She found us

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Later that night


"This isn't happening."

"There's no point saying that."

"Theres not much we can do right now."

"I won't allow that!"

Sat at the kitchen table, Jin had asked both Jimin and Y/n to join him for a family meeting. Jungkook was upstairs asleep, the perfect opportunity for such a discussion.

Sighing, Jin closes his hands together before him. "Jungkooks mother has escaped. We already know she'll have her target set on reaching this house. We have to be prepared—."

"Y/n's pregnant now Jin. Very pregnant this time." Jimin says, and Y/n could already sense the problems this would cause the family. She wasn't as capable anymore. Handling a gun? Fine. But self defence would be a definite struggle.

"Then we work extra hard this time." Jin replies.

Yes. Mr Jeon was dead. But it was already predicted that Dr Lee would still have a team ready to help her out.

"So we'll be moving I assume?" Y/n asks with a disheartened tone. This place had been her home for quite a while now. She'd formed a lot of memories in here with everyone, Jungkook especially. The thought of leaving felt saddening.

"No." Jins words bring the younger two's heads to lift. With his eyes fixed on the table, he keeps a serious expression. "This is my home, and I refuse to be chased out of it. I intend on raising Nini in the house her mother once lived. A house my Jisoo picked out herself. One she decorated. One she once cooked in. One she opened up to you guys, my now dearest friends. We will not leave. We will simply fight."

Reaching across the table, Y/n squeezes hold of Jins hand, flashing him a soft smile and nodding.

Everything he had just said was already in her mind. Fleeing was the last thing she wanted.

"Someone needs to inform Jungkook then." Jimin admits, eyes now flicking towards Y/n. "And that someone should be y—."

"I know." She interrupts before sighing, hands now landing on her head as she grips her hair in frustration. "He's gonna hate it. The woman is truly petrifying and now she's escaped from the one place that could keep her from hurting him."

"But we're prepared this time." Jimins words only help for a short moment. But the reality was still haunting to Y/n. Out of the two; Mr Jeon would have been the better choice of enemies to deal with. Yes he had the numbers of an army. But his mind was no where near as intelligent as Dr Lee's, nor was it as sick and twisted.

"I'll go now then." The girl breathes. Leaving the kitchen she heads upstairs. Her heart in her stomach right now. She hadn't felt this nervous since the time she told him she was pregnant. Jungkooks reactions to fear were always what set off his panic attacks. They were a factor that played a huge part in his splits of personality, his bursts of violence. And with him finally showing signs of recovery, Y/n really didn't want this to be what set him back to his old ways.

"Jungkook?" She pushes the door open gently, confused when seeing an empty bed before her.

"She's escaped then."

That voice causes the girl to turn her head, and Jungkook steps back from the wardrobe.

"Y-you heard us?"

He shakes his head before twiddling the phone in his hand. "It's already on the news." He sets the phone down, now stepping towards the girl.

"Jin wants us to fight but I feel guilty asking of such a thing from you, especially when I can't protect you myself this time." Y/n says, her face full of worry and sadness.

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