𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘦 ; 𝒹.𝒽

By -neonmoons

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"𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦'𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘪 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺... More

- peace
- introductions + playlist
- prologue: lavinia


35 2 9
By -neonmoons

"Zoya! My sweet angel, I missed you so much!"

"Fred, my sweet darling, I was only gone for an hour."

Zoya plopped her bag onto the ground as Fred hugged her tightly, "Sweet Merlin, Fred, you saw her at breakfast." Ginny said with a scoff.

"A whole hour ago."

"You were away from me for months during school, yet you couldn't handle me being gone for an hour?"

"He did terribly when he was away from you, Zoya." Estella Babineaux pipped up from the kitchen as she stood next to her girlfriend, Iniya Visvakarm, "Seriously, was getting ready to just quit my job and take my chances with the Death Eaters." She said, making Iniya snicker.

Due to the Dark Lord and the disappearances and murders, Molly started to insist Zoya staying at the Burrow during the day while her father was gone at work, as she didn't want her left alone in her own home. Eventually, Estella and Iniya began to come around to the Burrow to hang out.

Iniya got on with everyone well, almost too well. She had a natural laid back aura about her, and she radiated confidence. She took all the jokes about her being a Slytherin like a champ, and sent them right back.

Now that Fred wasn't at the Joke Shop everyday, he moved back to the Burrow (for safety) and spent his time with Zoya. They weren't back together, but that didn't stop him from acting like it.

He sat down next to her on the couch, "Shame we closed the shop. Was really hopping to snog you in the broom closet, better yet, my office."

"Good Godric, Fred." She said as she took a sip of lemonade, her cheeks burning up.

"What? 'M only being honest here. You know... we could always just sneak in there, I do have the keys." He said in her ear.

She shoved him away playfully, "All right, down boy." She said with a smirk, patting his thigh as she stood up. She walked outside to go visit with Fleur, Bill, and Arthur, leaving Fred to his own devices.

Estella walked over and sat down, "So no luck?"

"It's like she doesn't even want us to get back together." He mumbled.

"Have you actually said that that's what you want?" Iniya questioned, sitting on the arm of the couch.


Iniya sighed, "You see, this is why I don't do men. You expect everything to just fall into line, well, newsflash, it doesn't. If you want something, you need to say it. Estella tells me how outgoing and fearless you are, but I'm not seeing it."

"He turns into a pussy when it's Zoya." She said as Fred glared at her.

"Do not!"

"All right then, march out there and tell her you're sick of being just friends."

He sunk into the couch, "I don't wanna make her uncomfortable... and besides, if she wants to get back together, she's more than capable of saying something as well. Also, I've been flirting with her nonstop! Is she not getting the point?"

"She probably is getting the point. I don't know, Fred, you know her better than probably anyone. You do you think she's not said anything?" Estella asked.

He sighed and thought to himself for a few passing moments, "She's scared."


"Getting back with me after everything that happened." He shamefully said.

Iniya patted his shoulder, "There you are. Wasn't that hard to figure out now was it?"

From outside, Zoya looked out into the distance as the other three had their conversation. Anxiety was always creeping up her spine these days.

It has only been 2 weeks since she left Hogwarts and saw Harry and Hermione, but that didn't stop her from worrying if they were okay.

"So." Bill started as he stood next to Zoya, "Any plans of you and Fred rekindling things?"

"I don't know." Zoya quietly replied, "I love him and I know I'll never love anyone else the way him, but... he really did hurt me. We're on good terms now but that doesn't mean I'm not scared to go back to what we had."

"Maybe you don't have to go back to what you two had." He said as he put his hands in his pockets.

She looked up at him, "What do you mean?"

He shrugged lightly, "Have something better. Something different and something stronger that will grow as you do."

She smirked lightly as she nudged him, "You're pretty smart. I see why Fleur keeps you around."

"Surely not for the claw marks on my face." He joked.

"Obviously not. If I were her, I'd run for the hills."

The two broke out into a fit of laughter, "Oh, you know, I had a feeling you two would get together at some point. Fred always seemed so smitten with you, even when you guys were younger. He would write to me about his time during school but... you'd end up taking up most of the letters."

She found herself blushing furiously at his words, "He wrote about me?"

"If you asked him he would say that he just wanted to tell me about how he's doing and the things he's done, but it was obvious you were the best part of his days. Still are, might I add."

"Don't tell George that."

He let out a quiet breathy laugh, "Look, don't feel pressured to do anything. It's not really mine or anyone's business."

"He's a Weasley. Our business is basically your business."

"I suppose you do have a point there."

Suddenly, Margot, Romare, and Maxwell all apparated to the Burrow.

"I hope you don't mind that we've stopped by." Margot said as Romare cooed a now crying Circe.

"Not a problem." Arthur kindly said, "Come in!"

It wasn't uncommon for the three to visit the Burrow. They enjoyed the Burrow and the company of everyone there.

"I made homemade mint ice cream, got a little bored at the house." Margot said as she sat it down on the kitchen counter.

"How are you bored with a newborn child?" Zoya questioned as she followed them inside.

"Romare is insistent on taking care of her and letting me have some time to myself. But... as I said, I get bored." She said before turning to Fleur, "Fleur, ta famille a décidé de rester. Ils parlent à Althéna. Fleur, your family decided to stay back. They are speaking to Althena."

"You speak French?" Bill asked confusingly.

"We do. Our family has French background, not to mention we are part Veela."

"You're part Veela?" Fred asked loudly, "Estella, you're French. Are you Veela?"

She narrowed her eyes, "Not all French people are Veela, Fred."

"Do you speak French?" He questioned.


"That's lame. Fake French!" Fred said as everyone rolled their eyes.

Iniya spoke up, "If Estella is lame, then what does that make you?"

This made everyone laugh out loud, including Fred himself. Everyone got their share of ice cream while Zoya went upstairs to get Ron. He had been quiet ever since they came back from Hogwarts, much to Zoya's understanding. 

She knocked on his bedroom door, and he opened it not long after. 

"Margot, Romare, and Maxwell are here. Brought ice cream with them if you wanted some."

He shook his head, "No, thanks."

He tried to shut the door, but her foot stopped it. She crossed her arms, "Ron, locking yourself up in here won't do you any good. Come socialize like a normal human being."


"Come on." She said, tugging him out of his room. 

He wanted to protest, but he knew it was no use. The two walked downstairs, "Oh, look what the cat dragged in." Fred said.

"Hush." Molly scolded.

"George and Aurora not coming over?"

"They're still in their honeymoon phase." Ginny chimed in before taking a bite of the ice cream, "Probably won't be seeing those two unless it's necessary."

"Oh, I'm sure if we asked they'd come over." Margot said as she gave Ron a bowl of ice cream.

Fred sat down beside Zoya, "What I'm more confused as to how Fleur's family enjoys speaking to Althena."

"Trust us, Althena was just as confused herself." Romare said.

"Althena isn't that bad." Maxwell quietly defended as he took Circe from Romare, sitting down. 

"Bloody scary, she is." Ron mumbled.

"How is she scary?" Zoya questioned. Ron brought his index fingers to either side of his mouth, pointing them down like fangs. Zoya sighed, "I promise you, Ron, I think her standards of blood quality exceeds that of your teenage hormone ridden blood." She quipped. Fred laughed out loud as he leant against her, "Wasn't that funny..." 

"No no, that was hilarious." He said back.

"Really wasn't." Ron grumbled in agreement with Zoya. 

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