About A Girl [Michael Afton x...

By xqamora

366K 7.4K 33.4K

I've always hated the thought of moving somewhere else. I left everything behind. My friends, my boyfriend an... More

❧ Introduction ❧
Chapter 1 - Hurricane, Utah
Chapter 2 - Greasers
Chapter 3 - Rumble
Chapter 4 - Foxybro
Chapter 5 - The Diner
Chapter 6 - Sleepover
Chapter 7 - His Guitar
Chapter 8 - The Flutter in His Heart
Chapter 9 - Rockstar
Chapter 10 - He's Into You
Chapter 11 - First Date
Chapter 12 - The Way She Danced
Chapter 13 - Birthday Boy
Chapter 14 - Afton's Secret
Chapter 15 - Yellow Roses
Chapter 16 - In the Rink
Chapter 17 - Three Words
Chapter 18 - Best Boyfriend
Chapter 19 - What about me?
Chapter 20 - Colorful lights
Chapter 21 - Eternity [pt.1]
Chapter 22 - Eternity [pt 2]
Chapter 23 - Fortunate
Chapter 24 - New Chapter
Chapter 25 - Nothing like you
Chapter 27 - Field of Players
Chapter 28 - Mother knows "best"
Chapter 29 - Lake House
Chapter 30 - 1983
Chapter 31 - The Puppet
Chapter 32 - His Oath
Chapter 33 - It's A Date
Chapter 34 - Promise
Chapter 35 - Pink Sunset
Chapter 36 - One Dance, One Kiss
Chapter 37 - ...I'm sorry
Chapter 38 - Arcade
Chapter 39 - Pizza Planet
Chapter 40 - Angel
Chapter 41 - Am I Pretty Like Her?
Chapter 42 - Girlfriend
Chapter 43 - If feelings could talk
Chapter 44 - Three Words
Chapter 45 - Ruination
Chapter 46 - Mistakes Aren't on Purpose
Chapter 47 - Son Of A Monster
Chapter 48 - Curiosity Kills The Cat
Chapter 49 - Beginning of A Breakthrough
Chapter 50 - I love you
Chapter 51 - Traitor
Chapter 52 - Kiss the Chef
Chapter 53 - Lover Boy
Chapter 54 - All of you
Chapter 55 - Man Behind the Slaughter
Chapter 56 - Her Birthday Wish
Chapter 57 - Her Red Bow
Chapter 58 - Afton's Design's
Chapter 59 - Hot Coco Kisses
Chapter 60 - Soon Not Forever
About A Girl
About A Girl: The Sequel

Chapter 26 - Bonnie's Bowling

5K 98 355
By xqamora


Now Playing: ❝Decepatcon - Le Tigre❞
1:28 ⸠——❍—————⸡ 3:47


Diner with the Afton's went well, even though it was a bit awkward, but the two men rambling on about their high school and college life made the room less tense. I was in Michael's room playing with his Gameboy. He laid against on his bed frame reading a comic about X-men.

I groaned in defeat as I placed the Gameboy down and slouched in his comforter. "Lost again?" he grinned flipping through the pages. I won't exactly say he read them, mostly looked at the artwork. I nodded my head as my attention caught onto the drawing pad sitting on his desk. "You draw?" his head perked up as I began walking over to his sketchbook.

And by far his drawings were absolutely amazing. So realistic yet cartoony. I loved it. "Woah" was all I could say in amazement as I flipped through the pages. He stood up quickly snatching the sketchbook from me "Don't look it's embarrassing..." he looked away placing the sketchbook back on the desk. "But your drawings are amazing Michael" he shrugged and sat back down on his bed.

The yelling of excitement coming from Elizabeth's room almost shook the whole house. "Can't they keep it down?" Michael sighed in annoyance picking the colorful comic back up and crossing his legs on the bed. "You know how kids are" I replied heading over to his vinyl crate looking through the records he had. Guns n' roses, Def Leppard, Metallica, Journey, Queen, Bon Jovi, etc.

As soon as I was going to make my choice I heard Henry call for us. I sighed in frustration as me and Michael headed out the room. The kids ran passed by us rushing downstairs with glitter flowing through the hallway. "Must be from Elizabeth" me and Michael chuckled as we headed downstairs.

Henry was saying his goodbyes to the family. I frowned a bit as I turned to give Michael a hug. "Call me before you sleep?" he wraps his hands around my waist pulling me into a tight warm hug. My hands wrapped perfectly around his body. "Of course," I smile as we pulled away. I kiss his cheek as Mrs. Afton squeals with excitement. "My Michael is all grown up" her eyes became glossy as she admired us "Oh please" Mr. Afton rolled his eyes.

Me and Michael felt annoyed as we kissed each other goodbye on the cheek one last time. We said our goodbyes, after I climbed into Henry's car along with Charlie and Sammy. They instantly fell asleep as we drove back to Henry's house. I watched the trees pass by as dimly lit houses shun some parts of the concrete. The trees stood still and tall as the leaves slightly moved from the light wind. I smiled  remembering Michael's smile.

My thoughts were always consumed of him. His expressions, the way he thought, the way he was sweet. Don't get me started on his voice. He has mentioned before at the age of 6 he moved here in the United States from England, yet his accent never really left. It was mostly shown around me since in school he would get made fun of. It's really amazing if you think about it. He was this indignant boy towards me and now he's been compassionated over me, even before we were dating, he seemed to grow closer and gentler.

The vehicle came to a stop as I looked up at the 2-story house. Henry looked back smiling at his two kids. Now that I think about it I wonder what happened to his wife..

I helped Henry carry Charlie, as he took Sammy upstairs to their shared bedroom. We tucked them in and headed back downstairs.

I looked at the family framed photos hung on the wall. There was a smiling woman with short bright blonde hair. She wore pink earrings, a pink blouse that complemented well with her purple leggings. Henry wore a yellow sweater that held a collar around his neck. They were carrying both Sammy and Charlie. "What happened to your wife" I turned my gaze back to Henry as he walked behind me sighing as his hands slipped into the pockets of his blue denim jeans. "She passed away" he sighed once more admiring his wife. "I'm sorry to hear that..." my voice trailed off "It's not your fault. She passed away from cancer" he gripped onto my shoulder as we looked at the photo. It was the last photo taken on 1979.

Not too far from now. "What was she like" I grew more curious to know more about her. "She was a beautiful kind woman. I have no idea how I ended up with her. We met in high school; I was just the quiet kid in the corner while she was the bright sun of the school." he smiled "At first. I thought it was a joke she would ever want to be friends with me. But it turns out it wasn't. She always had a kind heart even when those around her were the worst" he sighed happily. "I wish I could have met her" I smiled slightly. "She would have loved you" he patted by back "Don't stay up to late" he yawned as he made his way back up the stairs. "I won't" I crossed my arms over my chest.


I rubbed my eyes as I walked over to the phone ringing. I had just woken up from a nice dream, whoever is calling this early better be for a good reason. I pulled the phone close to my ear "Hello?" I yawned leaning against the old wooden dresser. "Hey! It's Victoria, how have you've been? I feel like it's been a while since we talked" my eyes widen as I heard her voice "Victoria! How'd you get my number?" "Michael gave it to me. He gave me a brief explanation of what was happening" she sighed.

I twirled the phone cord with my index finger "Yeah sorry I've been so distant... things have been so weird lately" I sighed "Yeah no, totally, it's understandable really" she chuckled "I've been doing better I guess; I'm still trying to process that its..." I paused for a bit feeling myself tear up again. "I'm really sorry y/n. You don't deserve that at all, how about I come over and we can have a girl's day. I'll bring Mari along" her positive attitude made me feel better. Inside and out. "That would be nice" I smiled "Great, actually how about we go bowling yeah? I know a great place" "Perfect"

With that being said the whole day was planned. I looked through my closet, pulling out some high waisted blue jeans, with a white button up blouse. (outfit can be changed :] ) I slipped into the clothes and grabbed a pair of clean socks and placed them on. There was a knock on the door as I was already sitting down fixing my hair "Come in"

The door knob turned and I turned to look to see charlie standing by the door way holding a brunette doll "Do you have time to play?" she softly said as she took a few steps into my room. "Um" I looked at the clock reading 10:30 am. "Sure let me just finish doing my hair and we can play for a bit" I smiled at the girl as her eyes lit up "I'll be waiting in my room!" she giggled as she closed the door and the sound of footsteps disappeared.

I brushed my hair taking out the few knots I had. It has been nice living here, although I haven't heard from my mother. I guess I should try to visit her tomorrow. Once I finished with my hair the way I wanted it to look, I walked over to Charlie's room. She had two dolls in her hand, one brunette and one blonde, who I assumed was barbie.

"Yay you're here!" she stood up quickly handing me barbie "Come come! Let's play dollhouse" I giggled as we sat down in front of the hot pink doll house and began plotting the storyline.

Soon Henry called me down that my friends were here "Promise to play with me when you get back?" Charlie looked up to me with puppy eyes "I promise" we wrapped pinkies and smiled at each other.

I left her room grabbing my belongings and rushing down the stairs. Victoria and Mari were standing at the doorway while Henry asked them questions "So where are you
girls heading?" he placed his hands on his hips "Oh we are going to Bonnie's bowling" Victoria nervously laughed

"Just be sure to be back before 6pm" Henry starred at his watch "I have a meeting with William" he sighed rubbing his temples."Yeah of course, Bye Henry!" we said our goodbyes as we walked out of the house and into Mari's car, it was a black Austin Metro.

"Damn Mari how did you get one of these?" I admired her car before I climbed in the back seat. "Let's just say my dad comes around" she chuckled as her and Victoria climbed into the drivers and passengers seat.

"Alright you girls ready to have some fun?" Mari grinned as she turned the key making the car engine roar as Walk This Way By Aerosmith played loud on the radio.

The window's rolled down as me and Victoria stuck our heads out yelling the lyrics as Mari drove. She began lighting up a cigarette with the help of Victoria, as I felt the fresh air hit my face and go through stands of my hair. It's been a while since I felt this free.

Soon after we arrived at the bowling alley, the sounds of the bowling pins dropping and music filled the room. We headed over to the cashier "Hello for 3" Victoria said as she dug through her bag "Wait vic i'll pay my part" I stopped her reaching into mine

"None sense I invited you, you don't gotta worry about a thing doll" she winked reached over to pay for us. I felt a bit guilty afterwards. I didn't want them to spend any money on me, especially just because i'm feeling down. The worker brought us our bowling shoes and told us our lane. We walked over to our spot setting our belongings down on the chairs.

We placed on our bowling shoes as Mari typed in our names. Mine was n/n, Mari was well Mari, and Victoria's was Vicky. "Alright i'll go get snacks, you guys bowl for me in the meantime" she told us as she walked away.

"So how are you and Michael?" she tied the last lace of her with a big grin on her face. "We've been good actually" I smiled as I felt my cheeks form a light blush. "Ooo someone's blushing" she wiggled her eyebrows followed by a giggle.

I rolled my eyes playfully "He's been really sweet with me. He cares about me, he spoils me a lot, he's just like a dream really. Being with him is like a whole fairytale" I rambled as I got up picking a bowling ball that was perfect for me.

"Good for you n/n.. Good for you" she smiled watching me roll the bowling ball. It only struck 2 bowling pins. "Damn it" I cursed shaking my head, walking over to pick another bowling ball. I rolled it once more, only 5 bowling pins falling.

I walked back with a frown on my face "Don't worry it's just the beginning" Victoria placed a hand on my back patting it slightly. "You're right" I sighed crossing my hands over my chest. Victoria picked up a dark blue bowling ball and rolled it, striking all of them.

I cheered for her as she bowed picking another bowling ball and another strike. She was a natural at this. Soon Mari came back with pizza and nachos "I'm back ya'll!" she shouted placing the food on the small table provided "Food!" Victoria raised her hands in the air as she sat down taking a slice. I giggled at her reaction doing the same.

After bowling, we climbed back into Mari's car driving to the mall. It was currently 4:30 PM. And we had less than 2 hours of free time before heading back.

"So what are we here for exactly?" I raised an eyebrow as we walked into the entrance of the mall. "Haven't you heard about the football game coming up this week?" I shrugged as we walked into a fashion store "But what does a football game have to do with clothes?" Mari and Victoria gave me a seriously look. "Aren't you a fashion designer or something?" Mari blurted out giving me a weird look.

"I am, but what does that have to do with dressing all fancy for a grass with possibly cow poop football game" I exclaimed as I watched the two girls frantically look for something to wear. "Don't you wanna impress Afton? Besides you being a fashion designer you
ALWAYS gotta look fashionable" she smirked pulling out a white crop top.

"Here try this on" she handed it to me. I examined the top, it was an off the shoulder sleeved top. "There's no way i'm wearing this" I sighed "Loosen up a bit will you?" Victoria rolled her eyes playfully. "Ooo with these jeans!" Mari pulled out dark blue mom jeans.

"Yesss" Mari handed it to me "You know what as long as it's not a short skirt i'm fine with it" I sighed "Go try it on now!" they shouted with glee as the workers and half of the customers there looked at them with an odd look. "Okay okay okay" I chuckled walking over to the dressing room.

I closed the curtain and slipped into the top and pair of jeans. I won't lie it kinda looked cute. I opened the curtain as I saw my two best friends eyes light up "You are so getting that!" they exclaimed.

After the quick trip to the mall, Mari pulled up to the side of the curb of Henry's house. "I'll see you guys at school" I waved goodbye watching them drive off. I walked into the house as Henry was quickly grabbing his belongings "Oh thank goodness you're here, I left dinner in the fridge I should be back by midnight, please don't leave the house give me a call if anything happens-" "Henry it's all good i've done babysitting before" I reassured him

"I trust you" he raised his brow heading out the door "I'll see you all later!" he shouted climbing back into his car as me and the kids waved goodbye watching him drive off. I closed the door behind me as I turned to face the kids "Alright who wants to have some fun" I clapped my hands as they shouted with glee.


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