Bonus chapter 3

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"Okay and now we need the candles where are the candles??"


"You've seen the candles right?? A sparkly blue 2 and 4–."

"Okay. Move." Pushing the girl aside, Jin takes over the cake station, or, more so a kitchen island covered in flour, broken egg shells and one very questionable looking cake.

"Thought you said you were a good cook?" He laughs, and Y/n simply slumps down in her chair defeated. "I am normally. But I've got so much planned today that my brain feels like one of those egg shells. Jungkooks birthday is starting to feel like Christmas, halloween and Easter all rolled into one."

Smiling to himself, Jin simply begins to make a new batch of cake batter. "Here's an idea. Why don't you cut back a bit?"

"On what?"

"Well instead of inviting all those parents from Lia and Nini's class. Which by the way I think is ermm—."

"I know it's a shit idea. But if I don't invite them then it's just you, me, Chim and the girls here to celebrate kooks birthday and I want him to have a big party for once. He's never had that before."

"Yeah but I actually think he'd prefer something small. Just his family together to have a takeaway or something."

"Yeah...maybe you're right."

"Relax it's all gonna be fine. And I know he's gonna love your gift."

At the males smirk Y/n becomes all shy and giddy. "I am quite proud of it." She says.

"Do you have everything to take with you?"

"Yeah I packed our bags last night. And a few other surprises too—."


Both friends turn to see their daughters now standing by the door, hand in hand.

"Actually Lia, after your daddy's had some cake and opened his presents, you're gonna be staying at uncle Jin's tonight—."

Before Y/n could finish speaking, both Lia and Nini's excited squeals over power her voice.
The scene brings a smile to Jins face. He could just imagine Jisoo doing something silly like joining in with them, going the extra mile by stomping her feet and flailing her arms around all giddy.



"Jimin is this really necessary?"

"Yes now shut up and keep walking." The red head instructs, trying his best to keep his hands covering Jungkooks eyes, the height difference adding to the challenge.

When the two reach inside the house, Jungkooks immediately startled from the party poppers and overly excited cheers.

Jungkook PoV

Once Jimin removed his hands I'm greeted by my wife with a tight hug, Lia doing the same by latching onto my leg.

I've only been at the gym for an hour and they've managed to decorate this place amazingly.

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