More than you will ever know

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2 weeks later

Jungkook PoV

I stare down at it, disgusted as I read the name carved into the grave stone. I then flick my eyes to my right where Y/n stands. Her eyes are shiny with tears as she steps away from the stroller Lia was in, herself now kneeling before the grave of her father.

Believe it or not. It was me who asked to come here today. I had to see it for some reason. I'd gotten to confront my parents, I'd received an apology from Yerim before she died that night in the hospital, this was the last chapter of my past to close.

The last time this man saw me I was just a weak little boy with no back bone, so used to abuse and easily manipulated. Now I'm here with my beautiful fiancé and daughter, recovering from an illness and ready to head back to a house where my two brothers wait to have a family dinner.

I'm everything I never thought I could be. And I want him to know of this.


"You have a granddaughter." Y/n begins to say, herself pulling out pieces of grass from the ground through habit. "She's beautiful. In fact she's perfect, I won't even act humble upon such a fact. A-and—." She suddenly chews her lip to hold back the choke of tears. "I can't wait for her to grow up knowing nothing of you. I-I will never tell her stories about her grandfather. Or show her pictures. She will never know of your existence, and you will never be part of her life."

At first Y/n thought she could make it through her words without falling to pieces, but slowly her face begins to reveal the emotions she truly felt.

She loses it. Suddenly smacking and hitting the dirt of her fathers grave.

"I hate that I'm his daughter!" she says in the most painfully sorrow tone of voice. There is nothing worse than the sound of hurt mixed with anger. "I hate that I have his surname! That I'm related to a sick disgusting piece of shit for a father—." Collapsing to his knees Jungkook pulls Y/n into his embrace, his long arms holding her tightly until she calmed down. "I'm sorry Y/n I shouldn't have asked you to come here."

Jungkook PoV

My Y/n is the bravest person I know. She's strong, intelligent and has a loyal heart that's out her in so much danger before yet she's never backed down from the fight.

But there are even times where she too falls weak. Where she crumbles and falls victim to the fear. However it's those moments of vulnerability where I feel my strength kick in, where I'm able to protect her and actually be a human capable of comforting another.

"P-please can we just take Lia home?" She stutters, and I nod before helping her up.

So long to you Mr L/n. Soon that name will no longer be part of your daughters identity. And I simply cannot wait for that day to come.

Later that afternoon


Jimin continues to cut the carrots as instructed by Jin. It was his one job, and already he'd cut himself twice, hence the avengers bandaids on his two fingers. Jin on the other hand was handling the rest with ease, following one of Jisoo's recipes for a perfect family roast dinner.

"We're back." Jungkook calls, now entering the kitchen with Lia is his arms, Y/n following behind.

"How did it go then?" Jin asks. And Jungkook turns to Y/n in wait for her response.

"It was...needed." She admits, and Jungkook simply plants a kiss on his fiancés head. He felt proud of her. He'd never felt that about anyone before.

"Well since you're back you can both help with cooking." Jin clicks his fingers.

"What even Lia?" Jimin jokes.

"She'd do a better job than you." Jin responds, to which the red head glares before going back to cutting the carrots.

Looking back at Y/n, Jungkook adjusts Lia slightly in his hold. "I'm gonna take her up for her nap."

"I'll come with." The girl says. When the two reach the bedroom, Jungkook carefully places Lia into her crib. He watches her stir slightly in her sleep, a smile curving onto his lips when witnessing his daughter peacefully drift back off.
"Gotta say I'm starting to think Lia is an even cuter sleeper than you." The male jokes before turning around. And he's stunned to see Y/n sat on the edge of the bed, crying.


She sniffles whilst messing with the engagement ring on her finger.

Jungkook reacts by kneeling before her. He gently caresses her thigh to comfort her. "What is it angel? Why the tears?"

"I'm sorry." She apologises before wiping her eyes with her coat sleeve. "I'm being way too emotional right now. I know I cry a lot but this is ridiculous."

"I just feel...scared for some reason."

"Scared of what?"

"I don't know." She shakes her head which causes a lock of hair to fall in her face, which Jungkook gently tucks back behind her ear, letting his hand caress her cheek on the way back.

"I-I just feel like something bad is gonna ruin all of this. Like m-my life with you is gonna crumble before it even begins."

"Y/n my parents are both dead. No one is coming for us anymore—."

"I-I know that." The girl interrupts, her eyes still focused on her engagement ring which she twists and fiddles with through anxiousness. "But I still fear so much for us. Visiting my fathers grave today reminded me how easily things can change. I-in the past I'd always imagined him walking me down the aisle at my wedding, because I did love him Jungkook, I really loved my father. B-but today—." She takes a moment to breathe. "Today. I felt so much shame for being his daughter. So much anger that I couldn't even understand how I loved such a person. And that's so scary to me because it's proof that we never know what's gonna happen. When your mother was arrested i was certain that would be the end of her torture. But yet again life threatened me with something I couldn't predict and now I'm left feeling so scared because I've finally gotten you out of that place and away from them Jungkook b-but I feel like that's all gonna change and I'm scared I'm still so so scared—." Taking action Jungkook pulls Y/n to the floor with him, his arms wrapped around her as he desperately holds her close.

"I just..I-I just can't lose my family."

"Y/n I promise you that will never happen."

To the males surprise, Y/n sits up and faces him, and it breaks his heart to see her cheeks soaked with tears. "And I especially can't lose you." She says. "Of all people Jungkook I've never loved someone the way I love you. Everyday, I question how I'd ever cope with the pain of not having you in my life. I've had moments where I feel so much guilt because despite us having Lia to think about, your death would result in mine. I simply couldn't go on without you. And I love my baby girl, and Jin and Jimin too but with you—." The girl places her hands over Jungkooks which had found themselves cupping her face close. "With you it's always gonna be the final chapter of my story. I'll always end up with you because that's how much I love you—."

"And I don't care what you say to try and argue against me but I love you so much more Y/n." The boy responds, his forehead now resting against hers. "More than you will ever know."

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