ATLA: Bonds Within Bending

By saltysoy

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welp I'm pretty sure the title says it all but I'll write a cheeky description anyway just because you're loo... More

Lying Hippy Bald Boy
Toph The Living Legend
Overwhelming Evening
Losers and Lovers
The Other Side
Feelings That Have Been Played
Its all in the past
Grown Ups
Hustle and Bustle
Board Games
Fighting In a Subway
Deep Fried Pickled Radishes
Breakfast At Iroh's
'Ruined It'
Tomorrow pt 1
Tomorrow pt 2
The Card
In Trouble
The Spirit Oasis pt 1
The Spirit Oasis pt 2
The Spirit Oasis pt 3
The Aftershock
Sleeping With The Enemy
Back To The City
Bed Bites
The Avatar Problem
The Break Up and Down
The Favour
Dirty Wine
Moments In The Hallway
Morning Meetings
You're Dating!?
Crash and Burn
Monstrous Matcha
Creepy Chamomile
Gruesome Green-Tea
Horrifying Halloween Herbal
The Attack
Travelling Tension
Journey's End

The Bed Bet With Buddies

163 7 4
By saltysoy

Katara's POV

All of us eventually arrived at Yue's, Sokka took a couple wrong turns whilst trying to lead us here so we aren't exactly in the best of moods, the sun was already up so the day has officially began and I really need to get some sleep.

"So is this definitely Yue's house?", Suki put her hands on her hips and took a step back from the door way to look over Yue's place, it was pretty huge but not as big as her ego, well if she even has one after everything that happened. I really shouldn't be like this towards her right now, she's letting us stay, I'm just grouchy.

"Yes. This one is 100% hers", Sokka groaned as he rang the door bell, we all looked like we were about to drop apart from Zuko, who was now carrying unconcious Aang on his back like a human backpack, as Sokka got too tired to help whilst he was focusing on directions.

"Just like the last four houses we knocked on?", Zuko sighed, hoping like the rest of us that we have finally made it too stupid Yue's stupid house, thank god this all in my head, I'm not usually this mean, or am I? Is this the true me? Am I Azula?? Is this a nightmare???

"shut up Zuko", Sokka spoke monotonely whilst repeatedly pressing the doorbell, a couple minutes have passed and nobody was answering the door, we did not have the patience to wait any longer, "what is taking so long?", Sokka whined, pressing the bell even more impatiently.

"Hey let me go!", I heard a voice from behind the door, finally someone's coming, but what the hell is happening in there? "Don't think I won't send a giant rock into you dumb faces!", the door swung open to reveal some kind of servant holding Toph?

"Toph!? What're you doing here?", Sokka's eyes widened as he realised who was in front of us.

"Looking for you guys duh!", She exclaimed whilst trying to wriggle out of the guys grasp, I have no idea how she got here but it's super sweet she's been worrying about us, we should've kidnapped her to be honest.

"Can you drop our friend?", Suki frowned at the servant with her arms folded, he obviously didn't do anything, why would he answer to a group of random people who have repeatedly rang the door bell at the crack of dawn?

"Let her go, she's with them", Yue's voice came from behind us, she must've caught up with us since we wasted loads of time going to the wrong house multiple times, it was lucky timing though, if we turned up without her we would've been left out like dogs. The guy did what she said, "Three others will be arriving later, they're staying here for some time, could you find pillows and blankets? Thank you", she stepped in to the house, since when did she have manners?

We followed her through the never ending corridors into a large room, "I'll get some mattresses brought in here for you guys, just relax for the time being", she muttered before walking back out, we all took in the room, the enormity and rich design of it.

"I'll just leave Aang on the carpet for now", Zuko lay Aang gently down on the giant rug beside the fireplace, "He's fine here right?", he looked up at me, lunged over Aang ready to pick him back up if I say so.

"I'm sure he'd rather the super soft posh rug than anything else", I smiled down at Aang whilst he snuggled into the carpet, he looks so damn cute, only certain guys can look adorable on rugs and Aang is certainly one of them, I'm a lucky woman for sure.

"I bet you the biggest materess he'll wake up and mention how smooth the carpet is first", Sokka laughed sleepily and leant against the wall.

"Oh you're on, I bet he will mention how good the carpet smells first", Suki smirked whilst watching Aang like the rest of us.

"I think he'll look at the carpet and feel it for a really uncomfortably long time with a weird smile on his face before actually talking", Toph sat down on the floor and laughed to herself.

"C'mon he's not that creepy", Sokka laughed with her, defending Aang poorly.

"I say he won't even mention the carpet at all", Zuko shrugged and kneeled in front of the fire place, setting up some logs and starting a fire to make the room nice and toasty.

"Woah that's a bold move", Suki's eyes widened in surprise of Zuko's bet, it was pretty crazy of him to assume he would ignore a carpet, it's not out of the question but very unlikely.

"I'm a risk taker", Zuko smiled softly whilst watching the logs burn then turned to face me, "what do you say Katara?", he asked.

I looked over Aang whilst thinking carefully about my answer, "I'm pretty sure he'll wake up and just roll around on the carpet before noticing we're in the room with him", I'm confident about my bet, I don't care about the big mattress I just need to prove I know him the most.

"Alright we all have our bets locked in, don't be too upset when I get the biggest mattress to totally starfish on", Sokka boasted, seemed like we were all confident in our choices.

I watched Suki, Sokka and Toph fight their arguments like a bunch of kids, Zuko got up and walked over to me, then hesitantly held my arm, "could I talk to you for a minute? In private", He lowered his voice to make sure the others couldn't hear, although I'm pretty sure they are so wound up in this Aang carpet debate I don't think they would even notice anything else.

"Sure", I smiled and walked with him to the corridor we were in before, "is everything okay?", I'm sure he wants to talk about what happened in The Oasis, pardon then but we've all kind of swept it under the rug for now.

"I want to talk about what happened at Aunt Wu's", he announced, okay I wasn't expecting that, "She mentioned my future partner will be closer to me now then ever before, so I have been extra aware who I've been close to recently, did Aunt Wu mention anything about a parter to you?", does he think I'm the one?

"Well, she said my lover will be a powerful bender", I rubbed the back of my neck, this is starting to feel really awkward, I don't feel anything towards Zuko and I don't want to leave Aang just because it's apparently fate.

"It's no coincidence Katara, I saw your face when Azula mentioned how her and I are pretty strong benders, you know how well our futures fit", he seemed adamant that we are meant to be, I'm not liking this.

"Okay let's not get drunk on destiny here, it seems like you've been making sure that you're around me lately, almost trying to force me to be your future partner, I heard you even left Mai to guarantee it, but you can't bend Aunt Wu's predictions, she might even just be full of crap", I couldn't hold in my laughter whilst I spoke, I wasn't laughing at him I was just laughing at this ridiculous situation.

"What about Kids? Did she say anything about having any?", He ignored my reasoning that he's basically insane, but he seemed super serious about this.

"She said she was't sure, there's a chance I will or I won't", I shrugged and felt my voice crack slightly as I spoke, I haven't really thought about that part of the talk, does what she said mean there's a high chance I'm unlikely to have kids? Okay no I don't want to think too much about it and become as crazy as Zuko.

"Right", He calmed down and looked away from me, he must've been told he has a definite family in his future.

I took a breath and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Hey, I'm really flattered that you want me to be your soulmate, but we can't force things to happen right? You're a great guy and I know your future family will be lucky to have you, maybe we would make a great couple in another life, just not this one, okay? friends?", I smiled trying to be as nice as possible so I don't hurt his feelings.

"Yeah friends", he returned the smile, "It's a shame you know, we could've had supreme children", he chuckled as he spoke.

"What a shame", I rolled my eyes and laughed with him, I'm glad we've established boundaries, this is for the best, I'm sure he wouldn't be able to handle me. "let's head back in", I walked back into the large room with him, to hear everyone groaning.

Aang was awake! And he was rolling around on the carpet giggling to himself before looking up and seeing me. I called it.

"Katara! Guys!".

And somehow I think this guy can handle me?

God I love that boy.

Suki's POV

Aang finally woke up, I can't believe I wasn't right about the bet, I've known the guy way longer then Katara has, well I guess they've been together a lot recently, it doesn't matter that much, I have someone else on my mind at the moment.

"Could you get the fresh one's?", I heard Yue's voice from behind us all, she was directing the servants on where they need to put the mattresses, it's nice of her too do all of this for us, but I still haven't heard her apologise for what happened in The Oasis. I get she must be embarrassed or something but she needs to grow a pair. I'll respect her more once she owns up to her mistakes. I need to talk to her,

"I'll be back in a second", I smiled at everyone and excused myself, "Yue? Could we have a chat?", I asked whilst approaching her, she seemed nervous but agreed, leading me into the next room and closed the door behind us, then she simply looked at me, expecting me to say something, whilst I'm just waiting for her to apologise, does she know she messed up?

"Okay so, I just wanted to make sure the issue that we had before Aang had a little whoopsie in The Oasis is all cleared up, like no hard feelings yeah?", I smiled lightly, hoping that this stupid feud can end and we can both realise that we are better off as allies then enemies.

She didn't speak for a couple seconds, before walking up to me with her hand out for me to shake, "You're right, we need to put it all behind us, for the best", she didn't return the smile, I realised this was more formal then friendly, I can work with this, I shook her hand and then waited again for her to apologise but still, nothing.

If she won't simply say sorry then I'll get more serious with her, "about Aang. Leave everything to us, alright? We'll be out of here after a quick nap, so you don't need to do anything else", I walked to the door to open it, "thanks for all of this", I spoke before turning to leave.

"Hey Suki", Yue blurted, I turned back to face her not expecting her to say anything else.

"I'm deeply sorry for everything I have done, the challenging and the orders I gave to attack your friend, if there is any other thing I could do then please let me know", she apologised, she sounded so humane, it was a really good thing to hear from her, she's getting so much better.

"Alright, well there's one thing I want you to do, could we go out for a couple drinks sometime soon? The best way to get over bad memories is by creating good ones, what do you say?", I raised a brow as I ask, she didn't seem sure at first but she took a breath and smiled at me.

"A couple drinks sound good to me, now go and get some sleep you look horrendous", Yue chuckled, I wasn't sure if she was joking or not but it didn't matter, I sure do feel as bad as she thinks I look.

"Fine, see you around princess", I smirked before leaving.

"I'm sure you will Kyoshi Warrior", I could hear her physically rolling her eyes behind me, we'll be good friends in time, this is a good step in the right direction though, going through a crazy avatar related experience has brought us all closer. Thank god for Aang's massive meltdown.

I walked out to see Toph and Sokka raring up to start a pillow fight, Aang and Katara having a small conversation on their own whilst subtly checking Sokka and Toph don't harm each other, while Zuko was sat watching the door.

And then the girls strolled in.

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