Just You And Me...

By XxGoShinexX

16.8K 167 12

two different worlds that make there way to each other. a innocent girl with a Mafia man. Riley Smith, a 18 y... More

•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 18•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•
•Chapter 25•
•Chapter 26•
•Chapter 27•
•Chapter 28•
•Chapter 29•
•Chapter 30•
•Chapter 32•
•Chapter 31•
•Chapter 33•
•Chapter 34•
•The end of the story•

•Chapter 13•

414 5 0
By XxGoShinexX

{Jayden pov}

I am in the hacking room right now. Behind my computer trying to find my sister. We still haven't had any information but I know we are close.

And finally after 30 minutes someone yelled.


I stood up and walked over to his computer. I got out my phone and took a picture of the location. I then ran out of the room and got to Axel's office.

I open the door without knocking and I see him sitting in his chair looking at me. I look around and see a table upside down and glass everywhere.

"Did you find her" he asked with a serious tone while standing up.

"Yes" I gave him my phone with the location.

"Get everyone ready and get weapons we are bringing her back." And with that I ran out of the room and got to the fighting room.

Axel told everyone to be there because if we found her they would all know.

I open the doors and yell.

"Everyone we found her get your weapons and get in the cars we are leaving to save my sister"

Everyone ran out to get there weapons and I did the same. I got a gun, a lot of bullets and 2 knifes. I ran outside and got into one of the cars.

We are coming for you Riley just hold on.
{Riley pov}

I woke up with my hands tight behind my back. I was against a wall. I start to look around and see my parents still out cold also tight up.

I keep looking around and see 8 girls. They are all awake but look scared to death which I can understand.

"Where are we?" One of them asked.

The doors opened and in walks 6 men.

"Oh that's not important just get up"

It was the same men how kidnapped me and my parents.

We do as he asked but I still dont trust him one bit and then I could feel that I still have my pocket knife in my pocket. I got it from dad I would use it when we would go camping.

A man came behind me and untight me.

"What do you want from us" I ask with a serious tone.

"Just put on these clothes and then we will be happy to answer all your questions."

He put down a bag with some clothes and all the men walked out.

We walk to the bag and got some clothes out. They were all dresses I looked threw all of them and then I found a dress with pockets. Yes!

I get dressed and put my pocket knife in the pocket and just as I did the doors opened again.

Now there were even more men and they walked over to me and the girls and grabbed us.

"Let me go" someone yelled.

The men of course didn't listen and we were being taken somewhere.

I just kept a straight face and kept walking.

The men pulled us down the stairs and then into the living room where there were men and woman everywhere.

"Let the selling begin!" The men said who kidnapped me.

So I am being sold to one of these assholes! Oh hell no!

The first girl was pushed into the middle and people started yelling numbers. They started at 1 million.
Until she was sold for 6,7 million dollar.

I have to find a way out of here. Without being seen and I have to save my parents.

Just as I think this I been pushed into the middle and now people were trying to buy me.

But just when I was almost sold to some weirdo the front door opened and people started shotting.

I took that as a change to get out of here. So I ran behind a corner and then slowly made my way to the stairs. When I got there I went upstairs and to the room where my parents were. I opened the door but then I see someone already helping them stand. The men turned around and I saw it was Jayden.

"Jayden!" I ran into his arms and hold on to him tight.

"Omg Riley I was so worried about you!" We let go of each other and then walked out of the room.

"When we are home you two have a lot to explain" Mom said.


But for right now we needed to get out of here as soon as possible. We got down the stairs and there were bullets flying everywhere.

We were almost out the front door when we heard a gun being shot and then my dad fell to the ground.

"Dad?" I drop down beside him.

"Dad no!" I put my hand on the wound to try to stop the bleeding. My brother picked up dad and ran to the car where I also was once helped.

Me and my mom got into a car that would bring us to the hospital because my dad was being brought there.

I hug my mom and we both started crying. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and I look around and see Axel.

"Riley..." he looked into my eyes.

Then the door opened and Jayden took a seat next to mom.

"We have to get to the hospital now!" He said and the car was on the road super fast.

I let go of mom and she hugged Jayden who now was holding mom as tight as he could.

I felt Axel's hand still on my shoulder. So I turn to him and hold on to him tight.

He put his arms around me and started saying sweet things into my ears.

I couldn't hear them the only thing that I cared about was dad and if he was going to be okay.
We arrived at the hospital and dad was already brought in. We got out of the car and Jayden went to a nurse to ask about dad while I hugged my mom again.

"He can't leave us sweetie he just can't" she cried into my arms.

"I know mom I know" I said trying to hold back my own tears.

Jayden walked back and told us that we had to wait in the waiting room.

"Sis is it okay if I sit with mom" Jayden asked.

"Yeah that's okay" and with that he took the seat next to mom and I took the seat next to him.

I put my head into my hands.

Why!? Why didn't I look behind me. Maybe I could have seen the men and took him down before he could shot my dad.

I fell arms around me and I looked at who it was. it's Axel. I hug him back.

"It's going to be okay Riley he will make it. He is a fighter"

Yeah dad is a fighter he will make it.

I hope...
We waited an hour and I was still worried sick but Axel helped me.
I am really happy he is here for me I know he has a lot to do and yet he is here.

Then a nurse walked into the room and we all stund up.

"How is he?" Jayden asked.

"I am sorry but he is gone."

At those words my heart stopped. I fell to the ground. I could feel the tears running down my face.

The men I looked up to all my life. I wanted to be just like him. Kind,caring and a fighter. I wanted to learn so much more from him but now he was


And I would never see him again...

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