Guilt forces honesty

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Next Morning

Y/n PoV

"Well look who's up."

With a tired smile I rub my eyes. Jisoo smirks before scraping some bacon onto a plate. "I made breakfast. Sit. Eat. Enjoy."

"I'm not really that hu—."

"Uh-uh baby girl you've skipped breakfast for the last 4 days, I'm not having you hit number 5. Now sit."

"I'd do as she says." Jin pauses from reading his newspaper. "If there's one thing my wife is serious about, it's meal times. And unless you wanna be spoon fed?"

Following the males advice I take a seat. "Thanks Jisoo." I say before nibbling on a piece of bacon. I really don't feel hungry though. These past few mornings I've woken up from the same nightmare about Jungkook, and it always knocks me off my food.

"So I've heard news from the prison." Jin begins to speak. "They've assigned a psychiatrist to Jungkook."

I pause from eating.

"You alright?" He asks. I can tell he already knows what I'm thinking right now. What I'm feeling. But that's just me being insecure.

"She has worked there over 5 years apparently."

"More experience than me then." I reply.

"But she won't have the same affect." The male smirks whilst sipping on his coffee. I respond with a light smile.

I need to stop doubting my self. Jungkook loves me. He asked me to marry him. Why do I always have to put myself down? It's one of the most annoying female traits I swear to god.

"Okay papi you know the rules." Jisoo begins to undo her apron before tossing it over her shoulder. "I cook the breakfast, you wash the dishes."

"But you only fried bacon and eggs."

Jisoos face is a picture.

With a playful smile Jin proceeds to planting a kiss on the woman's cheek. "I'll get to it right away my dear."

"Too right you will." She huffs and Jin proceeds to attacking her with playful kisses until a smile beams on her face.

I'm in awe of these two most of the time. But recently it's become painful to watch them. Seeing them hug and kiss, just reminds me of how badly I miss doing that myself.

When I'm not working we normally all sit in the living room to watch tv. Me on one couch whilst Jin and Jisoo cuddle on the other with little Nini between them. A picture perfect family for company, and yet I've never felt so lonely.

"So what are you plans today chick?" Jisoo asks.

"Erm well Jimin invited me to the movies."

"Oh I see. Jimin."

"Am I missing something?" I question the woman's smirk.

As she goes to speak; Jin hurries to but in.

"Ignore her. She thinks Jimin has a crush on you."

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