ATLA: Bonds Within Bending

By saltysoy

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welp I'm pretty sure the title says it all but I'll write a cheeky description anyway just because you're loo... More

Lying Hippy Bald Boy
Toph The Living Legend
Overwhelming Evening
Losers and Lovers
The Other Side
Feelings That Have Been Played
Its all in the past
Grown Ups
Hustle and Bustle
Board Games
Fighting In a Subway
Deep Fried Pickled Radishes
Breakfast At Iroh's
'Ruined It'
Tomorrow pt 1
Tomorrow pt 2
The Card
In Trouble
The Spirit Oasis pt 1
The Spirit Oasis pt 2
The Spirit Oasis pt 3
The Bed Bet With Buddies
Sleeping With The Enemy
Back To The City
Bed Bites
The Avatar Problem
The Break Up and Down
The Favour
Dirty Wine
Moments In The Hallway
Morning Meetings
You're Dating!?
Crash and Burn
Monstrous Matcha
Creepy Chamomile
Gruesome Green-Tea
Horrifying Halloween Herbal
The Attack
Travelling Tension
Journey's End

The Aftershock

132 8 4
By saltysoy

Suki's POV

During storm Aang I luckily managed to find Sokka and get him out of The Oasis, he didn't talk whilst we left, he was clearly shaken from what happened in there. I stopped at the entrance, knowing I should be ready to run in just incase the situation gets worse in there, but Sokka continued walking.

"Sokka? You okay?", I stayed where I was, but he ignored me and wouldn't stop walking, "where are you going??", I decided to chase after him, I grabbed his arm to hold him back, "talk to me", I kept tugging on his arm, "Sokka!!", I hate that he's deciding to ignore me for no reason, I haven't done anything to him.

"What!?", He quickly turned back to face me, he's enraged. "What do you want me to do?? I can't do anything right, I'm a pitiful excuse of a person, I have been the worst friend to everyone lately and I'm not getting any better, I overloaded Aang's brain and his avatar-ness went into fight or flight mode, I'm not acknowledging Toph enough, I'm way too pushy with Zuko, I dump all my problems on Katara and give nothing back and do I really need to list everything bad I've done to you?", He ranted, exploding on me like some emotional time bomb.

"No, but look, this is a good thing, at least you're aware of what you've done, and you know that you're not exactly the best person to be around right now, but this is a step in the right direction", I set my eyes on his whilst I spoke so I could get through to him, but he kept staring at the ground, I kept holding onto his arm. "Earlier, you reassured me about you being on my side, I'm on yours too okay? I promise", I couldn't help but smile, he made me feel the best I've felt in a long time in that tent, I want to be friends with him again and get over this stupid feud.

He took a moment before looking back at me, yeah friends, just friends, feels good.

"You forgive me?", he had a shocked expression on his face, which is understandable, I should absolutely despise him right now, but who could stay mad at that face, face of a friend that is. I nodded in response, he seems relaxed, his lips formed a soft smile and his eyes looked back into mine, it's as if time stopped. "You can let go now y'know, I'm not going anywhere", he chuckled.

I WAS STILL HOLDING HIS ARM. I immediately let go, feeling my face heat up out of embarrassment, how could I forget I was literally holding onto him, what an idiot.

"Suki?", I heard Katara's voice behind me, both Sokka and I jumped after the two of us completely blocking out the rest of the word for a while, she was stood there with Zuko, the two of them carrying Aang who looked astonishingly worn out, we didn't  even notice everything stopped!? did we both pass out or something!?

"Katara!", Sokka ran to her, checking to see if she was okay, like the good protective big brother he is, "what happened out there? Did you see Azula? She was lurking around The Oasis a while ago", he informed the two of them, but they didn't react to what he said, "you saw her?", he asked.

"Yeah, she actually saved the day, surprisingly, but don't thank her, we don't need her ego building even more", Zuko sighed with a tired smile, Sokka laughed slightly, in disbelief of Azula doing something helpful, "the three girls are still in there with Yue, sorting out the guards", Zuko and Katara lay Aang down for a moment, Katara didn't look away from him.

"I should have a word with her, thanks for speaking out by the way, I had a hunch it wasn't a clean fight, although I really don't want a rematch", I rolled my eyes, the thought of having a pointless fight sounds tiring. I owe Zuko a lot more than just my thanks, he stopped me from getting destroyed by a bunch of pro water benders.

"There's no need to have a rematch, and honestly I think Yue would be too embarrassed to challenge you again, Kyoshi", Sokka joked with a grin on his face, I've missed his playful personality, this feels so nice to have friends other then just Ty Lee and Toph, to be a part of a group again.

"Well, we're going to Yue's house right now, she's allowing us to rest up there for the time being, I guess that's her way of apologising, why don't you talk to her then?", Zuko shrugged whilst stretching his arms, preparing to pick Aang up again.

"I think we all need to have a word with that girl", Katara mumbled, still not taking her eyes off Aang, well if there is going to be another fight, I hope Katara challenges Yue because she would be down in one hit from all this anger radiating off her right now.

"then let's get to Yue's place, here I'll help you carry Aang", Sokka spoke to Zuko, giving Katara a chance to cool off, the boys lifted Aang and walked ahead, I stayed behind with Katara.

"You want to talk about it?", I asked her, her expression was a mix of different emotions, ranging from distraught, infuriated and concerned.

"He was so afraid, it was horrible seeing him like that", Katara began to walk, I walked beside her and wrapped one of my arms around her shoulders.

"I know, but he'll be okay, he's made of tough stuff", I smiled feeling her lean into me as we walked together, catching up with the guys and making our way to Yue's house, I hope one of them know where the hell it is because I sure don't.

Mai's POV

So the bald guy turned into a giant leaf blower, that was pretty cool. Zuko was a massive suck up to Katara I have no idea what's gotten into him, he seems obsessed with her all of a sudden, its gross, he better cut it out.

"Strike!!", Ty Lee beamed as she knocked down the set of water bender pins we put up, somehow she's getting strikes every time, she must be some sort of professional people bowler, I made a seat out of other guards as I got bored of bowling with them, they're surprisingly comfortable.

"Uh, girls?", Yue approached us, holding her elbow with her head lowered, she looked seriously intimidated by us, I don't blame her to be honest. "Could you stop using the master water benders as seats and human bowling?", she asked.

"What about using them as fake tea party guests?", Ty Lee asked whilst standing up the guards she bowled over before, setting them back up in formation to knock down again.

"Or using them as targets?", I took a dagger out the inside pocket of my jacket, closing one eye to focus on a guard and aiming it at them, pretending to be about to throw it.

"Or as our own loyal subjects?", Azula smirked, stood beside Ty Lee.

"Please don't do any of that", Yue begged, holding my wrist and lowering it for me so I don't throw the dagger, "but you could do something else, your brother told me you know something to do with brain control, is there a way you could make them forget about what happened?", she let go of me and looked at Azula, looking even more afraid.

Both Ty Lee and I stayed quiet, all eyes were on Azula, It's been a while since someone has asked about brain washing, when Azula was younger she learnt how to use her lightening as a way of some sort of shock therapy on small animals as her test subjects, she once did it to her person and was locked into isolation by her mother for months because of it, I'm not sure if she has attempted to do it again since then.

"Did he now?", She raised a brow but I know this has hit a nerve in her, "well, is it absolutely necessary for their memories to be erased?", Azula looked at Yue seriously, it was quite a big decision to make, it could risk their sanity, their precious memories, their personality being altered and their lives.

"We can't start a war, the avatar must remain a secret, I trust you to do this right, I need to get back to check on the others, once you're finished here you are welcome to stay at mine for as long as you need", Yue made her own decision by the sound of things, but also put a ton of pressure on Azula, she gave us her address before leaving The Oasis.

"You don't have to do this", I watched Yue go before getting up out of my water bender seat to go to Azula's side to show that she has my support.

"This feels wrong, in such a calm and beautiful location there has been so much chaotic violence", Ty Lee looked around at The Spirit Oasis, she was right, although she sounded a lot like Iroh, we managed to get him out of The Oasis earlier, he told us he would make his way back home, I wasn't sure if he was going to be okay alone but he seemed adamant that he could get home in one piece, stubborn old man.

"Can you both get out of The Oasis, I need to do this on my own", Azula looked extremely stressed, I swear I can see beads of sweat forming on her forehead, I feel like she needs us but she also needs a clear head to make the right decision.

"Okay, we'll wait outside", I gave a look to Ty Lee to follow me out, she paused then held Azula's hand, giving it a soft squeeze before leaving her side and walking with me, I have no idea what's going to happen next, but whatever she choses, it won't be good.

Outside of The Spirit Oasis, both Ty Lee and I were staring at the entrance hoping to see any kind of sign of the choice Azula's made, we were both silent, listening out for any kind of lightening or movements, the suspense was unbearable, it was starting to make me feel sick. The sun was starting to rise, I took my focus off what was happening and just watched it.

"Can I borrow your jacket? I feel like I'm about to freeze", Ty Lee was shaking slightly, holding her arms tightly to her chest, I nodded and took off my jacket, gently placing it on her shoulders, "damn how many sharp objects do you have in here?", she asked whilst pulling the jacket closer to her, burying her face into it to heat herself up.

"A lot, try not to cut your face", I kept an eye on her to make sure she wouldn't hurt herself but mainly focused on the sun rise, she noticed most of my attention was on the sun and decided to watch it with me, she shuffled closer and rested her head on my shoulder as we watched it together.

"If I did you wouldn't forgive yourself", She spoke softly whilst nestling her head further into my shoulder to get comfortable.

"No, I'd be just fine actually, you've decided to wear the weapon infested jacket so it'll be your fault if you get hurt", I responded plainly, she laughed then we both fell silent again, still couldn't hear anything from The Oasis. "I think I'm getting over Zuko", I sighed, speaking my thoughts out loud.

"Really? That's good", Ty Lee sounded surprised, "why do you think you're getting over him?", she asked, I rested my head against hers and shrugged.

"He's becoming someone else, he's latching on to Katara a lot, I'm not jealous anymore it just makes me feel uncomfortable, like what if he broke up with me to get with her?", I took a deep breath before I spoke, this has been playing on my mind for a while now, I just want some sort of closure I guess,

"No he wouldn't do that, He's always been honest with you, and your relationship was pretty rocky towards the end, plus I think he just likes Katara because she's different, he'll get bored of her eventually", She is such a great listener, I always forget how good these talks are with her, it feels so warm and safe. "I'm sure he'll come crawling back eventually, you're like a drug you know? everyone close to you is addicted, and when they try to get clean, they can't bare living without you", she yawned.

"So you're addicted to me huh?", I laughed lightly, feeling her start to shake again, I wrapped my arms around her to pull her into me so I could warm her up, she's always been super sensitive to the cold.

"You know it", she laughed tiredly with me, taking the jacket off one shoulder and placing it on mine so we were sharing it, she then turned into me and wrapped her arms around my waist whilst I had my arms around her shoulder, huddling together like two penguins in a snow storm. I couldn't ask for anyone more perfect than her to make me feel this way.

"I did it", Azula's voice came from behind us, we immediately let go of each other and examined her, she didn't have any expression on her face, but her eyes looked full, I'm not sure if she did actually go through with it as I didn't hear anything because of Ty Lee and I's chat, all we have to do is just believe her.

I placed my jacket on Azula's shoulders now and smiled, "let's get some sleep, I hope Yue's place isn't that far away", I groaned turning to walk.

I'm over Zuko. For sure.

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