Hailee Steinfeld Imagines

By scmg11

531K 8.9K 3.3K

Just a bunch of ideas about Hailee and her characters I have all gathered in one story! [Hailee Steinfeld x... More

Personal Trainer AU (Part 1) - Hailee Steinfeld
Personal Trainer AU (Part 2) - Hailee Steinfeld
Pick Up Lines - Kate Bishop
Personal Trainer AU (Part 3) - Hailee Steinfeld
Personal Trainer AU (Part 4) - Hailee Steinfeld
Personal Trainer AU (Part 5) - Hailee Steinfeld (*)
Personal Trainer AU (Part 6) - Hailee Steinfeld
Perfect Pictures - Hailee Steinfeld (Tumblr Request)
Personal Trainer AU (Part 7) - Hailee Steinfeld
Missing Targets - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request)
You're My Flashlight (Part 1) - Emily Junk
Personal Trainer AU (Part 8) - Hailee Steinfeld
Distractions - Kate Bishop (*)
Safe Place - Kate Bishop (*)
Sex Pollen - Kate Bishop (*)
Sex Pollen (Part 2) - Kate Bishop (*)
Loving Words - Hailee Steinfeld (Tumblr Request)
Mine - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request) (*)
Personal Trainer AU (Part 9) - Hailee Steinfeld (*)
Your Biggest Fan - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request)
Perfect Pictures (Part 2) - Hailee Steinfeld (*)
You're My Flashlight (Part 2) - Emily Junk
Madripoor - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request) (*)
Traumatizing Clint - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request)
Personal Nurse - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request)
Just The Way You Are (Prequel) - Hailee Steinfeld (Tumblr Request)
Bathroom Stalls - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request) (*)
You're My Flashlight - Emily Junk (Part 3)
Fixing You - Charlie Watson (Part 1)
Fixing You - Charlie Watson (Part 2)
Bathroom Stalls - Kate Bishop (Part 2) (*)
Little One - Hailee Steinfeld (Tumblr Request) (*)
Flirting - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request)
The World's Greatest Archer - Kate Bishop (Part 2)
You're My Flashlight - Emily Junk (Part 4)
Fixing You - Charlie Watson (Part 3)
Lost In The Multiverse - Kate Bishop (Part 1)
Makeup Artist For A Day - Hailee Steinfeld (Tumblr Request)
7 Minutes In Heaven - Kate Bishop (*)
Sounds - Hailee Steinfeld (Tumblr Request) (*)
Holy Shit, You're Hailee Steinfeld - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request)
Fixing You - Charlie Watson (Part 4)
You're My Flashlight - Emily Junk (Part 5)
First Time Eating You Out - Hailee Steinfeld (*)
The World's Greatest Archer - Kate Bishop (Part 3)
Jealousy - Kate Bishop (*)
Are You Reading A Fanfiction? - Hailee Steinfeld (*) (Part 1)
Tailor-Made For Me - Hailee Steinfeld (*)
Truth Serum - Kate Bishop (*)
Shower - Kate Bishop (*)
Halloween - Hailee Steinfeld
It's A Full Moon Kinda Night - Hailee Steinfeld
Coast - Hailee Steinfeld (*)
Stumbling Into Your Apartment - Kate Bishop (Tumblr Request) (*)
The World's Greatest Archer (Part 4) - Kate Bishop
Sex Education - Kate Bishop (Part 1) (*)
Sex Education - Kate Bishop (Part 2) (*)
Sex Education - Kate Bishop (Part 3) (*)
Tutoring - Kate Bishop (Part 1)
Bodyguard - Hailee Steinfeld

The World's Greatest Archer - Kate Bishop (Part 1)

4.6K 120 13
By scmg11

A/N: If you guys were wondering it, yes I'm publishing another multichapter imagine! I had this idea stuck in my mind for a while and I had to write it, so I present to you guys a sort of retelling of Hawkeye!

Let me know if you guys like it!

As always, sending love to all of you ❤️


Summary: Y/N is walking home when someone wearing the Ronin suit caught her eye. She follows that person thinking it's Clint, hunting New York's criminals and this leads her meeting the world's greatest archer. Spoiler: it's not Clint.

Warnings: none.

Word count: 3170 words.


"Yes, mom, I'm being careful. Oh, Darcy was here last week actually. She helped me in finding some new cool tricks with my powers! I want to show you them so bad! When are you visiting?"

"I don't know honey. I think in a few weeks?"

"You' e said that in the past three months. Look mom I-" Y/N trailed off to let out a gentle sigh out, "I know you're still not over what you- what we did in Westview. You were grieving and so was I. That's why I entered in your reality so willingly and didn't fight you back. I let my own powers mix with yours and we did what we did. It's in the past now. We apologized and the people there were kind enough to understand. Stop beating only yourself up. I was in it too."

"I know baby, I know." Y/N heard Wanda sigh loudly and heard a sound of pages being turned over in the background, "it's still hard sometimes."

"I know. And you know I'm here."

"You're so wise sweetheart. I should be the one taking care of you, not the other way around."

Y/N chuckled softly and shook her head, "I know mom. But I don't want you to carry everything on your own shoulders. I'm here to help."

"You're so grown up! That monster took you away from me and the opportunity to see you grow up into the young adult that you are now." Wanda growled, hatred spilling out of her low tone and Y/N sighed sadly at her mother's words.

"She took good care of me when you couldn't be physically there, mom. You-" Y/N got interrupted when five police cars passed her as she was walking down the curb and sprinted down the street before stopping in front of a venue where a lot of wealthy people were standing out on the sidewalk. She turned to the right when she heard a truck honk and saw a man in a black suit launching himself in front of that said truck to save a dog. It can't be, can it?

"Y/N, what's wrong? What's the commotion?"

"I don't know mom. I'm just walking home. I gotta go. Call you later."

"Be careful, honey. I love you!"

"I love you too." And then she hung up, before turning the opposite side she was walking to and went after the man, her mind trying to wrap around the scene she just witnessed.

It can't be Ronin, right? I mean, Clint gave him up when Nat found him. Why is he wearing that damned suit again?

She ran down the street and stopped behind a tree to watch him enter in a building beside a pizza place, exiting it a minute after and sprinting down the street as soon as he got out of the building. Y/N waited a few seconds before following him, putting an adeguate amount of space to not get caught, and crouching down behind a bush when she saw him jump effortlessly over a wall and sneak into a house.

What the fuck is he up to now? He just rescued a dog, dropped him off on his place, I presume, and now? He is sneaking into a house owned by who knows who? What-

Her train of thoughts got interrupted when Clint sprinted out of the house not too long after and run fast down the street. Y/N groaned out but moved quickly to follow him once again, pulling herself up from her crouching position and sighing in exhaustion.

Clint you owe me big time for making me do pretty much a marathon.

Y/N grunted out with fatigue but stopped abruptly and threw herself behind a car when a group of men wearing red suits cornered him. Oh fuck, not the tracksuit mafia. Clint what the fuck did you put yourself in?!

She saw him deliver a few punches and find a way out but to no avail because one of the men hit him with a bat right in his stomach, making him double over himself and grunt out in pain.

"Ouch, that must've hurt." She saw Clint defending himself really well, knocking a few thugs down but others came in quickly after. He just smashed a tall men's head on a car and Y/N flinched back, "ohw, I take that back. That must've been painful." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Clint trying to open a car to hid in and decided to step in to help him. "Alright, time to save his ass, again." Y/N just walked behind a tracksuit thug trying to crash the window's car open and tapped him on his shoulder, causing him to turn around confusedly and she just smiled sweetly up at him, "hi." The man just growled angrily and closed his fist hard to punch her but a mist of blue surrounded him and lift him up, slamming him into the nearest wall soon after, a grunt of pain leaving his mouth once his body slumped on the curb. She bent down when another thug wanted to catch her by surprise by using the bat to hit her on her her back, causing the wooden weapon to hit the left sideview mirror, blowing it off the car, and with a flick of her hand he went flying up, landing ungraciously on his friend. She went to focus on another tracksuit thug but someone jumped on him and knocked him down in a second, swinging forward and hitting one of the man that just succeeded in smashing the car window and was trying to pull Clint out of the vehicle. When the last one laid on the ground, knocked out, the unknown man turned around and she gasped loudly in surprise. "Clint?!"

"Y/N?! What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? I'm saving you! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be in that car!"

"What? You know I would never wear that suit again, that's in the past. That's why I came to see who is wearing it!" Clint trailed off to look in the direction of the unknown person opening the door and running away from them, causing Clint to sigh loudly and hang his head down, "speaking of which, they are trying to escape!" He went to run after them but Y/N had other plans, so he stopped half way when he saw the girl got into action.

"Oh no, they're not." Y/N's eyes lit up with blue and her powers lifted the person up in the air, watching them wiggling around as if they were trying to escape and letting them fall graciously in front of Clint's feet. He dragged the mysterious person into a dark hallway and she followed them, watching the person flailing around to try to free themselves to no avail. Clint was stronger. "Let's see who is hiding under this mask." Y/N hummed lowly as Clint slammed the person into the brick wall and slipped the mask off.

The air slipped out of Y/N's lungs completely when her eyes laid on the young girl hiding under the Ronin suit, her mouth going dry surprisingly fast and her heart speeding up worryingly when she raked her eyes over the soft and perfect features of the black haired girl's face. Y/N stop ogling, it's creepy. "You're- You're Hawkeye!" The girl exclaimed, stammering her words in surprise and staring at Clint with a mix bewilderment and awe with her mouth slightly hung open. A few seconds later her deep, blue orbs settled on Y/N's Y/E/C ones, her eyes widening more in surprise. The sight would have been funny if Y/N wasn't literally drooling over this beautiful, unknown girl that was merely gaping at her. "And you're Night Storm! Holy shit."

"And who the hell are you?" Clint's gruff tone pulled the girl out of her haze and made her blue eyes meet his green ones.


"I'm not done with my questions."

"Okay but when you are, can you sign my bow? You're kinda my favorite Avenger." Y/N was literally fighting against every fiber in her body to not melt at the cute smile Kate gave Clint, but decided to roll her eyes when he just ignored her as her hands hitched to slap behind his head.

Kate then started explaining how she got the suit and how she managed to piss the tracksuit mafia off, but her mind was only half focused on the girl talking, as her eyes moved from taking Kate's beauty in to all the trophies and medals from different disciplines she had scattered all around her apartment. The girl has skills. Really impressive. And hot.

"But did someone see you wearing this suit?"

"No, I kept the mask on like a pro."

"There's no way you're connected to this suit?"


"I need you to be sure."

"I am."

"The tracksuit followed you from the auction to where we found you, did you stop anywhere before that?"

"I just dropped off the dog."

Y/N opened her mouth to lighten the mood with a witty remark but was stopped when someone screamed outside, "hey Kate Bishop."

"And my name is on the buzzer." Kate grimaced at the two Avengers, staring at them apologetically.

"Fuck, Clint. We need to move!"

Clint grunted in understanding and run towards the windows, a loud sound of a glass breaking echoed around the room and Y/N had very little time to react, creating a blue shield over Kate when a Molotov cocktail flew towards her before exploding on the floor. Kate looked up at her and nodded in gratitude, Y/N mirroring her with a small smile, before signaling her to walk up the stairs.

"My place! All my stuff!" Kate looked around her apartment burning up with sorrow as her eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"We need to move now!" Clint screamed and Kate sprung in action, grabbing the dog and walking towards the backdoor.

"Clint the suit!" Y/N screamed at him and he turned around to stare at the suit perched on a red chair surrounded by flames.

"Can you use your powers to move it to me?"

"Yes." A mist of blue enveloped the leather suit and lifted it up just a few inches before it dropped down on the chair when a rock crashed another window and hit Y/N on her temple, making her screech out in pain as a small cut started bleeding, blood sliding slowly down from her temple and down the side of her face.

"Y/N! Let's go!"

"B-but the s-suit-" Y/N murmured with her eyes half closed, her head spinning wildly while her vision had some troubles in focusing on the room now on fire.

"I'll come back for it. You're injured. Let's go!"


"Okay, we got our supplies. We need a new place to hide you."

"We can go to my apartment, it's a few blocks away." Y/N hissed when she moved the cloth over her open cut on her temple, causing a stinging sensation to spread on her forehead.

"I don't want to intrude. My aunt's place is not too far from here. She's spending the winter in Florida but I can go there-"

"Don't worry. It's fine. This way I can look after you if those idiots come back." Y/N smiled warmly up at the archer and Kate did just the same, mouthing a 'thank you' and focusing on her own injuries as they walked down the street, towards Y/N's apartment.

"How's your head kid?" Clint asked, his eyes showing clear concern as he eyed her in worry.

"A little bit better. It just stings a little."

"Oh your mom is gonna kill me if she finds out."

"Don't worry. I won't tell her anything. Besides, you saved me when Thanos tried to stab me. I'm sure she will consider that before killing you." Y/N joked lightly and snorted when Clint pushed her softly on her shoulder, stopping a few steps after to open a door that lead them into her building foyer. They took the elevator and walked in her apartment, Clint making sure the door was locked before settling their supplies on the kitchen counter.

"I'll go get the suit. Stay here and lock the door. Y/N keep her safe."

"I will grandpa, now go. Be careful." Clint rolled his eyes at the nickname and closed the door, Y/N giggling softly at his reaction, knowing how that nickname annoyed him, as she locked the door with just a flick of her wrist, her powers moving the lock immediately.

"I'm sorry. For everything."

"Ah, you don't need to apologize!" Y/N waved her hand at her and sat beside her on the couch, "I'm not Clint. I think what you did was really awesome!" Kate turned her head around to stare at the girl with clear bewilderment at her statement. "Don't look at me like that. You were brave enough to put that suit on to save all those people from the tracksuit dummies and you saved the dog! I saw you when you did that, it was a pretty cool move." Y/N winked at the archer with a encouraging grin.

Kate let a small smile take over her face at Y/N's last words and shook her head, "I've trained for this since I was a kid. I feel like this is my purpose!"

"I know the feeling." Y/N mirrored Kate's small smile and explained her words, "I was never normal. I- I was born with this-" Y/N lifted her right hand up and wriggled her fingers slowly as a ball of blue magic appeared between them. Kate was staring at her hand in awe and a bright grin fell on Y/N's lips at the cute and sweet curiosity swimming into her blue eyes, "so I've always felt like I inherited those powers for a reason."

"And I mean, you're an Avenger!"

Y/N chucked at Kate's ecstatic tone and shook her head fondly at the overeager archer, "I became one. But it wasn't all fun and games before they came into the picture."

"What do you mean?" Kate's confused expression didn't surprise the younger girl, "you're one of my favorite Avengers, after Clint of course, but there's not much on your Wikipedia page other than your superhero's name and the amazing things you did with the Avengers, so I'm a little confused."

Y/N snorted loudly at the archer's admission, finding it endlessly cute that the archer tried to find some informations about her. "Okay stalker, I'll tell you about my life on one condition."

"I'm all ears."

"I want to know something about the world's greater archer's life!" Y/N used the same words Kate used to describe herself and threw a wink toward's her direction, smirking inwardly when the black haired girl's cheeks burned with a pink hue as her eyes darted down to star at her hands in her lap sheepishly.

"Deal." Kate murmured as she looked back up at the girl next to her.

"First thing first. I'm Y/N." Y/N stretched her hand over and mustered her best charming smile up, Kate taking her hand and shaking it with an amused giggle at the girl's funny antics. "I was an experiment for 15 years till the Avengers came into the facility I was kept in alongside my mom and uncle. I always resented the people that wanted me to become a weapon and it never sat right with me that purpose."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Kate stretched her hand out to lay it on the girl's shoulder to give her comfort, but the girl dismissed her comment off with a shrug of her shoulders and a small smile.

"It's okay. It's in the past now. It wasn't my choice anyway, my mom got pregnant a few months before she volunteered to be experimented on to seek revenge."

"That's why you have those powers?"

"Yeah, I inherited my mother's powers."

"Wait a second- let's go back for a sec, shall we? Your mother's powers? But yours are similar to-"

"Scarlet Witch's powers?"

"Yeah! So that would mean that-"

"Wanda Maximoff is my mom."

"Yeah! Exactly!" Kate exclaimed excitedly like she just figured out the most impossible math question, "Oh wait-" Kate's grin dropped in mere seconds when realization kicked in and stared at the girl in front of her with a mix of shock and amazement.

"Kate-" Y/N snapped her fingers in front of the archer's incredibly funny face and chuckled, "oh no, we lost her."

Kate shook her head furiously and smiled sheepishly at the amused girl sat beside her. "Sorry, you dropped a bomb on me."

"It's okay. Nobody knows who I really am. Fury got it covered when we joined the Avengers."

"That's-" Kate's sentence got cut off when a loud bang came from the door and both of them sat up fast, Kate grabbing the first item she could reach while Y/N's eyes light up in blue and got in a fighting position, before sighing and opening the door to let Clint in.

"Why don't you kick the door open next time? You scared us!" Y/N frowned when Clint chuckled under his breath while he closed the door and walked in, "you're lucky I know it was you or you would've been really hurt." Clint continued to laugh as he locked the door and turned around, eyeing Kate curiously who was now coming back to her senses, Y/N doing just the same.

"A book? Really? What did you want to do with it? Educate the tracksuit mafia goon?" Y/N mocked the now blushing archer, who placed the book down on the coffee table and slapped the girl who was still laughing at her poor choice of weaponry.

"It was the first thing within my reach. My bow is in the kitchen!"

Y/N stopped laughing to give her a break and regarded Clint with a worried look, "you didn't find the suit, did you?"

"Don't snoop around my head kid."

"What did he mean by-"

"I didn't need to read your mind, your long face was pretty esplicative."

"You can really-" Kate was cut off short again by Clint's loud sigh.

"I have a lead."

"Great! We'll talk about it tomorrow morning! Now, let's get some rest. It was a long, eventful night and my head is killing me."

"You just sound like Steve." Clint smiled softly at her and chuckled when the girl shrugged in fake disgust at his comment. "I need to go back to my kids anyway. I'll send them home tomorrow and we'll fix all this mess."

"Oh yes! I miss them. Can I come with you? I want to see them."

"Alright, I'll text you the hotel address." Clint bid them goodbye and walked out of the apartment.

The two girls were left once again alone in the apartment and stayed in silence for a few seconds before a bewildered voice spoke up, "can you really read minds?"

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