Betting On Red {DevilDice}

By LazzyyPotatooo

25.6K 1.1K 1.8K

♣♥♠♦ Betting love as an exchange for a simple moment of pleasure, victory, and pride. What could go wrong? Al... More

Chpt 1: King Dice
Chpt 2: A little help
Chpt 3: Life-changing bets
Chpt 4: Quarreling
Chpt 5: Progress
Chpt 6: Waiting for you
Chpt 7: Best brother
Chpt 8: Revive me
Chpt 9: Victory!
Chpt 10: Recovering
Chpt 11: Great choice
Chpt 12: Sick
Chpt 13: Cute couple eh?
Chpt 14: Back to work!
Chpt 15: Let's play pretend
Chpt 17: Sleeping with the boss
Chpt 18: Something New
Chpt 19: Saudade
Chpt 20: Dreams
Chpt 21: A little kiss
Chpt 22: Out on the roof
Chpt 23: Shifting gaze
Chpt 24: Special guests
Chpt 25: Special day
Chpt 26: Pieces
Chpt 27: Billiard gone sexual?
Uh..this is awkward
Chpt 28: Tormenting Amelia
Chpt 29: A vacation!
Chpt 30: Past scars
Chpt 31: Stupid Dice
Chpt 32: Bad luck!
Chpt 33: Good old days
Chpt 34: It's called love
Chpt 35: Oh, Mr. Wheezy
Chpt 36: The crew
Chpt 37: Birthday Boi
Chpt 38: The gay and the stalker
Chpt 39: Love me I say
Chpt 40: Love sick
Chpt 41: Isn't she lovely?
Chpt 42: A brawl is surely brewing..
Chpt 43: Nicknames and Promises
Chpt 44: Can't sleep love~
Chpt 45: Maybe just a little bit more?
Chpt 46: Sweet confessions
Chpt 47: A cute couple.. of dorks
Chpt 48: Not So Subtle Moves
Chpt 48: Stupid customers
Chpt 50: A Date At The Carnival!
Chpt 51: Once A Cat Of Time
Chpt 52: A Very Lucky Dice
Chpt 53: Here's A Real High Class 'Bout!
Chpt 54: It's On!
Chpt 55: Numb
The Last Chapter: Betting On Red
Farewell!+ Alternate Ending

Chpt 16: Tiny little imp

393 22 24
By LazzyyPotatooo

Morning sun rays bounce off the walls of his bedroom. The white walls and purple curtains made the room look well-lit. He made sure he looks great before leaving his room. Walking down the stairs he sees a beautiful woman waiting patiently for her man. Dice grabbed her hand "Let's go see that movie" he said with a smile. She giggled, thinking how lucky she is to have him, and how sweet he is.

She will make sure that he belongs to no one but hers. And she will make sure that he will say those 3 words back to her. He'll say those back. He'll say those to no one else but her. She will make him. And they will love each other for as long as they live. He will! He has to!

As they walk down the street, (even though Dice has a car, she said it would be more romantic if they walk) people look at him and recognize him. Woman giggling, trying to get his attention, ignoring that she is there. She cleared her throat and innocently smiles at her boyfriend "King, can you guess what we'll watch today?" Dice thought for a bit "Well I do know you like thrillers very much, so maybe a thriller type?" She giggles "Hehe! Wrong! Nice try darling!" When they reach the place and took their seats, he found out that it was comedy.

After they watch a movie, they wander around the nearby mall for a while, visiting places and shops that she loves, and finding something that Dice could find interesting before going to Amelia's place to drop her off. The couple had fun, especially Dice since it has been a long time since he went somewhere and left the cave. He saw a lot of sales there and what the place could offer. It was a very interesting day, but good things must come to an end. She leans in to kiss him and then takes his hands "I had an amazing day my King, I hope you had fun as well!" She smiles at him "Of course I did! Spending time with you is always fun" Her heart skipped a beat. She hugs him "I love you so much~ I hope we can do this again sometime" She waited for a response "Oh, by the way.." She lets go "How 'bout I take you to dinner later? I have a surprise for you~" She happily smiles at him "Sure! Im excited to see what it is" She turns around, unlocks her door, and enters it "Well, I'll see you later King!"

It was 10:30 am. And he arrived just on time before they open the Casino "Ohh! You're back!" Chips said, seeing his boss ready "How'd it go?" Dice gave him a small smile "It went well, now, places everyone! We have at least 30 minutes before opening!" Dice said as he went to check the place to see if they missed something. But it was all good. Time to go back to work.

~Time went by~

Amelia wore an elegant sleeveless dress, a new one, something special. One that could make him stare at no one but her. She will be a star in the night sky, and he will finally say those three words. She sat down in front of a mirror, doing her make-up, staring at her reflection. She deserves him, right? He said she was special. He said she was unique. He shows he loves her, but why can't he say it? Why is he hesitating? Maybe he wanted to save this for a special occasion? Yeah, that's it. He wants it to be special, that's all. She placed her hand on her chest, where her heart is hidden "He loves you, and you will hear it from him tonight" She says to herself. Amelia took a glance at the clock, it is time to leave. She hears a car pulling up. He's early! More time to spend with him! As she looks outside her window, the wind gently blew past her, creating a dramatic effect on her hair. She gave him a love-struck smile and gave him a wave. She walks down the stairs and opens the door, taking his boyfriend's hands "You look even more stunning tonight" Dice complimented, and she could only blush.

They arrive at a beautiful place. A quiet one just for them. Surrounded by nature, a beautiful table stands in the middle. They sat down as she looks around "This is.. so beautiful!" Admiration can be heard in her soft voice "Anything for you, my dear" Her eyes landed on his. Half of the readers are probably dying right now 'when will the actual ship happen!?' Be patient, I have an Uno reverse card in my pocket. Dice grabbed a long, black box, with a purple ribbon and placed it on the table. Her eyes widen, her blush spreading "Oh~ How sweet of you..~" She opened the box, revealing a golden neckless with small butterflies as a design, she gasped at how beautiful it is "I saw how you were looking at it earlier" He stood up, grabbing it and putting it on her neck "I love it.." She took his hands and smiled "Thank you so much, King" She leans in and kissed him, the screams of the readers getting louder, as Dice kissed back "I love you so much King" She hoped he'll say it back this time "I love–"  "MR. KING!" The romantic moment was cut off by a small imp flying toward them, it looks like it was in a hurry, and scared.

'Seriously?! He was about to say it! This tiny little demon ruined it! It ruined everything!! Leave imp! Leave us alone!!'

Amelia's blood was boiling.

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