The World's Greatest Archer - Kate Bishop (Part 1)

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A/N: If you guys were wondering it, yes I'm publishing another multichapter imagine! I had this idea stuck in my mind for a while and I had to write it, so I present to you guys a sort of retelling of Hawkeye!

Let me know if you guys like it!

As always, sending love to all of you ❤️


Summary: Y/N is walking home when someone wearing the Ronin suit caught her eye. She follows that person thinking it's Clint, hunting New York's criminals and this leads her meeting the world's greatest archer. Spoiler: it's not Clint.

Warnings: none.

Word count: 3170 words.


"Yes, mom, I'm being careful. Oh, Darcy was here last week actually. She helped me in finding some new cool tricks with my powers! I want to show you them so bad! When are you visiting?"

"I don't know honey. I think in a few weeks?"

"You' e said that in the past three months. Look mom I-" Y/N trailed off to let out a gentle sigh out, "I know you're still not over what you- what we did in Westview. You were grieving and so was I. That's why I entered in your reality so willingly and didn't fight you back. I let my own powers mix with yours and we did what we did. It's in the past now. We apologized and the people there were kind enough to understand. Stop beating only yourself up. I was in it too."

"I know baby, I know." Y/N heard Wanda sigh loudly and heard a sound of pages being turned over in the background, "it's still hard sometimes."

"I know. And you know I'm here."

"You're so wise sweetheart. I should be the one taking care of you, not the other way around."

Y/N chuckled softly and shook her head, "I know mom. But I don't want you to carry everything on your own shoulders. I'm here to help."

"You're so grown up! That monster took you away from me and the opportunity to see you grow up into the young adult that you are now." Wanda growled, hatred spilling out of her low tone and Y/N sighed sadly at her mother's words.

"She took good care of me when you couldn't be physically there, mom. You-" Y/N got interrupted when five police cars passed her as she was walking down the curb and sprinted down the street before stopping in front of a venue where a lot of wealthy people were standing out on the sidewalk. She turned to the right when she heard a truck honk and saw a man in a black suit launching himself in front of that said truck to save a dog. It can't be, can it?

"Y/N, what's wrong? What's the commotion?"

"I don't know mom. I'm just walking home. I gotta go. Call you later."

"Be careful, honey. I love you!"

"I love you too." And then she hung up, before turning the opposite side she was walking to and went after the man, her mind trying to wrap around the scene she just witnessed.

It can't be Ronin, right? I mean, Clint gave him up when Nat found him. Why is he wearing that damned suit again?

She ran down the street and stopped behind a tree to watch him enter in a building beside a pizza place, exiting it a minute after and sprinting down the street as soon as he got out of the building. Y/N waited a few seconds before following him, putting an adeguate amount of space to not get caught, and crouching down behind a bush when she saw him jump effortlessly over a wall and sneak into a house.

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