Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Rea...

By LittleRed11204

95.3K 5K 2.8K

Cupid being the god of desire, love, attraction, and affection has the biggest part in everyone's lives. Dete... More

The Beginning
School Cliques
A Much Needed Conversation
Just In Case
Status Update
The Calm Before...
...The Storm
Crumbling World
A Little Later
A Long Time Coming
Only Two Weeks
Jennie The Knowing
Taste Of Her Own Medicine
Change Of Scenary
Back In Seoul
One Single Question
The Moon And Sun
Everyone Finds Out
Escape Room
In Her Dreams
Sunshine And Moonlight

New People

2.7K 166 68
By LittleRed11204

"What the fuck!?" Destiny yelled as the car turned away from y/n, down the main street towards the airport. Cupid and Destiny couldn't believe that Roseanne was just going to leave y/n hanging like that. No words exchanged, no explanation as to why she didn't go to the competition, absolutely nothing.

"How could Roseanne do that?" Cupid asked as he saw y/n's shoulders deflate. She then walked back home and didn't have that same pep in her step as before.

"She's the one that's supposed to still love y/n! It's not supposed to be the other way around!" Destiny said frustratedly as she clenched her fists, slamming them onto her desk. Cupid closed his eyes and tapped into Roseanne's emotions, wanting to see what she was feeling in this moment.

"No, she still misses y/n completely, and loves her too; in the platonic way still. It's almost as if she's grieving right now because the sight of y/n watching her leave broke her heart a bit."

"Well she would have spared her own feelings if she just explained to y/n the situation and given her a goodbye!"

"That's the truth right there." Cupid sighed as he opened his eyes back up, still seeing the seething Destiny in front of him.

"Why can't they just confess their love for each other and call it a day? Huh? Is that so difficult!? That would make my life so much nicer because I wouldn't have to stress out so much over them!"

"Destiny, you know that isn't going to happen." Cupid said as Destiny spun around and glared at him. She took a few steps towards him and with each step she took, Cupid sunk lower and lower into his chair. She was now standing right in front of him, pressing her pointer finger into his chest,

"I'd suggest you shut that mouth of yours before I sew it shut!"

Cupid nodded his head rapidly and Destiny backed off, taking a few deep breaths before deciding to check up on another soulmate pair. She changed the location to Seoul, South Korea and smiled softly seeing the two girls interacting with one another.

"Place your foot here." Lisa said to Jennie as she helped the older girl out with learning the new routine for their monthly evaluation. The two were paired up once more and they were over the moon about it.

"Okay, then what's next?" Jennie asked Lisa as she then showed the next move to her. Jennie nodded her head and mimicked the dance as best she could. Lisa smiled brightly at her and gave her a thumbs up,

"That was great!" Jennie blushed a little at the praise Lisa had given her. The two continued to do their routine as a knock came on the door. They both shouted to the person that they could come in and in walked Jisoo with some food she had smuggled into the company.

Jennie and Lisa's faces lit up and they both rushed over to the oldest, getting a good laugh out of Jisoo at their eagerness. She opened up some of the containers and they devoured the food, starving because of all the rigorous training they've been doing.

"How did you sneak the food in here?" Lisa asked Jisoo as Jisoo smiled,

"I stuffed it into my backpack when I went out earlier." The two girls hummed, realizing it was apparently that easy to get food into the company. The trio kept laughing and eating their food for a while before Jisoo had to go find her partner she was assigned for monthly evaluations and practice.

"See ya in vocal lessons!" Jennie shouted to the older girl as she waved goodbye, exiting the small dance practice room. Lisa stood up and helped Jennie up, both of them getting shy at the simple contact while holding hands.

"How about we run it from the top, yeah?" Lisa asked Jennie as the girl nodded her head,

"Sure. 5, 6, 7, 8!" Jennie said as the two girls sang and danced along to the music that was playing from Jennie's phone. They still didn't know how to set it up through the speakers, so they've just been doing it this way since the beginning.

Multiple hours went by and Jennie was getting tired since it was nearing 2am. She called it quits when she could barely pick up her feet. Lisa handed the girl her water and laughed lightly when Jennie chugged the water like she hasn't had any in years. Lisa decided to stay back a bit longer because she wanted to perfect a few things.

"Lis, literally what the fuck do you need to perfect?" Jennie complained as she put her things in her bag. Lisa rolled her eyes,

"Well I need to fix right before the chorus and then control my breathing a bit more." Lisa explained as Jennie sighed,

"Whatever, I'm sleeping. Have fun working yourself to the bone!" Jennie said with a wave as she walked towards the door.

"I'll have a blast!" Lisa answered back as she was soon alone in the dance room. She looked at her reflection and got right to work, dancing effortlessly still after hours of hard work.

Mason pulled into the parking lot of the YG building with the rented car and found a parking spot near the entrance they were told to go to. Mason looked back to Roseanne with a smile,

"We'll get your bags and stuff and you can go up to the practice rooms you'll be training in. The email said that they need to check your bags, plus we need to look over some paperwork. Come back down in about an hour, okay?" Mason explained for the 5th time. Roseanne nodded her head, knowing that he only gave her the rundown again because he doesn't want anything bad to happen.

Roseanne grabbed her guitar and opened up the back door. The sun shined brightly on Roseanne since it was just past 12pm. She adjusted her hair that was in a low ponytail and slung her guitar strap over her shoulder, heading for the entrance. There was this big dude standing there and she bowed politely, introducing herself. He didn't say anything and just opened the door for her and pointed to the elevators. Roseanne silently walked over to them and then pressed the button. She looked over her shoulder to see her parents heading in a different direction with her bags.

The elevator dinged and the third one opened up for her. One thing she wasn't expecting was to see another girl standing in the elevator that looked to be about the same age as herself. The girl was the same height as her and also had black hair, except she had bangs. Roseanne shyly stepped into the elevator and felt the girl's eyes on her the whole time.

The two girls didn't speak a word, but they stole glances at one another. Roseanne noticed that the girl was going to the same floor as her, so she just stood patiently, waiting for the elevator to arrive. Once the doors opened, Roseanne motioned for the girl to exit. The girl with bangs smiled politely at her and proceeded to walk out the elevator and head down the hallway.

But she turned around when she was only a few feet away from the elevator where Roseanne was. She spoke up in English which surprised Roseanne,

"Come on." Roseanne then immediately followed suit and walked alongside her, wondering which room they were going to go into. The girl then opened a door and inside were two other girls, both Korean Roseanne noticed right away. The girl with bangs was definitely foreign, but that made Roseanne feel happy because she wasn't the only one away from home.

"New girl." The foreign girl said in simple Korean. This is when Roseanne was so beyond happy her parents forced her to learn a little bit of Korean when she was younger because they visited family there often.

One girl with cat eyes seemed to sense that she wasn't from around here. She stood up and bowed,

"Hi, I'm Jennie Kim, 16 years old." She said in English, and definitely with a Kiwi accent. Roseanne smiled and bowed back, responding in English.

"Hello, I'm Park Chaeyoung, 15 years old." She decided to say her Korean name because she'll have to get used to people here calling her that. Jennie nodded her head and pointed to the other mysterious girl who was now standing with a smile,

"This is Jisoo, she's 17 and doesn't speak English fluently at all. But she's learning and can understand some of it. She's a really good singer," Jennie then pointed to the girl with bangs, "that's Lisa and she's the same age as you. She's from Thailand and is a really good dancer. She also speaks some English and she is still learning Korean. So I talk to her in English because she's more comfortable with it right now."

Chaeyoung bowed to both girls and spoke to Jisoo first,

"Hello, nice to meet you. I can't wait to hear you... sing?" Chaeyoung said unsure in Korean because it's been a while since she's had a conversation that wasn't planned out by her parents for practice. She also spoke formally since the girl was older than her. Jisoo grinned widely at the girl and gave her a thumbs up,

"Good! I want to hear you play guitar some time. And no formal talk with us." Chaeyoung smiled and nodded her head, thankful she understood what Jisoo had told her. Chaeyoung then turned her attention to Lisa,

"Nice to meet you, Lisa. I hope you can help me with dancing." She said in English so Lisa could understand her. Lisa's eyes sparkled and she quickly spoke,

"I'll help you! Nice to meet you too, Chaeyoung!" It felt right with these girls to Chaeyoung. They welcomed her right away and she felt safe and cared for by them. They've obviously all been here a while, so they told her the ropes on everything.

Chaeyoung didn't even realize it had been an hour until her phone rang and she saw it was her dad's number. She quickly answered and her dad told her where to go. Once she hung up, she asked Jennie how to get to the CEO's office.

"I'll take you. Lisa, help Jisoo out with whatever dance she's doing." Jennie said in English before she linked her arm with Chaeyoung's, tugging her along slightly as they exited the room and made their way to the CEO's office.

They arrived after about 5 minutes and Chaeyoung's parents were shocked to see their daughter walking with someone, already talking and laughing. The couple shared a look and they were both happy their daughter was already making friends. Chaeyoung then bid Jennie goodbye and went into the office to sign some papers and get everything situated.

It took about an hour and soon Chaeyoung was at the exit crying, hugging her parents tightly. She didn't know that they would be leaving her already. She thought that she would still be able to spend time with them, but she'd be on her own right away. Her parents still have their lives back in Melbourne, and Chaeyoung had obviously left that behind.

"Don't leave!" Chaeyoung cried as Clare looked down at her daughter clinging to her. Clare was teary eyed, but she knew Chaeyoung would kick herself if she didn't take the opportunity.

"Sweetie, we have to. You're already making friends and you can still call us. Just try your best each and every day. If this ends up being something you don't want to continue, then we'll come back and take you back home." Clare explained to her daughter. Chaeyoung pulled back and wiped her tears, shaking her head,

"I don't want to go home. I'm going to make this work because you guys have given me so much support." Clare and Mason looked at one another and smiled, knowing they raised their daughter right.

"Okay, then make it work. If you ever want to visit, you are allowed a week a year to come see us." Mason said as Chaeyoung nodded her head, going over to hug him.

"I'm going to miss you guys."

"We'll miss you too. Who knew our youngest at 15 would be moved out of the house before our eldest 19 year old." Mason joked as Chaeyoung laughed against him. They finished saying their goodbyes and Chaeyoung stood by the exit, watching the car with her parents drive away. She shed a few more tears before walking back into the building and going to where the dorms were. She was told to go to room 12 and that there were already 3 girls that lived there. Chaeyoung was nervous because they'll basically be her roommates, so she has to make a good first impression.

She walked up the stairs and down a few hallways to the dorms, rolling her luggage next to her. She heard music and singing coming from almost all of them. Her grip on her guitar strap tightened a bit as she now stood in front of room 12. Chaeyoung opened the door and was about to bow and introduce herself, but–

"Chaeyoung! You're our new roommate!" Jennie said with a beaming smile as Chaeyoung stood there in shock. Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa were all in the room, looking back at her with smiles that lit up the room.

Maybe this whole thing won't be too bad after all Chaeyoung thought to herself.


"So she's doing what now?" Y/n asked Alice once again, not fully understanding. Alice rolled her eyes and ate a chip before simplifying her answer,

"She's going to be training to become famous." With that y/n nodded her head and just turned her attention back to the TV. Y/n knew Roseanne loved kpop and all that, hell y/n loved it as well. She loved the choreography and music, she just didn't know anything beyond that.

Alice had called y/n over the morning after Roseanne and their parents left. Y/n didn't say anything about how she saw them last night, so she acted clueless as to why Roseanne and her parents were gone. Thankfully Alice bought the lie and now they were hanging out for the day.

"So I'm guessing Lily said yes to being your girlfriend because you would definitely be a mess if she shot you down." Alice said while wiggling her eyebrows to the younger girl. Y/n blushed and smiled, making Alice scream in excitement. God knows when the hell Roseanne will ever date anyone, so y/n is the next best option to tease.

"YAY, YOU AREN'T SINGLE ANYMORE!" Y/n laughed at how excited Alice clearly was about her new relationship status.

"I know, it's crazy. I can't believe someone like her actually liked me enough to want to be my girlfriend." Y/n said scratching the back of her neck. She truly didn't understand how or why Lily really liked her because to herself she was a normal person with nothing special. Alice smacked y/n's shoulder,

"Shut the fuck up! Stop selling yourself short; you're amazing! You're funny, caring, and just a great person overall. She's lucky to have you." Alice responded as y/n just nodded her head, knowing if she disagrees, she'll get a whole lecture from the older girl.

"Thanks, Alice."

"No problem. Now how about we watch another movie. I was thinking Hunger Games since we just got it on DVD recently." Y/n loves that idea because she loved reading all the books and watching the movie in theaters when it came out. The pair got comfortable once again and soon the movie began to play after Alice had put the DVD in the player.

After about an hour into the movie, y/n's phone rang and she saw that it was her mom, so she excused herself to answer it.

"Hey mom."

"Hello sweetie! I was just calling to inform you that I'll be going out of town for a business meeting. Your father will be home, but he'll be at work a majority of the time. So I'm running to the grocery store before I head out; do you need anything?" Jamie told her daughter as y/n quickly absorbed all the information thrown her way.

"Um, can you just get another pack of Uncrustables and then some more Gatorade? Oh, and popsicles!" Y/n heard her mom chuckle,

"Even though you're 15 you still are like a 9 year old when it comes to popsicles and ice cream. I'll pick up everything. Have fun with Alice and I'll see you in a couple days, I love you!"

"Love you too, mom. Have a good trip." Y/n said as she soon heard the line go dead. She then put her phone back into her pocket and joined Alice on the couch once again. Alice glanced over at the girl,

"I'm guessing it wasn't Lily because you would be grinning like a maniac and blushing." Alice said as y/n shook her head while laughing. She nodded her head,

"And you would be correct, it wasn't Lily, it was my mom–"

"Jamie, my favorite y/l/n!" Alice interrupted y/n as y/n just stared at her blankly.

"I'm going to choose to ignore that statement. She's going out of town for work and just asked me about groceries." Y/n finished as Alice hummed,

"So she didn't ask about her favorite Park?" Y/n shook her head, sighing deeply and giving Alice a look of sadness,

"I'm sorry, she didn't ask about your mom."

"Oi! That was mean!" The two continued to joke around with one another before resuming the movie and watching some other movies at random.

Time was flying by and before they knew it, lunch time had rolled around and they were both starving. Alice suggested that they go to Degraves Street for some food and y/n was all for the idea. Alice even said that she would pay, which made y/n even happier. Alice grabbed her keys off the kitchen counter and yelled for y/n to get her ass in her car.

The two were blasting some Rihanna and Taylor Swift as they drove to Degraves Street. Alice found a parking spot in a parking garage nearby and the two were walking down the street soon after. The smells of all the food and people everywhere was wonderful. Both y/n and Alice do hate crowds, but there was still plenty of room to move, so it wasn't bad.

"What place do you want to eat at?" Alice asked y/n as they were looking at all the different places they could eat. Y/n smirked at Alice and when Alice glanced over at the girl, she realized y/n already had her answer, she sighed, "you wanna go there then?"

"Yes!" Y/n shouted as Alice agreed to go to y/n favorite restaurant. Alice honestly didn't know why she even asked if deep down she knew y/n was going to choose the same restaurant. She watched as y/n left her to quickly go inside the restaurant. Alice followed after her and saw y/n was already seated. The two girls didn't even need to look at the menu because they both have been here many times.

"So when is the school year over for you?" Alice asked y/n since university was already done for the semester.

"Well it's May 7th, so I think I have like 20 more days? Something like that." Y/n responded as she tried to remember when her teacher said the last day was.

"Cool, then you'll have the winter off." Alice said as she saw a waiter coming over to take their order. That was one thing y/n liked about living in Australia. She knows that a lot of schools in America do multiple months off for summer, but in Australia they do multiple breaks throughout the year. So she'll have June to July completely off and then a month for summer, usually January.

"What are you majoring in again?" Y/n asked Alice after they had ordered their food. Alice sighed,

"I'm becoming a lawyer, so I'm majoring in law and stuff like that."

"That's right, you're boring."

"Shut up!" Alice said as y/n laughed at how defensive Alice had gotten over just a simple remark. The two continued talking and then somehow got to the topic of Roseanne.

"Do you miss her?" Alice quietly asked y/n as she ate a chip. Y/n thought about her answer,

"Sometimes. I do miss her, but I'm doing really well without her. She's also chasing her dream without me, so I'm proud of her." Y/n answered as Alice nodded her head.

"I know Roseanne regrets leaving you behind. Even though she doesn't show it, I still know. I'm her sister, I'm supposed to know these things about her."

Y/n didn't believe Alice because Roseanne didn't even bother to show up to her final dance competition. She gave her the ticket and everything, but Roseanne still ended up breaking her promise. Y/n gave Alice a forced smile,

"I'll believe you when I see it." Alice pressed her lips together and nodded her head, knowing y/n won't believe her just because she 'has a feeling' Roseanne misses her. Alice knows that y/n always relied more on Roseanne than Roseanne relied on y/n. So when Roseanne left her in the dust, it hurt y/n a lot more than if the roles were reversed.

"From the top! More energy!" The choreographer yelled at the girls once again. Chaeyoung was sweating buckets as she tried to learn the dance as best she could. All the other girls were way more experienced in dancing than she was, so she stuck out like a sore thumb.

They started the dance again and the eyes of the choreographer were glued onto her. And of course, her timing was off. The woman grew frustrated and called the session over. She pulled Chaeyoung aside and yelled at her, saying that she needs to step it up and othering things that Chaeyoung didn't understand. But she nonetheless nodded her head and hung it low as the woman left the practice room with a loud slam of the door.

Chaeyoung felt like crying because she was humiliated in front of everyone. She heard murmurs between girls and left the practice room, heading straight to the bathrooms. Once she got inside a stall, she let the tears flow down her face. She started to regret coming here and it was only the second day.

"Chaeyoung?" A voice called out to her when she heard the main door open. She sniffled and didn't respond to the voice she now realized was Lisa's. But footsteps echoed throughout the bathroom and stopped in front of her stall.

"Chae?" Lisa asked again, more softly this time as a light knock was heard on the stall door. Chaeyoung decided to unlock the stall and Lisa gently pushed open the door. Lisa saw Chaeyoung with bloodshot eyes and a runny nose. Lisa immediately wrapped the girl up in a hug because she knows what it's like to be embarrassed like that in front of everyone. Maybe not for dancing, but her singing was not good when she first got here, so she's been through this.

"It'll be okay, I can help." Lisa said to Chaeyoung as she held the girl tightly, hoping to bring her some sort of comfort. Chaeyoung cried a little and hugged Lisa back, thankful that someone had her back already.

as you can tell, i'll be using Roseanne when other people are talking and Chaeyoung when we are talking about her in SK. hopefully that makes sense lol, just know that Roseanne and Chaeyoung are obv the same person. An irl update ig lol, im competing in my final karate tournament of my life!!! ive been doing karate for 14 years and ill most likely be calling it quits come fall this year (bc of college). so im excited for that, but also really depressed lol. anyway, i hope u all liked the chapter and my god, things are getting intense in the next few chapters btw... LOVE U ALL SO MUCH <3

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