"Time to come home my boy"

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Next Morning



Entering the living room, Jungkook flicks on the light to reveal his girlfriend asleep on the couch. She scrunches her face before waking, eyes half open in a squint as she focuses her sight. "Kooks?"


"What time is it?" She asks before slowly sitting up. After their little mishap, Y/n came downstairs to talk things out until realising Jungkook had left. She waited for him. For hours. Until sleep caught up with her.

"I don't know. Early."

"Where have you been?" She asks without sounding annoyed or angry. She was more relieved to see him return home in one piece.

"I went for a walk."

Y/n furrows her brow. "For hours?"

"I needed to clear my head."

"Kooks there's no other way to think about this situation. I'm pregnant."

"Don't remind me."

"I'm sorry you aren't happy about this. In fact...I'm devastated that you aren't. But I can't force you to be on board and I refuse to force you to love this baby when it comes. But I am keeping it."

Y/n PoV

"But things are only just starting off for us Y/n." The boy huffs before going to kneel before me on the floor. "We're finally being what we've always wanted to be together. Free. Free to love one another without being tied to anything. You're only 19 and you're gonna be a mom."

"Kooks I'm only 19 and I'm gonna be married to you."

"But a child is more serious."

Smiling Y/n leans close to cup the males cheek. "You're thinking so negatively about this and you don't have to. Jungkook this is a chance to open up your heart and love another human being. It's a chance to learn a new kind of love. It's exciting."

I can see the worry and fear lingering in his eyes as he questions. "Aren't you scared though?"

Smiling I shake my head. "No. Not at all. What scares me is the thought of you walking out again and leaving me alone in all of this. I want you to be part of this journey Jungkook, but you have to want it too. I don't want this to feel like a burden."

"I just don't wanna be like him Y/n." He looks down.

"Who? Who don't you wanna be?"

"...my father."

Hooking my finger under his chin I lift his head. "Jeon Jungkook you are and never will be anything like your father. That man did not raise you. He didn't shape or mould you into anything resembling him. You'll be the father you wish you had as a child."

With hopeful eyes, Jungkook stares at me like an innocent kid. "Do you promise?"

"I swear it."

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