Save You

Von Passionrose02

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A trilogy to Promiscuous Psycho. BOOK 3 Mehr

Rain on your parade
Guilt forces honesty
2 more sleeps
The Dr, the Guard & the Psychiatrist
Finally here
Nini problems
Family isn't blood
A life lost a life formed
Overwhelming secret
"Time to come home my boy"
Proving a point
Guns and dates
Confessions of impossible chances
Cracks in the foundation
I'll come home
Loss of passion
The fabric
She found us
Alone but strong
Two dead
A getaway
Pick up where we left off
Focused on you
Takes time to be a parent
That sweet moment
More than you will ever know
Wedding day
Our characters
Bonus chapter
Bonus chapter 2
Bonus chapter 3

Anxious Meeting

5.6K 155 103
Von Passionrose02

I shouldn't be this anxious.

But weeks have been leading up to this moment and the day is now here.

I continue to mess with my bracelet, a nervous habit but it helps in a way. I haven't been able to sit still for more than 5 seconds. I've fiddled with strands of my hair so much that I'm surprised it hasn't knotted. I just can't seem to calm myself down.

Finally the guard brings him out; and the second our eyes lock I feel my chest raise and my heart thump and pound like a floor drill. Those damn doe eyes :) He takes a seat, the glass divider stopping us from being able to touch or hold hands.

He picks up the phone first, myself hesitantly following afterwards.

"You gonna say something orrr?" He questions and i break from my stiffness, smiling from embarrassment.

"Sorry. My mind drew a blank when I saw you."

He lightly smiles back. And that's when I notice something.

"H-how come your clothes are a different colour to everyone else's?" I ask when noticing he wasn't wearing an orange jumpsuit like his inmates, but a white long sleeved one.

"Apparently it's to make people aware that I'm fucked up in the brain." He jokes but I struggle to find humour in his words. When I was at the front gates before; i had to state that it was Jungkook I'd come to visit. And the receptionists response was "ahh the deviant from the coocoo farm."

"Has anyone been cruel to you? Do people mention your illness? Do they pick on you?"

I pause for a moment and just watch Jungkook raise a brow at me.

"...sorry" I apologise whilst looking down. "I can't help but worry about you in here. There's nothing I can do to protect you."

"You don't need to worry about protecting me."

"That's easier said then done."

He smiles at my words before letting his eyes drop down to my hand. His expression fades into disappointment. "You're not wearing your ring."

"Yeah they made me hand it in along with a few other things. It's really strict here, nothing like the old place."

I don't know much about this prison. Just that Jungkook shares a cell with 3 other prisoners.

"So do you get a long with the guys in your cell?"

"Oh yeah. We share secrets and braid each others hair."

I sigh and watch as he flashes me a playful grin. I wish I could be as calm as he is about all of this, but to be truthful I'm living a constant nightmare worrying about him.

As requested by Namjoon, we phoned the police a few weeks ago and turned Jungkook in. They believed the subway story and didn't question our involvement. It was the plan all along and yet I still couldn't bare it when they took him away. It felt like a part of me left with that boy.

He's been in prison ever since. 3 weeks and 3 days. I could even tell you the hours and minutes, it's all I can think about when at the house with Jin.

"Your court date isn't far now. Just 9 more days and you're out of here."

"Thats if we win—."

"We will." I cut him off. He stares at me for a moment before adjusting himself into a more comfortable position, elbow now leaning on the table as holds the phone up.

"Y/n I want you to prepare for the worst. If my case fails then I wanna know you'll be alright. I don't wanna receive news that you've fallen apart or done something crazy."

"I'm preparing to fight for you Jungkook. Namjoon and I meet at least four times a week to discuss the details of your defence. I'm confident we'll have you out of here soon."

"You're too hopeful."

"And you're too negative." I tease, happy when I see him trying to hold back a smile.

"Alright basket case." The guard calls. Rather than letting Jungkook say goodbye to me, he removes the phone from his hands and cuffs his wrists again.

Pain fills my heart as I watch him being escorted away, nothing but an empty chair now sitting before me. The urge to just burst in to tears is so strong, my eyes are stinging and I'm forced to bite my lip to avoid it.

Jungkook PoV

The steel door slams shut behind me, the echo alerting my cell mates that I'm back.

"Ahhh and our famous guest returns."

"Guest?" I tut before heading towards my bunk. "I've been herenearly over a month now."

Scoffing a laugh Yoongi swings his head down from the top bunk, his mint green hair flopping down as he pouts at me. "What's with the glum face Kookie doo Kookie dee?"


"Oh but there is I can see it. So can Hobi."

I glance over at the male in mention. "He's still meditating." I look back at Yoongi. "Hasn't even noticed I've come back."

"Yeah yeah just spill me the juicy details and tell me why your face looks all—." He pulls an expression of disgust whilst wiggling his finger at me. "Blah!"

Sighing I tuck my hands beneath my head and lay back. "I miss my girl."

"Ahhhh so there's a special someone waiting out there for you." He teases, and when I hear the thud of his feet hitting the ground I realise a nap isn't gonna happen any time soon.

Taking a seat on the bed the mint haired male continues spurting out random crap.

"So tell me lover boy—." His sudden twitches cause his sentence to stop. "W-what's her name?"


"And h-how—." He whistles before clicking his tongue multiple times. I sigh and reach my hand out to him which he grabs hold of immediately. For some reason his ticks calm down when he messes with fingers.

"H-how did you meet her?" He asks whilst softly pinching my finger tips.

"She was my psychiatrist."

"Damn so you fucked your shrink??"

"It took a while to get to that stage. And she's not a shrink she's a psychiatrist."

"Potato patata." He shrugs.

My attention turns to Hoseok when I hear him exhale a breath before stretching. He looks over at me, a relaxed smile on his face as he places his hands together and bows. "Namastay."

"Good meditation Hobi wobi woo?" Yoongi asks.

"It was a journey as always."

"So is that good or bad?"

"Yoongi meditation is neither good or bad it's a journey through spirituality—."

"Okay if you two are gonna talk voodoo then keep it on the other side of the room. I'm tryna sleep." I say whilst attempting to get comfy but who am I kidding, this mattress might as well be stuffed with bricks. They don't even have pillows.

"Oooo is someone getting a little angry?" Yoongi smirks. "You know they say the best way to relieve anger is with some hot sweaty sex."


Dropping his smile the male walks over to join Hoseoks bed.

Two completely different personalities those two. And yet we all share one thing in common, a medical record that's forced us to be cooped up in one cell together wearing matching jumpsuits.

Yoongi suffers with multiple ticks, some so bad that he can't form a proper sentence for 20 to 30 minutes. At times they cause him so much frustration that he lashes out, an outcome that caused him to bash his therapists head against a wall until dead.

Hoseoks zen personality gives a false impression. He believes he signed a spiritual contract when he was young. Every year he made a human sacrifice and in return was blessed with good fortune. So he believes anyway.

So in other words our cell consists of a grumpy head basher; a voodoo serial killer and a schizophrenic splitter.

Y/n would scold me for using such casual phrasing. Just the thought of her displeased expression makes me smile.

Y/n PoV

"Thanks." I say to the guard who hands me back my belongings. The moment my ring is back on my finger I feel calm again, the one reminder I have of Jungkook back with me.

I head out to the car park where the rain heavily pours, the sky darker than usual. Beeping the horn Jimin reveals his location to me, himself signalling for me to get a move onS When I reach the car I hurry to the passengers side and get in, shaking off my now wet hair. "I feel like a wet dog."

"Could be worse. You could smell like one too."

"Oh like you then?"

Smiling the male starts the car. "Where to then? The house?"

"Actually can we just drive round for a little?"

"Sure." He shrugs and we drive out from the car park. It's not that I don't wanna see Jin and Jisoo, I just can't handle walking into my empty bedroom right now.

"Thanks for picking me up again by the way."

"Course, I'd never let you walk home from that place. It's full of the worst kinds of people."


"Except Jungkook." He corrects himself before eye rolling. Despite Jimin and Jungkook having their...differences. I still want Jimin to be part of my life. He's a good friend and I care for him a lot.

"So hows Jihee?" I ask.

"We broke up."

"Oh..crap I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He chuckles.

"What's funny?"

"Well the reason we broke up was rather amusing."

"Go on."

Sighing the boy makes a left turn.


"She knew I used to be a prison guard and wanted to get closer to Jungkook."

"S-she knew Jungkook??"

"Knew of him." He corrects me. "She'd seen his picture on the news and I guess developed some random crush. I'd asked her out a few times in the past and she always said no. I should have known something was off when she randomly called me asking for a date."

"Well I can honestly say you're better off without her. Literally. She sounds a little psycho not gonna lie."

"Well you'd know all about psychos wouldn't ya."

I give him a look and he just smiles.

"Alright that's the last joke I promise. Let's just talk about something else shall we? Like hair cuts, I got mine done yesterday and you still haven't commented on it."

When I turn to the boy I notice his hair looks exactly the same as usual. "Well length wise I can't tell any change, but did you let the red wash out to ginger? Looks good."


I nod before ruffling his hair. "Yeah however you need to let it fall natural instead of combing it back all the time. This ain't Grease.

"Oi you're gonna cause me to crash!" He laughs before swatting my hand away.

Honestly I'm so thankful for Park Jimin right now. Being around him is the only time I'm not sat worrying about Jungkook. He distracts me from anything stressful and I'm greatful for his friendship.

"Hey why don't we go to a bar?" The male asks.

"Can't drink."

"Shit I forget you're not 21."

"I'm not even 20." I laugh before reaching into my purse. "I do have a coupon for the pancake parlour though. 12 stack on me?"

We're back with book 3 my lovelies. Hope you're ready:))))


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