A life lost a life formed

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Next Morning

Y/n PoV

I head downstairs to make myself a drink. I couldn't sleep well last night due to Jungkooks sudden nightmares. He was screaming a lot, he even threw up in the bathroom a couple of times and only managed to drift off again once I'd held him for a few hours. Might have to get Jin to up his anxiety meds.

I head through the living room quietly trying not to wake up Jimin. But my attempts fail.

"Y/n?" He mutters tiredly, sitting up shortly after. "What time is it?"

"5:00am I think."

As the male adjusts himself it causes the blanket to drop from his chest, exposing his naked top half. "Dude put your nips away." I joke.

"I work hard to get my pecs lemme show them off."

With a playful eye roll I go to head to the kitchen.

"Hey Y/n." The boy calls and I turn around. "I'm sorry about yesterday. What I said to you about Jungkook."

"It's fine. He wasn't being the nicest to you either so I shouldn't really sulk."

"Listen I was gonna take just Jin and Jisoo out tonight but I'd like it if you and Jungkook would come too. It's to this restaurant near by."

"Oh well Jungkook doesn't feel so good at the minute but I'm sure he'll be fine for tonight. That sounds like fun."

"Great." He smiles, about to lay back down till I speak.

"Jimin...I know you don't believe he loves me but—."

"Oh I know he loves you Y/n. I just don't think he's a good person."

"Well. I'm always gonna disagree with that."

"I know you are." He grins. "It's your stubbornness that makes me like you so much. And before you panic just know i only mean as a friend."

Chuckling I finally make my way to the kitchen. "Want a drink whilst I'm up?"

"Sure. But not coffee or else I'll never get back to sleep."

"I thought you had work this morning?"

"Taxi drivers don't have assigned times Y/n. We go whenever there is a call."

At Jimins words I stop in my tracks. Confused I turn round to look at him. "So..you didn't go out to your car this morning?"

"No why?"

"The front door is unlocked."

"Maybe Jin forgot to lock it before work—."

"No he always locks it after leaving. Always, ever since that night with Dr Lee."

"Y/n what are you getting at—."

Ignoring the males questioning I focus my attention on the loud scream coming from upstairs. Together Jimin and I run to investigate. Whilst he heads to Jisoo's room I hurry to mine and Jungkooks and to my horror he isn't in the bed.

"Y/N!!" I hear Jimin call out and I race to Jisoo's bedroom. My feet come to holt at the door when I see the male trying to apply pressure over Jisoo's stomach, crimson red blood spurting to cover his hands as the woman shivers weakly on the floor.

"I'll call an ambulance—."

"No that'll take to long we need to call Jin and drive her to a hospital ourselves! Where's the intruder?!"

I watch as Jimins eyes flick to the side of me, the sudden crashing and banging sound alerting us both.


Bolting out the room I run down the hall and follow the sounds of a males scream. I find myself at Ninis bedroom, my eyes widening as I see Jungkook stand up from the body now lay before his feet. He dabs his busted lip with the back of his hand, but his entire chest is covered in blood, and not his own. He drops the knife before looking at me.

"You alright?" He asks me, casually.

I nod before looking across at Ninis crib. She's crying, but rather than tending to her Jungkook simply walks towards me. "I'll help Jimin get Jisoo in the car." He says before leaving the room.

Immediately I tend to the crib, lifting Nini out and gently cradling her in attempts to calm her down. I carry her down the hall and back to Jisoo's bedroom, but I'm horrified when I see both Jungkook and Jimin crouched beside the woman, disappointed expression on their faces.

Jungkook turns to look at me, giving a subtle shake of the head before looking back at Jisoo. I do the same, my heart breaking when I see her eyes closed and her hands weakly flopped on the ground.

Suddenly Nini's crying becomes louder so I hug her close to me.

"H-have you told Jin?" I ask.

"He's on his way..." Jimin breathes out defeated. "She went just after the call ended. He has no idea."

"F-fuck Jisoo.l I choke up slightly before bouncing Nini up and down.

10 days later

Jungkook PoV

I hate standing in the same spot for too long. Gradually it begins to feel like you're standing on a bed of pins or that heated flames are shooting up your legs.

But today I endure the feeling, and respectfully bow my head as the coffin lowers.

I turn to my left, seeing Y/n embrace Jin as he sobs against her. Everyone is crying, even Jimin sheds a tear but me, in a sick and disgusting manner my eyes remain dry.

Jisoo was a good woman. I didn't need to be close to her to know that. And because of me, her life was taken. I didn't recognise the intruder that morning but I know he was there because of me. No doubt another sicko working for my parents.

One by one everyone goes to drop a flower onto the coffin, but I hold back, I don't feel right going up there, I don't feel worthy enough to have a part of me being buried with her.

As we all walk through the cemetery, I can't help but hear something in the back of my mind. A voice. It sounds an awful lot like Y/n's, scolding me for holding back my emotions. Normally I would ignore it, but today I follow it's orders.

My sudden choice to turn around brings all three of them to stop in their tracks. Jimin looks at me harshly, mainly because my action had caused others to walk around us. Y/n expresses confusion, whilst Jin keeps his teary filled eyes staring at the ground.

"I know she's gone but..." I pause for a moment, trying to plan my words carefully and avoid the offensive bluntness I've been scolded for in the past. "You still have a family to come home to. You..you still have us."

Lifting his head Jin slowly locks eyes with me. I feel nervous for a moment, wondering if I said the wrong thing or lacked a caring tone. I'm still learning this whole comforting thing.

But. To my complete shock. Jin nods his head before flashing a light smile. Unlinking from Y/n's arm the male steps forward to embrace me in a hug.

Y/n PoV

I watch as Jungkook stiffens in Jins arms. He doesn't hug back, but just stands there awkwardly still letting the male hug him for as long as he needed.

We lock eyes for a second, and I flash him a smile to show I'm proud of him. He's done good just now. He's been a friend.

That morning could have resulted in two deaths. He won't admit to this, but Jungkook saved Nini from that intruder. He protected her. He showed care towards a child and that fills me with hope for so many reasons.

But my pregnancy has got to be the main one.

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