This is how it will work
RECOVERY pt. 2...
RECOVERY pt. 3...
Royal Rumble...
Chapter 33...
Chapter 34...
Elimination Chamber...
Chapter 36...
Chapter 37...
Chapter 38...
Chapter 39...
Wrestlemania 31...
Chapter 41...
Chapter 42...
Chapter 43 (sneak peak)...
Chapter 43...
Chapter 44...
Chapter 45...
Chapter 46...
Chapter 47...
Chapter 48...
Chapter 49...
Chapter 50...
Chapter 51...
Night Of Champions
Chapter 53...
Chapter 54...
Chapter 55...
Chapter 56...
Chapter 57...
Hell in a Cell...
Chapter 59...
Chapter 60...
Chapter 61...
Chapter 62...
Happy Summerslam!
Survivor Series
Chapter 64...
Chapter 65...
Bonus Chapter!
♥❤Susan G. Komen❤♥
Chapter 68...
Chapter 69...
Chapter 71...
Chapter 72...
Chapter 73...
Quick Question

Chapter 31...

457 9 1
By Chancie_2004

Just as a warning, this chapter will have at least two Monday Night Raw's, and one Smackdown.

. . . 

We have built up anger. And for multiple reasons. Let me start from when we came to the arena earlier today. Evolution was nowhere to be seen. So we all split up, and searched the arena, but no sign of any member of Evolution. When we met back up, Seth said that once Evolution gets here, we're gonna hunt them down. So we went out in the middle of the ring, waiting for Evolution to show up after we called them out. The titantron showed the back, where we seen a limo. And out came Evolution, with their fancy suits, and dress. We looked at each other, then crawled out of the ring, and ran out to the back, with me in the front.  When we got to the back, Seth took out Randy, while Dean took out Dave, Roman took out Triple H, and I took out Malia. I ended up throughing Malia through the top of the limo, while Seth threw Randy through the windshield, and Roman power-bombed Triple H through the hood of the limo. We walked away satisfied, knowing that we had the upper hand.

. . . 

A little time later, the boys had a tag team match. I told the boys I would catch up with them as I went into our lockeroom to grab my jacket. I stood in the bathroom fixing my hair, when I heard what sounded like a door opening and closing. I dismissed it, thinking it came from the tv. But I saw Malia standing behind me in the mirror, and I turned around. I starting beating up on her. But she had the upper hand. She shoved me into the sink, making me yelp out in pain. She picked me up, and tossed me out of the bathroom. I landed on the ground, and I saw three pairs of shoes. I looked up to see the rest of Evolution. Triple H smiled at me. He knelt down, and petted my hair. 

"Finish her off. We'll send her to her boys."- Hunter

As I sat up a little bit more, Malia came over, and stomped my head into the ground, knocking me out.

*Third person P.O.V.*

The guys were getting worried because Lelani hasn't shown up. But they couldn't do anything now, their match was up.

About 20 minutes later, they won their tag team match. But Hunter came out with a wicked smile on his face.

"Congratulations on your match boys! But it seems like your missing something. Oh! You are. Boys!"- Hunter

Malia came out, then Bautista, then Randy. But Dave had Lelani over his shoulder (the fireman's carry), blacked out. Dave put her down on the ground so that she was sitting. But she was leaning against Hunter's leg. And her head was leaning further back. Hunter ran a hand over her emotionless face. Seth, Roman, and Dean were livid. They were ready to jump over the ropes, run down, and knock out Evolution for hurting their girl.

"Poor girl. The way she looks here will be the same way the rest of you will look in two weeks at Payback, because you started the night with us lying on the ground, but we ended it with your girl knocked out cold."- Hunter

The boys were burning with anger. They ran up the ramp, but before they could get to Evolution, Evolution ran away, leaving a passed out Lelani laying on the ramp.

"COWARDS!"- Roman


"Lelani?"- Dean

He sits her up gently, patting her cheek gently, but she still didn't wake up.

"Lelani! Come on. Wake up."- Roman

Seth was pacing back and forth and muttering to himself, while Roman gently picked up Lelani, and carried her to the back.

. . . 

After some time, I woke up in our lockeroom. My head was laying on the couch. I saw the boys were talking amongst themselves. I could tell they were not happy. The voice I was hearing the most was my brother. I could tell he wanted to walk out the door, and hunt down Evolution. Luckily, Seth and Dean are talking him out of it.

I groaned and sat up, holding onto my head. The boys came over to me, with Dean on my left, Seth on my right, and Roman in front of me. Dean was rubbing my back, while Roman held onto my left hand.

"Are you okay babygirl?"- Dean

 "yeah, I'm fine. A little sore though."- Lelani

"That's good."- Dean

 Seth left, and grabbed a bottle of water.

"How long was I out for?"- Lelani

"Almost the entire first half of Raw."- Roman

I groaned as I felt pain in the back of my head. Seeing this, Roman gave me some Tylenol, and Seth handed me the water.

"Man, I can still feel the pain."- Lelani

"Do you remember what happened?"- Roman

"Uh, Evolution came in, and Malia attacked me. She ended up stomping my head onto the floor, knocking me out."- Lelani

Seth stood up, and kicked the chair. I can understand his frustration, if it were one of the boys who got ambushed from behind, I would be upset as well.

"Are you up for a little revenge?"- Dean

"Yeah. I want to get my hands on Malia."- Lelani

"Good. Because we want to get our hands on the rest of Evolution after what they did to you."- Roman

"And we will."- Seth

. . . 

It's Smackdown, and we each have matches. But, we don't know who we are facing. Until now. Brad Maddox knocked on our door, and we allowed him in, with me leaning against the door.

"Who are we facing tonight?"- Dean

"I-well, Seth and Roman are to face Batista and Randy Orton. Dean, you don't have a match, but you will be allowed at ringside if you want to be there. And Lelani, you have a match, however, I was not informed of who your opponent is. All I know is that it is a surprise. And your match will be after Natalya's match."- Brad

"We can deal with that, right?"- Roman

"Oh yeah! I can deal with it."- Dean

Seth and I nodded in agreement. I let Brad out, shut the door, and leaned against the door again. The boys decided that we would have an undisclosed location promo before my match. 

The camera laid on the ground, and Dean picked it up. 

"Another night, another round of matches for the Shield. You know what? We are getting SICK AND TIRED of being in these matches, I think I've said this before, but now I'm getting tired of it. It all started when we were put in Handi-capped matches. And we all know that this is a huge plan made by the Game, but we're getting tired of playing the game!"- Dean

"You say that this is all best for business, but it's not. This, all of this, is to show us who's 'boss' but what you did to Lelani on Raw, your going to pay for it at Payback."- Seth

"Now tonight, I don't know who I'm facing. But to whoever I'm facing, you better bring your A-game, because I have a lot of anger, and the first person I am going to take it out on, is you."- Lelani

"Believe that, and believe in the Shield."- Roman

Dean put the camera down, and we walked away.

. . . 

My match was next. We walked out to our music, with me in the front. We jumped over the barricade, and I entered the ring. I sat on the middle rope, waiting for my opponent.

My eyes widened as I heard the music that belonged to my ex- boyfriend I had in NxT, Corey Graves. Why is he my ex? Well, when the Shield formed, the boys started going after Corey because they started to realize that Corey was just using me because I had become popular, while he was just left in the dust. The boys also realized that he had become toxic. And with the help of the boys, I was able to leave him like I left the other man who I will not name.

Corey did his entrance, and he entered the ring. He looked over at me, and starred at me, while the bell rung. I never moved from my spot. I just starred at the man I once called my boyfriend.

(Just as an FYI, in real life, Corey Graves had already retired, But I wanted to have a match where he fights Lelani. So we'll pretend that he retired shortly after this match.)

I finally stood from the ropes, but still starred at Corey. Corey kept getting closer and closer to me, until he was near inches away from me.

"What happened to you? You used to be different. Your better than this."- Corey

He reached to touch my face, but I smacked his hand away from me. He got mad, but I smacked him in the face. He stumbled, but then looked at me shocked.

"Don't act like you care, because you don't!"- Lelani

He got irritated, and went to hit me, but I ducked his hit, and gave him a drop kick.

*Time skip until the end of the match, kind of*

I have never regrated being a wrestler, but tonight I do. At the moment, Corey is driving his knee right into the middle of my back, while he holding my hands, with my arms crossed over my chest, and him bending me back. I was screaming, and kicking my legs. I was on the verge of giving up, but I saw Dean jump onto the apron, yelling at Corey. Corey let go instantly, and went after Dean. However, Dean jumped off just in time. This gave me time to get up to my feet, and try to catch my breath. 

Corey turned around, and I speared him to the mat. I sat up on my knees and screamed. Corey was trying to roll over to the ropes, so I crawled out of the ring, ran around the ring, and I did the drive-by on Corey, knocking him back. I rolled back into the ring, and sat on my knees in the corner. I slowly stood on my feet as he got to his. Once he was on his feet, I ran and gave him the Superwoman punch. But that didn't knock him down. So, I bounced off the ropes again, and I speared him to the mat. I pinned him and got the win. I sat up, and brushed the hair out of my face. I had a big smile on my face as I turned around, and looked at Corey. The boys came in. Seth and Roman were beating on Corey, while Dean helped me up, and hugged me.

Seth and Roman came back, and we put our fists together.

. . . 

*I don't know if I would call this a time skip, but I'm going basically summarize what went on in the boys match*

Seth and Roman were set to face Batista and Randy Orton, while Dean, myself, Malia, and Triple H were to all be at ringside. Dean and I were cheering for Seth and Roman, while Malia and Triple H were yelling at Randy and Dave. 

At one point, Seth was trying to crawl to Roman. We were cheering for Seth to crawl to Roman, and he managed to crawl to him, and tag in Roman. At the same time that was happening, Randy had tagged in Dave. The two men went at it, but not before Roman speared Dave to the ring. Dean and I cheered on, as Roman became dominant. Of course, as Roman was starting to pick up speed, Triple H stepped onto the apron. So Dean and I ran over. Dean pulled Triple H off the apron, and starting pumbling the Game. Of course Malia tried getting involved, so I took care of her. Sadly, we didn't have the luck of keeping up with them like Roman did. Instead of taking down The Game and Vipress, Triple H speared Dean through the barricade, while Malia picked me up, and with the help of Triple H, they tossed me through the table. 

Roman was distracted, and he didn't see Randy coming up behind him, and RKO him. Seth ran in to take out Randy, but Dave picked up Seth, and gave him a Batista Bomb. Seth rolled out of the ring, while Randy and Dave made a brutal attack on Roman. 

When it was all said and done, Dave gave Roman a Batista Bomb, then pinned Roman, getting the win. But they didn't stop there. Randy, Dave, and Malia all rolled out of the ring and grabbed Seth, Dean, and myself from where we were laying, and tossed us into the ring. From there, the three of us would spring up, and start attacking Randy, Malia, and Dave, sadly the numbers game would get the better of us, and Randy would give an RKO to Seth, Dave would give a Batista Bomb to Dean, and Triple H would pedigree Roman.  

Roman would then get tied up in the ropes, while Seth and Dean would get held up by Randy and Dave. Triple H slid out of the ring, grabbed his sledge hammer, and slid back into the ring. Malia would then pick me up, and hold me back by my arms and hair.

Triple H came up to me, and pointed the sledge hammer at me.

"You've should have stayed down Lelani! Now your going to watch your boys suffer!"- Triple H

Triple H then turned to Roman, pointing the weapon towards him.

"NO!"- Lelani

Triple H looked at me, as I tried getting out of Malia's grip. She held onto me tighter as I saw Dave and randy doing the same to Dean and Seth.

Triple H smacked Roman in the gut with the weapon, then Seth, then Dean. Triple H turned to me, and did the same to me. But I didn't fall like the boys. Instead, Triple H grabbed me and gave me the pedigree. There, I laid on the ground, holding onto my stomach. Roman crawled to me, and held onto my hand, making sure I was okay. 

. . . . 

*Back to Raw, sorry this is a long chapter*

Tonight, we are no longer being nice. Tonight, we are going to give Evolution what they deserve. If that mean's we go through an entire roster, then we will.

Evolution stood in the middle of the ring, talking up a big games after what they have done, so we decided to start there. Our music hit, and we walked out through the crowd in different directions. Evolution looked scared, so they quickly ran away. We slid into the ring, each holding mics. Dean started pacing, but stopped, and held onto the top rope.

"I hate to break it to you guys, but last week wasn't the first time we've been beaten, and it probably won't be the last! Yeah, you guys did a real number on us. Well done. Well done. But I got a question for you Mr. cerebral Assassin. Do we look humbled to you? DO WE LOOK HUMBLED TO YOU TRIPLE H?! See there's a reason why you hired us to protect you and that little cream puff Rand Orton and his wife. You know like everyone else knows the Shield. We are the meanest, nastiest, dirtiest, most ruthless animals in this industry. These dogs are hungry and now these dogs are angry!"- Dean

Dean started pacing, so I grabbed onto his arm, to clam him down, which he did.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Take it easy! Your angry and you should be angry! You have every right to be- we have every right to be angry. After what you did to us last week! You and what? 12 other guys of course."- Seth

"But Batista, for you to say that we have no idea what we have gotten ourselves into is ridiculous. We have every idea! You may have started this, but we have beaten you in all the games you threw at us! So let me give you a little dose of reality. You stand up there in your suits and dress because you don't want to fight. You talk about how destructive you are, how powerful you are. You talk about how you were built for business. Well your not. This Sunday at Payback, your gonna come face to face with the hounds of justice! And it's going to be all out war!"- Lelani

I threw my mic on the ground, as Dean wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"When push comes to shove, and you got no one to run to, your gonna look out for Evolution? I don't think so. Randy Orton, the Viper, is gonna be looking out for Randy Orton, and his wife. I know Batista, you got a lot of Hollywood obligations, your gonna be looking out for Batista. And the Game, your gonna do what you always do. Your going to do what's best for the boss. What your looking at, is the most dominating force in the history of this company. And at Payback, we are going to rip you to pieces. And this little reunion that your so proud of, it's going to come to an abrupt halt. And when you make the match, Evolution vs. the Shield, you put a nail in your own coffin. And at Payback, we're gonna be the hammer that dives it home."- Seth

Roman stepped forward.

"Last week, you gave us an antimuonium. Now we're gonna give you one. Here in a few seconds, I'm gonna drop this microphone, we're gonna come up that ramp, and we're gonna beat your butts. You got two options. You can be men, and you can try, try to fight. Or you can be cream puffs. And you can cower away, you can hide. Watch."- Roman

Roman dropped the mic. We got out of the ring, and started walking up the ramp. But soon stopped when half the roster appeared at the top of the stage. I held my arms up, stopping the boys.

"Or, option three. There's always an option three. Listen up guys, I said it once, I'll say it again. In life, you either adapt, or you perish. That is Evolution."- Triple H

We were yelling at them, while they just smiled. This ends Sunday...

Hey Yo!

Sorry for the long chapter, but next, we work on what little bit is left in 2014, then we work on Lelani's return!

With love,


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