Daring To Love Him (Sandhir M...

By Appyfizz_gone_crazy

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Do you know who values life most? The one who is having very little chance to live. Yet there are people who... More

1. Danishk and His Suicide
2. Prajakta Got Hired
3. Prajakta and Her New Home
4. Prajakta and Her First Day
5. Prajakta and Her Fighting Spirit
6. Danishk and Pep Talks
7. Danishk and That Street Beggar
8. Danishk and His Ways
9. Danishk and His Messed-up Mind
10. Prajakta and The Investor's Party
11. Prajakta and Fights
12. Danishk and Restlessness
13. Danishk and The Game
14. Prajakta and Sari?
15. Prajakta and Troublesome Malhotra
16. Prajakta and Obstacles
17. Danishk and the Guilt
18. Prajakta Isn't a Fan of Hospitals
19. Prajakta Got Her Revenge
20. Danishk and Interrorgation
22. Prajakta Is a Mafia Queen
23. Danishk The Prankster On The Loose
24. Prajakta's Death Certificate...
25. Danishk Got Distracted
26. Prajakta's Colourful Day
27. Danishk & Prajakta Kiss
28. Danishk Underestimates Prajakta
29. Truth About Prajakta's Hiring
30. When Prajakta Needed help
31. Prajakta and Forgiveness
32. Danishk and The Blast
33. Prajakta Fell in Love
34. Danishk and Surprises!
35. Danishk hates Birthday Parties
36. Prajakta's Worry
37.Danishk and His Escape
38. Prajakta's Brother
39. Danishk and Consoling
40. Danishk knows
41. Finding Prajakta
42. Danishk and Prajakta's Past
43. Prajakta and the Doctor
44. Prajakta and Danishk's Past
45. Weird and Worried Danishk...
46. Danishk's Promise
47. Prajakta's Insecurities

21. Prajakta Sympatized With the Beast

20 1 1
By Appyfizz_gone_crazy

"I learned this truth; we cannot simultaneously be our best selves and avoid pissing off people. When we align our actions with the divine, good, orderly direction we seek, some folks will not like that we are changing the dance steps."
― Karen Joy Hardwick (The connected Leader)


When Aakash and Shika made their way to Prajakta's place, both expected that she would lash out at them and throw a bunch of hurtful words and would quit her job. And Shika came prepared for that. She was ready to convince this girl who is a sort of lease of life for Danishk and maybe... a very small amount of hope lingering over that he might learn to love- maybe she is being too optimistic but that boy desperately needs someone to hoist up from his dark pit. The very first day she met Prajakta that was when she realized that this girl could be his silver lining.

"... I... um... I am sorry but he has crossed his limits and... I never... never in my life felt this... this insulted and degraded by someone..."

But when Prajakta didn't fit into the frame of her expectations and the girl blamed Danishk solely, she understood that Prajakta is not someone who is less witted and won't punish every single person in the bouts of her anger. A perfect catalyst for his dampness... even though she wants to show them how perfect pieces of the puzzle they are in their lives, it would be better if they would figure it out on their own.

"My problem is not that he is an arrogant pompous ass. But he has crossed a bloody line for which I will not forgive him for my life. No matter how much you all beg."

Shika stood up and as neared Prajakta and pulled her into an embrace. And that sudden move caused Prajakta to gasp. And when Shika's heart was content she pulled away leaving that girl to take deep breaths.

"You have no idea how much of a boon you are for us."

Looking at his wife being so emotional and very enthusiastic to join the love birds together and get into another conquest, Aakash laughed a bit causing their attention to him. And he didn't want to be on the receiving end of the two ladies' earth, hence he shut his mouth. And before he could apologize The doorbell ringing of Prajakta's house was a great distraction to which Aakash stood up and opened the door while Prajakta and Shika too neared the door to check who was there.

"We have got dinner!"

Feroz Qureshi and Mariam Qureshi entered the house with huge tiffin boxes and also with a shopping bag.

"And dear lady, I was told we four are supposed to woo you to stay by Danishk's side, hence here is a bag full of chocolates only for you-"


The other three elders yelled at this burly yet chubby-looking man in his mid-fifties and all he did in return was laugh. After I took the bag hesitantly he caught me off guard by engulfing me in a tight embrace. And whispered saying that he has got her back which obviously confused her.

"Okay now that things are settled, let's talk about our brat and what to do with him. If you ask me, I will send Prajakta on vacation and punish that boy for a few days by asking him to do daily chores. That would be the best."

A grin appeared on Mariyam's face as she threw in her opinion causing Prajakta to laugh for some reason. I mean she would love to be a front seat audience to watch Danishk Malhotra mopping the floor.

"See, she agrees!"

The other elders rolled their eyes and all four of them take their seats over the diwan again Prajakta decided to sit over her beloved stool.

"Before the two of you barged in, Prajakta revealed that she is enraged due to Danishk's doings and only he should take responsibility for it. So stop apologizing and get to the main point."

The Qureshi couple started glaring at Aakash and all he did was roll his eyes and shrug causing Shika to facepalm and think how her son is so much like his father throwing dry humor around.

"Um... I do not understand what is going on here..."

Prajakta tried to get all those four's attention and then Feroz was the first person to stand up and near her. As a reflex, she staggered back and he held her shoulders firmly.

"Child, we all are grasping a very delicate last string of Danishk's life in our hands and we desperately expecting you to revive him to a better human-"

Prajakta scoffed at the audacity of all the four people trying to manipulate her and get her stuck with the beast and face his wrath.

"Huh! Revive you say... So in order to save him, you all decided to scapegoat me! What is this? Modern age sacrifice to god? Why don't you all get it? That man is disturbed and he needs to seek a therapist. Because if he would decide to take his own life next time, he won't even listen to god even! So I am not the right person- oh! No wait, I am not the right kind of puppet for you all. Mr. Malhotra, you hired me to be his assistant and I will do just that. Not more or not less-"

And before she could go on and on throwing her frustration and her disagreement on what they were initiating. But a loud ringing of a phone cut her off. Feroze fished out his phone from his pant pockets and took the call.

"Hello- wait a minute... all three of them?... But Nikhat I don't get it, how could they get shot?... understood, we are with chacha and chachi only, I will let them know. Bye..."

As Feroz ended the call he turned towards his wife and Malhotra couple and with urgency in his tone he informed them.

"We need to go to the hospital right now, Nikhat just called, Ishaan, Danishk and Dishan... all three are admitted and are severely injured. We need to leave now!"

Mariam, Shika had their eyes widened and stood up immediately to leave while Aakash pondered on how the boys could have got into any kind of accident and worst case of scenarios played in his head. While they hurried out of Prajakta's house as she stood in her spot with various questions swarming all over her head. She didn't understand what is actually going around hence she called up the one person whom she has newly befriended.

"Hey gal! I am bored to death as Shawnie has ditched me today, maybe he is effin mad at me cause of yesterday. He stood me up using a text message. What an a**! You know my dad used to smoke next to our street and my mom used to catch him right at the second he entered and she used to give him the worst silent treatments and my dad used to face the music of loud pots and pans."

Prajakta didn't know whether to chuckle at what Manali said or she need to let her know about the information she just received. But her heart sped like crazy and the anxiety creeps in for some weird reason. Why is she feeling this way after knowing that beast is wounded? No... wait, Dishan and Ishaan are also equally injured... and she is a human and she will obviously feel scared to death and anxious as she has seen these two men in her day-to-day life as well...

"...Praju, let's do one thing... we will prank on these two idiots one more time, that will teach them a lesson. You already have the password-"

"Um... about that, uh... I heard that Ishaan, Danishk and Dishan are admitted to a certain hospital it seems... I don't know where exactly-"

Before Prajakta could explain things to her, Manali went on with her dramatic outburst. While Prajakta too bit her lip to control herself the best but involuntarily, tears streamed down her cheeks.

"What? Shaawn is injured? The hell! How? Where? When? Tell me everything!"

And she went on and on while hysterically screaming and crying. Is this what a girl is going to be in a relationship, then she needs to stay the hell away from them. Rolling her eyes she tried to calm Manali down from her phone. But that girl was non-stop blabbering about Ishaan and that 'aww poor Shawn' is already making Prajakta's ears weep.

"Manali... there is also Dishan who is wounded... and there is that beast! Ugh! Either way, I actually need help from you about this, so clear your head right now, please. And please tell me who is Nikhat and which hospital they might have gone to."

With mustering calmness and bottled-up temper, she scrunched her eyes shut as the huffing and some sort of shuffling.

"I... I know the hospital... I will take you, are you at your place?"


After what felt like half an hour Prajakta got a text that Manali is waiting for her downstairs, she hurried off to reach her and crippling headache made her collapse right away. Ugh! Why do they have to start now? And the blaring sound of her phone alerted her that Manali is waiting for her. She stood up with all the energy she could muster and ran outside after clicking her front door shut.

Once the girls reached the hospital Alpha care medical institute, they went over to reception to enquire about the accidents or any sort of new emergency related to the three young men. When they got to know where they were supposed to go they sprinted to the operation theatre. While Manali didn't waste time in nearing Shika and Mariam and hugging them, Prajakta felt deranged and didn't understand what to do. The distant cries of Manali and soothing words of Mariam and Shika to calm her down were a soothing balm to Prajakta as well, but her vision swam and her stomach turned when she felt the presence of the hospital surroundings. She took the support of the wall next to her and tears ran down to her cheeks as if she is reliving the day of her father's accident.  She didn't even notice when but Aakash Malhotra neared her and sat right next to her, over the cold hard steel chairs.

"Last time I checked, you hated hospital premises. Why are you here then?"

Oh yes, why did she bother to get in this hell hole again? In a brief moment, that beast's face flashed through her eyes causing her to ball her fist.

"I... I am a human being... sir... I would wish... best for the people around me. And... he is my... my boss, I need to... to make sure... he is... he is... fine."

A single tear slipped out of her eyes and she quickly wiped it off a small yet sad smile escaped through Aakash's lips and he patted her lap.

"Then I want this humanity of yours to bring him back to life. I don't want my children to look half dead Prajakta. You were right, He is in need of therapy... but he is too broken and weak to even accept the fact that he needs help... I want you to be a guide for him and I am willing to offer you anything you would like to have..."

If this situation was not emotional and things were different, Prajakta would have applauded Aakash Malhotra for his Business tactics. But here we are, in a dampening situation and striking deals based on emotions. Hence she also wanted to take advantage of it even though no matter how wrong it would feel.

"If you are willing, then you have to promise me that you would invest in ten orphan girl children's education till they get a job."

As Prajakta blurted her condition in determination and confidence, Aakash raised his eyebrows as he was taken aback by this weird condition. Nonetheless, he gave a nod while he agreed upon it.

"I need the whole deal in written, please!"

Even though Aakash didn't understand this condition of the girl he agreed and muttered that he would get it done by the next day and sighed in relief that there is still hope for Danishk. And he then made his way toward his wife to let her know about his process.

"Wow! The world feels so light... with whatever drugs they have injected-ow!"

Ishaan lazily spoke as he was laid over the hospital bed with IV attached to his arm while Manali hit his uninjured arm hard. Thank god her idiot boyfriend ended up with his head banged sideways and a small graze over the left arm. And due to those airbags, and seat belts, the side of his head is swollen and nothing bad. God forbid if things would have got worse- ugh! She would have strangled him by herself. On the other hand, Danishk was playing with his phone and went on cursing when he missed a chance or did something wrong. And Prajakta cursed herself for worrying about this dammed beast and rushed towards the doomed place called hospital just to have him happily play video games with one arm intact. She rolled her eyes and thought of leaving his room and visiting Dishan. But his good arm took ahold of her wrist.

"You can't leave until you tell me exactly why you are here."

Prajakta rolled her eyes and snatched her hand from him.

"I am... even though I should enjoy the pain of an a**hole like you, but I don't have that in my blood... and um... I... I do... I do sympathize with you because I hate... I hate playing with an injured player... so get... get well soon."

By saying that Prajakta stood up and was about to leave causing Danishk to get his thoughts jumbled further. Prajkta... shouldn't... she shouldn't get close to him... to the horrors of his life... her innocence would die with him if she would get even an inkling of what his life is. Dammit! Why is he getting attached to this girl so hard?


Her footsteps halted and her heart raced yet again... this beast is igniting a weird sot of feeling causing it hard for her to leave... what would happen if she leaves-

"Please... umm... could you please... stay... I would like to... to... umm... uh... apologize... to properly apologize."



So finally he mustered up the courage to apologize and make things right!

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