Rain on your parade

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Jungkook PoV

It's late. I can tell from the way the moonlight shines through our window, no need for a clock.

"Your hair looks crazy right now."

"That'll be the mint green."

Turning on my side I see both Yoongi and Hoseok spooning on the bed. They do it every night when they think I'm asleep. God knows why they try hide it from me, I could tell they were more than friends within my first hour of being here.

"Promise me she'll be nice?"

"I promise Yoongs. She won't be like the last shrink we had. She'll listen."

Wait we get a therapist? I mean that sounds about right considering we're the only looney tunes in this place.

Next morning

Jungkook PoV

"Alright basket case." The guard bangs on the door before opening it. "Time for your therapy."

Hunching over I pull my slippers on. They won't let you have shoe laces here incase you try and choke someone, or yourself for that matter.

"You know you're using that nickname incorrectly."

"No. I call you basket case because your brain wanders away with the fucking fairies."

"Yeah so you're using it wrong." I say before standing. Holding my wrists out I allow him to cuff me. "A basket case is regarded as useless or unable to cope. Maybe try out nut job or lunatic next time. Your choice really."

The guard smirks before tightening the cuffs. "You think you're smart kid?"

"Not at all. I just think my wandering brain is bigger than yours sir."

Flaring his nostrils the man steps aside.

"Why thank you." I nod before walking ahead.

So this so called "shrink" has apparently been working at this place for 5 years now. She's late 20's and funny according to Yoongi.

Hoseok said she has a free soul whatever that means.

When I step inside the room, I see a female figure with her back facing me. She turns around just as I take a seat. "And here's my number 3." She grins before doing the same. "How are you this morning?"


"Same here." She replies before nodding for the guard to shut the door. "So Jungkook I'll start off by introducing myself. My name is Rain, I'm 27 and I'm gonna be your psychiatrist for however long you remain at this place—."

As the girl babbles away I begin to analyse her appearance.

Hm. Short black hair with a blue feather extension clipped in. She has snake bites and a nose ring. Her ripped off the shoulder top exposes the strap of her lace bra strap, followed by the dragon tattoo that spreads across her shoulder.

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