Cupid's Arrow (Rosé x Fem Rea...

By LittleRed11204

95.8K 5K 2.8K

Cupid being the god of desire, love, attraction, and affection has the biggest part in everyone's lives. Dete... More

The Beginning
School Cliques
A Much Needed Conversation
Status Update
New People
The Calm Before...
...The Storm
Crumbling World
A Little Later
A Long Time Coming
Only Two Weeks
Jennie The Knowing
Taste Of Her Own Medicine
Change Of Scenary
Back In Seoul
One Single Question
The Moon And Sun
Everyone Finds Out
Escape Room
In Her Dreams
Sunshine And Moonlight

Just In Case

3.1K 188 89
By LittleRed11204

Roseanne pushed the final door open as she walked back out into the crowded waiting room with all the other hopeful people auditioning. She scanned the room for her dad and saw him leaned up against a wall talking to another man. She slung her guitar over her shoulder and made her way over to him.

She was replaying the audition over and over again in her head. Nitpicking every part of it, yelling at herself in her mind for doing things a certain way. But there was no way to change it since it already happened. There was no way to change the past.

Mason sensed someone walking towards him and saw his daughter with a small smile. He smiled widely at her and said goodbye to the man he was talking to, opening his arms up to Roseanne. She walked into his embrace as he hugged her.

"How do you think you did?" He asked her as she just shrugged her shoulders,

"I don't know. I'm thinking back on it and it wasn't my best performance ever. But I'm glad you pushed me for the opportunity." Roseanne told her dad as they separated. Mason looked down at his daughter and could see a bit of disappointment in her eyes.

"How about we go and get some ice cream?" With that simple question, Roseanne's eye lit up and he chuckled at how she went straight towards the exit. He followed after her while shaking his head in amusement, watching as she navigated through the parking lot to their rented car since they flew to Sydney.

The two got in the car and drove around for a little, looking for an ice cream shop somewhere nearby. Soon enough, a Dairy Queen appeared down a street and Mason drove to it. The pair got out of the car and walked inside to order. Roseanne got a chocolate dipped vanilla cone and Mason got a banana split. Once they got their ice cream, they went outside to sit on a bench since the weather was beautiful outside.

There wasn't much conversation between the two, but unspoken words were shared. Roseanne could easily feel the love from her dad as he sat close next to her, protectively. She felt happy knowing that he was still proud of her for trying something new, even if it didn't go the way she wanted.

Cupid was pacing back and forth impatiently as he was still awaiting Destiny's arrival back from talking with the Big Man. He gnawed on his fingernails as he couldn't think about anything else other than what this meant for the two girls back down on Earth. Sweat was building up on his hairline and he wiped it away with the sleeve of his shirt.

Footsteps soon echoed behind him and he turned around to see a pale faced Destiny walking towards him. It looked like she was going to be sick, so he quickly guided her over to her desk chair. She didn't hesitate to sit down and slammed her head onto the surface of her desk, hard. Cupid winced at the sound produced and just looked down at the defeated Destiny.

"So uh... how'd it go?" He asked awkwardly as he heard Destiny let out a deep sigh before pulling her head up off of the desk to look over at him.

"Well how do you think it went?" She snapped at him as he flinched a little at the tone. He did expect it, but the harshness still caught him off guard. She raked her fingers through her hair and let out a huff before getting up abruptly and pressing a few buttons to pull up y/n and Lily having their date at the park. She pointed to the two while looking Cupid dead in the eyes,

"Those two are the violation of the golden rule."

Cupid couldn't believe what he had just heard fall from her lips. Books with vast knowledge up in the clouds had briefly mentioned a turning point in time; that it would be created by two beings. With the books not being specific at all, everyone up there assumed it would be someone or something that was already in the clouds; a sort of inside job. Whether it be gods/goddesses, angels, traveling spirits, or the Big Man.

No one in their wildest dreams would've come to the conclusion that the violation of the golden rule would be two mere mortals.

Those two were breaking time, love, and fate.

"So what are we supposed to do with them then? They're a threat! They can cause chaos with whatever they touch practically!" Cupid said, starting to panic. He read that the violation of the golden rule could break the cycle of time whenever.

There could be a time where time ironically doesn't exist anymore.

"The Big Man said he'll be doing some 'mental manipulation' if you will, to the two of them. I don't know what that totally means, but it's serious. When I told him everything, I swear a flash of fear appeared in his eyes for a split second. He then stared at me intently before dismissing me, telling me the plan." Destiny explained as she looked down at the two sharing a picnic together now.

"M–Mental manipulation?" Cupid asked with a shaky voice. He knew how fragile human minds were because he may or may not have accidentally broken one's mind before. Their perception of reality and dream was destroyed, leading them to madness.

The dead look in Destiny's eyes was enough to send a wave of nervousness and anxiety through his body. He shifted on his feet as she spoke,

"He's going to make y/n a non believer and have her mindset become one of someone who hates love and wants to be alone. And he'll somehow make Lily not be in love with y/n anymore because they aren't soulmates."

"What?! He can't do that!" Cupid cried out in protest as Destiny just shook her head helplessly,

"Apparently he can and he will. I don't know what will happen in the future now because he said that y/n's life timeline will be completely different in the love department; meaning Roseanne's fate is also changed."

The two couldn't grasp their minds around what will be occurring in the near future. The love lives that they have been so invested in will be changed. Cupid turned to look at Roseanne and y/n in the same home room class, oblivious to this fact. Y/n was talking happily to Lily and Roseanne was keeping busy with Vanessa.

"So... this might be it for them? Is never getting together an actual possibility?" Cupid asked as Destiny nodded her head,

"It is the most likely possibility. I had a few angels run some statistics by me and it's a 96% chance they'll never fall in love with each other. Well, Roseanne is still destined to fall for y/n, but y/n is now a mystery."

"How much time is left before the Big Man does the mental manipulation?" Destiny sighed at the question,

"He's doing it the day y/n turns 18. That day is going to destroy her forever and I don't know if she'll ever recover."

"So we're just supposed to sit here for almost 3 years?"

"He said that they can't alter time as much when they are younger than 18. But on y/n's 18th birthday, chaos will ensue."

"So can I still go to your dance competition?" Lily asked y/n as she played with her fingers under the desk. Y/n enjoyed how Lily would just like being near her and giving her these little touches; it soothed her.

"I don't know if any more tickets are available, but you can see if there are on the competition's website." Y/n told the girl she was courting, knowing damn well she still has an extra ticket herself. Lily nodded her head,

"Okay, I'll try after school today." Y/n smiled at her and the lecture continued. The two stayed close to one another and y/n still felt the butterflies in her stomach. She really does like Lily and hopefully with all the signs she's seen, Lily likes her back too.

The two exited class and since it was the last one of the day, they walked side by side over to the park near the school. Lily wanted to get some homework done and y/n wanted to be outside, so the two came to a compromise. As they walked down the sidewalk, they bumped shoulders and messed around, laughing at each other until they got to the park.

There were no picnic tables open, so y/n suggested that the two sat under one of the bigger trees to also get some shade. Lily agreed and she sat down first, setting her bag next to her and grabbing her binder out. Y/n sat down a little away from her and Lily furrowed her eyebrows together,

"Why are you–oh!" Lily stopped talking abruptly when y/n gently laid her head down on her lap, closing her eyes with a smile. Lily blushed at the girl and looked away shyly. Now Lily understood why she was further away because she needed room to lay down completely. So Lily leaned back against the tree and made sure not to have any of her papers near the girl's face, not wanting to interrupt her peace.

The birds chirping around the two and slight breeze made y/n calm and content. The sound of Lily's pencil writing on notebook paper also brought her some comfort weirdly enough. She then heard the rustling of Lily's bag and heard a page flip, telling her that the girl and started reading.

"Can you read to me?" Y/n asked quietly to the girl as she fluttered her eyes open to look up at Lily. A shy smile was present on her lips and she nodded her head,

"Of course." The brown haired girl then started to read her book softly to the girl resting below. Her voice alone made y/n smile and she could feel her whole body relax because of her. Y/n wasn't comprehending anything Lily was reading because she was just too focused on her voice alone.

Lily was reading and not really paying attention to y/n because she always got lost in a good book. So when she briefly paused reading aloud, she was shocked to see that y/n had drifted into a light sleep on her lap. She bit her bottom lip to try and hold a smile back, but it ended up being useless as she smiled widely anyway.

Lily slowly and gently placed her book beside herself and moved her left hand to y/n's hair, playing with it softly. Y/n subconsciously nuzzled further into Lily's body, resulting in the girl to become a blushing mess. But she continued to play with her hair as she leaned her head back against the tree, smiling at the warm feeling spreading throughout her body from her heart.

Lily was indeed falling hard for y/n.

And y/n was going to be right there to catch her, no matter what.


"Miles, what if I break my ankle?" Y/n asked while shaking his shoulders roughly. He blinked a few times and stopped y/n from giving him a headache before he threw up.

"Dude, you're not going to break your ankle. It's the final practice we have before the competition, so just relax." He told her as she nodded her head,

"You're right, you're totally right. I just need to chill out." Mile sighed as he was somehow able to calm down his dance partner. Whenever competition was right around the corner, y/n would go into a full doomsday mood and think that everything would go horribly wrong. It never has gone wrong, so he still doesn't understand why she panics so much.

"You good now?" Y/n nodded her head and Miles smiled, "fantastic, let's take it from the top."

The two then did their dance routine flawlessly. Their coordination with one another was on another level and their instructor knew that these two were indeed ready to win first place. The studio erupted into cheers as their fellow peers applauded them for their routine. The two did their handshake and took a break, letting other dancers perform their routines. Miles handed y/n her water,

"So how are things with you and Lily going?" He asked with a knowing smirk. Y/n rolled her eyes and splashed him with a little water, getting a laugh out of him.

"We're doing really well. She couldn't get a ticket to the competition though, so I'm going over to her house after having dinner with my parents. Then, I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend."

Miles spit his water out and y/n looked over at him with disgust evident on her face. He looked at her wide eyed,

"You're asking her to be your girlfriend then? That's amazing!" Y/n smiled at how supportive he was of her decision.

"Thanks. I just hope she says yes."

"I'm sure she will. She'd be stupid if she didn't because you are so head over heels for her." Y/n sent a punch into his shoulder as the two continued to goof around until the end of practice.

"Rosie, can you come and help me with the garden?" Clare called out to Roseanne as she poked her head through the back door that led out to the backyard. Roseanne wasn't doing anything, so she got up from the couch and slipped a pair of shoes on before going to help her mom.

She went outside and since the sun was starting to set, the sky was painted beautifully. The oranges, yellows, reds, and purples blend effortlessly with one another: nature's perfect harmony. It was as if the best painters in the world had come together and poured out all their talent into a random sunset in late April.

"Can you trim these plants for me?" Clare asked her daughter as she pointed to a few plants. Roseanne stopped admiring the sky above and grabbed a pair of trimmers and crouched down to do what her mom told her to do. Clare observed her daughter from the corner of her eye as she did the same to plants on the other side of the garden box.

Roseanne could feel her mom's eyes on her, she wasn't stupid. But she just kept to herself and did what she was supposed to do; making sure she didn't cut too much off. But the feeling of her mom watching her every move was getting too unbearable, so she broke the silence,

"What's up, mom?"

"Just wondering how you're still feeling about the audition." Roseanne stopped what she was doing and now looked over at her mom. She shrugged her shoulders,

"It's done." She said simply. Clare nodded her head at the answer, not expecting much more. They still hadn't gotten a call or anything from YG Entertainment, but then again they said that it could take months to hear back.

"Sweetie, it's only been a few days since the audition and it sometimes takes months to hear back. Don't give up hope."

"Well I am going to give up hope because I can't just pause my life for an opportunity that has a high possibility it won't even happen." She shot back angrily. Clare looked at her daughter, not expecting the attitude and burst of emotions from her. Roseanne's eyes widened at the outburst and she quickly apologized for her words to her mom. Clare waved her daughter off,

"It's okay, I know you're passionate about it and you don't think you did well. Your dad and I are still proud of you. And if you want to pursue music another way in the future, we'll be there to support you." Roseanne felt a small weight get lifted off her shoulders after hearing that.

"Thank you."

"It's no problem, Rosie. I'm your mom, I'm supposed to support you no matter what; it's my job." Clare said as she flexed her muscles, wanting to get a laugh out of her daughter. She did and soon the two finished up in the backyard. They both dusted off the dirt from their clothes and headed inside to watch a movie together since it was Saturday night. Clare told Roseanne to pick the movie tonight and the black haired girl went to the DVD drawer and scanned over all the cases. She pulled one out and put it in the DVD player with a grin.

Soon enough, The Little Mermaid was starting to play on the TV. Clare chuckled as her teenage daughter still loved Disney movies. Alice and Mason joined them as they heard the familiar tune of Under the Sea from upstairs. The family of four sat in the living room, laughing and enjoying each other's company as the sun completely set over the horizon.

The sleeping stars were shining bright outside and the air had cooled off. The movie ended around 10pm and everyone retired to their rooms, calling it a night. Roseanne closed her door and went straight to her window, opening it up and taking the screen out. She set it aside and then got ready to climb out onto the roof which was right outside it. Roseanne got a hoodie on and some slippers before hauling herself out the window and onto the slanted roof.

The sky was clear and millions of stars were visible to her. She brought her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on top, sighing contently. Her hair blew gently in the breeze and the sounds of leaves filled the air. The evenly spaced street lights lit up the street and her eyes wandered to the homes around her.

She could see a few rooms still had lights on and she let her mind create stories as to why they were still on.

Like the people right across the street from her still had a few room lights on. She knew one was a bedroom and then there were the living room lights on downstairs. In her head, their story was that the two parents and their younger child were watching a horror movie. The kid got scared at one part, but powered through watching the movie to seem like they weren't a wimp. Needless to say, the kid couldn't end up going to sleep in a dark room, so they kept a lamp on for the next two nights.

Then her eyes drifted over to another house and she made up another story, more elaborate with drama.

The two adults were arguing with one another in the master bedroom at the end of the hall because the man cheated on his wife. He was denying it, but there was clear evidence from the wife to prove it. Roseanne's eyes widened as then the light for what she assumed the hallway turned on, then a light downstairs. The man left the room quickly, probably shouting and swearing, saying how he's too good to argue with her. Men and putting themselves above women.

"AND I HOPE YOU STOP BEING A FUCKING INSECURE BITCH!" A man's voice now echoed through the night air as the front door flew open. She jolted at the forceful slam of the door and the man got into a car and drove off. Roseanne started to think her little story in her mind maybe wasn't too far off from what was actually happening.

She pulled her attention away from the car once it had turned down the street onto another one. When Roseanne looked around at her surroundings once more, there was a person taking a night walk. Roseanne rocked back and forth a little as her eyes were stuck on the person, not being able to make out any physical features of them.

They seemed to just be taking their time, not having a care in the world. The person had something small in their hands and it kept their hands busy playing with it. It was almost as if the person was nervous for some reason. The person would probably be on edge after seeing an angry man, so it made sense to her.

The person walked closer to her house and Roseanne debated about heading back inside through her window so they wouldn't see her, but her bedroom light was off, so no light was shining on her figure.

Roseanne's eyes widened as the person didn't just walk past her house, they went to the mailbox. She sat in silence, eyes narrowing at the figure as they opened it up and put whatever they had in their hands into it. They closed it gently and put their hands in their pockets, walking back in the direction they came from.

Once the figure was off of her street, curiosity filled her head about what that could've been. Roseanne was tempted to go over to the tree that was right at the edge of the roof and climb down, but she didn't want to risk getting hurt. She also knows that her parents are asleep by now and would get suspicious if they heard the front door open at this hour since their room was the closest to the staircase, which led straight to the front door.

So the only option to see what in the world was placed in the mailbox was to use the back door. Roseanne climbed back inside through her window and then put the screen back on before closing it. She then slowly opened her bedroom door before peeking her head out, seeing if anyone was up and about. There was no light shining under her parent's door, but of course there was light coming from Alice's room.

Roseanne rolled her eyes, but kept quiet as she snuck downstairs and headed towards the back door. She slid the glass door and slipped on the random shoes that were right there. Roseanne then walked quietly around the house and prayed to god that the old wooden gate wouldn't make too much noise. Her prayers were answered as it barely made a sound.

She smiled and then couldn't be patient any longer and sprinted to the mailbox on the grass. She was slightly out of breath when she arrived, but she opened the mailbox up and furrowed her eyebrows together as there was only a tiny piece of paper inside of it. Roseanne looked suspiciously to where the figure and went, and then back to the tiny paper.

Her hand reached out to grab it and flipped it over since it was face down. Roseanne quietly gasped to herself as she read the words on the paper, along with seeing what was tapped to it. In scribbled handwriting, a small note was staring back at her.

Hey, I don't know if you'll even end up seeing this, but whatever. I had this and just in case you still wanted to keep that promise, go right ahead.


And tapped to the small piece of paper that y/n had given her was a ticket to her final dance competition. Roseanne remembered last summer when y/n told her that it was going to be her last one, she promised to be there no matter what. And Roseanne always hated to break any promise. So when the ticket was staring back at her, a small amount of hope welled up inside of her. She thought that maybe she could salvage their friendship and cheer her on.

Y/n obviously still thinks about her a little, so that brought a smile to her face. She closed the mailbox and then went back around the side of the house to the back door. She easily went back upstairs and into her room. Roseanne closed the door quietly and then looked back down at the note and ticket. She walked over to a bulletin board she had and got a thumbtack to pin it up.

She's going to try and mend the friendship she so wrongly tossed aside.

so y/n and lily making progress, but she still thinks about rosie. i hope u guys liked the chapter bc it was fun writing. now, if u didnt see my message on my message board about yall are gonna want to murder me... i do mean that. BUT lets not focus that far into the future :) cant wait to see u guys in the next one, LOVE U <3

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