About A Girl [Michael Afton x...

By xqamora

366K 7.4K 33.4K

I've always hated the thought of moving somewhere else. I left everything behind. My friends, my boyfriend an... More

❧ Introduction ❧
Chapter 1 - Hurricane, Utah
Chapter 2 - Greasers
Chapter 3 - Rumble
Chapter 4 - Foxybro
Chapter 5 - The Diner
Chapter 6 - Sleepover
Chapter 7 - His Guitar
Chapter 8 - The Flutter in His Heart
Chapter 9 - Rockstar
Chapter 10 - He's Into You
Chapter 11 - First Date
Chapter 12 - The Way She Danced
Chapter 13 - Birthday Boy
Chapter 14 - Afton's Secret
Chapter 15 - Yellow Roses
Chapter 16 - In the Rink
Chapter 17 - Three Words
Chapter 18 - Best Boyfriend
Chapter 19 - What about me?
Chapter 20 - Colorful lights
Chapter 21 - Eternity [pt.1]
Chapter 22 - Eternity [pt 2]
Chapter 23 - Fortunate
Chapter 25 - Nothing like you
Chapter 26 - Bonnie's Bowling
Chapter 27 - Field of Players
Chapter 28 - Mother knows "best"
Chapter 29 - Lake House
Chapter 30 - 1983
Chapter 31 - The Puppet
Chapter 32 - His Oath
Chapter 33 - It's A Date
Chapter 34 - Promise
Chapter 35 - Pink Sunset
Chapter 36 - One Dance, One Kiss
Chapter 37 - ...I'm sorry
Chapter 38 - Arcade
Chapter 39 - Pizza Planet
Chapter 40 - Angel
Chapter 41 - Am I Pretty Like Her?
Chapter 42 - Girlfriend
Chapter 43 - If feelings could talk
Chapter 44 - Three Words
Chapter 45 - Ruination
Chapter 46 - Mistakes Aren't on Purpose
Chapter 47 - Son Of A Monster
Chapter 48 - Curiosity Kills The Cat
Chapter 49 - Beginning of A Breakthrough
Chapter 50 - I love you
Chapter 51 - Traitor
Chapter 52 - Kiss the Chef
Chapter 53 - Lover Boy
Chapter 54 - All of you
Chapter 55 - Man Behind the Slaughter
Chapter 56 - Her Birthday Wish
Chapter 57 - Her Red Bow
Chapter 58 - Afton's Design's
Chapter 59 - Hot Coco Kisses
Chapter 60 - Soon Not Forever
About A Girl
About A Girl: The Sequel

Chapter 24 - New Chapter

5K 106 426
By xqamora


Now Playing: ❝With or Without You - U2❞
1:28——❍————— 3:47


    It's been about a week, since the death of Y/n's father. Her mind only consisted of negative thoughts and the fact she lost 2 special people to her within a month, it felt draining. She stayed in Micahel's room, wearing his hoodie and staying in bed. It was easier than getting up and having the Afton's bring up her mental health or what happened. It was too traumatizing for her to talk about it and describe it. Her heart would always sink and break the more she thought about it. The Afton's, except for William, were the only ones helping Y/n through this process.

Especially Michael. He would bring her food up and stay with her till the plate was finished, to make sure she had eaten well. He would get her out of bed to shower, drink water, and at least stay in the sun for 10 minutes. He would play guitar for her and crack a joke even if she laughed lightly or didn't at all. He was everything to her, and there was no way he would allow her to do this alone once more. Y/n never showed this, but she appreciated what Michael was doing. Even if her mind wasn't thinking straight, it comforted her thoughts. Her constant overthinking of losing everyone.

Michael came back with Y/n's formal wear, he retrieved from her house. He brought in a simple black dress along with a jacket and her favorite shoes. He placed them neatly on the bed. He watched her look out the window with tired eyes. He sighed and walked over and bent down to her level "Let's get you ready my love" he smiled softly at her. She nodded as Michael pushed the covers away and helped her get up. He's treated her with gentleness and care. He was careful with his words and his actions, as if one wrong move and everything would go wrong.

Mrs. Afton noticed this, and she couldn't help but feel happiness for Michael. Ever since she came into his life he's changed for the better. His cold heart, that was once like his father's was gone. He became a gentleman. I'm not talking about the bare minimum like holding doors or offering his seat to an elderly person. It was more than that. Taking care of his girlfriend, reading bedtime stories to his siblings, Helping with the house chores and cooking. His face was more brighter with blissfulness rather than a poker face.

As for William, his bloodlust only grew more. He loved the vulnerability kids had, the fear in their eyes. The murders only grew more in the pizzeria. Every parent has complained about this but the police haven't even opened an investigation. Henry was starting to think about parting ways with this man.

Michael closed his eyes as Y/n slipped into the dress. "There" she mumbled pulling the jacket over her. She slipped into the shoes and combed her hair with her hands "Here let me help" Michael held Y/n's hand bringing her into the bathroom.

He grabbed a brush and began brushing her hair as gentle as possible to not hurt her due to the knots. "I'm sorry if it hurts" he apologizes, "no need to apologize" she said quietly. She fidgeted with her fingers, picking on her cuticles.

Michael sat down the brush and added a butterfly clip in her hair, "There" he smiled, Y/n only smiled slightly before it turned into a frown. Today was her father's funeral. The Afton's had planned this day, especially for all the work he has done for the company and Fredbear's diner. He would be buried next to Gregory's grave.

Mrs.Afton walked into the room with her formal wear "Are you guys ready?" the two teens nodded as everyone made their way into the car. The sky was cloudy with a bit of wind flowing in between tree branches. It felt like the most melancholy day.

Michael held Y/n's hand and rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. He watched her look out the window as each tree passed by. Today he needed to be with her more than ever. He wouldn't dare let his father come in between him to give her some "space".

They arrived at the graveyard, some graves were filled with flower beds as other seemed like they haven't been visited by in years. There lied an empty spot. There were quite a lot of family members, mostly from Y/n's side of the family and co-workers of D/n. They all held napkins wiping their tears away, as they watched his brothers and father carry the silver  casket. Michael held Y/n close as tears streamed down her face. She didn't take her eyes off of the casket, no matter how blurry her vision got she didn't dare blink.

Y/n's POV

They buried the casket under the dirt. After people brought in mostly white flowers, and talked among each other with dried tears. I sat near the graves of my father and Gregory. I'm sure they are happy wherever they are now. It still feels like it's all my fault I allowed this to happen. I laid my hands over their graves "I promise i'll get our revenge" I whispered. Another tear drop slid down my cheek. Michael came over and kneeled down "I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean for this to happen.."

I know he felt just as guilty as I was. His father being a murder.. There was a mix of anger and sadness inside of me.
I laid my hand over Michael's. I didn't know what to say. I sighed as we both stood up. "Y/n dear are you okay?" my aunt came over holding my shoulders "I guess.." who would be okay? Knowing this could have been stopped and I couldn't do a thing about this.

"Well me and your uncle are leaving now, give us a call if you need anything" she smiled at me as she kissed my cheek. I waved goodbye to the guests that came. Time passed by and me and the Afton's were the only ones left in the graveyard. I talked to my father and Gregory through my head. I kept my eyes closed doing so to imagine them. Michael came over and poked me "Mom says we have to go" he softly said "Okay.."

"Goodbye Dad. Gregory. I'm sure you both are in a better place now. I promise to visit soon"

I opened my eyes as the sunlight blinded me a bi. I looked down at the two graves feeling my heart drop once more. I sighed and stood up. Michael looked over at me "Wanna hold hands?" he held his hand out and I instantly agreed without hesitation.

"How are you feeling?" Michael asked giving my hand a squeeze "I could be better" I cleared my throat. "Anything you feel like doing?" "I just wanna stay home.." I watched the two blue birds fly around and over the flower beds.

I felt really alone now. Yes I had Michael.. but I didn't have a family anymore. It's just my mother and me now.. she doesn't treat me exactly like how a parent should.. but I still wish the best for her.

As we walked to the parking lot we saw only Henry. He motioned us to come quickly and we did. "Where's the rest?" Michael asked looking over at the empty parking lot "They left already, I came to pick you guys up" Michael hummed in response "I need to talk to Y/n" Henry motioned for Michael to get in the car. He crawled into the back seat curious to know what he has to say.

3rd person POV

Henry kept his hands in his pockets. He didn't know how to mention this news to her. He wanted to be careful with his words

"I'm going to be your guardian"

30 minutes ago

"I just need her to be safe with you.." M/n cleared her tears with a tissue. Her voice was rough and raspy "I don't think I could make it out alive. I can't imagine how she feels right now.. she probably feels alone. I've been nothing but a terrible mother" she sniffed once more "Michael has been taking care of her. So have the Afton's she's in good hands" Henry held M/n's hand in a reassuring manner. "Are you sure she's fine with that boy?" she felt a bit of anger rise in her "I can assure you she's safe and recovering"

Present Time // Y/n's POV

Million's of thoughts when through my head "Did something happen to my mother?" Henry felt agitated just talking about this "No.. you're just temporarily moving into my place.." "Oh I see.. did my mother approve of this?" "She did. She wants me to keep you safe. I can assure you she's doing well" Henry faked a smile.

"Okay then" I smiled slightly as we climbed back into his car. He first dropped Michael off at his place as Henry went ahead and started getting my stuff "So you're staying with Henry?" me and Michael held hands "Yeah I guess so" I shrugged a bit "Are you sure you'll be okay?" "Yeah i'll be fine, i'll come back for my stuff" I pecked his cheek "Promise me you'll take care of yourself?" "Of course" he kissed my forehead "I'll see you later?" "Yeah I'll see you later" we both kissed each other goodbye before heading back to our houses.

I walked back inside my now empty room. Only the furniture was left. Every poster, every clothing piece was gone. I looked around one last time before heading back inside Henry's car. "You got everything" "Yeah" I crawled on the passengers seat as we drove off to his house.

When we finally arrived there was a little girl and a little boy who looked around Elizabeth's age. They both looked alike so I assume they are twins. She had long brunette hair and wore a emerald green sweater with blue jeans, while the boy wore a blue shirt with blue jeans. They were playing in the front yard with a variety of colored building blocks.

Once we pulled up to the drive way their heads perked up with excitement as they yelled "Daddy!!" Henry got out of the car and walked over to his children embracing them in a warm tight hug. It made my heart ache a bit.. I miss him.

I took a couple of deep breathes calming myself before getting out of the car. The children's head tilted in confusion "Who's that?" "That's y/n she'll be staying with us for a while" I waved before the children ran over to me frantically asking questions "Where are you from? How old are you? Do you like pizza?" Henry shushed them "You're overwhelming her, one at a time" I chuckled a bit as I bent over to their height "I'm Y/n L/n, I'm from California and I'm 15 years old."

"Woah!" they both looked at each other with excitement in their eyes. "Kids introduce yourselves and show them around while I help get stuff out" Henry walked over to his trunk taking out boxes. "Come i'll show you around!" the little girl pulled me into the house. "So what are your guys names?" I looked at both of the children. They were about half of my height. "I'm charlotte! But you can call me charlie" she gave me a toothy smile "I'm sammy!" "Nice to meet you both" I smiled at the both of them.

"Come come! Let's show you our room!"

As they pulled me to their room, I felt a bit of happiness. This reminded me of how Gregory was as a toddler. It didn't bring me sadness at all but a sense of comfort. Maybe this was a new chapter in my life like those fairytale books. The storm before the rainbow.


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