Personal Trainer AU (Part 9) - Hailee Steinfeld (*)

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A/N: HELLO PEOPLE! GUESS WHO'S BACK?! I'm so sorry for being M.I.A. for so long, but my exams are exhausting, but I'll try to balance everything for you guys! So... this is the last chapter of the personal trainer AU!

I want to thank you so much for the incredible support, you guys reading, liking and commenting my stories fills my heart with joy and makes me tear up! Thank you ❤️


Oh I almost forgot! Do you remember the tickle fight back in chapter two? Do you remember Y/N saying she didn't want to clean Hailee's fluids from the floor? Keep that in mind 😉.

Sending love ❤️


Summary: Y/N finds an entertaining idea to spur Hailee on with her workout. Things escalates quickly after that.

Warnings: fluff with some smut.

Word count: 4389 words.


"I'll make you a deal." Y/N suggested in a strained, out of breath voice as both girls rested a bit after another sparring match, sitting down in front of the other on the floor in one of the rooms in Y/N's gym. It was Saturday, one month after their deep, reconciling conversation, and they were the only occupants of the gym since it was closed due to Y/N wanting to show Hailee a new exercise with a brand new machine that arrived the day prior. She didn't want her clients to be all over Hailee and bother her while she had to focus on her workout.

"I'm all ears." Hailee got out in a labored voice as she sprawled down on the floor, fatigue clear on her face as sweat run from her forehead down on her temples.

"If you succeed into knocking me five times on the mat, I'm taking you out tonight." Y/N offers with a warm smile as she eyed her girlfriend laying down - dramatically, the personal trainer pointed out - on the mat with her eyes closed to relax her aching muscles.

"Mh- and if it's the other way around? Oh and by the way-" Hailee interrupted Y/N before she could speak up with a hand up in the air, stopping her right after she opened her mouth to answer to her question, "I know it's not going to happen, I'm just asking to make you think you have a chance against me." Hailee clarified smugly as she lifted her head up to regard her girlfriend with her right eyebrow lifted up in challenge.

"Okay Steinfeld. So sure of yourself-" Y/N shook her head mocking the singer with a fond smile, "do I have to remind you that it was me who taught you how to fight?"

"Don't come crying to me when I'll win."

Y/N snickered at her girlfriend's boost of confidence and nodded in surrender, "alright. Anyway, if- and by that I mean, I will, knock you down five times in a row, you're taking me out."


"How about we seal it with a kiss?" Y/N asked seductively as she crawled over the singer, positioning her hands in each side of Hailee's head as she hovered over her, their noses brushing softly while their mouths ghosted dangerously over each other.

Hailee didn't reply to Y/N's question with words, her answer instead came when she leaned down to clash their lips together in a searing kiss, her hands linking behind Y/N's neck to push her more into the kiss, effectively flushing their upper bodies together. Hailee's tongue slipped past her lips to lick the seam between YN's ones to deepen the kiss but Y/N pulled away abruptly, causing a whine of protest to leave Hailee's throat.

"No. We need to finish your workout."

"But- Y/N!"

"No buts- wait, I got an idea." Y/N interrupted herself with a mischievous smirk and Hailee felt a shiver run down her spine at the look Y/N was giving her, "let's spice things up. If you win, you can have all the kisses you want-"

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