Second Chance at Forever | C...

Door melodicmisery

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Second Chance at Forever


1.2K 22 4
Door melodicmisery




Pictures were taken first thing on Alice's insistence, though Carlisle and Abigail tried desperately to disappear upstairs so they could have some time alone as finally husband and wife. But, as soon as they decided it, Alice was glaring them into submission so they had to patiently wait for Sue Clearwater—who had offered to take photos as her wedding gift—to take seemingly hundreds of photos of the whole wedding party. Jacob and Charlie wanted nothing to do with it, but Abigail tried both guilt tripping—which worked for Charlie—and finally pouting—which worked for Jacob—to get them to behave and at least stand still for a couple of them. When they again tried to get upstairs to spend some alone time, Alice and Emmett dragged them outside for the reception. Abigail was all for skipping it, but the least she could do was grant this wish for her daughter, who was so excited about the decorations and the cake that she had picked out.

Luckily it was on the smaller side—well, at least by Alice standards—as it had only four tiers with randomly placed white, lavender, and peach flowers. On a couple pedestals around the base were cupcakes decorated just the same that were mainly for Carlie, who had a sweet tooth and would have them gone by the end of the night, though the wolves helped themselves to a couple before it was time to cut the big cake only to face Alice's death stare until they slowly backed away and avoided her eyes as they filled their plates with the buffet food. Part of Abigail wished she could eat it as it looked incredible, but that was the lingering of humanity in her veins, because it smelled horrible and give it a year or two, and it would look like nothing more than slop.

Sticking with just the champagne that she tried the smallest sip of and decided it tasted like cat urine, she poured it out and went about mingling between the guests. The length of the dress started to get to her so she and Alice worked on picking up the train to pin to her side so she could walk and dance without tripping over anything, which even as a vampire, she was afraid she was going to do. The first dance with her and Carlisle was beautiful and venom tears lingered in her eyes the whole time. Never did they take their eyes off each other, focused merely on how it felt to be together. It was another song that Edward surprised them with, one he had Bella help him with apparently.

The father daughter dance was with Charlie and surprisingly he didn't seem as awkward as she thought he would be. Of course that might have something to do with her leading, to which he didn't exactly look happy about, but she just winked at him and kept going. Towards the end, Carlisle and Alice swept onto the dance floor and Abigail decided it was a beautiful sight, her husband and daughter together. After that was done, Abigail was swept into Carlisle's arms once more before taking turns with Edward, Jasper, Jacob, and finally Emmett who didn't want to seem to let her go, but Alice made him when it was time to cut the cake.

But all through the ceremony and the reception, Abigail couldn't help but think about the honeymoon. While they did get one after their first wedding, this one would be far more extravagant and far more passionate, at least that's what Abigail thought. Carlisle wasn't one to hold back on money, and considering they still had those fifty years to make up for, she had a feeling that they wouldn't be leaving their bedroom for a few weeks. And since the threat of the Volturi was gone—they had told her all about what happened with Carlie and Irina and the Volturi during those few months in between Bella's wedding and the next time Abigail saw them—they had nothing to worry about or take care of until they decided to get back. And the children already knew not to call them unless absolutely necessary, and Emmett already decided that he wouldn't be the one to do so, "because I already heard Mom and Dad have sex enough as it is, I don't need to her it over the phone." Everybody had laughed at that, but the look on the poor boy's face made Abigail coo her apologies to him.

After the dancing, cake, and letting their friends eat up as much as they wanted to, Carlisle and Abigail were finally ready to depart. Alice dragged Abigail upstairs to get her changed out of her dress. It was sealed back in the garment bag and set in the back of the closet carefully along with the tux the boys had already given to Alice after Carlisle had changed out of it.

The dress for the honeymoon that they had picked out was tight to the waist and flared down to her mid-thigh. It was a solid white with black tule over it with a design of different butterflies along it. She had on black heels with a strap around her ankles, her normal minimal makeup, her long hair braided down her back, a simple silver chain necklace, her mother's diamond earrings, and her rings. She would never be taking those off again, not for as long as she lived. Items she needed like her different IDs—driver's license, passport, birth certificate; all of which were fresh and new from Jasper's guy in Seattle—book, camera, lipgloss, and her wallet were put into a backpack purse that Alice had bought her for the occasion as well. Once she was all refreshened, she joined the others outside to bid them farewell.

Since there weren't a whole lot of people there, they formed a line that Abigail and Carlisle walked by so they could say goodbye. Everybody wished them good luck and a happy honeymoon, though Emmett refused to acknowledge that part which made Abigail smirk and giggle as she hugged him goodbye. The last couple people in line were Alice and Edward and her lovely children still refused to tell her anything which made her sigh in defeat and follow her husband to the waiting car, which the boys—including Jacob—had written JUST MARRIED in large pink letters and attached balloons to the back, tying the strings around the handles of the backdoors. It was cute, Abigail had to admit, and she grinned as Carlisle helped her into the car even though they both knew she was perfectly capable of doing it herself.

Little bits of birdseed hit the windows as they drove through, waving one last goodbye to their family as they departed. It wasn't a hugely long trek away, so just a moment later they passed the edge of the woods indicated by the old sycamores, the lights faded from view and it was left to just them in the car with peaceful silence. Abigail let out an unneeded, soft sigh as she reached over and took Carlisle's hand, sending him a loving smile as he looked over to her. His own topaz eyes were full of light and love as he gazed upon her. As usual, he didn't need to look at the road as he curved through the dense trees, not even needing the headlights as they bumped easily over roots and rocks.

They didn't say anything; they didn't need to. Fifty years brought them back to this. Fifty years of being apart and simply wishing to be back together. Abigail still didn't know what happened between 1955 and 1984 where she wasn't existing. Was she in Heaven? Was she in Hell? Was she in Purgatory? The questions were never answered, and now that she couldn't dream, as that's how all of her memories came back to her, she didn't expect there to be any new developments.

But deep down, she knew she didn't want to know anyway. Those fifty years didn't matter, where she was didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was that Carlisle was alone and he never should've been. She should've been there, and she would always blame herself for letting herself get killed. It wasn't on Carlisle's shoulders; she was a vampire, she could've taken care of herself as much as Carlisle did. But she didn't want to dwell on her death or the fifty years the proceeded it. They were together, they were married, and they had their family; that was all that mattered.

"I love you," she whispered, her hand squeezing tighter, though not as tight as she could because she was still in that awkward "newborn" phase that meant she could probably snap off a couple fingers if she used all of her strength. Not that they couldn't get them back on, but it was against every instinct in her blood to hurt her mate, so the last thing she wanted to do was snap a part off him. So she squeezed gently, at least to her, it was still a lot harder than she would've embraced any of the humans, or even the wolves.

Somehow, his eyes got even softer as he gazed at her, not looking away even for a second as he turned out of the woods and onto the old highway. It was late enough there were no cars around, but just in case, Carlisle reached over to quickly click on the headlights. They didn't want anyone to be surprised of their sudden appearance. While they would walk away from any car accidents, humans had a tendency to succumb to them, and neither wanted to be the cause of that.

"I love you, too, angel," he said, bringing her hand up to his lips to press a soft kiss to. Her grin widened. "Are you ready for our vacation?"

Abigail let out a happy sigh. "Oh yes," she said, causing him to laugh. "I love Forks and I love our family, but sometimes it gets crowded with everyone in the house." Edward, Bella, and Carlie still lived on their own in the small cottage not too far from them, but they spent a lot of time at the main house. Abigail was glad her son and daughter-in-law got their privacy and deep down, she wanted it, too. It was something that they got a lot of after their first wedding. But they were parents this time around and they couldn't just move out and leave the kids behind. Though she had a sneaking suspicion that Emmett wouldn't mind for the simple fact that it would be less sex he would have to hear between them. Still, these weeks away would be more than helpful for all of them, though Abigail knew that during the moments they weren't lost in each other's bodies, she would be worried and calling her kids to make sure they were alright. She knew they would be, but it was her motherly instinct.

Part of her was bitter at first that she didn't get a gift, something that Carlisle had told her about when he first told her about the Volturi and the gifts of Aro, Jane, and Alec. But it was after Carlisle turned Edward and brought him to their family that she realized what her gift was: mothering. It was what she had always wanted the most in the world, and one reason she had become a nurse. She wanted to look after people, and what better way to do it than to become a nurse? Motherhood as a human was never really an option, even back in the eighteenth century, so nursing was her next best option. And when becoming a vampire, your best skill or ability is enhanced.

Edward's mind reading, Alice's visions, Jasper's empathy, Bella's shielding, Rosalie's beauty, Emmett's strength, and Carlisle's compassion. Hers probably didn't seem as obvious as the rest of them, but it was there, her mothering and sense of protecting. It's what she lived for as a human, and what she died for as a human. She didn't try to escape because she didn't want her human friends hurt. She was shot because she jumped in the way to protect her mate. It was in her blood, and she would continue to cave to those instincts no matter what became of her in the end. Though she would keep that part to herself, because she was pretty sure it would be giving Carlisle the first vampire aneurism.

"But you don't want a house like Bella and Edward, do you?" Carlisle asked as if reading her very thoughts.

Abigail shook her head quickly. "Never," she said honestly. "I mean, if the kids wish to live away," She remembered that Emmett and Rosalie liked to live way for a decade or so once in awhile, "then I won't stop them. But I won't leave them behind."

"I'm sure they won't see it like that," he reasoned.

"I know," she sighed. "But...I can't, Carlisle. It needs to be their decision." He took a couple moments to look over her face before he finally nodded in agreement. While they had never discussed her "gift" of protection and motherhood, she had a feeling that he knew it all along. He knew her better than anyone, even better than she knew herself, so she knew that he probably figured it out before even she did; it took gaining Edward to figure that out.

"Alright, sweetheart," he murmured, pressing another kiss to her hand. "You'll have plenty of chances to call them during our trip."

"We'll have cell service?" she wondered. Carlisle merely grinned and she huffed. If he answered that, it would be giving away possibilities of where they were going. No cell service meant somewhere remote or something on the water like a ship. Cell service meant they would be closer to civilization and not so rural. Honestly she didn't take him for wanting them to be someplace urban as it would give them less privacy, but she wasn't ruling anything out at that point. Though she hated to be kept in the dark, the idea of the surprise was truly fun because it had been such a long time since she had been surprised like that. The last time was during her living in Seattle and the other nurses surprised he with a birthday party. It was the year before her parents died, though, so she was more open to the idea of it. Now that she had her husband and family back, she was more than happy with surprises.

"You'll love it, that's all you need to know," he said simply and she rolled her eyes, but grinned.

Without stop, they drove directly to Seattle to catch their flight out of SeaTac; it was the closest international airport as Port Angeles was smaller and only went domestic. While they easily could've driven to New York and gotten a flight out of there, less time in the air, they decided it would be quicker overall just to catch the flight from Seattle. Abigail was excited to know at least that little bit of information, that they would be heading someplace outside of the United States boarders. Then again, she probably should've figured that out when Alice made sure she packed the passport that Jenks had made for her and given to Jasper. Abigail Cullen it said and Abigail had jumped up and down when she read it, same with the driver's license. It had her picture on it, but altered for her new eye color, slightly different hair color (also thanks to the change), as well as her decrease in height. Emmett still howled with laughter every time she had to let people know that the vampire change actually made her shrink a couple inches.

They easily got through security and were some of the first on the plane thanks to the first class tickets they had. Of course they declined both a drink and food—they both made sure to hunt the night before the wedding because they knew they would be in the presence of humans for a little bit longer than normal—before settling into their seats and pulling out something to distract them. Abigail put in some earbuds and put on some of the recordings of Edwards songs that he had given her to put on her iPhone. She also pulled out her new copy of the Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe that Carlisle had helped her find. He debated on bringing medical journals to read through, but she talked him out of it saying he should leave the office at home this time, so he was reading Dante's Inferno in the original Latin. He had tried teaching her once around the turn of the century, but languages weren't her strong suit so she usually stuck with the English translation, even though he had told her that the meaning was much clearer in Latin.

Barely did she look up when the plane began its taxying out of the runway. If she were still human, she would've been clutching Carlisle's arm as she hated flying. But considering that a plane crash wouldn't hurt her—unless it happened to decapitate her or something and then catch on fire—she had no reason to fear it. A couple other people weren't so lucky and her nose wrinkled up as the nervous businessman in the back row ran into the bathroom for the third time, and Abigail was glad not for the first time that as a vampire then, she didn't get sick in any way.

But Abigail did wish now and again that she could sleep because it would make the time go by faster. As it was, her list of Edward's music ran out as did her Debussy, and her book was over quicker than she would've liked. Then again, she read a lot quicker than she used to as well. Since she hadn't brought a second one, stupidly, she focused instead on the music, closing her eyes and letting the classic sounds of the piano wash over her whole body. It was wonderful and comforting and a small smile lifted the corners of her lips for the remainder of the trip, not seeing that Carlisle had looked up from his book to ask about hers and simply sat there watching her until they reached JFK Airport in New York. Abigail felt like she should be yawning after that flight, but she was just as energized as always.

"Which gate?" she wondered, peaking over Carlisle's shoulder at the tickets, to which he quickly tucked them back in his inside jacket pocket with an amused grin. There was a board of flights behind her and she was going to try and find the gate number and then which location it lead to, but it appeared that the secret was still in effect. She pouted. "Just because I know where we're landing doesn't mean I know where you're taking me."

"You would figure it out. You're smart." He grinned and pressed a kiss to her forehead as he wrapped an arm around her and gently began leading her away.

"Can I at least know the continent?"

Carlisle chuckled heartily. "I love you, baby," he said simply, placed another kiss on her head, before leading her for the gate. It was gate twelve and she cursed herself for not taking longer to look at the board before he directed her attention away because she hadn't gotten to twelve before she asked him, so she didn't know where it was headed. He was probably grateful for that, if that little smirk on his face was anything to go by.

Again, they got on before everyone else because of their first class tickets and found their seats easily enough. Their passports were so good that the security didn't question them in the slightest which was best because the less they had to answer, the better. Because her book was already gone and most of her music was listened to—she had only classical on her iPhone along with Edward's compositions—she decided to just "sleep." Of course she wasn't really, but as a vampire, she could let herself wander into the depths of her mind and simply just be while she thought about anything and everything.

A vampire's mind was endless and couple focus on more than one thing at a time. Granted there were times—like when she and Carlisle had sex—that she only thought about a single thing, but most of the time there were thousands of thoughts going through her mind. And she knew that Edward could only focus on the thoughts that were on the top, so if there were something they wanted to hide from him, all they had to do was think about it more deeply than those thoughts in the front. Aro, on the other hand, could read them all and that always made Abigail nervous. She hoped they didn't run into them during Charlie's lifetime because the last thing they needed was to have the have the threat of the Volturi on them again.

Makes me wish we all had Bella's shield, she thought wryly as she went through her other thousand thoughts for the duration of their flight.

"Abi? Abigail, my love. We've landed." Carlisle's melodic voice broke through her thoughts and slowly her eyes flickered open, letting go of those deep thoughts and focusing on those at the front; it was easy for her to do. When she focused on her husband, immediately the honeymoon was brought back to the surface and she grinned, nearly bouncing and vibrating in her seat—much in the style of Alice—as she quickly jumped up. Carlisle laughed behind her as she shoved her phone and everything into her carryon.

"Now can I know where we are?" she asked with a wide grin as she lead the way off the gangway, tugging roughly on Carlisle's arm to get him to move faster, yet trying her hardest not to use her vampire speed to do so.

"Look there," he said, stopping her right outside the door and turning her slightly to the left. Abigail raised an eyebrow and her eyes quickly searched along the wall until she saw it: the flag along most of the wall; blue, white, and red vertical stripes in that order.

Abigail gasped and spun to him, eyes growing wide with barely contained excitement as she threw her arms around her mate's shoulders. "France?!" she said excitedly.

The smile on Carlisle's face was wide, charming, addicting, and contagious as it made her grin widen into a broad smile. People walked around them in a swarm as if they were a boulder in the middle of a fast-moving river, gaining some aggravated looks from various people, but neither of them cared as they were aware of only each other in that moment. As soon as she saw it was France, her mind went to one specific memory, but he raised a finger to put it to her lips.

"We're not staying here." She frowned. "But we need to keep moving, we have an appointment at the docks in thirty minutes." Docks? she wondered, but she didn't ask as she simply nodded, stole a quick kiss, and then let him lead her to the conveyer belt that was spinning luggage by.

Theirs were there almost as soon as they were and they each grabbed their own bag, though Abigail had to give him her "let me do it myself or else" look as he reached for hers. He held up his hands with an amused grin and she gave him a satisfied smirk as she easily lifted her bag off the carousel. There wasn't much in the way of clothes in there anyway. They didn't have to sleep, and they had plans to be naked most of the time, so anything more wasn't really needed. Alice had been the one to pack for her, so she wasn't expecting much more than small bikinis and even smaller lingerie. Though she wasn't complaining all that much.

Outside there was a car waiting, not a cab like most passengers were fitting themselves into, but a town car with a human driver that was clearly paid not to ask any sort of questions. Abigail was sort of surprised that he didn't get a private plane for the same reason, but she figured he wanted to go through this as normally as they could. It made her undead heart nearly start beating at the thought of his consideration with that. They really needed that normal right then.

The car ride was rather silent, but not uncomfortably so. Abigail sat leaning against Carlisle's side comfortably, their fingers intertwined together on his thigh while his other arm was wrapped around her shoulders, but she looked out his window to watch the country roll by. She hadn't been there since the turn of the century, so she wanted to see all she could before they went...wherever it was they were going that wasn't France, but apparently they had to go to the docks for. It was still frustrating and exciting at the same time, and Abigail actually started bouncing her leg even though vampires naturally were just still.

Carlisle chuckled in her ear quietly and it sent a shiver down her spine, though she ignored it for the time being as they were just pulling up along the docks. There weren't very many boats there, but there was a good-sized speed boat there that had THE SARAH-ANNE written on the side of it. Raising an eyebrow, she glanced at her husband and he shrugged.

"That was my mother's name," he said quietly and she gave him a gentle smile and a kiss. She knew he didn't remember anything about her even as a human considering she died giving birth to him, but she loved that even then he still remembered her name. She squeezed his hand and kissed him tenderly before allowing him to help her out of the car. The driver already had the bags and was walking towards a large wooden sign that read BIARRITZ MARINA next to the docks that went out into the ocean. Abigail had never been to Biarritz and wished she could see more, but perhaps at some other time she could. Right then the man next to her and the ocean before her called to her more than the city.

"Thanks, Pierre," Carlisle was saying while Abigail took in everything around her. She turned as he spoke, watching him shake the driver's hand and hand over a wealthy tip before he put his palm on the small of her back and lead her down to the Sarah-Anne. He still held their bags which he let go of her hand momentarily to pack away at the back of the boat before helping her aboard. They didn't touch the lifejackets as they didn't need them so they went right to the seats at the front, Carlisle taking the helm.

It started up easily and a moment later Abigail realized that she could smell the gas in the containers stored along the side for their return trip as she has a feeling that they wouldn't be showing their faces until they were good and ready to do so. Abigail smiled as they drove along, bumping over the waves, squealing as the water splashed up onto them in a light spray, both of them laughing as she leaned over to scoop it up in her palms and dump it over his head, his golden blond hair sticking to his ears and forehead lightly, but he was still the most beautiful man she ever saw.

And he's all mine, she thought dreamily as the sun drifted out from behind cloud and shimmered across his skin, diamonds sparkling along the surface. It was mesmerizing and it had her attention for the remainder of their boat ride. Enough so that she didn't even realize she recognized where they were until they were nearly to the docks they were going to stop at. It was the island over Carlisle's shoulder, the one that was a few miles away, that finally brought her back to her whereabouts. She remembered looking at it from the shores of their own private little hideaway in 1900 and watching the exotic creatures on the other uncharted island in front of them. Nothing had changed other than the large resort that sat on it now, many people laying around on the beach and a few people surfing.

Abigail gasped and stood, her eyes flickering back to where they were headed and if she could still cry, she would be weeping. It was the island, their island, the same one they spend the year from June 1899 to July of 1900 in, laying out in the sun and just being themselves, being with each other for the new century. Carlisle had always taken her someplace alone, someplace special during a new century. 1799 to 1800 was spent in a very remote cabin along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. They had missed 1999 to 2000, so she supposed this trip made up for that as well as being their honeymoon destination.

"Oh my god, Carlisle," she croaked, her voice hoarse and venom tears dwelling in her eyes. She reached over to clutch his wrist as she realized that absolutely nothing had changed since then. It was a shock that it was still so remote and uninhabited, but she knew some of the wildlife there weren't exactly human-friendly so she supposed she wasn't too surprised. It was easier just to leave the island alone than it was to try and clear a safe spot or capture the animals. But for vampires, they weren't even close to a threat and so she knew that's why Carlisle didn't mind going back there.

"Welcome back, my love," he whispered, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist and dragging her back against his chest as soon as the Sarah-Anne was tied up along the dock.

"It's all the same," she murmured as she looked around, seeing that even the path into the small tropical house that they had stayed in was exactly in the same place.

"Of course it is. Why would I change it? You loved it this way."

She looked up at him and frowned. "I don't understand."

"The island is mine, Abigail." He smiled as her eyes widened. "Well, it's ours. Yours, to be more precise. It's Isle Abigail." More venom tears pooled in her eyes. "I bought it soon after that and I was going to surprise you at the turn of the next century, but..." He trailed off and they both ignored the implications of that. "The only people that have been here since us in 1900—besides the cleaning company—was Bella and Edward on their honeymoon."

Abigail slowly nodded, her mind whirling a mile a minute before she turned and flung her arms around his neck, jumping to lock her ankles around his waist, kissing him more passionately than she ever had before. She heard him moan against her lips and she couldn't help but grin, tightening her grip and kissing him harder, her fingers running up into his hair to make him purr. She clung to him, her body writhing, as she tried to express what she felt without saying the words. Truthfully, the words couldn't even come close to telling him how thankful she was for this gift, how thankful she was for him, how much she loved him. Words simply didn't exist for that, no matter if it were the English language or French or Latin or any of them. That was how much she loved him.

There was a slight breeze around them and to her slight surprise, she felt a soft bed underneath her back. But she was far too focused on him, on this man, to really focus on how they got there. Deep down she knew that he simply blurred them there, but as always, her thoughts were only on him. The way he was hovering over her, his delicious weight pressing against her body, the contrast between the fluffy sheets and the hardness of his frame.

Oh, he's definitely hard, she thought giddily as she arched her hips up against him, smirking as she heard that delicious growl against her lips. She did it again and again, rocking her hips against his so he could feel how ready she was for him, and she could feel what awaited for her. This would be their first time after becoming husband and wife, and while she knew that originally he would've liked for it to be slow and full of worshipping of both of them, they were too deep into it to stop and change up their speed.

"Carlisle, please," she whispered, whimpering as she arched against him. There was another growl that left his lips, beautiful and deep, and his hands quickly moved down her body. She barely heard the tears of the fabric, felt the way it shredded beneath his nimble fingertips. All she could feel, all she could focus on was the way that she could feel the fabric of his clothes and then a moment later his smooth skin against her own. She gasped softly, wiggling a little so the scraps of her dress fell away.

Alice is going to kill me for that, she thought for the briefest of moments before she ran her fingertips against the length of his smooth back at the same time she pressed her hips against his.

"Do you want me, wife?" Carlisle growled against her and she nodded quickly, nipping at his bottom lip before pulling her own between her teeth.

"I always want you, husband." She grinned. "Take me."

She roared as he did just that, thrusting inside her with a loud bang of their bodies together, a thunder-like sound echoing through the island. It was another reason a private island was best, just like it was best to play baseball when the thunderstorms appear, because of the noise that they made when they collided together. And oh god, did they collide, grinding and crashing together over and over, breath rushing out in unneeded bursts as dead lungs worked in almost a habitual way. But they craved it, their bodies moving in sync as they crashed over and over again together.

Onyx eyes met each other and didn't let go, both pairs taking in the sheer amount of lust, need, and want that clung within their swirling depths. They were lost together, desperate as Carlisle took her over and over again, making her cry out each time he filled her and he answered with a growl. It was beautiful and destructive as the bed groaned in protest beneath them only to splinter and then snap a couple moments later. Abigail giggled for only a second before Carlisle had her screaming and roaring in her first completion, never stopping as he continued to pleasure her and, in turn, himself.

Through the rest of the night, into the next morning, afternoon, evening, and night again they went, breaking more furniture and tumbling over that metaphorical hill over and over again. They never tired and they never slowed down, not for almost a week when they realized they should probably hunt.

"I think we should stay here naked in bed," Abigail pouted as she forced her body into a bikini top and a pair of shorts so short they might as well just be underwear. While Carlisle looked to be seriously contemplating it, his onyx eyes almost growing darker, he shook his head. Ever the protector, she thought with a wry smile.

"We'll hunt quickly and then get naked in bed again," he said in compromise, but she rolled her eyes and huffed.

"As if that weren't already the plan," she mumbled, letting him take her hand and lead her from the room, his laughter leading them into the trees.

The hunt went quick and they were back in bed a couple hours later, lost in each other once again. While they both knew that they couldn't stay there forever, they certainly wished they could. However, Abigail also knew how terribly she would miss her family; in fact, deep down, she already did. It took a lot for her not to call them every hour, but Carlisle had a way about him that distracted her so she could focus on them, which is what she really needed to do. The kids were fine and she knew it, and they would be terribly upset if she spent their weeks on vacation worrying about them. It was knowledge enough to ease her mind a little as she spend those weeks with her husband.

They wound up staying two weeks longer than intended, but only because Carlisle decided he actually wanted to show her Isle Abigail and not just the (completely ruined) bedroom. As happy as she was there to be with her husband, the plane ride back was too long, so once they went from France to JFK in New York, Carlisle chartered a private plane to take them straight to Seattle in half the time the regular commercial flight would've. Luckily for her, the kids and Jacob came to Seattle to meet them and she was pretty sure she could've broken glass with her squealing as she greeted each of them waiting for them in turn, saving Jacob and then Emmett for last, knowing they would hug her the longest. On the ride home, she was shoved between the two large boys in the back of Carlisle's Mercedes, catching is amused grin the rearview mirror.

"Private island, and you didn't even catch any sun," Jacob joked with her causing her to roll her eyes playfully. Carlisle laughed and turned his attention back to Alice in the passenger seat and their much quieter conversation.

Abigail Margaret Cullen looked between her children, her brother, her husband and knew this is exactly what life had intended for her. Good friends, good family, and so much love she could simply burst from it. She was born to be a vampire. She was born to have these children. She was born to have Carlisle.

She was born to have this second chance at forever.


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IN WHICH - Sabine Cullen knows that Jasper Hale is her soulmate, but flat out refuses to tell him. @-toodeviant / 2023
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(𝐧.) 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮; 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐧 𝐰𝐡�...
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𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚂𝚠𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛, 𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚎 𝚜𝚠𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚎. 𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊 �...
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𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐈𝐃| ❝︎Why are you so paranoid?❞︎ ❝︎Why aren't you?❞ 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐞 �...