Just a Robot 5 (A Fnaf Story)

By Saberthebunny

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Two weeks later after discovering William Afton is alive, Funtime Freddy reawakens to be reunited with those... More

Chapter 1: "Rekindled"
Chapter 2: "Empowered"
Chapter 3: "Revised"
Chapter 4: "Resting Place"
Chapter 5: "Right and Wrong"
Chapter 6: "Oven"
Chapter 7: "Mirror"
Chapter 8: "Flash Drive"
Chapter 9: "Duality"
Chapter 10: "Reassigned"
Chapter 11: "Clown World"
Chapter 12: "One Day"
Chapter 13: "Disabled"
Chapter 14: "Struggle"
Chapter 15: "Prosperity"
Chapter 16: "War"
Chapter 17: "Death"
Chapter 18: "Construction"
Chapter 19: "The Way I Am"
Chapter 20: "Retreat"
Chapter 21: "Stance"
Chapter 22: "Loyalty"
Chapter 23: "Sunshine"
Chapter 24: "Within"
Chapter 25: "Can't Go Back"
Chapter 26: "Starting Line"
Chapter 27: "Chaos Theory"
Chapter 28: "Known"
Chapter 29: "Height"
Chapter 30: "Yourself"
Chapter 31: "Spirit"
Chapter 32: "Path"
Chapter 33: "Two Worlds"
Chapter 34: "Keep Going Forward"
Chapter 35: "Voice"
Chapter 36: "Know Your Enemy"
Chapter 37: "Blood"
Chapter 38: "Parallel"
Chapter 39: "Predict"
Chapter 40: "Finishing Line"
Chapter 41: "Battle Plans"
Chapter 42: "Empty"
Chapter 43: "Future"
Chapter 44: "Generation"
Chapter 45: "Evolution"
Chapter 46: "Puzzle"
Chapter 47: "Cemetery"
Chapter 48: "Wrath"
Chapter 49: "You Won't Die"
Chapter 50: "Free Will"
Chapter 51: "All I Have Left"
Chapter 52: "Important"
Chapter 53: "Heart"
Chapter 54: "Deep End"
Chapter 55: "Defeat"
Chapter 56: "Talk"
Chapter 57: "Expendable"
Chapter 58: "Responsibility"
Chapter 59: "Funeral"
Chapter 60: "Proposal"
Chapter 61: "Cycle"
Chapter 62: "News"
Chapter 63: "Aspirations"
Chapter 64: "Game Plan"
Chapter 65: "Wedding"
Chapter 66: "Heaven"
Chapter 67: "See You Later"
Chapter 69: "Who I Am"
Chapter 70: "Frontal Assault"
Chapter 71: "Who I'm Not"
Chapter 72: "Allegiance"
Chapter 73: "Phase Two"
Chapter 74: "Phase Three"
Chapter 75: "Cause"
Chapter 76: "Scott Cawthon"
Chapter 77: "Effect"
Chapter 78: "Persuade"
Chapter 79: "Heroic"
Chapter 80: "Prevaricator"
Chapter 81: "Inspiration"
Chapter 82: "Who I've Always Been"
Chapter 83: "Transgress"
Chapter 84: "Volition"
Chapter 85: "Judge"
Chapter 86: "Resurrection Day"
Chapter 87: "Perfect World"
Chapter 88: "True Happiness"
Chapter 89: "Just a Robot"
Thank You

Chapter 68: "Phase One"

27 1 0
By Saberthebunny

Funtime Freddy's P.O.V

It was quiet, more quiet than normal. It had been like that ever since we left, though I guess you have a lot on your mind with such an event we would be heading towards. The whole week had been building up to this moment, to finally end it all. I think some of us were nervous, unsure of what would happen. Perhaps it was the thought of us not making it back when this was over, like it's easy to be prepared for such a thing. However all of us knew what we would have to do in order to win this battle and finish this war for good. Everything depended on us. I guess the thought of it was a lot to take in, especially when you're in the moment.

"Alright, we should be coming up on the right checkpoint," spoke Michael finally. "We'll drop Bonnie and Charlie a little back from the checkpoint so the enemy doesn't sees us. Assuming they don't find the both of you before we start Phase One." "Thanks for the encouragement," responded Bonnie. "Remember to stay at a reasonable distance from the checkpoint. Wait until I give the signal on the Communicator, then attack the checkpoint. Meet us at the rendezvous point, then when we're all there we'll have Bon Bon bring the car over. Once that's done we'll commence Phase Two of the plan," I reminded everyone as I grabbed the Disruptor and handed it to Bonnie behind his seat. "Right," responded Bonnie. Michael looked around before pulling over to the side of the road where the intersection and the light was, before waiting for a car to pass by that was coming up on the road. Once the car passed by Michael looked around to check before finally turning back towards me and nodded to let me know we were good to go. "Alright Bonnie and Charlie. Both of you stay safe," I said. "You can count on us," responded Bonnie as opened the right back car door and got out, as Charlie slid over from the middle seat and went out the same way. Charlie closed the car door behind them before the both them crept their way down the sidewalk and over to the right side of the right checkpoint, making sure to stay in the shadows and be kept hidden. Michael moved the car back on the road and drove past the intersection since the light was green, making our way to the left checkpoint. "When we arrive at our the left checkpoint, Freddy can drive the car to the middle checkpoint," said Michael. "Alright. Sounds good," I responded. "If Phase One works properly we can move on to Phase Two, though we'll see how the enemy reacts to our attack. I have no doubt they know of our attack, or at least are expected of one," said Michael. "As long as everything works out we'll be inside the pizzeria and we'll have William and his army terminated," said Mangle. "And if things go wrong with an of the phases or the whole plan? Then what?" asked Bon Bon. "We improvise. Make it work regardless. We only have one shot at this, so let's make sure it doesn't go to waste," I said. "So far William has not detected us or Bonnie and Charlie. Or they already know and are doing a good job of hindering my functions without me knowing," said Duality. "What the hell!? I hear his voice! I thought only the person that has Duality connected to them can hear him?!" exclaimed Helpy who was startled. "It's a new function upgraded to my programming by Henry, one of many of I might add. Anyone in a certain range that can hear my voice that I decide, meaning I can choose who can and can't hear me. I'll be able to provide any tactical information when necessary, considering you'll need it during our battle," explained Duality. "Good. We'll need it," said Mangle. "So when is William supposed to put his grand plan into action? Do we even know what time? Is it just when he feels like it?" asked Helpy. "Hard to say. I was able to deduce that today, or tonight, would be the day he would enact his plan," responded Duality. "And we're sure this is right?" asked Helpy. "I calculated everything related to his plans, everything he has built and created. I found each part he used to build the animatronics, all of us and his minions, what day they were built, everything. I investigated everything and anything that would lead me to finding out when his plan would happen, when this Resurrection Day would be. It lead me to nothing, and the only information I found was the name Resurrection Day in some of the data I found on the parts he had for his designs, for every creation, every coding lead to that name. It wasn't until I calculated the day Freddy was activated and William faked his death that it made sense to me his plans would occur very soon. Until I realized something about this day he chose that made me realize today was Resurrection Day," explained Duality. "I don't know if you ever realized it Michael or you have forgotten, but today is the anniversary day when you father and mother go married." "Wait. I never realized that. He chose this day for a reason to finish his plans, but why? I mean he got my mom killed... but then resurrected her. Does he actually care for her?" asked Michael. "It's hard to say. Your father is a man who is the only person I cannot anticipate well and remains an enigma to me. Perhaps there is a past to him he wishes to hide, which may explain why he has done everything he has. Regardless he chose this day for a reason, whatever it may be," responded Duality. "Alright this is me and Mangle's stop," said Michael as he pulled the car over. Michael opened the door on his side, as Mangle did the same. "I'm getting out the back as well. Can't sit here any longer," said Bon Bon as I made my way through the trunk door. "You got that right," said Helply in agreement doing the same. Mangle walked to the back and opened the trunk door, as me, Helpy, and Bon Bon got out and onto the side of the road. "You guys know the plan. Be safe," I said handing Mangle the Decoder. "We will," responded Mangle. "You stay safe as well," said Michael. I nodded in response as they both made their way down the street while keeping in the shadows, as I made my way to the passenger seat. "I call shotgun!" announced Helpy. "Whatever," grunted Bon Bon as he opened the right back door and got in the back. "Keep it down. People might hear us. Once we're near the checkpoint and past that no one should be able to hear us," I said getting in the driver seat and closing the door, as Helpy did the same once he got in as well. "Indeed. William seems to have a device at the pizzeria to hinder any noise that reaches at the checkpoints, so nobody will be able hear our battle or anything. Of course if it's destroyed, or the pizzeria, then people will most likely hear or even see that. Still, it shouldn't be a problem," explained Duality. "Let's hope so because if anyone found out our mission before it is complete or Henry comes forward on everything that has happened, it would complicate things. However it is one in the morning, and no one should really be out at this time. We should be fine," I responded making a U turn around the road. "You sure you can drive? This is your first time and even though there are barely any other people driving on the road that still doesn't ease my caution of being with a new driver," expressed Helpy. "I'll only be driving for a couple minutes, so you don't have to worry much. I know the necessities for driving and the rules and all that, but I understand your concern. Honestly I'm a little nervous myself," I responded acknowledging his concerns. "Don't worry I'll alert you of any potential danger or hazard. We'll make sure we get to our destination in one piece," said Duality. "We better not. I'm not dying by a car crush because of an inexperienced driver," said Helpy. "Freddy will get us there one piece. He'll make sure of it," said Foxy reassuring him. "We better hope that sewer hideout isn't occupied by the enemy or else there's a problem right there," expressed Helpy. "We clear them out then. Make sure it's our territory, not theirs," answered Bon Bon for him. "He's right. If they're waiting for us we clear them out. Either way this plan is going to work if we make it work," I said in agreement. "I figured. Just making sure you got this covered," said Helpy. "We gotta be as many steps ahead as William, considering he's done the same to us for so long. It's why he's had the advantage and why we kept getting thrown off from his attacks and planning," I responded. "Then there's a plan b if things go wrong? Or a plan c? Besides just improvising like Mangle said earlier?" asked Helpy. "Well part of a plan b in case part of our main plan falls apart or one of the phases goes wrong. Like I said this plan will work if we ensure it does," I responded. "We're at the park now as well." "See? Freddy did fine. You didn't even notice or pay attention to his driving because you were distracted by your conversation," said Foxy. "Hmm. Not bad, I guess," Helpy responded. I could see the park now, as well as the orange lights of the construction site way ahead. I made a left around the park as I could see the sewer entrance at the edge of the park. "There it is," I said pointing it out. I made my way down the street of the park before turning the car to the right and driving on the grass to the sewer entrance, making sure there was nothing in the way. It was a small park and there were no trees around, so I didn't have to worry about that. Finally we reached the entrance of the sewer hideout, as I turned the car around to drive the car into the hideout backwards. "Bon Bon, find the button to open the doors. There should be a panel that's concealed that'll reveal the button. Foxy you go with him. Both of check the place once it's opened to see if it's cleared, though only a quick sweep. Once the cars in check the place out to see if the enemy is here," I commanded. "On it," responded Foxy. Both her and Bon Bon opened the car doors on both sides and got out, closing them once they were out. I looked around while Bon Bon began searching the wall near the sewer to find the button, as Foxy kept a lookout for him. After a moment he finally found the panel and pressed the button, as the picture display of the sewer gate disappeared to show the two doors hidden behind the illusion. "A hologram. William really did have some crazy tech, I'll give him credit for that," said Helpy. The doors slid open as Bon Bon and Foxy made their way inside as the lights inside the place turned on as well. We waited a moment before Bon Bon gave thumbs up as I could see from the car mirror, prompting me to hold a thumbs up out the window in response. "Looks like there's barely enough room to park the car in," I said. I put the car in reverse as I slowly drove into the room, as Foxy and Bon Bon backed up behind the car as well. Finally the car was fully in, as I shut off the ignition of the car and took the key out. I opened my door as the door barely had enough room to be barely opened, which was mostly evident as I stepped out and was a little squished by the wall and the car. Helpy got out and did the same thing, as we both made our way behind the car where Foxy and Bon Bon were, ready to reunite with us. "This area is clear. By the look of it," said Bon Bon as me and Helpy approached him. "Alright, you and Foxy check the rest of this place out to see if it's clear. Me and Helpy will wait here and guard the car," I commanded. The both of them made their way down the hall to check the rest of the rooms, leaving me and Helpy all alone. I opened the trunk of the car, climbing inside to grab the drone. "I don't detect anyone else here. Still, the enemy could have a way to hide or cloak themselves from my sensors," said Duality. "Maybe. Hell, they could be hiding in the walls or ceiling," I responded as I found the drone and grabbed it. "So then they could be here? Right above us?" asked Helpy looking up at the ceiling. "Maybe. Though Bon Bon will make sure the car is safe," I responded climbing out the car and closing the trunk. "He better do his job. He could run off at the sight of Michael's sister to fulfill his need of revenge. He isn't going to stop," said Helpy. "That depends. We'll see what he takes priority over: the mission, or revenge," I responded. "And you think he'll make the right choice? What if he doesn't? Then this mission is possibly over," responded Helpy. "I trust him to make the right choice. I've known him for a while now and long enough to understand him. He's care about our mission just like the rest of us. With such an important task that could determine if our mission succeeds will make him understand how messing it up will be on him if he does intend to favor his need of revenge," I responded. "I hope you're right," responded Helpy. A moment later Bon Bon and Foxy emerged down the hallway as they made their way towards us while we waited for their report. "The place is clear... Still I feel like I'm being watched... Somewhere here... " said Bon Bon. "I feel the same way. Could be paranoia but I wouldn't doubt on it," said Helpy in agreement. "Then I trust you'll handle whoever goes for the car," I said to Bon Bon. "Of course. They won't be walking again if they decide to show their face," said Bon Bon in response. "Look Bon Bon. You're job is the most important for this phase to succeed and possibly the plan. If you fail. If the the car or EMP Device is destroyed, we may lose. You understand that?" I said. "I do. So what's you're point?" he responded. "If Elizabeth is the one to attack and if she does... Make the right choice. Remember what's at stake. Ok?" I said. Bon Bon looked down for a moment, before raising his head back up and ready to give his response. 

"I won't fall you. All of you."

"Thanks. I'll call you on the Communicator when we need you to drive the car over to our location. Good luck," I said as I handed him the car keys. He nodded in response as me, Helpy, and Foxy turned around and made our between the wall and car, squeezing our way through and making it to the other side. Once all three of us were outside the doors, they closed shut completely. It was now just Bon Bon and the car inside. To be honest I had a feeling the enemy was inside with him, waiting for the perfect moment to strike and make their move. There was even a chance it was Elizabeth waiting to make her move and get Bon Bon angry at the sight of her, possibly to use that to destroy the car and EMP Device. Regardless I trust Bon Bon would make the right choice. He cared about this mission just like the rest of us, though whether he valued it more than his idea of avenging Bonnet and our friends would remain to be seen. I was putting my faith in him after all.

"C'mon! Let's head on over to our positions," I commanded. "Once we're there, phase one can begin. Our final battle begins now, and we're more than ready to get face-to-face with William and his army."

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